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Futuristic Galactic Empires


One Thousand Club
It's the year 2029 A.U.S.M Standard Time and the year 481,000 in Extraterrestrial Federation time. It's been 26 years. Nearly 3 decades since the end of the human/extraterrestrial war which engulfed the entire universe into 25 years of bloody war primarily between the humans and the akraians. Trillions lost their lives and heavy losses on both sides which evidently ended with a momentous human victory. With the war over, new orders had been placed and humanity started it's golden age reigning as the universal superpower along with the Extraterrestrial Federation. With new changes in the universal orders, the old universe is gone as the two sides begins to ease their grips on some factions to be self-governing states and grant a degree of independence as new Empires and alliances are created. Some created from the ashes of once great empires that did not survive the war. Will you be the ones to control the strongest alliance or empire?
[AUSM military]

Several AUSM navy vessels had jumps out of shock point as they begun their routine exercise of patrolling half the universe that was under their sovereign control.

All across the AUSM controlled space, the AUSM space navy was patrolling, and exploring.

Along with patrolling the Universal Iron Curtain that split the universe in half. One side under complete Human control, while the other half was under Extraterrestrial Federation Control.

It had been nearly 30 years since the Human/Extraterrestrial war had ended. And only recently has the two side begun talks of peace, and dis-armament of the border that splits the two federations, and their ideology.
A Kaa'dri ship flies on an intergalactic trade route, bringing uranium to a small space station in mostly uncharted space. But it isn't raw uranium. It's in a bomb. As the unknown space station bursts into flames, Kaa'dri scavengers swoop in to take any salvageable materials. Ten years it's been like this, finding an unknown station and pirating it. The economic crisis of the Kaa'dri is dire, with all the wealth in a select few city states. The poorer ones have been reduced to this. The situation is so bad there are talks of civil war. The Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri are sending colonists everywhere, looking for an uncolonized planet with enough resources to get enough money to fix this. But for now, Kaa'dri scavengers will have to pirate for a living.
Several massive and medium sized Extraterrestrial Federation space navy ships jumped out of slip space close to the Kaa'dri ship.

4 destroyers

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2 cruisers

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And 9 Frigates

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The Admiral of the lead ship. The EFF Dex'nia was looking down from the second floor of the bridge at the bridge crew tapping their hologram pads and walking around.

"Admiral." The first officer approached as the captain turned around to face her first officer. The First officer gave a salute and tapped the tablet in his hands.

"It seems that there are unknown vessels within Extraterrestrial Federation territory. Should we contact the E.F Space Command?"

"Lets attempt communication first."

The captain looked a bit weary. "Admiral, you do understand that the Extraterrestrial Federation is still recovering from the Human/Extraterrestrial war. If your actions end up having the Extraterrestrial Federation entrenched in another war, the Federation's economy and the civilizations under the E.F will suffer greatly."

"I'll take full responsibility for what happens. Send out a warning." The Admiral said.

"Yes Admiral." The first officer said walking away

Soon a message was sent to the Kaa'dri reading. "You are within Extraterrestrial Federation controlled territory. State your reason for the destruction of the station. And why you are provoking aggression within E.F territory."



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"Oh, you want a reason?" A voice replies. "How about the fact that we have about as much cash as a your political leaders have sense?" This is the scavenger leader. "How about you stop playing king on your useless throne and give us some aid so we don't have to resort to this?" He turns to his crew. "Get the Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri on the speaker. Tell em' to get the warships ready. I don't see a happy ending to this encounter."
Meanwhile, with the Dedurdan. Several smaller mining ships entered the hellish atmosphere of the gas giant, of which their home circled. They were heavily armored things, not pretty but able to do what needed to be done. Giant chunks of materials often float around inside of a gas giant (not kidding here, things do fly around inside gas giants) and they could be sold for currency on the market. Hopefully, it would be a good haul, and they would come back with only a few damaged ships.

A scouting ship drifted slowly around one of the two planets inhabited by the Talons. It was just about invisible, with every technological precaution to make sure this ship could get away from anything, or fight it's way out of anything...assuming it gets spotted. Which it won't. It had extended visual aids, allowing it to see onto the planet nearby. It was unbelievable...they were like slaves, working away endlessly...Disgusting. The ship watched for awhile longer, before beaming away, back to it's homeplanet.

[Extraterrestrial Federation fleet]

"We control multiple galaxies, we span half the god damn universe. We have un-imaginable amount of funding from the E.F high senate. We have hundreds of trillions of soldiers ready. Every civilization pledged an oath, saying that they shall be loyal to the Extraterrestrial Federation. That they will not act with aggression, as the E.F can bring crippling sanctions upon whoever decides to rebel. That they shall abolish their standing armed forces, and merge them into one grand army. To uphold the Federation and it's ideals of a better future for the beings of this universe. To protect our religious ways and our lifestyle from the AUSM and the aliens who have taken sides with the humans." The Admiral said.

"You are about to go to war with billions of civilizations. And a military force that controls half the universe. Stand down. Let us talk this through with peace."


Several Extraterrestrial Federation ships have come out of slip space as they made their way to Draldaa.

"Draldaa orbital tower, this is the Extraterrestrial Federation 3rd strike fleet. Requesting a landing area for the strike group."

[Talon supremacy]

In the distance, a massive fleet from the Extraterrestrial Federation space navy had come out of slip space. Several ships detached from the fleet and descended down into Deroi ignoring the warning from the Talon supremacy.

Once the ships had broken through the atmosphere, they made their way down to the capital as several drop ships were sent out.

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The dropships had landed in front of the Iron Talon's palace. A few of the dropships had released their clamps on several vehicles. And the rest deployed E.F troops.

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But one dropship in particular landed in front of the palace. The doors had opened and out came an Extraterrestrial Federation High ambassador Ti'kra.

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The ambassador was accompanied by several E.F troops as they guided him into the palace.

[Jei's Feathers.]

A few more ships had also detached from the same fleet and made it's way to Iuor. The ships all broke through the atmosphere as they began to make their way to the capital city.

The people of Iuor would have seen the Extraterrestrial Federation ships above the capital as they also sent dropships.

The dropships had landed on the streets as soldiers of the E.F had begun to unload. Along with vehicles.

But on Iuor, the E.F had deployed tanks to accompany the vehicles.

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The soldiers all began to patrol the capital streets as the sheer might of the Extraterrestrial Federation was shown off to the people of Iuor.

One dropship had landed next to where Jei resided. The dropship had landed and out came a High Command General of the E.F military accompanied by E.F soldiers. The group began to walk towards Jei's palace.



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In the orbital tower, all was a controlled chaos. Paper work was flyin everywhere, there wer sparks here and there as engineers and electricians improved or repaired the tower. But there was one place that was calm and quiet, the radio spire. "This is the Draldaa orbital tower. You are clear for landing." said a voice thick with the accent of the native race. "We ask you to observe the laws of the planet, and co-opperate with the local enforcement officers. Docks 6-15 are reserved for EF forces. Please dock and follow your respective guides towards the drop pods."

A light tapping was heard on the door of Jei's room, followed by a young looking fellow poking his head through the door. "Hey, We have...A few vehicles...not ours..." It spoke quietly. Jei, who was sitting t his desk, turned his head, and looked curiously at the small figure. He had been working on assigning orders and mapping regions of the Talon's planets, but by the tone of the young lad's voice, it seemed rather important. "There are..er..A few ships...Ground vehicles..people...and tanks. I don't think they're hostile, though..." It seemed as though this particular bird was very nervous, and seemed in awe by Jei's presence. Jei stood up and nodded at the helpful little sparrow, walking out the door, and the boy rushed after. "A-Are you sure you want to...go out alone?" It asked, worried. "Oh, What could go wrong?" Jei answered, smiling as he patted the stuttering Fefeff. He opened the large palace doors, and walked towards the folks who were also approaching the palace. He waved harmlessly, and the youngling stayed behind Jei, trying not to be seen.


"Master Talon, It appears we have visitors..." A battle-wounded bird spoke, bowing infront of his King's throne. Talon took almost no notice, waving the bird away. "Very well, escort them to me, make sure you keep a good eye on them, violence is authorized. If needed." He ordered, sending the faithful servant away swiftly.
((What?! It started?))

Maqzi'quian miners worked away on several of the core worlds ready to sell what they collected to the AUSM and other humans around the galaxy. Meanwhile, Maqzi'quian diplomats were on their way to discuss trade relations with various human leaders. If their voyage went according to plan the diplomats should arrive soon.


((The ships they're arriving in, 5 in total))
[Talon Supremacy]

"I'm here under direct orders from the high chancellor of the Extraterrestrial Federation. Any act of aggression against me, will be seen as an act of aggression to the Extraterrestrial Federation. And you will not want to face a super power of the universe." The High ambassador said.

"Now. Take me to your king. I'm here to talk about his violation of the E.F codes."


The General walked up as he waved off the E.F soldiers who lowered their guns.

"Tell the troops to stand down. We're not here to aggress." The general said.

"I'm here under orders from High Chancellor Eviene Zel'mena of the Extraterreztrial Federation. It seems that your race has repeatedly violated temrs set by the Federation. Or am I mistaken and is it your other counterpart, talon."

"We are suppose to give your relief and aid. But we also require that you do something about the other planet. Or the E.F military will launch an invasion."


several destroyers

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Had begun to come out of shock point and surrounded the vessels.

"This is the lead destroyer USS Dawn of the 30th destroyer brigade. We shall begin esscorting you to Seraine. Any hostile actions, and we will open fire."



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The Maqzi'quian diplomats spoke through their translator to the USS Dawn. "As you may notice, our vessels are not outfitted with weapons, you have no need for worry. We appreciate the escort, thank you." The diplomats were a bit miffed, not three sentences into the conversation and they're already being threatened.

Jei shook his head. "That is infact, my counterpart. He goes by The Iron Talon, and has been brainwashing my race into serving him. I'm doing all that I can to eliminate him, and your assistance would be greatly appreciated." He said, smiling warmly. "You are welcome to any part of my planet here, so long as you don't cause too much trouble."


Talon's guards said nothing, and led them to where he was, sitting atop his throne, smiling in a malificent and smug way. "Welcome...I assume you have a problem with me then? Or have you come to kneel at my power...the easier solution is the latter." He chuckled quietly.
"DAMMIT, YOU MORONS!" The scavenger leader yelled. "STOP PRETENDING LIKE YOU 'OWN' HALF THE UNIVERSE WHEN YOU'VE EXPLORED LESS THAN 0.001 PERCENT OF IT!" He starts to calm. "We know we can't take you in a fight. Se'a, we can't take one of your ships in a 1v1. We needed the cash, alright? We want peace too, but unless we get some aid, we can't stop this lifestyle." He turns off the transmission and turns back. "Get the warp ready. We might be able to escape if we leave now."

Meanwhile, in the Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri...

A junior officer runs into the room. "SIR! SIR! THERE ARE WAR THREATS FROM THE E.F.!" He falls over, exhausted. Gasps fill the room. Se'a Fut IV brings order and says, "Get the warships ready, but don't launch yet. Send a galactic war warning to all the colonies, and call our allies. Get ready for war, but don't start one."

[Talon Supremacy]

The head ambassador took a deep breath. "Actually, the High chancellor and the entire Extraterrestrial Federation government has a problem with your planet. But you in particular."

The high chancellor had a circular device in his hands as he pressed a button showing the map of the entire universe. One section was red, while the other was blue.

""Here." The high ambassador said pointing at the red section. "Is the Extraterrestrial Federation's territory. And this blue part, is controlled by the AUSM."

"Your planet, resides within E.F controlled half of the universe." The ambassador put the map away. "I'm sure that you know about the great human/extraterrestrial war. Because every civilization had to fight and pick a side. Either side with the Humans, or with the Akras. And 26 years ago, we agreed to split the universe into two. The Humans controlled one half, while the Akras controlled the other half. Your species under legal laws, are a part of Extraterrestrial Federation territory. And you have repeatedly violated E.F terms."

"The High Chancellor wants to know why. So does the E.F high senate." The Ambassador said. "As for me kneeling to you. I hold a very prestigious position in the E.F government. I have more power over you, than you do. You might be a leader of a race, but to the E.F government, you are simply a mayor of one of trillions of civilizations that makes up the E.F."

"And the E.F government is now growing sick and tired of your violations. We want you give us your reason why, you have repeatedly ignored our warning. We might have loosened our grip on several races, but that does not mean you can just go and disobey rules set forth by the Kalav treaty."

"And also, i am under specific rules to tell you, that if you or any of your troops decides to either imprison me, kill me. It will be seen as an act of war by the E.F and they will impose a veto and a blockade. Along with bone crushing sanctions."


"Oh, we are not here to fix your problem. I'm simply here because the E.F military and government sent a message to your race. It specifically states, get rid of the Talon Supremacy, otherwise, we will impose crippling sanctions, along with a veto and a blockade of your solar system. My men are not going to fight. We will only fight if the sanctions and the blockade does not work."

"We're here to supply you with the necessary vehicles and equipment you will need."

[Maqzi'quian diplomats]

The destroyers had begun to branch off as new vessels came to continue the esscort.

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The destroyers were escorting the diplomats through the first series of rings encircling the solar system. They soon past by Saturn, and in the distance they could see the Titan station and Titan outpost along with the Europa station.

The diplomats have entered the home solar system of the human race. It was clear from the highly militarized defenses and high military presence, that the human race was not wanting any unwelcome visitors.


"This is the Extraterrestrial Federation military. We ARE the law." A reply was sent as the military ships did exactly as they were told making their way to docks 6-15. Once the ships had docked, the E.F had begun unloading a number of troops.

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Along with several logistics vehicles carrying resources<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Truck_variation34.jpg.96a3a95451cb49af4d2ac0734b06d50a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Truck_variation34.jpg.96a3a95451cb49af4d2ac0734b06d50a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[Extraterrestrial Federation fleet]

"We have explored over 50% of our half of the universe." The Admiral said. "If you claim that we don't own half the universe, then why does 90% of all the races within this half of the universe fly the E.F flag above their capitals? why does 90% of the civilizations participate in the E.F senate? Why are we allowed to roam freely? And control all trade routes? Including all public routes, border patrol, policing, and the protection of this half of the universe?" The admiral questioned.

"We will admit, some of the races under our control are in parts of the universe that we have not mapped out and explored yet." The admiral then brought up something that would make both sides reconsider.

"You are lucky that this is the E.F. Do you really think, that if you crossed the border into AUSM territory, do you think you could win against the human race? Let alone convince them not to glass your planets and starve your civilization. The E.F's economy is still affected from the war. Which is why we can not supply money to many of the civilizations. And we are not about to go to war with the human race again. Because we saw the consequences of that 25 years ago." The Admiral said.

"Your move, my government might have threatened war. But we will not mobilize unless you can offer a solution for the mess that you have created. Because of your continuous raids, the E.F trading systems has been disturbed causing several billions to to be lost. If you can give us a valid solution that you are will to carry out, we will not, impose crippling sanctions along with a full scale military blockade." The admiral finished.



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"Oh, I bet you think you are real intimidating. But, Really, What rules am I breaking, exactly?" Not once did Talon's smug attitude leave him. "I don't see any problems..." He yawned, slumping in his throne. "And if anything, you shouldn't worry about me...What threat do I possess?" In the small slit in his hood, his beady eyes glowed and crackled vibrantly.


"Oh, Well..Thanks for the offer, but I don't think we'll need any help. Although, may I ask, What was with the...Oh...Everything? If you're here for diplomacy, I don't see how tanks benefit you in anyway. Rather intimidating though, but I am no leader. I simply help my race in their success, they may see otherwise." He trailed off, thinking. "Well, I will surely rid us of the mutiny Talon's, but I must tell you it takes time...Wars don't end in days..." Jei said, still happy as can be.
Suddenly, the scavenger leader smiles. "AS AN ANCIENT HUMAN CULTURE ONCE SAID, BON VOYAGE!" The warp kicks in and the ships disappear in warp. The assistant says "I charted a course towards a space station in the nightmare systems. There sure as hell ain't any police there." The last radio transmission reads: "I guess a crippling blockade it is, cuz we don't got any solutions to this."

Meanwhile on a hidden Kaa'dri Colony called Yriitl-37T896H

A bored officer receives a transmission from a scavenger ship. It tells him to launch into evac-4.8. Screaming in terror, he presses the button that will launch about 65% of the Kaa'dri population towards an uncharted part of space where they will temporarily resettle. He jumps to his radio and yells to every known Kaa'dri radio frequency, "THIS IS AN EVAC-4.8! I REPEAT, THIS IS AN EVAC-4.8! GET THE ANGELS OF SE'A READY!"
A Neptunian Tiger Shark Vessel transmitted a message to the Kaa'dri scavengers "This is Achnim, Captain of the Tsunami. I noticed the E.F. is giving you a bit of trouble. We could use some extra firepower if you'd like to not live a life with your respective tails between your legs." The Tsunami then sent a message to the E.F. "Nice ship you've got there, now I'm not sure if we're enough to blow it to smithereens, but I'll be giving it the ol' college try. Best case, thousands of casualties on your side. Worse Case, we go home with a shiny new ship for the armada. Other option, you hand over thirty percent of your munitions, food, and valuables and this encounter will go smoother for the both of us."
The daldurdam that was in the tower was thouroghly insaulted. He was only sayin what he was told to say. Oh well, the people planet side will take care of them.

On said planet, a relresentative was hurrying over to the landing site, unconciously dodging several nasty ends. He would stand in for the All Father until he arrived. And the EF forces just had to be assigned where the most aggressive tribe was. Wonder of wonders they weren't already preparing to fire upon them. Raching the landing, he heads for the most important looking person there. "Apologies if there were any problems with these tribes people. They are strong, but that is about it. May I ask why we have the pleasure of EF forces? It's no often you come here. Don't step there." As he said the last sentence, it was coear what the important man was about to step on. It was a small needle stickin straight out of the ground. Nothing much? Nope, the opposite. Not only was there poisons stored in there, but would trigger the reflex of a somewhat annoying pest. Harmless to the rock people native to the land, not so much for everyone else.
[Talon Supremacy]

"The brandishing of a "cult.", repeated aliens rights violations, tax evasions, not participating with the E.F senate, and the militarization of your species." The High Ambassador listed.

"We'vs sent repeared warning. It's either yoir have not recieved them, or you decided to ignore the warning from a super power. That csn cripple your nation in a matter of days."


"We are here under direct orders to set up a military base on this planet. As well as the condtruction of several oitposts." The general said.

"The E.F is planning on expanding it's military to enforce the laws."


"Orders from the High Senate. The E.F must expand it's military presence so that the laws can be enforced." The general said.

"We are here to build military outposts and bases."

[Neptunian Tiger]

The small ship with the admiral had ordered all of it's vessels to un-cloak.As the ships obeyed, hundreds of massive city sized, mountain sized vessels were seen.

"The is the Admiral of the E.F space navy's 800th fleet. This is Extraterrestrial Federation matters. And do you really think you csn take on a super power?"

The first officer arrived to the Admiral. "Sir, this new ship is not in the database of any of the civilizations in the E.F. I think they are a civilozation under AUSM control."

The admiral looked at the First officer with disbelief. "You're kidding."

"No sir."

The Admiral turned back and continued his message. "You have illegally crossed into E.F controlled part of the universe. In violation of the 2003 armistice we shall take this action by your race as provocation by the AUSM. Our government shall contqct the AUSM about this." There was a pause.

"The AUSM will not be pleased to hear this. And your race will suffer horrible conequences." The Admiral threatened.
"Now now now." the representative said. "We have followed the collective laws to the letter and have enforced them as best we could. The law re-enforcement is appreciated. But I am not sure if all of the tribes would agree to military outposts on our moons." As they talked, he steered them around several more hazards, hidden and not so hidden alike. "The All Father would co-opperate, of course. But there are always those few. They know this land, sir. Fighting them would be costly."
"Oh believe me, if a war breaks out Neptune will only benefit. However the E.F. will face millions of casualties. Are you really willing to be the one who killed all of those honest citizens just for a few pounds of cargo and do you really think AUSM is gonna believe you shot down two ships a tenth of your size out of self-defense? If so, fire at will. I double dog dare you. Otherwise, my men'll be over soon. Oh, and just so you know, according the AUSM, we're a peaceful merchant vessel transporting food and medicine to a colony plagued by hunger and....plague. So, what's it gonna be Admiral?"

"Hmph. Not that big of a deal. All these laws are all so boring and...demanding, can't expect me to follow all of them." Talon spoke, tapping his talons on his armrest. "I forgot, what do you want? Besides pestering me with your...Rules. I can follow rules, but choose not to, obviously wise."


"Well, Heh, Nothing stopping you. Go ahead and do what you need, I will instruct a raid on the Talon's lesser colony ASAP. Great meeting you, Good day to you and your people.." Jei finished, turning back towards his palace.

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