Galactic Empires

"Going to war on my first day"

Welcome to Galactic Empires.

@IlovetanksMBT @pokemariofan64 @Gilzar @John Abraus @TheOnionofShrek @Boss Helix @CommissarRanden

This is an entire thread wide alert for Galactic Empires:

@Dreadpool has chosen to leave GE of his own free will for his own reasons. I will be deciding what happens to all of his characters & Empires:

-Wartharian Imperial Phalanx (W.I.P.)

-Tarkosh Skardrathon

-Jonthen Talvaran

-Quintus Tharion

-Bianca Theranor


-The Xemorian Empire

-Jason Rowe Kessler

I haven't decided whether to kill them off or possible give them out for other people to run. If you would wish to have any of these characters/empires then ask and I will decide.
I'll just stick around then and see what happens. I'm currently busy right now but I'll be checking back every hour or so.
I would like to formal withdraw from this thread. I would prefer my race destroyed if that's alright. Fairwell all best of luck.
I would like to leave as well. The best of luck to you and your thread!

I would prefer if my race was destroyed!
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