Galactic Empires

Oh really? guess there is gona be a nother Trubel make in the Univers

Oh and one more thing,Mine is gona be more realistic even in transportation so expect some science things xD

So i Did a Tini fix on the Akrid Empier

Added some other way of transportation by making organic ships because wen i think about it the only way they can travel is bi cliging on ships,so i added some other way so they dont stay stuck on the planet till the next Buss leaves
@Gilzar the UGF wants diplomatic talks with GSE and has a fleet close to GSE. And yea, there is another fleet somewhere close to GSE and another enemy inside GSE territory.
I think there is several things going on involving GSE:

-The Revanent Empire sent a light frigate that chased the GSE scout to where it went

[QUOTE="Lord Anubis][Location for return of GSE scout]
The light frigate exited hyperspace in a purple gateway. Once there it immediately scanned using psionic waves.


[QUOTE="Lord Anubis][Light frigate Ada at GSE return point]
After a few moments the light frigate detected the same bubble previously recorded letting it know it had gotten to the right place. A large sphere detached from its underbelly flying away from the ship. Once a few meters away it deployed as two large tendrils came from either side of it. They formed a large circle the size of the moon only flat. It took a few minutes to close, but once complete there hovered a large dimensional gate way. The sphere then grew a large generators behind it in which it only needed a small amount of matter unknown to any race, but the revanent.


-The U.G.F.'s 500th battle fleet managed to find GSE space and is trying to negotiate peace & alliance

IlovetanksMBT said:
"If we are to survive. We have to begin creating more allies." The Vice President said to Norian who was sitting in his office.

One of the generals gave the Vice president a glass tablet which he was scrolling down to a list.

"We have already started relations with Ceratopians. We have sent delegates to try and start relations with the Primary Collective. We have discovered two new nations. The Guuarzak Keeroshka and the GSE. We have already sent a fleet with some of our senators and ambassadors to GSE." The Vice President looked up.

"With all due respect Mr. President. I hope you understand my motives. I do not wish to see the U.G.F which has stood for thousands of years to collapse."

Norian made eye contact with everyone in the room but did not more his body. "I know that you love this nation a lot. And so do I. But I am not going to sacrifice centrion lives or, use weapons of mass destruction. Because using weapons to settle an issue is completely different from talking it out."

[\500th battle fleet./]

On the other side of the GSE border, 51 ships of the 500th battle fleet of the UGF have just come out of shock point.

The main ship View attachment 84845

A Maverix-Class capital ship which held the ambassadors and negotiators was at the front of the fleet, a good distance away from the GSE border.

"GSE. This is the D.F.S Anders. The flagship of the United Galactic Federation's 500th battle fleet. We come in peace. We are not here to wage war. Our sole purpose for our appearance is diplomatic talks between our two nations. Our nation, wishes to start diplomatic talks with your nation. If you wish, I will put the head ambassador on."

-Finally the The Vartiz Dominion (which is InsidiousRogue), is at the edge of GSE space

TheOnionofShrek said:
~At the edge of GSE Space...~
A Sanctum had been left here ages ago, trapped on the edge between real space and nothingness, barely detectable. Patiently waiting for the day when it would come in handy. Apparently, the day had arrived, a signal was received, the Sanctum drops into real space, revealing itself to be a large sphere. It quickly begins to unfold itself with delicate precise movements, forming a circular gateway. And for a brief moment, everything is quiet. Then ship after ship from the Seraph fleet begins to materialize in a brilliant flash of blue light, nearly a hundred ships the largest being three kilometers long. Seraph fleet quickly takes formation and waits patiently for the inevitable GSE response.
Suddenly, a large warship appeared, about as long as the state of Massachusetts. It was a bulky ship, covered in mile almost a mile thick. This made it rather difficult for it's 7 plasma engines to move it, making it slower than most other vessels. However, the ship also carried an extensive array of main cannon batteries, laser stations, boarding drill launchers, and it would appear as if several compartment like things had the ability to rotate out from the ship, like the doors on a fancy car, (The ones that go up instead of out.)

(Main Ceratopian Dreadnought)


And suddenly, another ship appeared, almost as twice as long as the smaller one. This vessel appeared to have the same armaments, and even heavier armor, except that this's front looked a bit like a.... door, like it could slide open, revealing what lies inside. The door was closed now.

((Zugarg's Flagship))


Suddenly, a holographic image of Zugarg in Ceratopian power armor without his helmet appeared infront of Admiral Haggert. "By order of United Galactic Federation President Norian Maverik, 45 ships of the Ceratopian Monarchy have been sent to assist the 16th Armada." Suddenly, 43 more of the Ceratopian Dreadnoughts arrived, floating alongside the 16th Armada, weapons ready.

((THis is when they arrived alongside the U.G.F ships confronting the GSE. They basically just sat there, and no one payed them any attention.))
Oh, I was rather certain they had arrived alongside the U.G.F. to help against Sigma and/or the Primary Collective. Which was why I was sort of waiting for your ships to respond to all the warning messages.
They did, because the UGF didn't inform them of the GSE. And you didn't really adress one to them. You told everyone else to GTFO, but not the Ceratopians. xD
True. xD i'm writing a post about them leaving after the U.G.F, so meh. I'm also writing a post about the Juan-jan :D
Also I feel I should point out, the post about Zachery Moscow was used in order to give everyone an idea of what it is to be assimilated by Sigma. That and he'll become an important character much later in the thread...
I saw. xD . Sounds fun to be a D-Class citizen. The Juan-jan are like interstellar hippies, and they don't "assimilate" anyone. The Ceratopians enslave millitary men who surrender, but don't enslave or kill or steal from the civillian populace. They see it as dishonorable for a millitary man to surrender before his opponent, and aren't worthy of dying in battle. My next race, the pissed off mother nature, simply goes about destroying everything mechanical, not giving a ####.
Then the ceratopians will love centrions because the centrions don't believe in surrender. It's basically fight until every last centrion is dead.
I have a question

am i the ONLY active Hive tipe Empier?..Like The only one that whants too kill everything and its a "Parasite"?
IlovetanksMBT said:
Then the ceratopians will love centrions because the centrions don't believe in surrender. It's basically fight until every last centrion is dead.
The Ceratopians and Centrions are already allies. xD


Yonsisac said:
I have a question
am i the ONLY active Hive tipe Empier?..Like The only one that whants too kill everything and its a "Parasite"?
Nope, there's the creepy Revenant guys.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
The Ceratopians and Centrions are already allies. xD

Nope, there's the creepy Revenant guys.
I know. What I meant was they will love centrions even more when they find out that centrions do not believe in the idea of surrender.
IlovetanksMBT said:
I know. What I meant was they will love centrions even more when they find out that centrions do not believe in the idea of surrender.

But, neither does the Naturii, which I am making the CS of.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
The Ceratopians and Centrions are already allies. xD

Nope, there's the creepy Revenant guys.
The revanents don't want to kill all life they only choose the path that aids their survival.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]The revanents don't want to kill all life they only choose the path that aids their survival.

Oh. xD . Sudden realization that the Revemants are better than Naturii xD . Because Naturii want to bring everyone back to the stone age. xD

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