Galactic Empires



Average Life-span: 20 years


Attributes: Tough scales, large wings, and claws made for tearing through hard stone. Their eyes give them night vision, and their bodily systems are near perfection. The Dra'kuhn also can breathe out a flaming gas, named Drakophyll, resembling fire. Drakophyll is much more hot, though, and can melt titanium instantly. Only very mature Dra'kuhn can breathe flames, though, and it's power increases with age. Dra'kuhn do not die of age, but they usually are overwhelmed with power by the age of 20, and will explode with the over-flowment of Drakphyll.

Personality: Dra'kuhn do what's best for themselves. They're generally either physically or mentally powerful, and are very greedy in nature. Some dra'kuhn are unlike their brethren, and even serve as bounty hunters, guards, soldiers, and scouts. Dra'kuhn are valued by most empires for their strength, and their iron will. They simply will not bow to any other Empire, unless it benefits themselves.


Dra'kuhnic Republic or Alliance of Galactic Order between Nations. (DRAGON)

Government Type:
A loose, and corrupt Republic made of different representatives from each Dra'kuhnic nation, or Lair. It is run by greed, and decisions based on personal benefits.

Leader(s): Supreme Chancellor Akarhem.

Dominant Species: Dra'kuhns (80%) Robots (5%) Dra'kuhnic Humans (15%)

Home Planet:


(These large towers are roughly each the size of Mt. Everest. Each contains a Lair.)

Religion: Dra'kuhns worship three gods. Magus, the god/goddess (it is not defined by gender) of Power. Aegas, the god of Flight and Wealth. And Eigis, the goddess of Health and Order.

Energy Source: Robots, heat generators, and nuclear power factories, and nuclear power-rods.

Galactic Travel: Either on a ship, or through flight.

History: This organization was founded thousands of years ago due to the last Great War, when all of the Dra'kuhnic Lairs had went to war over an artifact, The Code, that had landed on Hail's surface, later revealed to be a navigation device filled with co-ordinates to the ancient world of Il. Eventually, the organization was completely founded afterwards, and has since then kept order between the Lairs. Other then that, DRAGON has served in wars against Humans, and various other races. The Dra'kuhn have a long history, but well-known history of them appear around their early Space Age period. The first species they had run into were the Humans, who were in the medieval stages at that time. Various Dra'kuhn attempted to settle, and rule there, but no Lair was established permanently. Dra'kuhn later turned their sights away from Earth, but have kept some as servants for their magnificent army. Dra'kuhnic humans are much taller, and intelligent then average humans.

Goal: Money, power, and the discovery of Il, and it's many secrets.

[/Main Character(s)\]

Supreme Chancellor Akar'hem, the Powerful, the Great, the Destroyer, the God.

Age: 32

Species: Dra'kuhn



Akar'hem himself is around the size of Mt.Everest, and resides in the largest tower on Hail.

Equipment: The Code, Compressed Arcanite Soul Plate.

Personality: Akar'hem is a greedy, powerful being, capable of clawing through titanium and melting ships, large and small alike. He, himself, thinks selfishly, and believes that he is the closest being to what would be otherwise known as a god. Akar'hem is religious, and worships all three of his people's deities, believing that they empower him with their might. Akar'hem has the tendency to release his rage on his servants, or on other people. Akar'hem, when angered, is extremely volatile, and powerful. Akar'hem has an "Iron Will", and an extremely good pain tolerance level. If someone doesn't agree with him, Akar'hem has them punished, because he has to always be right as the Dra'kuhnic ruler. DRAGON may be run by senators, but the only true power within the government is Akar'hem.

History: Akar'hem was born within a weak family, and within a tiny Lair. He grew up to the age of five, and that was when it all began. Akar'hem had begun overthrowing every surrounding Lair, showing off his incredible physical and mental prowess. He became a Senator for his Lair within DRAGON, and made his way up the politicial food chain by killing off every one of his rivals and neighbors. When Akar'hem was deemed the Supreme Chancellor, he immediately focused on the goal of finding Il, and fully understanding The Code. Akar'hem has served in many battles, not only between the Dra'kuhn power struggles, but also against other races at war with DRAGON.


Avenir is a large city sector where many people come to visit its majestic lands marks, and to enjoy it's scenery. It is powered by stable energy reactors placed in several parts of the city, and heavily guarded so that the sector can be kept a safe place. It is especially good if one wants to host meetings or events, and is open to species of all kinds. The guardians of Avenir are in touch with criminal databases, in case a fugitive decides to land on the sector.



Molviar, known not only for its vastness, but the intense radiation that its surroundings emit, and become of the scorching lava lakes covering most of the planet. Several outpost have been built around the planet, in case... certain individuals would like to came glance at its surroundings. It is, however, generally advised that one stays inside of the energy fields surrounding the outpost, which blocks out radiations. If not, then the other solution is to wear specially made mask that are capable of blocking out the radiations. The planet is very abundant with mining resources, such as Infernium.
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[/Main Character(s)\]

Captain Elei

Age: 22

Species: Dra'kuhnic Human


(145 lb, 6'8, Elei is a very attractive, yet menacing, lady.)

Equipment: Plasma Rifle, Data-Disintegrators, Dra'kuhnic Battle Armor, Advanced Plasma Blade.

Personality: Elei is always quiet, because she's always thinking. Elei has no real fear, other then defeat, death, and demotion. The 3 D's, as the other soldiers call it. She does what is best for the Master, and what is best for her secondly. Elei is disciplined, and skilled in many different ways, but especially in combat.

Elei grew up within Akar'hem's lair, and was deemed as his protector by the Dra'kuhn there, for she wasn't like the others. Elei was much quieter, and much more intelligent then the other Dra'kuhnic warriors. She was also strong, and much more co-ordinated in her tactics, attacks, and social moves. Due to this, Elei quickly moved up the ranks within the DRAGON's army, and it just so happened, as she reached the rank of Paladin, Akar'hem reached the rank of Supreme Chancellor. A Paladin's job is to protect the Chancellor, and control DRAGON's army, not including every Lair's personal military. Elei has participated in a few wars since her Paladin career at 18, and is now a strong-willed, and confident warrior.


Average Life-span: 1000-1375


Strengths: -High intelligence

-Great social understanding and speech skills

-Ability to see and feel heat from a distance

-Immunity to electricity, radiation, and High Heat (up to 6000 Kelvin)

Weaknesses: -Cumbersome and very straight forward

Personality: They are very culturally understanding and are willing to try to reach a very political win today, but in the past the primarchs were very tribal and animalistic which is a common reaction the primarchs show under heavy stress.


Name: Republic of the Naga [ Strengths in Genetic manipulation, Ship Engineering/

Advancement, and Long/Short Range Ship and Attack systems]

Government Type: Communist Republic (think China)

Leader(s): Halim Khaliq and Mesa Khaliq (siblings)

Dominant Species: Primarch

Home Planet:
They are a nomadic people, living in a collection of ships near stars and places of high radiation deep in outer-space. The collection of ships is called the “Mass” by the Naga nation

After years of study the majority of the populace are atheist (or religion-less), with the other parts believing in scientology or the Chzar religion.

Energy Source:
The Naga energy use radiation energy from the suns the “Mass” so closely reside by. Without that radiation the ships can catch the background energy in space. They also have a backup energy cell system in place that can last them 200 years without beginning to ration power.

Galactic Travel:
The use of FTL drives and slipspace methods may be very basic but are effective and allow for every ship to be constantly guarded and in range of the warships and destroyers.

The Primarch’s history is extensive but mostly lost on the species are their lives are long and they wish to advance the race than worry about past problems, but all past major conflicts and events are recorded among various books and data logs on the Husk.

Goals: 1- To continue to prosper and make the “Mass” larger and more protected

2- To find a home system and settle it

3- Bring peace to the universe by unifying all nations or destroying all nations to create a eternal silence

Main Characters

Halim Khaliq

Age: 615

Species: Primarch

The upper torso of Halim is perfect and beautiful. He is very pale which heavily contrasts to the color of his eyes that change and color as if the galaxies themselves hide behind them. The lower half of his body is dark and slender, while scales are blackish-gray that reflect the light. He is considered one of the most beautiful members of the species, but underneath this beauty is a strategic mind so great that it runs almost the whole society itself.

Equipment: Custom Light Royal’s Armor (which is equipped with: 1-Distress Beacon 2- Advanced Adrenal/Med Injectors 3-EMP & Shock Defense System 4- Hidden Plasma blade and Shock Whip 5- Custom Advanced Rail-Pistol)

Personality: Halim is very lazy and sexual, but is one to get what needs done efficiently and effectively. He is rather rash and somewhat of a smart-ass, but means no actual harm. He knows that all of the “Mass”’s choices politically reside on his choices along with his sisters, so he takes every important choice slowly and is even due to his great strategic planning, finds working under pressure extreme and makes his sister fix most of the hard problems in the heat of the moment.

History: Halim during the early phases of his life was know as the “Mass’s” “Royal Playboy”. He went night after night to various different bars and scenes looking for, as he said “My ball and chain!”, and most people obliged his interest. Men, women, no species seemed to both him. All of them seemed good enough to be his mate, but it seemed that none ever came back out of the mansion with Halim when he would go back out into society the next morning after a presumed night of amazing intercourse. No-one ever questioned it but assumed he had kicked out the back door like everyone else. Though if you the observant, payed attention to those people never were seen again. Khalim was know as a Viper, a unit that finds, tracks, and captures or eliminates terrorists, anarchists, opposing leaders, technology,extracts high value assets, and resources from other countries. He was the leader of the MSD (or Mass Security Division). This lead to him having advanced training in various types of combat, languages, and ideals. He felt that even though he was hailed as one of the best leaders of this division that was not up to his skills and asked his sister for a more advanced and demanding position. After assessing her standards with the public, she chose him to be her co-leader and commander of city management and protection to gain back the public’s affection to the empire with a known and “friendly” face. This has severely bolstered the public’s favor in the empire.

Mesa Khaliq

Age: 597

Species: Primarch

The upper torso of Mesa is tattooed and well built, while her bottom is scarred from previous fights.It is also much larger and longer than other Primarch adding to her already immposing hieght. She is much taller than the other Primarch (by about nine feet, while the average is about 3 ½ foot torso, her is about 4, with the each 8 ½ being in the tail). Her back is also covered with deep scars that have healed long ago but have left reddish- purple lines down her back making a odd tribal like symbol, which has come to the Naga empire as the symbol of her rule.

Heavy Queen’s Armor(which is equipped with: 1- Distress Beacon 2- ADV. Adrenal Injector 3- EMP & Shock Defense System 4- Advanced Weapon System {this is a magnetic plate that holds up to 8 different weapons that condense into smaller and more manageable state until pulled from the plate which activates them and extends them into a full gun}) [if any of you have played Mass Effect think about Shepard’s back and how he pulls and puts away his guns.That thing]

Mesa was raised militaristic, brought up by one of the Primarch’s most militaristically hard-ass primarchs ever, Her mother. This lead to her having some what of a disconnect from her people and she is not exactly the master of words, and as some have described that speaking with her is like “getting hit with a two-by-four”. (in other words she’s extremely blunt). Though to counteract this is her soft spoken and mildly alluring voice.(Think Starfire if you’ve watched Teen Titans) She may not see her people and understand them, but she knows what must be achieved.

History: Mesa has been through and been shown more war and battles than most warlords through their whole lives. She has seen more blood and insides of species than most biologists

and bioengineers. She was raised not as a killer or a soldier but as the Queen of War. Her mother raised her not as a child but a apprentice, never showing true compassion to her, leaving her disconnected from emotions. After her mother moved away from her leadership position, Mesa took up the mantle with the idea of her republic being like her, merciless and strong, but was shocked to see them different than she ever imagined, more peaceful and docile. Wanting to trade and talk than conquer and destroy. This showed her awkwardness with her people and lead to a weakening in her power and strength, leading to the ideas of a revolution and revolt until she enlisted the help of her, which severely turned around the public’s opinion. She is now along with her brother leading the empire in it’s strongest time ever.
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T.J. Vlsona

Age: 24

Species: genetically enhanced centrion

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0df356ed_aman.jpg.3d89351dcde55ee95222583c70ae6fac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0df356ed_aman.jpg.3d89351dcde55ee95222583c70ae6fac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Long sword(Made from metal used to build ocean navy ships.)

magnum (uses magnetic acceleration energy just like every other military gun.)

Wrist blades. (A rectangular device with buttons, a screen and other switches attached to the arm. The swiss army knife of the elite corps)

throwing knives.

Magnetic armour (Special type of armour only designed to be worn by elite corps members.)

Personality: T.J is very loyal to the UGF government and will carry out orders that the UGF government or military requests. Although he was geneticallygrown, he still has free thought and will question orders if he feels that they are too extreme or in-humane. He is ruthless, sometimes oppressive and very vicious when it comes to enemies. He shows no mercy in battle but at the same time keeps a very calm composure and not let the enemy make him falter. He is a master at being patient and manipulating, lying to people. He will always expect the worst when fighting and will never underestimate or over estimate anyone. He does however, have a nice happy side. He is known as a kind person to everyone he meets. Although, he does rarely smile, when he does, everyone is surprised. When marines or fellow special forces crack jokes, he will join in.

History: T.J was essentially grown in a massive laboratory. His creation took several decades since the UGF wanted to make the ultimate soldier for their army. while he was being created, the scientists created his DNA strands so that he would be more enhanced and have several abilities as well. When it was time for him to come out to the world, he was given the rank of Elite commander. The overall commander of the elite corps. Pretty soon, the UGF would take in orphans an enhance and change there genes and DNA to make them just like T.J. Also creating some more in the process through the same method that they used to create T.J.

Powers and Abilities:

- Superhuman speed, strength

-very quick reflexes

-enhanced intelligence

-enhanced pain tolerance

-telekinesis (Force push basically)

Extra: His kind might have superhuman attributes, and enhanced augmentations but, that does not mean that his kind are not able to be killed. They might have a much higher pain tolerance level but they are not going to survive hits to vital body parts or getting shot many times.



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The Republic of the Naga is accepted as long as you complete the cut off line on personality.

Your character is accepted @IlovetanksMBT

Name: Ta'Ur

Average Life-span: 780 on average. Longest recorded 1,000 years

Appearance: The Ta'Ur look like the Polar Bear of old, from the white Antarctic continent of Earth. Ranging from the standard Snow White fur to more exotic colours such as Orange and Purple. These colours developed naturally after the great Wind O' Colour Wisp's, that stripped many a colour from Valori and made the colours stick to the Ta'Ur fur giving them special powers.

Attributes: The Ta'Ur speak with different tones of growl and mannerisms. A deep growl and a slight nod of the head means "Hello, My Friend". This means it is essential to either know the Ta'Ur language off by heart or have a Ta'Ur specialised Visual and Audio Translation Interface or VATI for short. No Ta'Ur have ever agreed to have a translation implant.

Exotic coloured Ta'Ur have different types of powers too. White Ta'Ur are the standard Ta'Ur colour of fur which gives these Ta'Ur have extra strength being able to lift thing two times their weight. Gold Ta'Ur are given telepathy, able to communicate across planets but gives mental strain. Silver Ta'Ur gains the power of speed at night. Purple Ta'Ur can manipulate what sentients can see in a certain distance and are the only type of Ta'Ur that can manipulate Valori grain. Orange Ta'Ur are the most rare of Ta'Ur, which have the power to change other Ta'Ur fur.

Personality: The Ta'Ur have always been a very calm and collective race. They only attack when given a reason too. This has always been evident in the Ta'Ur race, probably because they have lost everything in terms of their planet. Valori used to be beautiful planet, colourful and vibrant. The planet is completely white under the low clouds and sky cities of the Ta'Ur.


Name: Ta'Ur Dominion

Government Type: Democracy

Leader(s): He Who Lead's The People

Dominant Species: White fur Ta'Ur

Home Planet: Valori was stripped of colour by the Wind O' Colour Wisps and is now barren and white. The Ta'Ur home planet has always had low permanent clouds, making temperature lower than your standard Garden World. The Ta'Ur have moved up from Valori itself as the whiteness brings tears to all Ta'Ur. They have built great sky cities, hundreds of kilometres in size never being rivalled. Levitated by grains of Valori white, these great ports and cities float, never moved unless given an order to.

Religion: The Ta'Ur have long since abandoned religion since their ascendance to the stars, though any Ta'Ur can pick any other Species religion if it fit's him/or her. The Ta'Ur have always been very accepting.

Energy Source: The white dirt grain of Valori have always been speculated by other races as almost "magical". These grains can be stored in a special spherical sealed container to be harnessed for energy by Purple furred Ta'Ur. These grains last's for as long as Valori is standing, having a weird sentient connection to the planet. It is speculated the if Valori where to disappear, all galactic travel for the Ta'Ur will fail. If a non Purple Ta'Ur touch a grain, they will explode in a nuclear fire

Galactic Travel: Purple furred Ta'Ur can transport Ta'Ur ships by expelling a grain to release energy and transport the ship on any location in the galaxy in 2 days. But the releasing of energy requires a very big mass to transport, the reason Ta'Ur ships are at a minimum of three kilometres in length and 800 meters in width and why Ta'Ur fleets are incredibly intimidating for the reactors release a huge deep growl when they move in sub space.

History: Before the Great Wind that made the Ta'Ur ascend into the stars, everything is blocked in fine mist. No Ta'Ur can remember what happened before it and all Ta'Ur born after are given multiple images of Valori in it's infancy and have a drive to make a difference.

Ever since ascending to the stars, the Ta'Ur have colonised their home solar system and has colonised 11 others. The Ta'Ur have 20 inhabited planets under their belt with 2 more planets being terraformed in newly colonised system. Their are 100 billion Ta'Ur with the population growing as more space stations are formed and new planets are found.

Systems of notable significance is Dal'Ree Vaar, an industrial powerhouse of a system creating ship after ship on a hourly basis. Ri'Vaan is the newest colonised solar system with the 2nd Defence fleet and the 39th Bombing fleet stands guard there. Val'Ori is the home system of the Ta'Ur and is guarded by the largest fleet in the Ta'Ur Dominion. The Guardian Fleet, made up of 3000 ships varying from three kilometres to the massive flagship, Guards The Home which is 60 kilometres long.

Goal: To return Valori to it's rightful state, colourful, vibrant and brimming with life.

[/Main Character(s)\]

Name: He Who Lead's The People

Age: 876

Species: Ta'Ur

Appearance: A Golden Furred Ta'Ur with Grey eyes. He Who Lead's The People has a scar over his right eye and a massive scar on his belly. He has a deep rumbling voice. Also his two front legs are the latest mechanical legs and move seamlessly with the rest of his body. One of the only Ta'Ur that can go bipedal.



A standard pattern LasRifle that is strapped on his back left leg.

Personality: He Who Lead's The People is very similar to all other Ta'Ur. Calm, collective and very humble. He has this spark though, a spark that gives him this adventurous nature that most other Ta'Ur do not have.

History: He Who Lead's The People has had a very special life. He was born in the colony Har'Kar Tu in Ri Vaan. He joined the army as soon as he could and clamped hard on any violent sentient species the Ta'Ur encountered. He eventually got to lead the 700th Mechanised Division into battle leading them to victory.

Eventually losing two legs after his bipedal mech was destroyed by a Ractor claw, he had to give up his military life for something more gentle. Like politics. With his charming mannerisms and growls, he ascended up the food chain and then was elected be the President of the Ta'Ur Dominion.

-Revealed Weapons of the Ta'Ur Dominion-

The Standard Mechanized Infantry Vehicle is the mainstay of the Ta'Ur Dominion troops. Made out of Fardium alloy infused with Tanvig metal, the SMIV can take a hell of a beating. The right paw can turn into a quad LasRifle with a 100mm cannon in the middle. The left paw can turn into Destabilizing LasCannon that has a Artificial Intelligence controlled magnet that breaks the gun down into millions of tiny pieces to cool after a shot and then come back together. The SMIV interface can only be controlled by Ta'Ur and when compromised, will self destruct. It is powered by a cheap Nuclear Mark X Fission Reactor with a Dual Core PlasReactor Type A's making it one of the most effective war machines in the Ta'Ur Dominion.'Ragefire'_Pattern.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120104022636[/img]

The standard LasRifle pattern of the Dominion. Can fire up to 300 shots per clip and destabilises after every expended clip. It can be fired by civilians civilians outside of Mech suits and is mounted on their back, is recommended to only be fired by Ta'Ur Soldiers in Mech's

The Ta'Ur Heavy Grade Mech is a deadly weapon with Tharzir Meteor Grade Alloy that makes it only be able to be penetrated by a Nuclear Bomb. The main gun is Ta'Ar Vir pattern Raze Cannon that fires huge balls of 500 degree, hot pieces of Solinium Alloy that explodes on contact and leaves lava piles on contact. Having a 5.0 grade Explosion Mortar at the top, an under belly Triple Barrelled 100mm Cannon and a heavy 90 Calibre machine gun on each leg, the THGM is a fiery beast that can unleash blazing fire on enemies of the Ta'Ur Dominion. It is powered by a single grain of Valori soil so that it can never tire. Like all war machines of the Ta'Ur, it self destructs when compromised.

(Will give more details, need more sleep. Good Night!)
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Oops posted without knowing!

Newest A.I Prototype Mech from Ta'Ur Manufacturer. Made out of a newly found alloy Dirtzium, making it nigh indestructible but also very very hard to make. With a large Ion Cannon with a secret under slung Mini Destabilising LasCannon in one hand and either a quad barrelled HighTec RazeCannon or a triple barrelled PlasCannon with an underslung 90cal. machine gun.

  • [/species\]

  1. Name:Human

    Average Life-span: 95 years
    Appearance:Human body(just look in the mirror the photos are way too scary)
    Attributes: Not much besides an oddly irrational sense of optimism
    Personality: realistic people who are straight and direct but are very civilized

    Government Type: Imperialistic Facism
    Leader(s): CPGC(Central Planetary Governing Core), Chancellor Mark Over, Governor Hikari Mutsomo
    Dominant Species: Humans
    Home Planet: Gliese 241
    Religion: Christianity but more are atheists
    Energy Source: Cromium, Marsium, Stratusium
    Galactic Travel: Hyperspace jumping in fleets
    History: After Tue 3rd world war on earth, the earth was so uninhabitable that the nation of Germania blasted off and went to Gliese 241 and settled there peacefully and created weapons to ensure this won't happen again.
    Goal: To be the most scientifically afavanced empire
    [/Main Character(s)\]

    Name: COGC(Preferably called Caroline)

    Age: 650(Robot)
    Species: Used to be human but is a robot
    Equipment: Warp mechanism, Germanian Ninja stars, Voice translator
    Personality: She likes to make jokes but serious straight and direct, likes to read literary canons.
    History: Caroline was one of the founders of Germania but took a shot in the shoulder. She was badly hurt but saved by being uploaded to a machine which made her live forever. She can be brought back to life by sunlight. She can repair herself but not much is known after that. She has a personal story but it is Redacted. She loves test subjects and invented cloning. She is now at the bottom of the Germanian lab awaiting test results.
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