Galactic Empires

You want to be a character in another person's empire? Ask their permission first.

Before you ask me, no I will not be allowing any Sigmaterian characters controlled by other players.


Average Life-span: 350

Appearance: They are human-like in body form, except much larger. Each one stands at around 15 feet tall. They have thick necks, and thick bodies. They stand on two legs. The Ceratopians are reknowned for their brute strength, and unique mentality. They have a much smaller population than most other species.


Attributes: Collossal size and strength.

Personality: A very war-like species, but also honorable. They only fight "Worthy" opponents. They only kill enemy combatants, not civillians. They highly dislike planet-destroying weapons, as it is more honorable and glorious to fight one's opponent face to face, or ship to ship.


The Ceratopian Monarchy

Government Type: Monarchy

Leader(s): Juu'dah (King) Zugarg Guuglamesh (400th king after Vargosh)

Dominant Species: Ceratopians.

Home Planet: Ceratopia

Religion: A unique diety who didn't create anything, instead embodying war, and strength. Vargosh. Vargosh was supposedly once a ceratopian himself, who was reknoned for his battles and great strength. He was never defeated, uniting all the warring clans of his homeworld, become it's first king. Soon, his homeworld was invaded by an alien species the Xiram. The Xiram had space ships, and the Ceratopians did not. Against all odds, the gun-toting, jetpacking, hammer-swinging Ceratopians won. Vargosh was wounded in the final battle, when the enemy warships, attempting to retreat, were boarded, and murdered from the inside. The Xiram captain and Vargosh dueled, and in the end, they both fell, sealing the fate of both races. The blood-thirsty Ceratopians used these space ships, to travel across the Xiram's several planets, taking them for their own. Vargosh, now a cripple with no legs, led his loyal soldiers, (With fancy new weapons) to victory. In the end, the Xiram race and been rounded up, ready to be executed and finished off, when Vargosh instead offered them peace, and offering to bring them into his empire, giving them every right a Ceratopian possessed. THe Xiram accepted. For his strength, valor, and mercy, Vargosh was claimed to have become immortal, watching over his people in war, and peace.

Energy Source: Xag'ag, (A substance made by an incredible adaptable plant on the Xiram homeworld, which spread across all Ceratopian planets. The plant the Xag'ag plant, was farmed massively, producing oxygen, and the Xag'ag, which powered the new empire's war machines. ((Basically, super oil from plants.)) Ceratopian ships have whole farms of the stuff inside them, giving them the unique ability to never have to refuel, unless the plants die.

Galactic Travel: Space ships. Ceratopian spaceships are all colossal. The Ceratopians believing size and power wins a battle, and their military reflects this. They call their warships "dreadnoughts", though they are beyond that. They are correctly classified as super-dreadnoughts, each one around 15 miles long, and bearing heavy weaponry, heavy armor, and heavy shields. These ships pack a punch, and are very hard to kill. However, the Ceratopian fleet is very small compared to others, having few ships. They have ships from their allies, which make up the rest of their navy. Also, Ceratopians are unable to fly fighters because of their size. If they tried, it would be a waste of time, money, and lives, simply because they'd be too big and slow to be an effective fighter.

History: ((Basically summarized in religion.))

A bunch of warring clans, (with tech past our time<) united by a king, Vargosh. Planet invaded, Ceratopians fight back and win, taking the enemy planets. Expanding in tech and power since then.

Goal: Conquest and war

[/Main Character(s)\]

Name: Juu'dah (King) Zugarg Guuglamesh (400th king after Vargosh)

Age: 147

Species: Ceratopian

Appearance: ((Same as species picture))

Equipment: Ceratopian Power Armor


The chaingun and laser rifle on his arms. They both fire lasers. However, he can detach both weapons, and instead pick up a unique weapon, known as the Shiva Hammer. Basically, a grav hammer from Halo, except bigger. MUCH bigger.


He also has a very powerful jetpack. But, due to his size and weight, it can only be used for short distances, or high jumps.

Personality: Honorable, and merciful, he is a relatively good person. However, he is also hungry for war and conquest,

History: A pretty calm life he hasn't seen many conflicts, though he fights in the arenas regularly.
[/species\]: xenomorph

Name: revanents

Average Life-span: immortal (do not die by aging.)

final form/ higher life form:
male and females have pale white skin with glowing red irises. Wings are generally black or red while there is only one known being among their species with black and red mix signifying greater power they also look identical to humans given a past civilization was their host, and was identical to humans. Most high levels stand at 10ft while mid level stand at 7. Low levels stand At 5 ft.

Mid life form: branches out determined by pre instructed genome strands.
They all share a resemblence to their lower life form counter parts that being xenomorphice while also appearing human. They will evolve and grow to any situation in time.

Lower life form: make up the bulk of the population.
Have insect like wings have mostly mid middle level armour.

Attributes: mid to high level life forms have powerful psionic powers/ magice. High life forms have stronger then powers then mid.

low life forms have no will of their own. Mid life forms have general Human like emotions, but generally don't like other races. High level life form tend to be cautious of space fairing races, but will assimilate lesser civilization's.


Revanent empire

government type: hierarchy

Leader(s): (Name of your government's leader(s)): emperor: Tarus

Dominant Species: (If your empire is made up of more than one species, which one is more dominant?)higher life forms.

Home Planet: (The name and description of your empire's home/capital planet)no home planet yet will be revealed in rp.

Religion: (What does the majority of your species believe in?) No religion if anything they worship Tarus

Energy Source: (What does your empireuse as energy?) Plasma/ zero point energy ( zero point is only used in large warships or stations. Also capital cities.

Galactic Travel: (How does your empire travel through space?) Hyper drive/ advance ships use trans dimensional drives.

History: they began as a simple virus till they were altered by a previous advanced race. Mainly re purposed for war they were used against their enemys. On a enemy planet solar radiation along with nuclear radiation altered their chemical makeup causing the first host to mutate into a lower life form. Over the course of a few weeks it began to infect other host as well as the native species into more while also consuming bio mass. After a few more weeks it evolved to a higher life form assuming control over the others. Once the previous race saw the danger they tried to eradicate them, but it was to late they slowly began consuming whole worlds. As a final act they lured the leader of the disease they created into a trap sealing it in a sphere made of their strongest metal as a wwell as a powerful psionic field barrier. After its capture they new they had to stop the spread so they detonated powerful psionicly aided plasma bombs which obliterated several planets. In doing so they also caused two stars to supernova creating what is commonly called amongst the new civilization's their the dread nebula. The leader Tarus was to forever be imprisoned till thousands of years later his prison is hit by a solar flair causing electronics to fail. His ship will crash on a remote planet thus beginning a new era in their history.

(What is the end goal that your empire strives for?) Their goal is simply survival. However some will desire domination others peace.

[/Main Character(s)\]

(The name of your main character) Tarus

Age: (The age of your main character)several thousand years old.

Species: (What species is your maincharacter?)xenomorphice

Wings are ?Black flacked with red on the tips of the feathers.

Equipment: (Anything of importance that your character keeps on them. This includes weapons.) Wears heavy armour along with a short blade.

Personality: (How does your character act/think?) He is calm and collected mostly. In dire situations he can become feral succumbing to his baser instincts. Mostly will do what he has to for himself, and his people. Has a sense of honor given memories he retains from his first and final host.

History: (What has your character been through?)He survived all of his people's wars. Being from the beginning he saw it all, and will never forget it.

(Other characters will emerge throughout the rp and I will post their stats like I did tarus. Hope this is ok)
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For the record, you're suppose to remove what's in parenthesis. It would of also looked better if you hit enter after inserting each picture before starting writing. But those are all aesthetics details.

It's accepted anyways.
I do apologies for that I was using them as gguidelines cause I do tent to rambling on on my thoughts and get distacted. Also was busy day so I had to keep coming back to it. Anyways lol thanks for accepting love rps like this and I'll post soon :) .
I've changed my mind about joining, actually. Probably got too many RPs as it is.
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[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]
[/species\]: xenomorph
Name: revanents

Average Life-span: immortal (do not die by aging.)

final form/ higher life form:
male and females have pale white skin with glowing red irises. Wings are generally black or red while there is only one known being among their species with black and red mix signifying greater power they also look identical to humans given a past civilization was their host, and was identical to humans. Most high levels stand at 10ft while mid level stand at 7. Low levels stand At 5 ft.

Mid life form: branches out determined by pre instructed genome strands.
They all share a resemblence to their lower life form counter parts that being xenomorphice while also appearing human. They will evolve and grow to any situation in time.

Lower life form: make up the bulk of the population.
Have insect like wings have mostly mid middle level armour.

Attributes: mid to high level life forms have powerful psionic powers/ magice. High life forms have stronger then powers then mid.

low life forms have no will of their own. Mid life forms have general Human like emotions, but generally don't like other races. High level life form tend to be cautious of space fairing races, but will assimilate lesser civilization's.


Revanent empire

government type: hierarchy

Leader(s): (Name of your government's leader(s)): emperor: Tarus

Dominant Species: (If your empire is made up of more than one species, which one is more dominant?)higher life forms.

Home Planet: (The name and description of your empire's home/capital planet)no home planet yet will be revealed in rp.

Religion: (What does the majority of your species believe in?) No religion if anything they worship Tarus

Energy Source: (What does your empireuse as energy?) Plasma/ zero point energy ( zero point is only used in large warships or stations. Also capital cities.

Galactic Travel: (How does your empire travel through space?) Hyper drive/ advance ships use trans dimensional drives.

History: they began as a simple virus till they were altered by a previous advanced race. Mainly re purposed for war they were used against their enemys. On a enemy planet solar radiation along with nuclear radiation altered their chemical makeup causing the first host to mutate into a lower life form. Over the course of a few weeks it began to infect other host as well as the native species into more while also consuming bio mass. After a few more weeks it evolved to a higher life form assuming control over the others. Once the previous race saw the danger they tried to eradicate them, but it was to late they slowly began consuming whole worlds. As a final act they lured the leader of the disease they created into a trap sealing it in a sphere made of their strongest metal as a wwell as a powerful psionic field barrier. After its capture they new they had to stop the spread so they detonated powerful psionicly aided plasma bombs which obliterated several planets. In doing so they also caused two stars to supernova creating what is commonly called amongst the new civilization's their the dread nebula. The leader Tarus was to forever be imprisoned till thousands of years later his prison is hit by a solar flair causing electronics to fail. His ship will crash on a remote planet thus beginning a new era in their history.

(What is the end goal that your empire strives for?) Their goal is simply survival. However some will desire domination others peace.

[/Main Character(s)\]

(The name of your main character) Tarus

Age: (The age of your main character)several thousand years old.

Species: (What species is your maincharacter?)xenomorphice

Wings are ?Black flacked with red on the tips of the feathers.

Equipment: (Anything of importance that your character keeps on them. This includes weapons.) Wears heavy armour along with a short blade.

Personality: (How does your character act/think?) He is calm and collected mostly. In dire situations he can become feral succumbing to his baser instincts. Mostly will do what he has to for himself, and his people. Has a sense of honor given memories he retains from his first and final host.

History: (What has your character been through?)He survived all of his people's wars. Being from the beginning he saw it all, and will never forget it.

(Other characters will emerge throughout the rp and I will post their stats like I did tarus. Hope this is ok)

[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]I love star craft :)

Same here, my username is flash, what is yours?
I don't personally have star craft 2 yet I'm waiting till I get a better computer so I can fully enjoy the game at its best lol
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]I don't personally have star craft 2 yet I'm waiting till I get a better computer so I can fully enjoy the game at its best lol

I have it and the expansion pack Heart of the Swarm. I got bored with it so Ill give u my username and password if u want...
Naw it's ok but thanks for the offer though by the way which is your favorite faction? Mine is zerg
Awesome :) what's your favorite unite? Mines hydra list but in heart of the swarm it be zero links with the quick spawn and three in each one egg
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]Awesome :) what's your favorite unite? Mines hydra list but in heart of the swarm it be zero links with the quick spawn and three in each one egg

I perfer the zergling IT IS THE BEST UNIT. You just have to know how to use it
Name: The Corruption

Average Life-span: Unknown

Appearance: Any Appearance. The corruption assimilates with the beings and turns them into nightmarish creatures. For example, here is a fallen human colony.

Attributes: They abosrb DNA to spread their imfluence. They have the ability to combine both organic matter and inanimate objects.

Personality: Many of the creatures are controlled by "The fallen one" A powerful psionic entity.

Leader: "The fallen one".

Energy Source: The corrpution fills the object with a organic tissue, which creates the hive. It gives nutrients to them.

Galactic Travel: If the Fallen One desires for travel, he opens a wormhole for his fellow comrades. Doing this is very difficult.

Goal: To infest all lifeforms.
Oh, we can have multiple empires? *Facepalm* I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS! :D And don't worry, I won't have them work together and gank everyone. They're faaarrrr away.

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