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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

Emily suncked down a bit in her seat knowing she might had been one of the students that had caused the change with her past outbursts of transfigureing creatures. Though a lot of the students were quite excited and curious about the change and new Professor.
"Alright everyone." Ron said. "Now. I'll only be here for a bit. Today we're working on turning animals to goblets." He said. "Don't bother getting any animals from the cages. I'll conjure you guys some birds to use."
"Alright everyone." Ron said. "Now. I'll only be here for a bit. Today we're working on turning animals to goblets." He said. "Don't bother getting any animals from the cages. I'll conjure you guys some birds to use."
Hearing about turning animals into goblets Emily bit her lip not looking forward to the lesson. However her demeanor changed when the birds they would be using were going to be conjure instead.
Hearing about turning animals into goblets Emily bit her lip not looking forward to the lesson. However her demeanor changed when the birds they would be using were going to be conjure instead.
"Avis." Ron waved yis wand and a flock of birds flew out of the tip of it. One landed in front of each student
"Avis." Ron waved yis wand and a flock of birds flew out of the tip of it. One landed in front of each student
Emily watched the birds fly around. Her gaze going down to her own bird infront of her. "Hi..." she found herself saying and she reached out her finger to boop the birds beak.
Emily watched the birds fly around. Her gaze going down to her own bird infront of her. "Hi..." she found herself saying and she reached out her finger to boop the birds beak.
It just stood waiting to fulfill a purpose
Emily let out a breath as she sat up in her seat. Looking away from the nonrespnsive bird towards the front of the class.
Ron looked at them all. "Alright open your books page 38. The Incantation is Vera Verto." He said tapping his bird with his wand and turning it into a water goblet
Ron looked at them all. "Alright open your books page 38. The Incantation is Vera Verto." He said tapping his bird with his wand and turning it into a water goblet
Emily did as they were instructed. Watching Ron cast the spell before turning to her book to read over the section before trying it out herself.
Emily did as they were instructed. Watching Ron cast the spell before turning to her book to read over the section before trying it out herself.
Fpr her it went perfectly. The conjured bird turned into a perfect water goblet. Earl took out his wand and tapped in. "Vera Verto." He said

The bird turned into a cup. Almost. The base of the cup was still a leg and the cup itself still has feathers. "Oh come on!"
Fpr her it went perfectly. The conjured bird turned into a perfect water goblet. Earl took out his wand and tapped in. "Vera Verto." He said

The bird turned into a cup. Almost. The base of the cup was still a leg and the cup itself still has feathers. "Oh come on!"
After reading and noting it all in her head Emily moved her hair behind her ear before picking up her wand. Taking a breath she looked at the bird holding out wand to it. She tapped the bird three times with their wand, and then point her wand to the bird "Vera Verto." She saw it turning into a perfect water goblet. This caused Emily to smile around of herself.

"Oh that's teriffying...." she whispered seeing what Earl's bird had become. "I believe your wand movement was to forcefully.." she stated knowing he would try once more.
After reading and noting it all in her head Emily moved her hair behind her ear before picking up her wand. Taking a breath she looked at the bird holding out wand to it. She tapped the bird three times with their wand, and then point her wand to the bird "Vera Verto." She saw it turning into a perfect water goblet. This caused Emily to smile around of herself.

"Oh that's teriffying...." she whispered seeing what Earl's bird had become. "I believe your wand movement was to forcefully.." she stated knowing he would try once more.
"Nice." Ro. Said in a approving tone. "Ten points for Slytherin."

Earl said and tried again with softer wand movement. "Vera Verto." He said. This time the spell worked. "Not bad." Ron said. "Better than I did on my second try. Course I was working with a busted wand. Still good on you mate. Five points for Hufflepuff."
"Nice." Ro. Said in a approving tone. "Ten points for Slytherin."

Earl said and tried again with softer wand movement. "Vera Verto." He said. This time the spell worked. "Not bad." Ron said. "Better than I did on my second try. Course I was working with a busted wand. Still good on you mate. Five points for Hufflepuff."
Emily gave Ron a nod at the approving tone feeling quite proud of herself, the addition on the point helping quite a bit.

She could not help but smile as it worked out for Earl as well. However now wondering what the professor could have possibly done when casting such a spell with a broken wand
Emily gave Ron a nod at the approving tone feeling quite proud of herself, the addition on the point helping quite a bit.

She could not help but smile as it worked out for Earl as well. However now wondering what the professor could have possibly done when casting such a spell with a broken wand
"Professor?" Earl raised his arm. This was new. Earl Almost never asked the teachers questions. He either asked Emily for help or managed on his own.
"Well it can't be fix.....can't it?..." a student commented

"Did you just keep the broken bits?..." Emily said outloud wondering if he kept it foe sedimental feelings.
"No I mean. Like. What happened when you tried with the broken wand?"
"...well Earl...not work of course....spells cast in a broken wand would indeed back fire on you.." Emily whispered to Earl
Rom chuckled. "Well not always. The rat I was keeping as a pet got turned almost like your bird the first time except I couldn't undo it. Don'r feel bad. He turned out to be a seriously dark wkzard.*
Rom chuckled. "Well not always. The rat I was keeping as a pet got turned almost like your bird the first time except I couldn't undo it. Don'r feel bad. He turned out to be a seriously dark wkzard.*
"Your pet rat was a person?! But worst a dark wizard?! That is so disturbing professor.." Emily commented squinting her face just imaging it
"Your pet rat was a person?! But worst a dark wizard?! That is so disturbing professor.." Emily commented squinting her face just imaging it
"Yeah imagine the fact that he slept in my bed." Ron said glumly
Earl leaned back in his chair. "A dark wizard being a rat is hilarious."
Emily looked over at Earl and shook her head "Earl how is that hilarious? It's horrable and being a rat would be a bit sneaky if you think about it....coukd go about his mischief with out being noticed..." she commented
Emily looked over at Earl and shook her head "Earl how is that hilarious? It's horrable and being a rat would be a bit sneaky if you think about it....coukd go about his mischief with out being noticed..." she commented
He looks at Emily. "You need to read more story books."

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