Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Kenta smiled a little, kissing Death's forehead. "Hey.." he murmured. "Just to cheer him up, you and Damon take Yuro somewhere. Go to the mall, whatever. Just make him happy. Please..?" his smile wavered. "I would try to settle things with Daisuke, but it might turn into another fight.."
Death put his hand on Kenta's cheek and smiled, "Thank you for trying.. and yea Damon will probably be happy about getting out of this house for a while." Then he laughed and kissed Kenta's nose and said, "We'll be back later m'kay."

Yuro had quite crying but a small whimper was still lodged in his throat.
Kenta chuckled a little. "M'kay." he gave Death another kiss. "I'll be waiting for you when you get back~" he smirked.

Dai got his shirt and wiped the blood off of Yuro and himself. "Hey." his kissed Yuro's forehead and picked him up. "You know you're the best brother anyone could have, right?" he wiped his eyes and smiled.
Kenta took a deep breath and sighed.

Dai nodded walking towards the door. He stopped infront of Death, expecting to get yelled at.
Death smiled and softly kissed him on the cheek, "Kenta want's to talk to you... Please.. No fights." Then he walked into the room and smiled at Yuro, "Come on, Me, you, and Damon are going on a field trip to the mall~"

Yuro's ears pricked and he smiled brightly, "The mall!? YAY!~"
ooc//XD huge mood change

bic//Dai nodded and blured into the kitchen and back to Death in almost an instant. "Put this on his neck." he held up a large band-aid.
Death nodded and took the band-aid and put it on Yuro's neck and smiled.

Yuro looked at Dai then back at Death, "Why can't Dai-Sama come?"
Death nodded, "Of course, Dear." Then he smiled.

Yuro's fluffy tail wagged and his ears were pricked and was doing a little happy dance.
Dai walked over to Kenta and Death's bedroom door and knocked, not waiting for an answer before he stepped into the room.

Damon pouted. "They're always fighting or arguing when I come over." he mumbled, then giggled a little and added. "It is kinda hot to watch two guys fighting though..." he walked up behind Yuro and rested his chin on his head.
Yuro giggled and he looked up at Damon and winked, "Ya know it!~ But I don't like its family.. But oh well they'll work out their diffrences."

Death chuckled and said, "Nicely said Yuro, Now lets get out of this tetestrone filled house."
Damon nodded. "I agree~" he smiled, rubbing Yuro's head. "Skittles!" he called the fox and it ran up to him, then jumped into his arms.
Yuro giggled and skipped out of the house and to the car with Death walking after him. Sunlight shone down on them and sparked their features and Yuro groaned, "It's hot today.."
Yuro jumped and squeaked and pressed his hand to his chest and groaned, "You scared me!!" and when he recovered he stood up and said, "What did you talk about?"

Death chuckled and rolled his eyes.
ooc//I have to go to dance class in a few TTnTT

bic//Dai shrugged. "Stuff." he held a hand up to block out the sun. "I hate the sun.."
Yuro pulled his sunglasses off the waistband of his pants and gave them to him, "Herez."

Death blinked and shrugged as he unlocked the car.

ooc//I'm back.

Yeah... On tuesdays I have dance. -_-

bic//Daisuke rubbed Yuro's head and put them on. "I can drive if you guys want."
Death smiled, nodded, and slid into the passangers seat.

Yuro jumped in the back behind the drivers seat and was making 'vroom vroom' noises.

ooc// it's ok :) I haven't been able to get on at all *ugh*
Damon sat beside Yuro. "You're such a little kid." he giggled. Daisuke got in, twirlling the keys on his finger.

ooc//Sorry i haven't been on. ;m; I've been on the road all day.
Yuro smirked, "That's what I wan't people to think." Then he smirked machiviously and chuckled.

Death did his seat belt and rolled his eyes playfully

ooc// I haven't ben able to get back on
ooc//It's okay. :3

bic//Damon smirked and put on his seatbelt. "If you're a little kid then I'll help you with your seatbelt~" he made a fussy face.

Dai really didn't care about his seatbelt and started the car, the annoying dingy thing going off. (lol, idk what it's called)

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