Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

ooc// oh yay xD

bic// Death ran his hand over the fox in his lap and he said, "In his room with Dai."

Yuro pressed Dai's head deeper into his neck and he held back the moan trying to claw its way out of his throat.

bic//Damon pouted. "He needs to come out of there and see meee." Kenta stood up and stretched. "I can go get him."

Dai groaned and swallowed another mouthfull.
ooc//Hehehe. He's gonna flip the hell out when he sees Dai drinking from his precious baby~

bic//Dai pulled his head up to take a few breaths, blood dripping from his lips and onto Yuro's chest.

Kenta was walking down the hallway when the sharp smell of blood hit him. He stopped for a view seconds before he realized what was happening.
ooc// lol poor Dai!!

bic// Yuro slightly panted and opened his eyes, the golden irises sparking and a little bit of sweat plastered his forehead. Slowly he moved his eyes up to Dai and whispered, "You should have told me you were hungry.." Then he softly guided Dai back to his neck and whispered, "Take as much as you need."

ooc//... Yuro is drunk.. yet he's so smart.. WTF!!?? Magic lol
ooc//lol, idk xD

bic//Dai contenued feeding, not expecting the blow he was about to take.

Kenta burst in and knocked him off of Yuro. (and the fight begins~)
Yuro's eyes went wide and he scrambled onto his feet and he squeaked, "K-Kenta!"

Death heard the burst and his ears pricked and he looked at the hall, "That dosen't sound to good.."
Yuro ran inbetween them and squeaked, "Stop it!" His eyes sparking and he held his hands to both of their chests and looked between them. (more like their stomachs considering how small he is xD )

Death sighed and picked the small fox and set it on the couch where was sitting and walked down the hall to Yuro and Dai's room and instantly got slammed by the smell of blood and he ran into the room and looked at the scene. Dai's lips coated in blood, Yuro's neck bleeding from to small punctures on the neck, and Kenta seriously mad.
Dai growled and Kenta' fangs unsheathed. "Yuro, move out of the way.." Kenta said, trying to soften his voice.

Damon came up beside Death, watching with wide eyes.
Yuro stiffened and looked up at Kenta, "No.. You shouldn't treat Dai like he's nothing but a punching back! It's unfair!" Tears started falling down his cheeks and he sniffled, "I-Its so mean..." Then he looked at Dai and more tears fell. The grey furred tail was dropping when it was usually wagging playfully and his ears were pressed to the golden wheat of hair and was slightly shaking.

Death's gold eyes widened when Yuro told Kenta no and screamed at him. Yuro never screamed at Kenta..
Dai looked from Yuro to Kenta, blood dripping from his lips and chin. Kenta glared at Dai, then looked down at Yuro. "I'm sorry, Yuro... But I won't allow him to feed from you." he looked angry, but there was the slightest look of dispair in his eyes.
Yuro hissed through the tears, "I don't give a ****! I made the decision!" (O,O omg.. he cussed O.o lol) The gold in his eyes sparkled from tears and he turned and hugged Dai and whispered I'm sorry over and over again and making whimpering noises. Salty tears rolling down his cheeks and plumiting to the floor.
(oAo lol) Kenta was silent. He gave Dai one last look before he turned and walked out of the room, then into his and Death's bedroom. Dai looked away, still tense.
Yuro rubbed his eyes and sunk to the floor and wrapped his arms around his knees and put his forehead to his knees and let out the most sadening sound he has ever made in his life. The sound of a heart breaking.

Death whimpered and left the room and into his bedroom and walked over to Kenta, the sound echoing in his ears as he softly kissed Kenta's cheek.
Dai lowered onto his knees, wrapping his arms around Yuro.

Kenta ran his fingers through his brown hair. "When I see Daisuke and Yuro together.." he murmured. "..I see Sky and you together."
Yuro sniffled and shook and he aloud himself to lean into Dai.

Death sat on the bed and looked up at Kenta, "Me and Sky are over with Kenta... I will do everything to prove that... and as we noticed it makes Yuro upset when you beat on Dai because I was a slut and had Sky's kid.." Then he took Kenta's other hand and whispered, "I love you Kenta.. and you need to get over the stuff Sky did to us, cause everything is in the past and now its just us." Then he softly smiled.
Kenta didn't look up, not wanting Death to see him crying. "Don't call yourself a slut he forced it on you.. And it's my fault because I didn't man up enough and do something about it.

ooc//I think we're being stalked. O.o
ooc// O.o who we being stalked by?

bic// Death stood up and said, "You did do something about it..." Then he pushed Kenta's hair out of the way and softly kissed his nose, "It's gonna be ok Kenta.."
ooc//Idk, but down in the thread info it says there's three people browsing the thread. Me you, and a guest... O.o

bic//Kenta wrapped his arms around Death's waist and burried his face in his chest. "If we had never met and Sky kept you, would you have fallen in love with him?"
ooc// O.o hmm interestingggg

bic// Death softly rubbed Kenta's back and whispered, "Never.. You are my one true love Kenta.. If you wern't I wouldn't have stayed to see how the kids wen't, or I would have left when things got tough.. But I stayed right here with you~"
ooc//....Hello creeper. o3o

bic//Kenta inhaled and exhaled deeply, then looked up at Death. Blood tears rolling down his cheeks. (In a book series about vampires and weres and other stuff vampires cry blood and I thought that's kinda cool. xD )

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