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Graded [Frontier] (Highgrove/Caelia Barony) Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer

Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest.


The group was able to gather up some of the glowing rocks, as they'd realise they felt slightly warm to the touch. Perhaps an effect of the enchantments going through them in order to use them for mine-lights.



With the group forgiving Asuka for not wanting to go further down, she was quick to give them a polite bow. “Thank you, I'll be sure to keep watch and if none of you is back before nightfall, I'll go alarm the guild.” She promised, before heading back up to the outside.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Take... centre?” She asked, confused by Thane's words. She was more likely to Rush B.



“It means walking in the middle of the group.” The fox explained to her.

Although the group had decided to stick together, they didn't get far before seeing the mine split into even more tunnels. The fox headed out a bit further, before calling back. “I think there's another path up there, whilst the other bit just loops back around!” He called out.

Amice, meanwhile, was looking around rather curiously. “Hey, does anyone know why people went here? It's all dark and cold and boring here. What would they want here?” It seemed like this might be her first time in a mine, or perhaps underground in general.

That said, the group now effectively had four different paths to choose from. “Although I get why nobody would want to split up, if this mine keeps branching out like this, we might be here for a long time if we don't. I don't think any of us have goblin-tracking skills either, as I have to admit I don't have the sharp type of nose that my [beast] counterparts are known for.”

Amice, however, did have some ideas. “Oh, perhaps miss Phoebe can do it with magic!” It wasn't entirely clear what 'it' was and Amice didn't seem to realise as much, but she did recall another thing. “Oh, oh, and perhaps while we look, can you teach me how to use the Cat Tail List? Miss Legendary Craftswoman said I could do a lot of magic, but I don't know how, because I never did it before!” She turned to Aqua and smiled. “Do you want to learn or teach magic as well?” It seemed like the tiny girl was trying to form some friendship between the trio bright haired girls.

She looked at Flare and Thane again, both still sort-off intimidating. “I wonder who does the better faire magic, Flare or Tahmuras.” She pondered aloud, before coming up with another question, as she turned around to John to ask it. “Say, do you think mister Thane is a s... schoooler? School?” She seemed to be trying to figure out the common word 'scholar' right there. “He uses a lot of smart-people words that I don't know in Common.”

Aqua looked at the oil flask Thane handed her. She could imagine a simple oil lamp and with some spare metal and time, she might be able to craft a container for it, but it would need a wick to work, which she didn't have. She handed the oil back to Thane and shook her head.

"I-I'm sorry. I can only transmute simple homogenous substance. I think for extra light it's better to make torch with it."

As the group explored the mine and discovered even more branched paths inside, Aqua can only groaned as they might really need to split up if they want to finish the job within a reasonable time. Since there's 7 people here, it would be a 4/3 split, or 3/2/2 split if they want to do it faster. She wasn't sure which would be better though so she said nothing on the matter. She was caught off guard when Amice suddenly asked if she want to join in learning or teaching magic.

"M-me? Teaching magic? I-I think Miss, I mean, Phoebe will be more qualified for that." She glanced at the other mage.​
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , Elvario Elvario , Elijay Elijay , Develius Develius , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | [Terran]

As the group ventured down the path Flare suggested, Amice asked a question on what kind of place they were at. "People used to get silver from these caves, but all the silver ran out. It must have been a long time ago, looking at the state of this place." Phoebe's eyes scanned their surroundings as the group made their way through the cave.

The conversation then shifted to the topic of teaching magic. "I've still got a ways to go myself, compared to some of the other mages out there. But I would be happy to teach you how to use a catalyst, Amice." She gave a smile to the dwarf before turning to Aqua. "My offer from earlier still stands, Aqua. Just let me know, 'kay?"

"By the way,"
Once more she directed her attention back to Amice "what did you mean by 'it?'" She tilted her head a bit, calling back to the dwarf's previous statement about her being able to some unspecified 'it' thing. "Like tracking goblins? I don't think I... Oh!" Phoebe's face suddenly lit up as if she just remembered something before she started digging through her bag. "There's a goblin shaman somewhere in these caves, right? Then perhaps we could use this to help find it?" From her bag, she produced an amulet containing the eye of a Frost Basilisk (Frost Basilisk Amulet F). "I had bought this when I was back up in the Northern Kingdom. It can identify what race residual mana belongs to by glowing a certain color and the intensity of the glow indicates how strong the residual mana is. Maybe we could use this to find where the shaman is by following the intensity of the glow?"

Item Mentioned:
  • Frost Basilisk Eye Amulet F
    • An amulet containing the eye of a Frost Basilisk which can be used to identify what race tree nearby residual mana originates from by changing color (Will be treated as an F grade ability to use).

When Thane suggested John to take the rear, the boy sulked. The rear was so boring, he wanted to be at the front engaging enemies! Oh well, this wasn’t really the time for complaining, and at least Thane trusted him enough to watch their backs. Besides, this would be a good time to kick back and relax after all that’s happened so far. That was when Amice asked why people would even come here in the first place, with Phoebe answering her properly. John on the other hand, felt like teasing Amice.

“Come on Phoebe, you should tell her the truth. People came here to throw a party of course! I mean it’s so dark and cold, just the perfect place for a party! What's there not to love about this place!” He joked sarcastically. Next up, Amice would ask John about Thane, although John didn’t really know the knight that well himself.

“Hmmm, maybe they teach advanced Common in whatever cult he's in. What was it called again, the blessed cult of hammers? Or was it axes? I just remember it had a weird name."


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

Flare lead the way into the darkness, acting as the party's spotlight as they seemed to enter a larger cavernous section. Nothing of value caught their eye yet, but they'd certainly keep looking in the meantime. They'd note two additional tunnels that opened up before them, piking the fire elemental's interest. Now they had four options of heading forth; two to their left and two to the upper-right. So many choices but so little time. Tahmuras would make their current predicament clear, suggesting they split up to ensure they cover the most ground despite recognizing why they ought to stick together.

"True, but the moment we split up," Flare replied with a slight sternness in their tone, "We become, like, more vulnerable. I hear goblins are... sneaky fellas. There's a saying I remember reading somewhere, uh... what was it... 'Divide and Conquer' or something like that." Still, they understood what the fox was trying to state.

Hearing Amice compare Flare to Tahmuas prompted them to cock their head back, "Well that's kinda unfair." the fire elemental replied, "That's like comparing a firestorm to a candle light." They then proceeded to flex their OVEN suit's metallic joints, especially towards Tahmuras. "Clearly a fire ELEMENTAL is the more potent one." they stated somewhat boastfully, half-meaning it but half-not, "I mean, look at me! I'm in this suit just so I don't burn up this whole place." Even though they clearly had much to learn, a small retort at the smug canine wouldn't hurt.

Their attention would be brought upon Phoebe's special amulet, which she claimed that she could track the magical essence and have them follow right towards the goblin Shaman. The suit of armor nodded approvingly, "Worth a shot." they replied positively, "Which ever entrance gives the strongest signal, we'd follow through with it."

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane nodded at Aqua as he stowed his flask. "Alright then." Arriving at another branching path, he tapped his foot as the group was once again forced to decide. "What did I expect... it's a cave." He murmured as he set his gaze at the group once again. "As much as I dread splitting the group, Tahmuras is right." He sighed. "Though I'd hope to only split into two, since we exactly don't have the manpower for an extensive search."

Overhearing Amice's question, he replied without looking as he continued pondering. "Scholar." He corrected first. "And no, I am not saying big words. Your comprehension in common is still lacking, so it would seem that way." He paused and looked Amice. "Not that your comprehension is bad in anyway." He glanced away. "I think." His gaze landed on John. "And I am from the Holy Order of the Axe. Supposed to be a cleric, but it's more apt to call me an inquisitor." His tone was even. "Do be aware, because you might one day meet me if you commit a crime."

Once Phoebe took out the amulet, Thane's eyes shone with interest. "A sort of identification device, I see." He nodded to himself. "With this, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out where the shaman would be. If only the goblin shaman is capable of magic, then the amulet will basically lead us to it." He tapped his chin again. "Well, we could at least try." He shrugged. "Flare is right that goblins are sneaky little bastards. The tree from before basically confirmed it. Be on the look out, especially if we find the path with the strongest mana residue. They might've set up another trap." He warned, before readying his great axe. "Also, a word of caution." He looked at Tahmuras and Flare. "Refrain from excessive fire. This is a cave, and fire can lead to... slow but disastrous results." He looked at Flare. "Pardon me if this is rude, but I hope your form does not need air to maintain."


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Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Amice looked up from Aqua to up to Phoebe. Then again, she looked 'up' a lot in general. “Then miss Phoebe can teach us both!” She'd conclude after hearing Aqua's answer.

Amice nodded upon Phoebe's explanation, but instantly had another question. “What is silver and why do people want it so badly they'd go dig for it?”

Upon being questioned what 'it' she meant, she had to think back on what she even said. “Well, you know, finding the evil goblins!” She stated, upon recalling their quest. It turned out Phoebe could! Or well...

As Phoebe attempted to use the amulet, it wouldn't work. Those very same stones that were lighting most of the mines were also using just enough mana for the amulet to pick up the residual mana from those first and foremost. They'd likely have to be much closer to the origin of another source's residual mana to make the amulet work. That said, it did pick up on something. There was a slightly stronger 'mana' sense in the direction of '1', a slightly stronger mana sense in a direction vaguely between 2 and 3 and finally a slightly stronger mana sense in the direction of '4'. Despite it not being able to figure out what it was from, it did seem to indicate three spots of heightened mana activity in either past or present.

Amice didn't question John's words as much as once. “A party? Do Humans like parties underground? Are they like {Dwarves} and {Mole} People? Is that why they like the dark and cold? Do you also like it here?” She pretty much buried him in questions, now that he'd caught her interest. She wasn't able to name Dwarves or 'Mole' in Common though, so she'd switched back to Sylvan for those two words.



Upon hearing Flare reply to Amice, the fox was the one to react. “Are you sure? I could've sworn you had that fancy suit so your tiny candlelight wouldn't be blown out on accident~” He reacted with a smug smile.

That said, he did get a bit more serious. “If we do decide to split up, I'd agree that we'd have to be careful about it.” He admitted, not really liking either option, but realising they'd probably have to make a choice at some point.

Thane explained himself before Amice could continue asking questions based on what John had told her. “What is a scholar?” She instantly asked. “My... com... pre... mention?” She puffed up her cheeks. This man was using big words on purpose, wasn't he? How mean.
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Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

Tahmuras's remark was enough to have the hulking suit of armor flinch mid-stride. Oh, Flare had enough of this smug mutt. It wasn't enough for them to punch him (god forbid they'd emotionally regret it later), but it was clear that the fire fox's words were striking a few nerves. Their armored hand tightened into a fist, as Flare turned their head towards the fox; flames pulsating from their grated helmet. "Watch yourself bud." they stated more intently, pointing a stern finger at him before mumbling, "Less you wanna be put on a leash." Thane would intervene to break up the fiery tensions, allowing Thane to sigh and regain her cool.

They were getting nowhere with this.

That being said, Thane did propose a pretty good question. "Not really," they said casually, knocking on their armor, "The OVEN is designed to be mostly self-sustaining; Auto-circulating my essence throughout the suit and protects it from foreign elements. Like it has a core and everything; it can go for a pretty long while. It can still deplete, but eventually regain energy over some time... though feed it any flammable material - like wood, coal, or oil - and it'll be enough to give me a boost. It's when I'm outside the suit when my time is limited... and frankly more vulnerable. So long as I stay in here, the flames will keep roaring." At least this is what Fraust assured them. They trusted him of course, but they now just have to see how much they can handle for sure.

Meanwhile, Phoebe's amulet was picking up some energy readings from at least three of the four pathways. And they were all coming "up" the cave system. So many choices, not enough time or man power. Flare had to face the circumstance at hand, even if they didn't like it. Like the fox said... they would have to be careful. "Hate to admit it," they stated, looking at all seven individuals, "But perhaps splitting up is the way to go. I don't like it myself but we should be careful. I guess we split up in like what, two groups?" Got they hated odd numbers. They waited for others to agree or disagree, as well as which person to follow and lead if they so decided to split up. Flare then points to Paths #2 and #3. "That way we split into these two tunnels?"
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , Elvario Elvario , Elijay Elijay , Develius Develius , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | [Terran]

After a few minutes of walking around and checking the pathways with her amulet, she let out a bit of a sigh as she returned to the group. For most of the pathways, it seemed like there was some sort of mana presence down them. "Well, it was worth a shot..." Phoebe said, a little dismayed. "Mana signals down that far path we saw when we entered (4) and the one by Thane (1). Although..." She pondered the amulet's results for a bit. "There was a mana signal as strong as those seemingly between those 2 paths," She pointed at '2' and '3' as she continued voicing her thoughts out loud. "Now why would that be... perhaps there's a pretty strong magical source in that general direction?"

As she finished her speculation on the amulet's results, she turned her attention back to the group, giving a bit of an awkward chuckle to John's joke. "Not exactly my ideal place for a party." She then turned to Amice to answer her question about silver. "It's a pretty valuable metal. There is a lot of money to be made with silver."

As Tahmuras and Flare suggested splitting up, Phoebe nodded along. "Yea... as much as I would want to stick together, with the options we have now we'll be able to cover more ground as we split up." She turned to Flare. "I do think 2 groups is the way to go, too. That wouldn't leave either group too vulnerable and easy to pick off while still being able to cover more ground, if we do a 4 and 3 split. Since there's a mana trace coming vaguely between those 2 tunnels, I also think it would be a safe bet to head down those 2, as well." Phoebe took a pause and looked around at the group. "Maybe you could be in the smaller group, Flare? You did fare well with that explosion earlier. As for me... I could be in the larger group to provide ranged magic support."

Upon hearing Thane response, John would raise a question himself. “Yeah about that… do you guys worship an axe or something?” That was when Thane would give John a stern warning not to commit any crimes. “Hey come on now, do I really look like a criminal to you?” He whined.

When Amice bombarded John with questions, he’d reply, “oh, I was just being sarcastic, pay me no mind.” Hmmm, she probably wouldn’t know what sarcastic means though… Oh well! Thane was using hard words on purpose himself, so why couldn’t he? And it was kinda fun seeing her get all mad too.

John was looking forward to a fight between Flare and Tahmuras as a storm seemed to be brewing between the two. Unfortunately, Flare would seem to cool themself down and maintain their calm. The village boy really wanted to see more of their skills if possible, but it seemed like now wasn’t the right time for it.

As Phoebe shared her findings with the group, John nodded his head attentively. “Could be that those 2 paths are connected.” He pointed to paths 2 and 3. “If that’s the case, then going down those paths might be the safer option as we are able to attack the enemies from both sides. However, if we want to cover more ground then we ought to just send 1 group down one of those 2 paths. As far as team formation goes, I should be able to fight some of those goblins at the front I guess."

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane scratched his head as he saw Amice puff up her cheeks. "Um, I mean 'understanding'." He corrected himself, hoping that she knows it more than "comprehension". "And for scholars, they are people who are knowledgeable-" He caught himself from using too much vocabulary again. "I mean, they know lots and lots of... things." He raised his gaze upwards to think about it for a bit. "Those people are the ones with big words. Even I can't keep up with their talks sometimes." He shook his head.

He listened to Flare's explanation of their inner workings and nodded. "Then that is most favorable." He pat their shoulder. "We won't have to worry then." He breathed a sigh of relief.

He then looked at John after he asked the question of his worship. "We worship Miralis, the God of Law." His answer was strangely reverent, though that could be expected from a cleric. "Our order follows the will of his axe." He nudged the great axe on him. He then looked at him evenly as John asked his last question at him. "It was a jest." A bland, dry dismissal came out from his mouth.

After receiving the result with the amulet, he sighed. "Well, that's that. A split it is. Taking in everyone else's suggestions..." He pointed at Flare, Amice, and Tahmuras. "You three should take the path there." He pointed at path #3. He figured that Amice would most probably want to be with someone familiar, which was Tahmuras. With how Flare was built, they were a good fit as a guardian for the group. "Phoebe, Aqua, John and I will take this." He then pointed at path #2. With Aqua's help, John could take in a more frontal role and soak in attacks. Though his attitude was a bit concerning, he has already proved himself reliable. This time, Thane would take the rear, with Phoebe and Aqua taking the center like earlier. "John takes point, I take rear."


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest.




Tahmuras eyed Flare upon being told to watch himself, but figured it was best not to escalate and kept quiet afterwards. They still had some goblins to fry, after all, so it'd be best not to bicker too much prior to that.

Even so, there were some things that he thought peculiar. “If it's circulating your essence, would that mean you're partially a construct?” As with most Fae, he wasn't fond of Constructs. The unnatural bindings of spirit/essence felt 'wrong' to him.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

Phoebe was quick to spark a follow-up question from Amice. “Why is silver value-able? What do people use it for?” She was glad to learn so much during this outing and happy to keep asking about new things with child-like curiosity.

John's remark also got an immediate answer. “What is sarck-ass-stick?” That was really confusing. “Why does being sarck-ass-stick mean you don't have to answer questions?”

Finally, Thane was actually giving her some explanations she understood, which prompted a smile from her. “Okay! So scholars know lots of things and use even bigger words than yours!” She felt like she'd learned a lot already. Perhaps she could eventually become a scholar as well!

With Thane eventually wrapping up the plan, the two groups would set off. (Let me know if your character would decide against it and we can still retcon a bit if needed, just figured I'd keep things rolling on the assumption all would agree for now.)

The group with John leading would pass a way that'd seem to circle back down to the (former) path #1. However, it did seem like there was a small side-path down that was as well, from where they might be able to hear the sounds of something moving about. It didn't seem humanoid, but what it did sound like was something they'd not be able to instantly (without appropriate skills) figure out. Phoebe would notice the amulet was now pointing both directly north of her as well as south-east.
To the northwest of them was a passage that seemed like it might circle back around to where the other group would arrive at. The former sense from the direction of #4 was now too weak to be picked up by it.

Meanwhile, the group with flare and Thamuras wouldn't get very far. There was a narrow passage (3) that the OVEN suit definitely wouldn't fit through. Even Thamuras would struggle, as perhaps only Amice might fit. To the west of them was another passage, also a bit smaller, but one that the OVEN suit might at least fit through with some careful manoeuvring. That said, they would be able to hear some voices from the other side of the narrow gap. “Hurry, hurry, before the ritual, hurry, hurry!” They could hear the voice of what was likely a goblinoid call out, as the sound was followed by the sounds of moving feet.

As Amice had raised yet another question, John felt like this could go on forever and was starting to get a headache. “Okay, let me put it simply. Sarcastic is like not meaning what I say in what I say. So it’s kinda like irony. Simple, right?” Thane’s dry dismissal would be met with a frown from John. “Haha, very funny.” John said. Following that, the cleric would also recommend John to take point in their group.

“Ehh?! You want me to take the front by myself?” John exclaimed with his mouth wide agape. No no no, why did he have to be the one to do it?! He wasn’t a knight clad in shining armor, that was Thane! Meanwhile he was a villager clad in almighty cloth! Although he wanted to protest, he decided not to in the end. After all, this did mean that Thane had recognized his awesome skills and prowess, and it was a good time to impress the girls too! In that case… “Ahem, I mean of course I’d take the front. There’s no way I’m afraid of a couple of mere goblins!” He flashed a sheepish grin at the others.

As they continued down the path with John in the lead, there was a side path with sounds coming from it. John would hold his breath the entire way as they passed by it, with his eyes warily darting about the darkness. “Come on stupid goblins, quit hiding and just show yourself already!” He thought to himself. “You got any leads so far?” He’d turn to ask Phoebe, who apparently had some useful sensing powers.
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , Elijay Elijay , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | [Terran]

It looks like Amice was full of questions today, not like Phoebe minded at all. The pursuit of knowledge is something Phoebe is always glad to help out with. "They use silver to make money." To further illustrate her point, she rummaged through her coin purse and pulled out a single silver Ryke. "Just like this, see? A silver Ryke coin is enough to buy a meal in most cases." With her little demonstration done, she stashed the coin back in her purse and her purse back in her bag.

As the group split up, she took place alongside Aqua in the center of the group that just so happened to made up of all 4 humans in the party. As they walked along the path, Phoebe kept an eye on the Frost Basilisk Eye's glow as she kept moving its gaze along the walls of the cave as they went on. Phoebe jumped a bit as they heard a sound coming from the path to their left. When John asked for what kind of leads she had with the amulet, Phoebe took the time to direct the amulet's gaze all around her. "It looks like there's a mana signal coming from down there and to the... left it looks like, from where we just came from." She said pointing down the path to the group's left. "It doesn't seem like there's a mana signal coming from that side path there either." She pointed to Path 1 as she said that.

"And then..." She directed the amulet's gaze towards the wall on her right. "There's a mana signal coming from that direction, through this wall apparently. If we follow the path around the corner (2), we're likely to come across the source of this particular signal." Phoebe reported to the group. "Still peculiar how this signal is detectable through a wall though... must be a relatively strong source of mana. It could be the shaman or some other ritual trap, like what we saw in the woods. It seems like the amulet is having trouble picking up on the source type for some reason, otherwise it'd be easier to tell which one is more likely... Probably interference from the light stones, if I had to guess."

Following the suggested split up, Aqua carefully traverse through the mine with the 4-man group. Phoebe's amulet would point towards a few point of interest, Aqua was curious about the one that was just south of them. It was a small hole with some strange noise from.

"S-should we check this one?" She suggested, they split the group so they an cover more grounds and the other signal seemed to come from somewhere near the other group. Aqua threw some glowing rocks into the hole to give them a better vision of what's in there​


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

When Tahmuras believed them to be partially a construct in nature, Flare was quick to elaborate a bit further. "Ok. Just to be clear," they stated bluntly, their hands crossed on their hips, "I'm not, like, soul-bounded, cursed, or 'built' into this suit or anything. I can get out of it if I really wanted to. Though... only for a few minutes until I begin feeling myself dissipating into the aether, so really I do so only if absolutely necessary. Basically until I can better control my elemental form, this suit pretty much acts as my 'life support' system too." Fraust was frankly much more versed in constructs than they were. They would probably have a better retort than they did. After all, he was the mastermind behind this very suit. Flare liked it of course, even with how clunky it was, but both of them knew what the ultimate end goal was. To allow Flare walk the world untethered and free without literally fizzing out in the process. It wouldn't be an easy road to achieve, though if other fire elementals could live without needing special equipment, so could they. It's certainly achievable. "Hope that answers your question."

Flare gave a thumbs up regarding Phoebe's suggestion; that they should be part of the smaller group given their durability and stature. "Wouldn't be opposed to that." the fire elemental agreed. It made sense anyways. Thane would be the one to suggest who split up with whom, putting flare with Amice and Tahmuras for the smaller group, while he, Phoebe, Aqua, and John make up the larger group. Flare found it mildly interesting how he seemed to split segregate the party down as essentially Team Humans and Team Fae. Not that they didn't see anything wrong with it, but it tickled them slightly at the coincidence. The team might've benefitted to their own, fire-producing, entity themselves, but perhaps they had that covered. After all, Thane did carry some flammable stuff on him as seen earlier.

And so they split.

While "Team Humans" went to the east, "Team Fae" would head in a northernly direction. Though they wouldn't get too far before they found the caverns beginning to get more cramped and cluttered. "Ugh," the armored elemental grunted discontentedly, "Is it me, or are these walls getting tighter?" A little ways ahead and they'd come across two ways forward. The one heading further north was obviously way too small for the Oven to fit into. "No way I'm fitting in there..." Even looked as if Tahmuras would have a difficult time fitting in there. Only Amice looked small enough to get through it. The path leading eastwards, however, looked as if they'd meet back with the others given the direction they were headed. That would simply be redundant.

But they could hear sounds coming from the smaller opening. Feet pattering on the stone floor mixed with warbled voices. One of these voice mentioned something about a ritual. "Well don't they sound... gobliny." Flare remarked quietly. No doubt these were the goblins they were sent to exterminate. They leaned down to the smallest member of their party "Hey, Amice." they whispered as they crouched to their level, "See if you can squeeze through and get a closer-" They then suddenly paused mid-sentence.

[Intelligence C] No. No that was a stupid idea.

No way was Flare going to let a child go into an unexplored room with confirmed sightings of goblins alone. What if they noticed her and grabbed her before she could come back? Tahmuras would eat them alive if that was the case; and their relationship was already strained enough as it was. And given their degree of [Empathy F] Flare assumed Amice wouldn't even want to go into the scary room in the first place. They just couldn't risk it.

"Actually... Nevermind." Flare stated as they rose back up to face the fire fox in question. "Remember that other pathway straight ahead by the entrance? " they asked, referring to Path #4, "How about we go through there instead? We should be well behind the goblins running by and maybe get the sneak on them."

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane listened to his group, rubbing his chin as he pondered. The amulet was giving them mixed signals, and it being unable to pick up the magic source accurately meant that something was brewing. This meant that depending on the situation, they might be pressed for time. A sense of urgency washed over Thane as he felt the need to make haste. "Right..." He exhaled as he ran his hand over his hair. Seeing Aqua throw out a stone into the south, his gaze shifted towards the others. "Our priority is the magic signal. We'll move north." He pointed at Path #2. "The sounds are worrying down south, but I'll keep an eye just in case something comes out." He nodded at everyone. "We need to keep this formation, and we should do our best that we don't get separated from the center." He readied his great axe, before clicking his tongue at the narrow path. It would seem he needed to be careful with swinging his weapon.

He then approached Phoebe. "Keep updating us on the mana signal. Tell us if there's any shift or movement." He looked at Aqua and John. "Be ready, both of you. If something comes at us from the front, you two are responsible for holding the line, at least at the start." With both of his hands on his axe and posture at the ready, he urged the others to move. True to his words, he watched over the path behind them.


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest.


Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Walls getting tighter?” Amice asked, as she stretch her hands to the sides, then tried to reach up. She couldn't reach any wall from the middle. “I don't think so?” She replied, after her flawless analysis.

Thus far, she'd been feeling sort-off useless, only being confused by things and having to ask questions. It was why she was eager when Flare gave them a mission of their own. “Got it!” She immediately replied, as she'd rushed past Flare and through the gap in the walls to check out the other side, glad to be able to be useful. That gladness didn't last when she'd actually gotten through.

“Look! Something came through!” “Grab it!” “Eat it!” “No!” “Bring to the ritual!” “Sacrifice!” Various goblin voices could be heard, as Flare could see a green hand getting a hold of Amice short after she'd gotten through.



“Amice!” The fox yelled out in shock, upon seeing the gnome slip through before he could stop her. Hearing the goblin voices made him even more worried. He tried to fit through to go after her, but upon realising he couldn't, he'd sprint back the way they came, hoping to go around. Flare, being considerable less mobile in the narrower tunnels, would be too slow to keep up.

If thing weren't bad enough, the goblins had heard Tahmuras' shocked response. “Intruders!” “Hurry! Warn Shaman!” “Hurry, to ritual!” They'd shout, as the sounds of moving feet could be heard from the other side.

Meanwhile, among team Human, Aqua managed to look into the southern path (#1) with the mana signal coming from it a bit more, but unless she'd go further, she'd not see what was making the noise in there. She did, however, hear a skittering of multiple chitin feet moving about short after she threw it. However, the group decided to go after the mana signal from the North, with Thane covering the rear. It seemed nothing was coming after them. For now, at least.

As they got further north, they'd spot Flare on the other side of the tunnel, but with a noticeable lack of Amice or Tahmuras. They'd also spot a long path northwards, with what seemed to be a path leading east branching off. The amulet would show an even stronger reaction from north(slightly)east of Phoebe, this time strong enough to even recognise some of it as goblinoid. The reaction it'd had to the south had faded due to the distance.


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

As Flare explained their next course of action to Tahmuras, Amice decided that she'd go in the hole anyways. It took them a hot second to process that statement, before realizing the situation. The elemental paused mid-sentence, their flaming core skipping a beat, quickly turning just to see the little girling crawl into the tunnel! "Wait, Amice!" they called out sternly, stomping forth in an attempt to halt her advance, "Don't go in-!" But it was too late. Amice made it to the other side and just as they feared, a knobby green hand yoinked the little girl into their clutches. They could already hear them arguing about what to do with her; all being vile and depraved. Flare's core sank.

"Shit!" they hissed, as pressurized steam began venting from the OVEN's openings. The fiery fox, understandably, was now in a state of pure mania. Before they knew it, Tahmuras was running straight for Path #4, leaving the hulking armored suit biting the dust. Oh this was bad. Very bad, no good, absolutely awful! They knew they had to tell the others, but neither were they going to leave the fox by their lonesome. They pushed their way through the left path, making their way towards the other group as they squeezed through the already tight walls and corridors. They'd stop just as they saw the light from the other party.

"THEY TOOK AMICE!" they roared out towards the other group, "The goblins! They took her! Fire Fox went after them; I'll be following in pursuit!" And with that, Flare booked it back to Path #4 as fast as their clanking, chittering armor could take them! This felt like it was all their fault and they'd ensure they'd make this right. No matter the odds!
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread , Elijay Elijay , Shatter Shard Shatter Shard , Develius Develius
Languages: Common | [Terran]

As the group walked around the corner, a feeling of concern started to grow within Phoebe as she heard some commotion coming from where the Fae group was. The sight of Flare standing alone without the other 2 was alarming. Before she was able to call out to the fire elemental to see what was going on, Flare themeselves beat her to the punch, with the exact words that she didn't want to hear.

"Shit!" The pinkette instinctively let out a curse as adrenaline started surging through her veins. She quickly checked the surrounding mana trace with her amulet. Its reaction was the brightest it has been since they had entered the abandoned mines. But more importantly, the color of the glow emitting from the Frost Basilisk Eye had finally changed to one that is associated with a race.

"There! This way!" Phoebe started making her way down the long cave, her worry for Amice's safety causing her to run off without waiting for the rest of the group. "The amulet's picked up a strong goblinoid signal ahead and a bit to the right back there! Hurry!" Phoebe called back out to the group before stopping for a bit at the crossroads between Path #2 and Path #5. "Umm... a little to the right back there so... here...?" Wand drawn, ready to cast a spell, she debated with herself out loud before making her way down Path #5. Time was of the essence now that the goblins took Amice!

Hearing the desperation and urgency in Flare’s voice, John couldn’t help but to worry for the little lady himself. “Let’s go!” He’d nod at the others, before following in Phoebe’s footsteps as she led them to the goblins using a separate path from Flare.

So much for being the one at the front… John thought. But it wasn’t as if he had any sensing capabilities like Phoebe did. And even if he was right behind her, it shouldn’t be too hard for him to fend off some goblins with his ranged punch, so it should be fine for her to take the lead here. Not to mention, the darkness was scary! Who knows how many goblins were swarming about here too? Poor Amice, she must be terrified being all alone captured by the vile goblins!

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Meeting the group made Than question the absence of Amice, and Tahmuras... His heart began to beat faster as he anticipated the breaking of an ill fate. "Flare, don't tell me-" But before he could let all of his words out, Flare yelled what he feared the most. Ringing echoed inside his ears as his grip on his axe tightened, and his pupils constricted. "Forward!" He yelled out to the rest of the group, though it seemed like he didn't need to after Phoebe and John took the initiative. "Aqua, keep your transmutation ability ready!" He ordered as he too began a mad dash, following closely behind Phoebe and John.

As soon as Phoebe called out the direction of the mana signal, he did not hesitate to swivel around in the crossing and headed straight into Path #5, heedless of any danger that might've awaited him. His footsteps echoed loudly as he dragged his greataxe to the place where he thinks Amice and Tahmuras would be.


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Elijay Elijay John – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.


As Flare ran after Tahmuras, they'd be able to catch up with the fox, as he was facing four goblin goons that'd ran down the path he arrived at.

Combat Rules are active
  • Remember to keep track of your Cooldowns.
  • Use three actions per post at most.
  • Basic attacks and/or defend actions, talking a lot (more than a few sentences), using abilities and similar stuff all take up an action.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions when/if needed.



“Out of the way!” He screamed at them, before shooting a [Fireball E] at the two goblin goons directly in front of him.

Fireball – Magic School [Fire] (Range, AoE, Duration, Targets) F , Selective F – Fires a ball of fire at enemies. - E grade – 1 Post Cooldown

Thamuras CD's
E 0/1


The goblins raised their shields in turn, ready to try block the fire somehow. The outcome of their defence would likely depend on if and how Flare would back-up the fox.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the cave, Phoebe rushed to show the way towards where the amulet was picking up strong goblinoid mana. However, as the group entered the room, they'd be greeted by an overwhelming scent of rot and see the room filled with bones and rotting flesh. It would soon be clear what they'd stumbled onto. These were goblins, sure, but they were also undead. The amulet was flaring up with a powerful sense of necromantic goblinoid mana, to be exact.

“The ritual... must... ritual... must... ritual... must... ritual... ritual... ritual...”

The moment a PC attacks, combat rules will be active
  • Remember to keep track of your Cooldowns.
  • Use three actions per post at most.
  • Basic attacks and/or defend actions, talking a lot (more than a few sentences), using abilities and similar stuff all take up an action.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions when/if needed.

They could soon hear the sounds of undead grumbling echo through the room, as four undead started to rise up from the piles of rotting corpses. As they were still getting up, it would give the group some precious time to figure out what they'd want to do next. Stay and fight? Run to find out where Amice was? Split up? Attack? Whichever option they'd pick, they'd likely have to choose quickly, before they'd loose the precious little amount of time they'd have before the undead had fully gotten out of the piles of corpses they were rising from.

Aqua was a shut-in in both her previous life and her current life. Her being in a cave had somewhat reminded her of her past barricaded room. Dark, dirty, narrow. She was lucky that she had been reborn as a human into a loving family. If she had been reborn as some other non-humanoid creature she would probably live like the goblins. Sneaking in the dark, scavenging for scraps and scheming some shady things...


Flare's sudden uproar echoed through the tunnel, immediately pulled Aqua out of her little contemplation. Even if she wasn't the one that got kidnapped by the goblin the thought of it still sent her mind into panicked state. Gripping her staff even harder, she tried to follow the group as Phoebe trying to lead them to something. However, Aqua felts her chest tighten and her breath become heavier. The subtle scent of rust in the air, the dim light and its surrounding darkness, the mysterious scuttling sound, the stale dusty air. She thought she was ready for some real adventure, yet in every moments there's real danger her old symptoms immediately reappeared. Aqua was too distracted with trying to calm herself that she missed the turn the other group was going and instead went straight to path (2).​


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Elijay Elijay |

Despite their heavy suit, Flare would find themselves running through the cavernous hallways at a respectful pace. Maybe it had to do with their longer legs or just the sheer ambition to chug through like a walking locomotive. Or both. Definitely both. Though when they finally reached Tahmuras, they'd be met with four goblins waiting for them at an intersection. Their stout posture, wrinkly long noses and jagged teeth seemed inhuman as they muttered amiss themselves in confusion, hunger, or glee. For some, this would be considered fearful competition, given they all wielded swords and shields.

But for the fiery harbingers, all they would see is fear... and dead goblins.

The fox wasted no time, screaming at them to move as he unleashed a fireball at the two goblins directly in front of them. Flare watched this unfold, as their expressionless helmet and flame concealed a wicked smile. Finally; time to properly let themselves loose. "Flame on." Their helmet flared brightly as it unleashed a [Flamethrower E] from their helmet against the nearest Goblin to the left. They planned to burn this sorry fella to a crisp, something which they'd throughly enjoy every second of it. Yet the goblins torrent of burning agony wouldn't stop there, as Flare stomped towards it and proceeded to kick it with a powerful metal boot into the goblin behind it!

  1. Flamethrower E - [Magic E, Range F, Continuing F] - +1 Cooldown - Flare fires a ray of fire from the OVEN suit's helmet, allowing them to hit a single target, up to 30 feet away.
  2. Move towards Front Left Goblin
  3. Kick Front Left Goblin into the Goblin behind it

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