from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

My office was so stuffy.. Ugh.. I decided to go for a little walk outside, afterall, I'd done woth all the order forms now.. I sat on a bench outside, thinking about wether to let nic see my doctor.. Yes. I should. So I picked up the phone and called him,

"Just wondering." I said, shrugging. We stayed in silence for a long few seconds before I finally just rested an elbow on the table and my cheek on my hand. ". . . Katie?" I asked, just to test her attention. "If all you saw was talking, why won't you look at me?"

I looked up at him with a tired sigh. "I'm tired and have been working all day. I want to get this paperwork over with." I gave him a smile then bent my head back down. I then remembered something, "Oh Nicolai, I was thinking of letting List go to some Rec times just so Crane doesn't feel so lost but yet still gets a sense of independence."


I let out a scream and through my pillow at the door.

"NO! I WON'T. I WANT TO BE NOR-" the words didnt come out. They were stuck in my throat.

I let the silence stretch a bit, then just smiled. "If you'll allow it, I would be grateful. Putting List on solitary times doesn't really do much to influence him, anyway. And Crane will benefit from having his brother around more." That wasn't a whole truth. Being away from Crane made List anxious, worried and tense, but it wouldn't stop him from protecting his brother again, so it was true enough.

The alarm sounded and I checked the room. Luna's room. Hmm.

"I'll take this call and you can go let Crane and list know." I said before hurrying off. I hurried down the hallway and unlocked her door. I nearly tripped on a pillow coming in. She on the other hand was curled up clutching her head. Her breathing short and rapid.

"Luna..." I said soothingly, kneeling down next to her and stroking her straight auburn hair.
((Why did we just split our nurses up to go and talk to patients that also belong to us? xD ))


I went and saw List first, because I knew Crane would probably be energetic and require company for a while afterwards. The immediate relief in List's shoulders, if not his expression, made me feel like I was actually making some difference for him, and that was nice. Crane, on the other hand, just made me feel a little happier in general. When he was feeling well and his spirits were up, they were way up.
Lol I have no clue


"Go away." She mumbled. "I only talk to people." I got a puzzled look on my face.

"You're not real. I'm not real. No ones real! You're all fakes." She cried out. I was stunned ino shock and beyond tired to deal with this, plus I was not sure what to so. For some reason I never handled it because she was never liked this and I maint sealed with punishments and new inmates.
OH god fell asleep again 
Being put on hold, ugh.. Worst.thing.ever. I started chewing my nails as the crappy music started, I didn't have the guts to find out what would be at the other side of it, so I quickly put the phone down, without even giving my name..I must have looked a state, macara tears all down my face, black sacks around my eyes.. Oh yea.. A great role model for ALL of the patients.. I wished I was with nico again now, because I was seriously in danger of crying again, and I had no idea why, maybe this went deeper that judt insomnia.. Who knows.I would go and find nic, but he would only worry, and I didn't want to interrupt him on his rounds.. I should go and see layla again.. About her shower.. 
i got up slowly... making my way down to layla.. only to find her crying.. "whats wrong hunny?"

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