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Friends Or Enemies? (A Pokemon RP with kittyspryde!)


Junior Member
They used to be friends, back in the past, friends so closely woven together that it was difficult to tear them apart. Nothing ever could! Except for one little thing. One of them had to move away. They were torn apart like that, without any choice.

Now, a few years later, things have changed. One of the friends has led a hard life, while the other is basically the same if you don't count more maturity. How do these two friends react when they see each other again? Well, let's find out!

Trainer Character Sheet:







Pokemon Character Sheet:

Pokemon Name:







My Character:

Name: Taylor Arden

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: He's a bright and cheerful person, he tries his best to look at the bright side of things. Even though he tends to be pretty happy, he's shy. He's lonely these days as well, his Pokemon are basically his only companions. He misses his past friend a lot and remembers her from time to time in his travels.

Backstory: Taylor's story isn't all that grand. He was basically a good kid and grew up in quite a happy home in Kanto with a loving mom and dad. His dad went off to study Pokemon in a different region, though he still kept contact with his family. Taylor met one of the kids in his town soon enough and they became best friends, though she soon had to move away. He was devastated and began to stay inside all day. He didn't want to choose a Pokemon until a while ago, and even then he wasn't so excited about training Pokemon. Eventually he became friends with the Pokemon he caught and payed better attention to training them. In the present, there's no more depression to be found and he's much more excited about the adventures he and his Pokemon take. The Eevee was given to him by his father, he's one of those kids who gets what he wants, he's oblivious to the bad things that reside in the outside world.


His Pokemon:

Pokemon Name: Charmander

Nickname: Coal

Gender: Male

Level: 15

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen

Personality: Full of energy and very curious. Coal loves people and is actually a very caring Pokemon. He tends to listen, usually, but sometimes he likes doing his own thing. He's good friends with Flappy, despite her attitude and tries to keep the group of Pokemon Taylor has under control if they begin to fight. He loves his trainer and would do anything for him.


Pokemon Name: Spearow

Nickname: Flappy

Gender: Female

Level: 13

Moves: Peck, Leer, Fury Attack, Pursuit

Personality: Bad-tempered and quick to become angry. She has a wild attitude, her favorite thing to do is peck at Taylor's shoes. She may look adorable, but she can turn ugly at any time. She doesn't like being touched and hates being disturbed while eating or sleeping.


Pokemon Name: Eevee

Nickname: Ev

Gender: Male

Level: 10

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Swift

Personality: Ev is a bright and bouncy Pokemon. He attempts to get along with everyone, though he can be overly hyper. He hardly ever seems to tire, he has a lot of energy and loves to battle.


Pokemon Name: Kakuna

Nickname: Sting

Gender: Male

Level: 7

Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Harden

Personality: The newest arrival in the group. He's a wiggly little guy, always active and on the move. His favorite place to be is on his trainer's head, sprawled over his hat. He has a little rivalry with Flappy, the two don't really get along and have sparred ever since he was let out of his Pokeball after being captured.


I'll start it off when you make your character kittyspryde! :)
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Lucy Blake

age. 16

g. female

occupation. trainer


Lucy used to be a sweet and caring girl but after receiving her first Pokemon, things started to change. She wanted to become to best, no matter what she had to do but she was never nasty. She cares for her Pokemon greatly and would never harm them, but at the same time she also wants them to be the best that they can be.


Lucy grew up with her parents and younger brother. They were very happy and she had always been around Pokemon; her parents had traveled. She took a special liking to water Pokemon and would play with them continuously. A part from that it was a typical childhood.





1. vine whip

2. razor leaf

3. stun spore

4. tackle





1. tackle

2. water gun

3. hypnotise

4. defense curl





1. quick attack

2. peck

3. tackle

4. gust

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"Hey! Cut it out!" Peck, peck, peck! Flappy the Spearow was busily pecking at Taylor's shoes as he walked. Well, it could hardly be called walking. He was doing something that was a mix of marching and stumbling and running. It was quite funny, Sting the Weedle laughing at him atop his head. "That's it, you're going back in the ball!" He threw the ball at his Bird Pokemon and she returned, only to pop back out after a moment with a delightful shriek in store for his ears. Taylor groaned and pulled at his hair in frustration when she went back to pecking, her jabs a little more aggressive. "Such a handful, I swear..."

He returned Sting to his ball so he would only have one Pokemon to deal with and jumped away from Flappy. She looked up at him and cawed, nestling onto the ground in front of him after getting tired of pecking at him. Taylor sighed in relief as he made her return, happy to be out of that situation. He continued to walk, on to a new destination. He had the front of his hat turned to the side, his bag on his shoulder, his Pokeballs in his belt. He felt like he could do anything! Like challenge the first gym, for example. "Here I come!"
It was a beautiful day and Lucy had every intention of taking advantage of it. She was sprawled out on the grassy bank of a lake with her shoes off and sunglasses on. Her lips parted to release a yawn and a brief glance at her watch told her that it was almost 11 o'clock. "I suppose we better get started." She thought to herself before raising her torso and resting her elbows on her knees. "There's no rest for the next Pokemon Master! Right guys?" Lucy reached for the three Pokeballs that were nestled beside her and threw them simultaneously into the air.

With three very different sounds, a vibrant white light morphed into the familiar shapes of Bulbasaur, Poliwag and Pidgey. "
Now come on, let's start training!" Bulbasaur was the first to move and he eagerly awaited some commands. "Bulbasaur, use Razor a Leaf on that tree. Poliwag, you dive into the water and use Water Gun to propel yourself backwards. And Pidgey, you fly high and use Quick Attack!" As soon as Lucy had finish speaking, all of the Pokemon before her immediately moved. They obeyed their orders and it wasn't long until Lucy was pumping her fist into the air. "What do you say guys, do you think we're ready to take on Brock at the first gym?"
Taylor continued walking past the trees and tall grass that resided here. It was quite a peaceful day, glorious with clear skies. He smiled up at the sky, getting some sun in his eyes at the process. "Ow, that's wasn't the smartest idea..." He could sense that he was almost there and looked out into the distance. In front of him was where Pewter City resided. He grinned like a fool, though he soon stopped and brought out a Pokeball. Perhaps he needed to train.

He brought out Sting, the little guy quickly crawling up Taylor's leg when he was released. The trainer laughed and gently took the Pokemon off. He put him down on the ground and crouched down to look at him closely. "You're not far from evolving, are you little guy?" Sting tilted his head and waggled his sharp tail. Taylor smiled and got up. "Tell you what, why don't we train a little? I'm sure I could evolve you into a Kakuna easily!" And so they trained by using the only two moves Sting knew. What Taylor knew what the Beedrill were powerful, and that when Sting evolved yet again, he would make a really good addition to the team.

Soon enough, Sting evolved at level 7 into that in-between stage Kakuna. Taylor leaned down and scooped his newly-evolved Pokemon into a hug, a big smile on his face as he once again started for Pewter City. He'd get that badge, he was sure of it! When he stepped into the city, Sting neatly away in his Pokeball, Taylor walked with his chin up high. His Pokemon were good fighters, together they would get that badge for sure!
Rocks. That was one word to describe Pewter City. They were everywhere. Outside of shops, paveing the streets and some were even stacked as if they were decorations. Lucy rolled her eyes as she watched an elderly woman dusting an enormous boulder. "How silly." She thought as her hands absentmindedly fiddled with her hair. This was her first gym battle since beginning her journey and she wanted to win. Lucy was actually hoping to beat all eight of the Kanto gyms the first time; she wasn't one for failure.

As Lucy continued walking along the paved road she came across a Pokemon Centre. It had been refurbished since her last visit to Pewter City. There were at least two additional floors added to the roof and there were advertisements for spa treatments and a gym. "Well maybe we could all do with some food." Lucy said to herself as she crossed the road and stepped through the automatic doors.

It was especially busy in the centre but there were a few trainers. Each of them at a different milestone in their journey. Some trainers played with Pokemon that had yet to evolve, but in one of the corners, a boy was curled up at the feet of a Blastoise; Lucy recognised him as one of Pallet Town trainers that had started his journey last year.

"Hello there dear. Would you like a play to stay for the evening?" Lucy jumped as a hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned and saw that Nurse Joy was smiling brightly. "We usually charge a small fee, but just recently we've allowed travelling trainers to stay free of charge. Are you planning on challenging Brock at the gym?"

Lucy simply nodded and tried to ignore the incessant growling of her stomach. Though apparently she couldn't stop it from making enough noise to alert everybody within a few feet. Some people snickered but Nurse Joy sighed. "Come on, we'll get you and your Pokemon some food." Lucy was suddenly pushed towards a set of double doors and gasped as she took in the sight of the newly built cafeteria. "It's amazing." She whispered to herself.
"Woah, hey! A city of rocks!" Taylor looked around in amazement at the city that seemed to be overflowing with just rocks. Was that guy over there actually selling them? Taylor walked around the city, getting a look at some of the buildings in the city. He took in all the sights with his eyes and walked until his feet grew tired. It didn't take much time for them to do so, actually, since the boy had already walked far enough. He needed a place to rest for a while. The trainer was sure that his Pokemon required some rest as well.

There was the Pokemon Center, right where he needed it. Taylor walked in and took a look around. Trainers like him were here, each one different. He observed them for a while before going ahead and finding his way to the cafeteria. He bumped into someone when he went through the doors and looked at the person. A girl, she looked to be a trainer. "Sorry," he apologized, then hurried on his way.

Taylor went to where the food was. He was tired and just wanted to rest, but he couldn't ignore how hungry he was. He got some food for himself and for his Pokemon and picked a seat away from the other trainers in the cafeteria. He observed some of them, noticing how happy some of them looked with their Pokemon. Taylor smiled and brought his own Pokemon out.

Coal the Charmander went right to the food, being the exact same as Taylor in this case. Flappy and Sting shot daggers at each other, the Bird Pokemon's feathers fluffed out. Sting couldn't really do anything but sit there and give Flappy the evil eye, so after she pecked at him for a small while without a response she lost interest and went to eat. Ev the Eevee wiggled himself up onto his trainer's lap, popping his head out with a wide smile. Taylor placed him next to his food and let the Eevee eat. He ate his own food now, busy regaining his strength. He would challenge Brock soon enough and was determined to win against him.

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