Free School: Rejects Welcome (info/signup)

Sorry about not posting for a couple days guys. I'm just having a really tough time replying to this rp at the moment. Hopefully I'll get back to it soon. Thank you all for your patience!
Yay! Here's my sign-up!

Name: Remi Shae Tavian (Real name is Mariella Remi Waters)

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Background: Mariella was born to a teen mom at the age of sixteen. Her mum and dad managed to stay together for about a year before breaking up, realizing they were only stupid kids who got together because their friends said they 'looked good together' Mariella's dad, rather than going away completely, visited Mariella twice a week until she turned five, he then was allowed to have her to stay for the weekends. When Mariella was six years old, not only did her Dad start making her take gymnastic lessons, her 21 year old mum got a new boyfriend.

Her mum neglected Mariella in general, only noticing her as far to feed her microwave dinners. Mariella often stayed up late because she never really had a bedtime at her Mum's house - where she spent 5 days a week - and has developed a habit of not sleeping much at all because of this. Mariella learnt how to take care of herself and successfully hid her Mother's neglect from her Dad. When Mariella turned 8 her Mum married the new boyfriend, Harvey, and he became Mariella's stepdad. Harvey ignored her just like her Mother did until Mariella turned 13. He started making sexual comments about and to Mariella whenever possible, even infront of her Mum, commenting on her developing figure often and saying how she would be raking in all the lads soon, sometimes occasionally brushing past her and 'accidentally' touching her bum. Mariella tried her best to ignore it - just like her Mum did - until on her 14th birthday when Harvey went up into her room and forcibly 'got to third base' with Mariella. She was so shocked by this that she didn't mention a word of it to her Mum or her Dad and completely avoided Harvey, not even making eye contact with him. She spent more and more time away from home, using her advanced, eight years of acrobatic and gymnastics lessons to climb higher and higher buildings until she conquered a 6 story tall block of flats. Two months after her 14th birthday, Harvey hadn't so much as spoken a word to Mariella, almost seeming disgusted by her, when Mariella's Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and told he had nine months left to live. On her 15th birthday Mariella's Dad died from the cancer. In the evening of the same day, Harvey came up to her room again and tried to 'comfort' her. Twisting his words to make it sound like she wanted his comfort. He tried to rape her and when Mariella pushed him away she grabbed the first thing she could find. Her gymnastic trophy. She smashed it over his head repeatedly, sobbing and fearing for her life. When she finally stopped, shaking uncontrollably, Harvey was dead. Her mum - for once - heard the commotion and came up the stairs just as Mariella stumbled out into the hallway, blood splattered over her face and clothes. Her mother looked into her room and saw her dead husband, she begun to scream at Mariella how she was a monster and grabbed her by the shoulders, shaking her and telling her how she was going to call the police and have her locked up forever. They got into a struggle and Mariella accidentally pushed her Mother down the stairs. Upon checking for a pulse, and finding none, Mariella fled the house, changed her name to Remi and went on the run. That's how she ended up at Arcadia - a homeless orphan girl with nowhere to go.

Reason for attending: Nowhere else to go, homeless.

Appearance: View attachment 5674

Other: Remi is a hyper, odd girl who has a strange habit of hanging upside down and popping out of random places to scare people. She is a talented gymnast and acrobat. She becomes serious when reminded of her past. She also used to have a love of Anime and still sort of does, so she may recognize some of the cosplay Riley does.
Name: Angel

Age: 16

Sex: female

Background: She was expelled from all the school in her district, so her parents transferred her here. her home town was California that was where she was born and raised. She is loud and not afraid to speak her mind

Reason for attending: bad behavior

Appearance: View attachment 5762


Name: Cait

Age: 16

Sex: female

Background: she has a bad background, her Dad died slowly from Cancer, her mom is a drug addict, and her two twin sisters died at birth, and her oldest brother died from a shoot out near their house. She is sweet and caring if you know her good you will see the good side of her swollen black heart.

Reason for attending: Had just moved and couldn't find a school any better

Appearance: View attachment 5763


Name: Chase

Age: 17

Sex: male

Background: He got addicted to drugs and alcohol, one day, he was high with three buddy's, the driver was drunk and the passenger was as well, his girl friend at the time was in the car, the driver lost control of the car sending them off the road and into the ditch, they hit a tree, and the driver and passenger were both flung from their seats, they died instantly when they went through the wind shield and died on impact of the ground. his girl friend suffered from a concussion and went into a coma, she died shortly after. he is the only one left, haunted by the horrid memory of watching glass pierce through his only love. And often has the same dream about her and the crash over and over.

Reason for attending: He moved here to start fresh, but that never stopped his memory from returning

Appearance: View attachment 5764


Name: Dustin (girls call him Dusty)

Age: 17

Sex: male

Background: He was bullied and got arrested for getting into a fight with another guy in public, the guy called him a sisy for not fighting him then shoved him to the ground, So he tripped the guy and they started to fight, The guy's parents pressed charges and they won, he was sent to jail with Assault and supposedly attempted murder

Reason for attending: Needed a new start. so he came here.

Appearance: View attachment 5765


What sort of bad behavior did Angel get expelled for?

Is Cait with her mom or is she completely on her own? (even though if she's with her mom... it would seem she would have to be the one taking care of her mother anyway, so she would still be 'on her own', but curious none the less)

Is Chase no longer addicted, or does he still do drugs and drink the alchy? I'm guessing what happened is stopping him from getting a 'normal' fresh start at a typical school?

For Dustin, I don't see how he could have got attempted murder and not going to jail past his teenage years, the most I can see is assault with a weapon if one was brought around and pleading down, plus the other guy would have to be majorly messed up after a mutual fight for charges to be pressed and not countered.

There's nothing wrong with playing multiple characters and such, just be careful that you can keep up fairly well with them. Welcome to the freak school-- err Arcadia ^^
Sorry for not replying lately > . < The last thing I posted was in reply to Tyra, so I'm just waiting for her/him (lol I have no idea) to get back into their groove, and I don't want Chersier to up and walk away from Devin. Don't worry, I check every day, I'm not dead ^^;
Aiya.... Ok so I'm going to post now. So far i got up to... it's a new day. I can work with that. Haha. I'll read some more to catch what everyone's doing. c:

Ok, lmao. and Terrance must've missed his supposed luncheon with Violet. -facepalm- Maybe he can hop in.

No offense, but the school already has two hackers in it. So we're not allowing any more of those at this time. The rest seems decent, since this is a school for people who have been wronged or don't fit in anywhere else.


Okay guys I think I need to explain the concept of the school a bit. Since a lot of people seem to think it's a place for bad kids. It's for all types. It's for kids who used to be famous and can't go to reg schools cause of how they were treated. Or just never could fit in, or yes did bad things and want to get straighten out. Saying this I just want to make sure you guys realize it isn't a place to bully, or what not others too much. It's meant to be a place of acceptance, since no other place would accept you for who you are.
Hey everyone. I'm sorry for disappearing on you all. Pretty much my world has been crashing down on me and everything that could have gone wrong pretty much did go wrong this past month including having to put two of my beloved pets down so I just really haven't had the heart to roleplay. I don't know when I'll be in the mood again but I thought I should let you all know why I've been gone.

Oh, and I'm a girl btw, Shortcake, haha.
I would if I kept up with it. xD My characters have been in a bit of a pause just started to bring them back today. Getting late so after awhile I tell myself rps get paused till I manage sleep. Well most.
Sebastian is frozen to Az

Violet is now in cafeteria with Terry (previously Rayna) and about to head to the gym.
Name: Tex Skyford

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Background: With baggy jeans ripped and discolored at the heel, as many skateboards as a library has books, and a carefree, lazy attitude, Tex is the perfect example of a tomboy. Even though she has doubts about her clothes being too boyish now and then, the only truely girly thing about her is that she is secretly sensitive and a hopeless romantic at heart. She was defiant and rebellious at previous schools, or so they call her. She doesn't mean to speak out of turn, but she is prideful and fights for her beliefs, and gets physical if she has to. She is very kind, truely, and sometimes wishes that she were girly, even a little bit. She has few friends, because people see her and think she's a rebel, with a truely cool character and describe her as a "lone wolf", though on the inside she is actually shy and timid, open to tears but also great happiness. She wanted people to see what she was really like.

Reason for attending: Nobody here knows her, and she doesn't want to be thought of as a rebel or punk for her appearence. Her dream is to be a famous guitar player.

Appearance: View attachment 6307

Other: She has a fiery hot temper and will start fights without meaning to. She is so honest that she often doesn't realize if she's hurt someone's feelings.
Approved Ume. *since Chaos is semi busy and I was given permission to approve, just rather leave it to her.* xD
Oh my gosh, I haven't been able to reply to this thread in such a long time!!! @ . @ It's been super crazy with school, especially with my college classes and it's been driving me nuts. I love this roleplay~ I hope everyone is still interested!! o A o I just replied and I hope we'll be able to continue this~

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