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Happy for you fluff. xD

Careful with Riley, he's a nice guy, but you may not like his secret when you find it out.
xxFluffyShortcakexx said:
I'm finally starting to fall back into the groove! I was a little rusty since I had to take a break from RPing, but I managed to (finally) express Chersier's personality a little better~! I'm so proud of myself. xD
It's been forever for me, too! I suck at interacting characters, but hopefully this will naturally mesh itself. :c I like how Chersier's relationship is starting off with Riley, btw.
Rev, if Violet doesn't react I may send Dalton down to catch the fall. ^.^ He's a bit of a cruel prick but he might provide help in ways for your character program wise.

Who knows.
Haha, I know what you mean, I was like "Oh god, how should I type this" and blah blah blah for the first few pages.

But Lilly xD Imagine Riley's surprise if he ever does sew with her. She has her measurements memorized.
Haha, Dalton sounds like a fine chap. :] I'm sure Terrance wouldn't mind meeting him. Terrance just needs someone to break his communication gap. Maybe even a nickname, because Terrance is a mouthful.
Going to give Chaos her chance though, she's an amazing rp'er. ^.^ I steal her every chance I can to rp with.
Of course! I really love her way of describing things. It's very immersive, and it got me really excited that she made a minor response to Terrance's yelp of joy. Haha.
I'm more of a lazy rp'er myself. xD

I can probably do much more, but what's the fun in that. *ducks and giggles*
*peeks in* this the place you recommended, Lilly? o3o *looks around* lol, I thought I remember you saying something about I should join a school rp of Chaos's...
Yes this is it. xD If it helps Riley is straight for sure. *smirks*

Dalton doesn't have any interest so I can't say for that one.
*facepalms* Lol. xD I'd really like to. :3 I'm just worried I have too many roleplays to keep up with. Though, I'm thinking I could at least drop one since it really doesn't seem to be going anywhere, haha. Then I can just use the charies I had there only here. ^^
*waves Riley's secret background around as bait* Just have to post a character and I will send it to you pm if you keep it a secret!
Alright, well here are the characters I would use if I were to join. ^^ I'll see what you guys think first.

Name: Azalia

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Background: Azalia truly has good intentions at heart, she just lets her own curiosity get a hold of her sometimes, which is part of the reason she ended up at the school hiding from the authorities. While living with her foster family, for her own parents went missing when she was only a baby, she found that from the start she had a knack for computers, quickly catching on to how the systems worked at a very young age. Over time, by borrowing books from the library and using other resources, she learned she could hack into others' personal computer systems. This brought on an idea; what if she could find her missing parents using her newfound talent? So, she ran away from home at the age of thirteen along with her older brother, Devin, and began her own investigation. For years she searched with her brother's help, finding little tid bits of information, but never anything even close to helping her find her lost family. Then, her luck suddenly changed. She had been digging in some important computer files, which she'd been given by a shifty source, when she spotted something pertaining to her family name. At the sight, she hurriedly began searching for more by hacking into a government database, but in her haste set off a silent alarm set to protect the files and was caught by a government official. However, she narrowly managed to escape getting taken into custody. Ever since then, Azalia and her brother have been on the run from the government. Azalia is a great computer tech and a major gamer; she loves technology and is quite good at working it. She takes pride in her hacking skills, which aren't the best but are very slippery, making her hard to track. Her love for computers and technology, though, causes her to be somewhat unsociable and reserved; she can get so absorbed in her work and completely forget about everyone around her.

Reason for Attending: What better place to hide from the government than a school in plain sight?


View attachment 5264

Unlike the reference pic, her hair has a dyed, wide, deep violet streak.

Name: Devin

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Background: Devin accompanied his sister, Azalia, when she ran away from home and has stuck to her side like glue ever since. Afterall, she is his baby sister; someone's gotta protect her, right? He tends to be outgoing and really has a brilliant mind, helping Azalia find a lot of information on their missing parents, despite his lack of computer skills, by talking and arranging crucial meetings with people who have important info pertaining to their cause; he thinks outside the box and is quite sociable, the complete opposite of his sister. Sometimes, though, he can be too sociable, hanging around when he's not wanted and getting on people's nerves. His favorite past time is pushing Azalia's buttons until she flips.

Reason for Attending: Azalia's my sister, I can't let her go off on her own like that. Besides, I want to find our parents just as much as she does.


View attachment 5217

Unlike the reference pic, his hair is just a bit more reddish and he usually has a smile on his face unless Azalia's in trouble or is about to kill him for pressing her buttons too far.

*coughs pointing to the two men dress in black who are always outside when Dalton is inside* >.> not that good of a place to hide *giggles*
Sometimes the best place to hide is right under the gov's nose. - w -
Oh hey, before I start posting, what time of year is it exactly? Like, is it fall or winter or more of a summer school? I like describing my surroundings in detail so it helps to know the time of year, haha. xD
Just to clarify in case anyone else is wondering the same thing. The season isn't set but based on how no one's complaining of heat or jackets it's spring/fall.
Also, what time of day is it? I'm thinking noon-ish? But I don't know OTL Not that it's important, I was just curious.

EDIT: Also, sorry about the edit in the main RP, I hadn't realized I hit submit until now .____. I was writing it little by little while I was doing something else.
Name: Lynn Collins

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Background: Ever since she was old enough to walk and talk, Lynn was a troublemaker. From throwing violent fits as a kid, to talking back to her parents and teachers and all authority figures to even causing a bit of property damage, Lynn had always been more on the wild side of things and had a habit of breaking stuff. Her parents tried hard to get her to stop and focus on her school life, but Lynn always resisted the attempts. They say this is her last chance before they send her to military school.

Reason for attending: She is being forced to go as a "last resort"


Other: Bisexual

Name: Erik Charlton

Age: 14

Sex: Male

Background: Erik had a pretty basic childhood, the only child of two caring parents. He did well in his early life, bright and willing to learn. But when he was ten his parents died in a car crash. Because of his Erik was shipping off to his aunt and has lived with her. She doesn't pay much attention to Erik and he had become quiet and reserved, deciding to go to see if he can fit in here unlike the other public schools.R

eason for attending: Only place he thinks he'll feel accepted



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