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Fantasy Fortress Force! !Female Roleplayers! (open all the time!)

NekoChanBo said:
You see the main problem with the old man joining your crew is this.
"She is very strict and demanding."

The old man is the complete opposite and I fear the old man will be killed by the boss -_-
She may be strict but she is understanding. As long as he can hold himself in battle she is open to anyone pretty much.
[QUOTE="Sgt Gomez]She may be strict but she is understanding. As long as he can hold himself in battle she is open to anyone pretty much.

You know what it could be funny, you can add this old man to your crew.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]


I'd like to say that, there's a new Master in town and she is eager to have some mercenaries to assist her on her adventure.

If you're interested, please just tag me here, quote this page or PM me.

I look forward to meeting you all soon!!

That, is SUCH a cool idea >W< I wanna try get to meet her in a PM, really immersive! 'w'
[QUOTE="Sgt Gomez]She may be strict but she is understanding. As long as he can hold himself in battle she is open to anyone pretty much.

Wait a second you already have a few don't you and your setting up a kind of large group, hmm sorry but I don't think the old man would work to well there.

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]


I'd like to say that, there's a new Master in town and she is eager to have some mercenaries to assist her on her adventure.

If you're interested, please just tag me here, quote this page or PM me.

I look forward to meeting you all soon!!

Would you be interested in hiring an old timer?
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]

Oh what luck!!
Of course I would! Experience is one of the most important things for a skilled warrior. It would be an honor.



The honor is all mine, however the term warrior does not apply to me while I do and can fight at heart I am a tactician.
s u p e r n o v a] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14766-sgtmickey/ said:
@sgtmickey[/URL] I'm sorry but this is getting to be a bit too much for me. I may have to drop because there's just too many people for me to keep up...
aww man! Please don't! ~(;w;)~

U-U-uhhhhhhhhh what if it's fun?
sgtmickey said:
aww man! Please don't! ~(;w;)~
U-U-uhhhhhhhhh what if it's fun?
Well, I don't doubt that it'll be fun or anything... it's just that the RP hasn't even started yet and it just feels so chaotic because there's so many people, so...
sgtmickey said:
join my rp! :3
Potential clients and/or mercenaries

I worked super hard on this rp and I don't know any of you but an invite to some random person's rp fills me with joy! It makes me feel like a million bucks, makes me feel wanted >//W//<! So the overall theme is a treasure hunt! But you can hire other characters to work for you so you can acquire the treasure...OR...you can be a mercenary and be the one to aid one of the clients in their treasure hunt!!! >W<

Anyone is able to join.

@Ayuna Kusado @Bea @MagickDaughter @Mika Aoi @HoneyBear\-Kat @Akko @Miss Derp @XxBouncy BunnyxX @Nonalaka @Britt\-21 @ShurikenPhoenix @Kayzo @Taeminnie @Lovable Dark\-side @Stamper @oOBubblesOo @readingraebow @Flossy Chan @PoisonousCupcake

Feel free to invite any of your friends and spread the word of the rp if you're interested ^w^
Just stopping by to say...

HOLY FUCK...that's a lotta people,

Good luck! ^^ <3
I'll start RPing once I get home today (4pm of my time)

Also, would anyone like to hire my mercenary, Fulgur? -Look in the first few pages of character signing for his CS-
MidnightStar89 said:
I'll start RPing once I get home today (4pm of my time)
Also, would anyone like to hire my mercenary, Fulgur? -Look in the first few pages of character signing for his CS-
we may determine in the roleplay itself, so make your character do some stuff with the masters until one of them chooses the other X3
sgtmickey said:
we may determine in the roleplay itself, so make your character do some stuff with the masters until one of them chooses the other X3
@sgtmickey Okie, i'll do that then ^^ (Also I might roleplay in 4 hours, more likely 5 as I get to a computer)
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]ACK! >:U

what's wrong hun bear? ~(;w;)~

*waddles toward and give soft pets*
[QUOTE="s u p e r n o v a]My merc still hasn't been hired so if anyone would be down to hire her, that would be fabulous!! Thank you~

We row the same boat
sgtmickey said:
what's wrong hun bear? ~(;w;)~
*waddles toward and give soft pets*
Idk that was just a release of pent up frustration lolol cx
[QUOTE="s u p e r n o v a]My merc still hasn't been hired so if anyone would be down to hire her, that would be fabulous!! Thank you~

[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]We row the same boat

Perhaps..... the fortress force could be masters instead of mercs Ow< If that helps maybe they could hire you!
sgtmickey said:
Perhaps..... the fortress force could be masters instead of mercs Ow< If that helps maybe they could hire you!
This is fine, as long as my character gets hired ;o; since she can't do anything if she isn't hired...

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