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Futuristic Forsaken: The Neutral Zone

1. Walk
You reach up and gently take her hand. You stand up, Hypnos gently giving you a tug to assist, and soon the two of you walk away from your chairs into the black.

As the two of you walk, you begin to notice the black space around you shift and morph. No longer are you surrounded by emptiness, as grassy fields begin to roll out before you. The sky shifts to a golden hue of morning, clouds scattered above as the sun rises in the east. Towering trees appear, evergreen pines and assorted hardwoods scattered throughout. Rocks appear, varying in size. The sounds of wildlife soon are also heard, as well as the rush of water through a nearby river. An old castle could be seen in the distance, its stone towers and battlements rising over the trees.

"A bit better than a simple black void, don't you think?" says Hypnos, "Though the void is... peaceful, in a way."

She glances to you and smiles again. "I'm honestly glad I was able to make proper contact with you. Its refreshing to be able to speak with someone without driving them insane. Seems you're on just the right wavelength."

Hypnos then points to a clearing nearby, next to the river. "That's where we're going. I've something to show you." she states, before pulling you along by your hand.

Once you and Hypnos arrive at the clearing, you notice a sort of makeshift target standing near two overturned logs. It was made of a section of a tree, the bark removed and revealing the light colored wood beneath. A bucket was stuck on a stick at the top, acting as a makeshift head, and two sticks jutted out from the sides acting as limbs. A pair of tree stumps were also near it, cut just low enough to still sit on comfortably. On one of the logs was a pile of rocks, while the other had an axe stuck in it.

"A perk of being on just the right wavelength? It allows me to help you unlock some of your true potential!" says Hypnos, as you near the stumps. She turns about and grins at you, letting go of your hand. "All of you humans have naturally dormant abilities in those brains of yours. A sixth sense, so to speak, along with the ability to manipulate things around you. We Old Ones occasionally gift that ability to races, usually out of interest in seeing what they do with it. Humans acquired it from another Old One, who I'll refer to as Prometheus... Don't worry, this one likely wasn't punished for gifting it to you like the mythological one was."

You give Hypnos a confused look. "H-How do you kno--" you go to ask, before she holds up a finger.

"Genetic engineering. Some genes were spliced into your ancestors, which could have been done in a variety of invasive or intimate ways." she responds. "Old One influence is smeared all over your genetic code. A few of your kind have managed to unlock that hidden potential throughout the millenia, I'll bet!"

She then steps up to you and places her palm gently against your cheek. "There are things inside you that have laid dormant for eons, just waiting to be unlocked. Waiting to be utilized... Aren't you curious about what you can really do, with all your natural abilities available to you?"

She smiles again, before removing her hand and turning to face the makeshift target. "As you can see, you have something to practice on! Cheaply made, of course, but its still a target." she explains, motioning towards it before pointing at the rocks. "And there's your ammunition."

"What, do you want me to throw rocks at it?" you ask

"That, or hurl the axe at it." she says, before turning her head back to you and giving you a grin. "I want you to do it with your mind!"

You give her another confused look, and she shifts into a dramatic pose. Two fingers pressed against her temple, while her other hand was outstretched before her. "Telekinesis! The manipulation of objects using just the mind! Perfect for assaulting a foe, defending against one, or simply reaching or moving things you normally couldn't reach!"

You recall that supposedly the Union government had sanctioned a program looking for potential telepaths that lived amongst their population. The Imperium and Commonwealth had done the same at points in the past, but the programs never really proved fruitful beyond likely producing more easily controlable soldiers due to the mix of psychoactive drugs and chemicals they were rumored to have been given.

"Those programs were going about things the wrong way." says Hypnos, straightening up. You tilt your head in response, and she explains. "Its not just something you can brute force to the surface. Not without Old One influence. Its a natural thing, and you have to work at it over the course of years... sometimes decades."

She then makes a circle using her index finger and thumb, then pokes the index finger of her other hand through the circle. "Think of it like trying to open a reinforced lock. We Old Ones are the original key used to open it. Trying to force your powers to the surface is like shoving a small screwdriver in and jiggling it around. Working at it overtime is like using a proper lockpicking set."

She then points at you again. "I haven't fully unlocked yours, however. I want you to practice with the more easily controllable ones first. Telekinesis, for example. Another one is psychic repulsion and shielding."

"Psychic repulsion and shielding?"

"Yes! You can abruptly shove things away using a burst of mental force. You can also protect your mind from outside influence.... such as the influence of my sibling."

You give Hypnos a worried look. You're still vulnerable to the same thing that was driving the others in the colonies rabid?

Hypnos nods. "As I am still trapped within the cavern below the surface of Lethe, I'm not able to use my full power to defend your mind. They will attempt to influence you in a number of ways, more than likely, so that they can use you against me."

You slowly nod. "Right... which would be very bad for everyone else."

"Exactly." she says, before smiling. "I'm going to show you how to make sure that doesn't happen."

She then turns to face you fully, folding her arms in a sort of power stance. "Now! Which would you rather learn first? Telekinesis? Or how to repell and defend?" she asks, giving you a smirk.

1. Telekinesis

2. Psychic Repulsion and Shielding

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2. Psychic Repulsion and Shielding

"Alright then!" responds Hypnos, with a clap of her hands. She then turns about and motions you to move towards the makeshift target. "Get close to the target. I'd say about a meter from it."

You do as she asks, moving in close to the target and stopping at the required distance. It really was just cobbled together, judging from how it looked up close. You glance back to Hypnos as she approaches, then feel a gentle tingling sensation inside your skull. What was that?

"I just unlocked the needed abilities inside your brain." she says, before folding her arms as she steps up next to you. "Now, in order to force something away from you... just imagine yourself shoving something away or deflecting it. Don't... you know, physically do it. However, it helps at times to simply point your hand at something. You know, the concept of focus and aiming."

She then points to the target with a finger. "Bob here is about to attack you with a very large stick." she says, as you look back at the target. One of its arms actually did look like it was lifting a weapon over its head. "I want you to focus on Bob, and give him a good mental shove."

Alright. Just focus on the target, and imagine shoving it. You eye the target's chest, and focus. You picture yourself shoving it with both hands, lightly at first. Nothing happens at first, and you try again. However, on the second try, notice the dummy begin to shift backwards slightly. On the third try, it moves back considerably, rattling a bit as it shifts back into place.

"A light shove? Come on, you can do better than that!" says Hypnos, with a chuckle.

You cut her a look, before looking back to the target. This time, you imagine yourself shoving the target as hard as you possibly can. A moment later, the target bends backwards so far that it snaps off the post it was mounted on. Its chest area was caved in, one of its arms was broken off, and its head had rolled away in the grass. You look shocked. You didn't intend to break the thing!

Hypnos laughs. "Perfect!" she says, clapping her hands in satisfaction. "Don't worry, I can fix it." She then holds up her hand and snaps her fingers. Suddenly, the target is back upright, on its post.

"Now... think fast." she says, motioning behind you.

As you turn around, you notice one of the rocks from the pile flying towards you at high speed. Oh shit! You end up ducking to avoid the rock, and it smacks into the target behind you.

"I didn't mean dodge it!" she says, chuckling again. "Repel it! Use your mind!"

You straighten up, giving Hypnos another look, before readying yourself. Then, another rock flies at you at the same speed as the first. You imagine yourself knocking the rock away, like a bat hitting a baseball. As the rock gets close, an invisible force seems to smack it away. Sending the rock flying into the river nearby.

"Excellent!" she says, "You'll be able to stop most solid objects this way. Bullets? Not so much. They move to fast to observe, usually, so you can't simply deflect those. So don't get shot!"

She then looks to you, and folds her arms again. "Alright. As for the shielding of your mind... its as simple as focusing completely on a singular task, or thinking of something tranquil. Your thoughts will overwhelm and drown out everything else. Including noise, so watch out for that if you're in the middle of something important." she explains, before pointing to herself. "I'm going to try and force you to walk around Bob here a few times. Your job is to try and stop me. Make yourself walk over and sit on one of the stumps."

You nod in acknowledgement, and suddenly, you feel yourself beginning to move. It was almost like you were being drawn along like a puppet on strings. Hypnos was even moving their hand like someone operating the strings, giving you a grin as you looked to her. Alright, focus. Something peaceful.

You focus on the sounds of the river. Running water tends to be calming to most, and the river was running at just the right speed. The sound drowns out everything else, and you soon begin to feel yourself slow down after your first lap around Bob. Soon enough, you stop completely. Now... to the stump. You gently begin to walk towards one of the two stumps nearby, taking slow and careful steps. After a minute, you eventually reach the stump, and force yourself to sit down. You breathe a sigh, as you notice Hypnos approaching and clapping.

"Perfection!" she exclaims, eventually sitting on the other stump next to you. "You should be able to defend yourself from my sibling's probes into your mind. You just have to focus and block them out."

She looks about, smiling, before speaking again. "Now, practice! Work on your shoving and deflecting! I'll be right here, observing and keeping you company."

You do as she says, standing and moving back over to the target. It feels like hours pass, as you work at knocking Bob over as well as deflecting rocks and sticks that Hypnos casually throws at you from behind. You feel as though you're getting the hang of this after a while. Eventually, however, she motions for you to come back over and sit.

"You should be set for now! The next time you sleep, we'll work on telekinesis." she says, watching you approach and sit next to her on the other stump. "You catch on quickly! It seems human DNA took to the alterations extremely well."

She then turns slightly on the stump, moving to face you. "Now, then! I'm sure you have plenty of other questions you'd like to ask me. Since you're still asleep, and you have some time before you wake again, we can just talk!"

Player's Choice
What do you want to ask Hypnos? All questions will be used.

"Who exactly is your sibling? The way you make it sound is that they aren't as friendly as you are."

"Thanatos is my twin. We came into being around the same point in time. Thanatos has quite a bit of an ego, as shown by imprisoning me here. I told you before as to why they had put me here. A true, sore loser." explained Hypnos, before sighing. "...They weren't always like that. I believe our mother favoring my intentions and ideas regarding races like yours bothered them."

Hypnos then looks to you. "Thanatos is selfish. If they speak to you, its usually for their own benefit. They will talk down to you, as Thanatos believes our race to be the gods of this universe. I don't see it that way."

"Other than your... siblings, is there anything else that might threaten us. Mentally OR physically?"

"Potentially. Thanatos has been known to experiment with body modification on lesser races. You've already seen what they strive for with mental degredation." responds Hypnos. "The horrors that have manifested in a race under Thanatos' influence would truely terrify you. I believe that it won't be long before they do the same here, in an effort to stop you and kill everyone."

"Everything that they make, however, can be dealt. You have the knowledge, either through your own experiences or through what I provide you. You have the tools. You have the will. If it cannot be stopped with words, stop it with force."

Hypnos then pauses for a moment, before raising a finger and smiling. "You have something with you now that my sibling despises, by the way. A synth. They cannot manipulate synths psychologically or through genetic manipulation, and have to use other organics to do the job. Your synth ally Lola will prove to be quite useful in the coming days, and she may help you survive this in the end."

"You said that other races were also given these... gifts. Are any of them still around?"

"Probably, somewhere out there in this wide universe we live in." says Hypnos, "Some go to live on for billions of years. Some eventually... snuff themselves out somehow, or are snuffed out by another race. Its just the way of things in the end."

She then smiles. "I'm sure Humanity will encounter another gifted race eventually... I only hope its a peaceful encounter. If not, then... I hope I'll still be around to help you push through it."

"Are there any side-effects to waking up all these dormant abilities?"

Hypnos hesitates, but eventually nods. "I don't expect to unlock all your hidden abilities over the course of your stay here, but..." she says, before casting her gaze aside. "...I don't know the full intentions of the Old One that gave you these traits, but sometimes when you grasp your full abilities... you turn into an Old One yourself. Your DNA will eventually rewrite itself... usually in an insanely painful way."

Hypnos then looks back to you. "We occasionally replenish our numbers this way, if members of our kind don't mate with one another. You'll become like me and Thanatos. It ultimately depends on how well your body and mind adapt to the abilities once they're fully unlocked. I'll have to study your body over time to see where its ultimately going."

"As for right now, however,"
they continue, "you should suffer only minor side effects. Headaches, maybe something akin to motion sickness at times. Your later abilities might give you more intense side effects, but we'll only know what those are when you have them unlocked and in use."

Player's Choice
Any more questions? If only one question is given, then I'll simply continue on with the chapter after answering it.

"As I get more abilities, do the side effects get worse?"

"That all depends on how well your body takes to unlocked abilities, and how you use them. The worst I've seen have been seizures and convulsions. The most minor have been simple headaches." responds Hypnos. "I have a feeling yours will be more along the minor reactions, as you've taken so easily to things, but I'll still keep an eye on you due to the others."

"Is there a way to reverse these side-effects?"

She nods. "The most surefire and complete way would be to lock your abilities away again. It'd be like flipping a circuit breaker to a power grid. If you wish me to do that, before we reach the end... I'll do so." she states, "I can help sooth your mind and such, in regards to mental strain. Physical strain? That's something you'll have to treat yourself. Proper rest, medication, and so on."

Hypnos then smiles. "We'll... I should probably let you sleep. Dream about something other than me. I know I can be quite charming, of course, but you should still let your mind roam." she says with a chuckle, before standing. "Sleep well. We'll chat more next time you rest, and work on Telekinesis!"

She gives you a wink, and suddenly everything before you fades away into the same familiar black void. You find yourself back on the chair from before, beneath that singular white light. Hypnos was gone. You were alone in your dreams.

You eventually wake, the alarm buzzing on the clock next to the cot you were given. It sounded as though there was some activity outside the door of the small cabin. Likely people moving about, still working on repairs to this section of the colony. You rise, getting dressed in a new, clean jumpsuit, before grabbing your tools and equipment. Time to see what we can do today.

As you step out into the hallway, you look about. Technicians were welding new piping into the corner of the ceiling, going all the way down the corridor to where the refugees from the other parts of the colony were being quartered. Likely fresh water for drinking or bathing. Civilians moved about as well, some going to work while others were talking to friends or technicians about problems. As you look about, you feel your comms link chirp to life.

"Ah, you're up." you hear, Alisa's voice crackling through your earpiece. "Need you to head over to Comms. I've requested the synth and Commonwealth woman to meet us there too. Got a job for the three of you."

"Copy. Heading that way now." you respond. Soon enough, you're marching down the corridor. Wonder what the job is?

Probably something regarding the other colonies, if the meeting is in the Comms room.

Oh, most definitely. Just what will we be doing, though?

Something dangerous, I'm sure.

Once you arrive, entering the large room full of comms equipment and terminals, you find both Lola and Reyna were already there. Reyna had her arms folded, standing a good distance from Lola. Lola, meanwhile, simply had her hands clasped behind her back. She looks to you as you enter, giving you a polite smile. "Good morning, Scott! Sleep well?" she asks, as you near.

"Well enough. What's going on?" you respond.

Reyna then speaks up. "From the sounds of things, we're actually getting a signal from the Imperial colony now." she says, "...Someone over there's requesting aid."

"Yes, and they're doing it on non-Imperial channels." adds Lola, "Specifically Union and Commonwealth channels. Our associates over in the Commonwealth colony seem to be picking up the same signal."

Alisa, entering from a door on the far side of the room next to a large switchboard system, noticed the three of you. "Good. You're all here." she says, walking over with what appeared to be a datapad in hand. "You're probably not gonna like what I've got in mind, but both Vicente and I agreed on it."

She hands the tablet to Lola, before looking to you. "We've picked up a distress call coming from the Imperial colony. Someone over there wants out, and they're broadcasting the message over both our frequencies as well as Commonwealth frequencies."

"Think this might be a trap?" asked Reyna, motioning a hand to the tablet. "The whole colony went dark after this shit started. Their troops are roaming around, killing people and mutilating the bodies. I'd be really skeptical about anything coming out of there."

"We are. So are our Commonwealth associates. We both dug a bit more, and managed to get more information. They seem to be in their right mind, whoever's on the other end of the radio, and they're locked in the Administration sector. The Commonwealth agrees. However, they want to send a tactical team to check things out. As you can probably imagine, that'll lead to firefights. You'll be going in as well, but in a more discreet manner to avoid confrontation."

"...And what's the discreet manner?" asks Reyna.

Lola looks up from the datapad, to Alisa. "...You want us to go across the surface, and enter through Van Laethem's private quarters." said the synth, with a smirk. Alisa nodded, with a smirk of her own appearing.

Reyna looked between them. "What? How the hell do we do that?" she asks, eyeballing the synth afterwards.

Lola soon responds. "The Imperial Administrator is an avid fan of skeet shooting. He had a deck built on the colony which connects to his quarters, so that he may venture out and shoot clay discs as they're flung from the deck over the surface. We get up on the deck, and enter through there."

You raise an eyebrow. It was a good plan, but there were two things that were up in the air. Did the Imperials have anyone patrolling the surface, and would there be eyes on the deck? Alisa noticed your expression, as she looks to you, before speaking.

"We're sending just you three. Small team, small chance of being noticed. Reyna, we can keep in contact with you through short-range comms and you can handle technical problems. Scott, you can handle the harder obstacles. Lola can shoot what needs to be shot, and keep the three of you alive." she explains. Lola nods in response, before looking to you and giving you a grin. Reyna, on the other hand, was far more nervous about the prospect of walking on the surface into enemy territory.

1. Good to Go

"Alright... Sounds like a plan. When do we do this?" you ask, looking back to Alisa.

2. Maybe a Little Help

"...You can't spare one or two men to come with us?" you ask, "We'll need the manpower once we're inside."

3. Someone Else

"Why us? Could we do like the Commonwealth and send our own tactical team?" you ask, shaking your head. "Coordinate with them, assault the colony, and work our way in."


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