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Futuristic Forsaken: The Neutral Zone

1. Comply
"Yes. That's correct." you respond. If you simply did as they asked, this would be over quickly. You've done nothing wrong. You're not a traitor. You're not some insane maniac like those running around down in the mines.

The officer nods, scribbling something onto the clipboard with his pen. The next few questions are more about your background. Where you graduated from, your job regarding the mines and their machinery, your time spent working with the union and with Alisa Zvereva. What your job here was on Lethe.

Then came the other questions.

"...Where have you been for the past three days, Mr. Hawkins?" asks the officer, clasping his fingers together and leaning forwards onto the table.

You answer truthfully. "In the tunnels below, sir. Trying to survive. There were more with me this morning, but one of the foremen over the miners lost his mind and... just began killing them. He almost killed me, but I managed to put him down." you state, before turning your head slightly and showing the stitched wound on the back of your head. "I made a run for it, and encountered Reyna, the Commonwealth woman down in the tunnels. There was another man there, shooting at her. I think he might have been an Imperial, as he had a different sort of rifle and different armor than what we use or what the Commowealth seems to use."

"Mostly dark colored?"

"Yes, sir."

"...Alright. What was the Commonwealth woman doing down there? Did she tell you?"

"Yes, sir. She said she had been sent by the Commonwealth colony's administration to establish short-range communications with us here in the Union colony. She had more equipment with her, but apparently that soldier and some of his comrades destroyed most of it save for what was in her backpack."

The officer sits back for a moment, taking the information in, before looking behind him at the one-way glass. He holds a finger to his ear as he does so. Apparently he's wearing a comms link. He stares at the window for a few moments, listening to whoever was on the other end of that comms link, before turning back to you.

"The Commonwealth woman's story aligns with yours. We're bringing in a medical officer to look over your wound." he states, before looking back down to the clipboard. "We apologize for the measures we took to get you here, Mr. Hawkins. With everything that's been going on over the past few days, we can't take any risks."

"So... I'm clear?" you ask, looking between the officer and the soldier nearby.

"For the moment, as I personally don't have any more questions for you. I'm sure administration will want a word with you, as well as my superior." responded the officer, as he stood from the table. He took his pistol and the clipboard, then spoke again. "Remain here for the moment. Once the medical officer clears you, you'll be escorted to a briefing room here in the Security Sector."

You nod, sitting back in your chair as you let your hands rest on the table. You can't exactly move them off the table because of the cuffs, though. The officer departs from the room, leaving the lone soldier to stand near the door.

As you wait, you glance over to the soldier and offer some conversation. "How bad is it up here?" you ask.


The soldier, surprisingly, responds. "Long range communications for all the colonies are down. Have been since this mess started. Someone took out the dishes on the surface with explosives. The best we've been able to do is get a message to the orbital station, but we haven't received any response." he says, "We locked the colony down yesterday, after some of the psychos rode the elevator up and caused a massacre in the market district. Riot teams were sent in and met with gunfire. We squashed them, but lost a lot of guys."

You suddenly notice another presence to your immediate right, and glance over to see Hypnos has appeared. The jester is sitting on the table, her legs crossed under her. Her head is resting in her palm, elbow propped on a knee, as she listens to the soldier speak as well.

Remember, no physical interactions.

You look away from her quickly, back to the soldier as he continues. "...These psychos seem coordinated. Like they're not totally insane, but just enough." he muttered, "Its really strange. Almost like they've been brainwashed."

You nod. "The foreman that tried to kill me, Héctor... He was acting like a raving lunatic. Beating against the door of the room I was in, cursing and rambling. What could drive a man to that state?"

The soldier shrugs. "No idea. Maybe its some new Imperial bullshit. They're the ones that have been the shoot-first kind of people during all of this. They had their colony on lockdown day one. We haven't heard a word out of them since this started."

You glance down to the table. "They probably think we caused this."

"Who knows? They won't stop to talk to you about it, that's for sure. As for the Conglomerate... we haven't heard anything out of them either. Not since the last message the day this started." responds the soldier.

You hear footsteps outside the door after a few moments, and soon enough the door opens. Another soldier steps in, but this one was wearing the insignia of a medic. "Mr. Hawkins?" they ask. You nod, and they move over next to you. "I'm here to check on that head wound. Tilt your head forward for me, please."

You do so, and the medic moves around to inspect the back of your head. You notice Hypnos had crawled across the table, and was now inspecting it as well.

...Fine work, honestly. You have steady hands.

Soon enough, the medic straightens up. "Impressive. Good stitching. I'll clean the wound and put some gauze over it, if you don't mind." he states, and you hear the sound of a zipper moving. You feel something cold touch the back of your head, and of course, it stings a bit. Soon, though, the feeling dulls and you feel him stick the gauze patch over the wound. "That should do. Avoid bumps to the head, if you can. Don't want the stitches to tear." he states, before moving back around next to you.

You nod, and the medic then looks to the soldier. He nods as well. "Alright, let's get you over to the briefing room." states the soldier, stepping over and digging the keys to your cuffs out of his pocket. He slips them into the hole in your cuffs, giving it a wiggle and unlocking them. Soon, you're on your feet, and following the pair of troopers out of the interrogation room.

On the way out, you glance back to see that Hypnos had vanished. Probably for the best. Don't need to hallucinate her while talking to the bosses.

The walk down the narrow hallway has you passing by the cell in which Reyna was being held. A peek through the glass in the door allows you to see that she seems to be cooperating as well with her interrogator. Good. Hopefully they wouldn't bother her just because she was Commonwealth. Issues with the only group that seemed to be trying to work with us would be a problem.

Your boots clacked against the tile floor, as you passed through other hallswals lined with dull tan wallpaper. However, you would eventually emerge into a larger area. Here, soldiers and other guards were moving about. There was a large cage sort of cell off to the side, holding several people inside. These seemed to who had survive the incident yesterday, as there were several riot guards standing near it with shields and electric stun batons. A few people dressed in standard uniforms were sitting at large computers, keeping track of things on the security cameras across the colony. Some were even watching cameras down in the tunnels. Those that were still working, at least.

You continued on, eventually arriving at a set of double doors leading into what appeared to be the security sector's briefing room for the soldiers and guards. Inside, through the windows in the doors, you could see a handful of soldiers, as well as the two bosses over the colony itself.

Alisa Zvereva, and Major Vicente Morterero.

Alisa_Zvereva.png Vicente_Morterero.png
It was a known fact that the pair didn't particularly see eye to eye on some things. Alisa was doing what she thought was right for the people of Samotsvety, running it almost like she would her union back on Sieliv. If something needed doing, it got done. If people needed help, they got help. No ifs, ands, or buts. She was a good leader and a good person, and the people of the colony knew it. Vicente, on the other hand, was a prodigy of the Union's Commissariat for Internal Security. He was in charge of the security personnel and soldiers of Samotsvety. Some say these soldiers only take orders from their commander, leaving Alisa out of the picture. It would make sense, given their connection to the Union's intelligence branch. Others dismiss these claims, as Alisa was given full control over the colony and everyone in it. Including the guards.

This has often lead to heated arguments over their uses between the two, behind closed doors.

As the soldiers pushed the doors to the briefing room open, you managed to catch the end of the conversation between them. It seemed they had been arguing again.

"--and you decide to send word to Hamamoto that we're willing to open communications with them!?" spits Vicente, pointing towards the door.

"Yes. I did. Would you rather we be alone and in the dark here? They're the only ones willing to talk to us! The Imperials are too busy putting bullets in bodies, like you would rather do!" fires back Alisa.

"We have to defend ourselves, Alisa, and our people!"

"I know that, and we can't do that if we don't know what the hell is going on!"

Vincente grumbles, muttering under his breath as he folds his arms. Then, they notice that you had entered.

"Scott!" says Alisa aloud, quickly approaching you with her arms open wide. "Thought I had lost my best engineer during all this shit! Where the hell have you been?"

Vicente on the other hand, simply glares at Alisa, occasionally casting a glance to you.

"Stuck in the tunnels, getting attacked by maniacs and Imperials." you respond, "Only managed to get out of there this morning. Managed to save a Commonwealth woman on the way, who says she was sent to establish short-range comms with us."

Alisa pauses, eyes widening. "Where is she?" she asks, looking back to Vicente.

"Interrogation Ce--" he manages to get out, before Alisa's head snaps around to look at the soldier next to you.

"Bring her here. Now." she orders. The soldier salutes, and quickly departs. Alisa then looks back to you and gives you a gentle slap on the shoulder. "You might have just helped us get a better grasp on the situation."

1. Inquire

"...So what's been going on?" you ask Alisa. "The soldier in the interrogation cell with me gave me a short version of things. Long-range comms being down, colony on lockdown... Imperials aren't talking, and neither is the Congolmerate."

2. Berate

You look to Vicente. "Did you have to have me knocked out? I already have a head wound. You could have killed me." you say. You were angry. They could have simply captured you and escorted you here. They didn't have to smack you with a rifle stock.

3. Silence

You choose to remain silent, waiting for Reyna to arrive. You didn't want to get involved in whatever argument Alisa and Vicente were having.

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1. Inquire
"...So what's been going on?" you ask Alisa. "The soldier in the interrogation cell with me gave me a short version of things. Long-range comms being down, colony on lockdown... Imperials aren't talking, and neither is the Congolmerate."

"That definitely is the short of it." responds Alisa, "Though, he left a few things out."

She waves a hand to Vicente, who rolls his eyes before speaking. "Long-range comms are out, and they destroyed the facilities for incoming and outgoing traffic. The orbital station has been radio silent, and from the looks of things on the scope, it's gone totally dark." he begins, "The Imperials went quiet the day this started, and locked their colony down. That hasn't stopped Imperial troops from venturing out into the tunnels. We've been engaged almost every time we've sent someone down to scout things out. The Commonwealth has their colony locked down just like us, but aren't shooting at us on sight from the looks of things."

"As for the Conglomerate, they went silent as well. For people that are supposed to be keeping the peace between the factions, they're not doing a very good job." He then shrugs. "We have been detecting a signal from their facility, however, between us and the Commonwealth colony. I've been considering sending a team through the tram line to see if anyone's still alive there, but we'd be risking another conflict with wandering Imperials or other psychos. Another option would be to send someone across the surface, and enter through the airlock entrance, but finding someone willing to risk that has been difficult. There was also the riot yesterday, and one of the bastards managed to get into our communications room to shoot the place up. Took out everything but the radio."

Alisa then looks back to you. "There you have it. Three days of this, and that's all we know." she states, before motioning out the door behind you. "We don't know what's driving these people insane. Its like things took a nosedive three days ago, while we were dealing with the aftermath of the Gamma-37 tunnel collapse."

The Gamma-37 tunnel collapse had happened thirteen days ago, on December 14th. The tunnel collapse was caused by an earthquake, which was in turn caused by massive explosion in an unmarked tunnel system to the west several kilometers away inside the territory of the Commonwealth colony. The Commonwealth had no knowledge of the existence of the tunnels where the explosion was traced to, and during the Conglomerate's investigation into the matter, no explosives of the size needed to cause the blast had been imported into the colonies beyond simple blasting charges for the mines. Hundreds of miners were buried under the rubble of Gamma-37, while the survivors and other citizens of the colonies began to suffer from nightmares and bouts of insomnia.

Ahhh, the blast that destroyed the lab around my cavern. I was trying to reach out to the rest of you afterwards, trying to make contact with someone willing to listen, but apparently all I did was cause problems. You humans and your brain chemistry... tricky stuff. As for why things took such a drastic turn... my sibling is trying to finish the job.

And we can't tell her that.

No. Not yet, at least. They'll think you're nuts.

You nod along to what Alisa is saying, before you hear the door open behind you. You glance back to see that its Reyna. She notices you and smiles, before looking to Alisa.

"Just the woman I've been waiting for." states Alisa, walking over and holding out her hand to shake. "Glad Hamamoto saw reason."

Reyna shook her hand. "It took some convincing, believe me." she responds, "Kavanagh had to voice his support. Even the mercs knew it was a good idea."

"Right. Can't go home to spend your money if you die out here." mutters Vicente nearby.

Alisa cuts him a look, before looking back to Reyna. "I heard that some of your equipment was destroyed on the way over. I'd say we have some to spare, but our comms room took a hit yesterday when one of those psychos managed to get in."

Reyna sighs heavily. "Fuck." she mutters, "I just need a portable system and a signal booster, really. Nothing major."

Vicente then speaks up again. "The Conglomerate should have some portable communications equipment, but as I told Mr. Hawkins before you got here, we're trying to decide on how to get over there to check on them."

Alisa then looks to you, a certain expression on her face. You know that look. She wants you to do her a favor. Every so often, back on Sieliv, she'd give you that very same look. She needs help, and you always do what's needed. You sigh.

But how will you go about helping?

1. Tram System

"I'll take the tram system. Reyna and two soldiers could go with us. We'll head over to the Conglomerate facility, and see what we can find." you say. The tram would be the fastest route, but as Vicente said... potential Imperial threats, if they have anyone moving through the tram system as well.

2. The Surface

"Looks like I'll be going for a walk on the surface." you state. "Reyna, and a soldier or two, can go with me. We head over, through the airlock, and check things out. We'll come back the same way." A walk on the surface of Lethe was dangerous purely because you were forced to use a space suit. There was virtually no atmosphere. If someone was out there, who decided to take shots at you... you'd be done for if you were hit. However, it was less likely for someone to be out there as compared to inside the tram system. Worth a shot.

3. The Tunnels

"...What about the tunnels? We've been down there before." you state, "Some of our tunnels connect to Commonwealth tunnels. Its how Reyna got here. And I think a tunnel runs under the Conglomerate facility. There has to be an emergency exit or entrance down there somewhere." Just as dangerous of an option as taking the tram or surface, especially since you don't know what's lurking down there besides the Imperial patrols and madmen.

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3. The Tunnels
"...What about the tunnels? We've been down there before." you state, "Some of our tunnels connect to Commonwealth tunnels. Its how Reyna got here. And I think a tunnel runs under the Conglomerate facility. There has to be an emergency exit or entrance down there somewhere." Just as dangerous of an option as taking the tram or surface, especially since you don't know what's lurking down there besides the Imperial patrols and madmen.

Do you, perhaps, have a bit of a death wish?

No, but it's better than being locked in a tube pushing 6,400 kilometers an hour, or walking on the surface and waiting to get hit with a potshot from some guy with a rifle that we can't see.

Alisa looks surprised at you, as does Vicente. Reyna, however, looks stunned.

"You... You're willing to go back down there? Seriously?" asks Reyna.

You nod. "We have no idea who might be out there lurking on the surface, and we have no idea if the Imperials have done anything to the tubes. The tunnels, however? We know what we're getting into. I just need a map of the tunnel system, and we can make our way there."

"W-We?!" she then stammers, taking a step back in shock. "Oh no! No-no-no-no! I'm not going back down there! I went through hell to get here, and I'm not setting foot in those Imperial and synth infested tunnels again!"

Alisa then speaks up, folding her arms. "You might have to."

"What!? Why?!" she demands.

"Because you're the only one that knows what we'd be looking for when it comes to the right type of communications equipment."

Reyna then looks quickly to you. You shrug. "It's true. I'm just an engineer."

Reyna looks rapidly between you and Alisa, then to Vicente. Vicente simply shrugs as well. "I'll send two of my men with you, if that helps." he says, motioning to the soldier still in the room.

Reyna eventually just spins around, muttering a string of obscenities, before storming out of the briefing room. Alisa almost chuckles, but holds it in as she looks to you.

"We'll get you a map. Some armor too, since you'll probably need it down there." she says, before looking to Vicente who adds his own input via a question. "Any weapons experience?"

You nod. "Pistols and shotguns, mainly, for the wildlife on Sieliv." you respond.

Vicente returns the nod, before looking to the soldier near you. "You, set him up with a shotgun and some armor. Grab one of the others out there just standing around, too. You're going with him."

Minutes pass, and soon you and Reyna are standing back at the elevator that leads down into the Repair Bay. They couldn't risk sending you down one of the other alternate elevators, due to the potential of being immediately intercepted by Imperial troops. You were now clad in basic Union body armor. Mainly kevlar with some ceramic plates tucked into strategic locations. In your hands, a large bore pump-action riot shotgun. You also have a gift from Alisa, which is a small engineering kit that latched onto your belt and hung off your side.

Reyna is also sporting armor. She has her pistol from before, a popular Commonwealth type chambered in 9mm. Its boxy shape drew the eye at times. The soldiers sent with you, both Corporals by the name of Muszyński and Filenkov, look like typical Union troops. One wielding an AK, while the other is using a longer semi-automatic rifle with a flip out bayonet under the barrel.

You adjust your helmet, then step onto the elevator. The rest follow, and you soon slap the down switch on the railing. Down you all go, descending back down into the depths of the tunnels below. Minutes pass, before the elevator begins to slow down to a crawl. The soldiers step off first, securing the parts room before moving out into the repair bay proper. You and Reyna follow, and as you leave the back of the repair bay, you come across the synth from before.

The soldiers stop to examine it, before glancing up to you. "It went rogue and tried to kill us. I had to put it down." you respond, to which they simply nod.

"Happens." says Filenkov, "Honestly can't stand synths, but what can you do?"

"Right?!" Reyna almost blurts out, which earns a chuckle from both Filenkov and Muszyński. As she speaks with them, you draw the map from one of your pockets and begin to look it over. You trace your path from the Repair Bay back to where you had been earlier, at the miners' living quarters, but stop at approximately where you ran into Reyna. From there, you trace a path towards the Commonwealth colony. Halfway across, you spot an auxiliary tunnel that leads towards the Conglomerate facility. There must be an alternate way in from there.

The trick was getting there safely. It'd be hours before you got there, according to the distance on the map, when the trip by tram would have only taken maybe five minutes at most.

You look over towards the machines in the shop. There had to be something you could do to shave time off your trip.

1. Search

A simple mining trolley or a handcar would help immensely, and the Repair Bay was supposed to have one in order to get to broken down machinery in the tunnels quickly. You just had to find it. Then, the four of you could simply ride the tracks to your destination, if they weren't damaged by debris from the tunnel ceiling.

2. Walk

You didn't have the time to go digging around here. You had to move, or something would find you. Maybe you'd find a vehicle or something down the line to use. For now, though, you were walking.


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