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Futuristic Forsaken: The Neutral Zone

2. Maybe a Little Help
"...You can't spare one or two men to come with us?" you ask, "We'll need the manpower once we're inside."

"Yeah, we're gonna need a bit more help. If they sic the death squads on the three of us, we're done for." adds Reyna. She seems to be supportive of your thoughts, though probably out of simple fear for her life. More bodies with more guns meant higher survival chances if things went south.

Lola soon speaks up, also in support. "I agree. It wouldn't hurt to have one or two extra men. I'm not a soldier type synth, so my skills aren't as sharp as I'd like them to be in these situations. We'll be more noticeable, as a result, but its an acceptable tradeoff for security."

Alisa glances between the three of you, before sighing. "Alright, fine. I'll see who I can pull." she says, scratching her head before turning about and moving back into the other room.

As the three of you wait, you glance to one another. "Sneaking into the Imperial Administrator's quarters? That's the best we can do?" whispers Reyna, looking at you. You shrug in response. There weren't many ways to get into the colonies, beyond the main routes. The Imperials had their colony locked down as well, so it would be difficult to get in even with the alternate routes. Entering from the surface seemed like the only way beyond traveling through hundreds of meters of duct work into the the air filtration system and maintenance area.

"We'll be fine. We just have to be careful, and take things slow." responds Lola, also whispering. "We get in, find the target, and extract. Simple."

"Simple? The Imperials have gone insane, and have death squads roaming around. If we're discovered, we'll be hunted down."

"If we're discovered, we deal with it. Put them down just like they'd put us down." says Lola, glancing back to Reyna. "It really is simple."

Reyna glances to you again. "...She does have a point. We just fight our way out the same way we came in." you say.

As you finish, Alisa returns. Walking out towards you, she speaks up. "Managed to get you one extra pair of hands. Filenkov volunteered. Muszyński is helping with the clean-up." she stated, "Head over to the armory and get geared up. Filenkov's going to meet you at Surface Access #2's airlock. Fastest route to the Imperial colony will be from that side, and there's a buggy parked just outside the door."

"Cool but uh... where's Surface Acc--" Reyna goes to ask, before you speak up.

"Don't worry, I'll lead us to it." you state, before motioning for the pair to follow. "Let's grab our gear, I guess."

It isn't long before you're on the way up to Surface Access, carrying with you some basic kevlar armor and small caliber firearms. Pistols, a shotgun, and an SMG. Fighting inside of a colony was already dangerous, as high caliber ammunition could punch through cabin walls and glass on floors near the surface. Decompression would occur, and no one would want that unless you were suicidal. Once you reach the Surface Access area, you move through a series of tunnels towards the #2 airlock. On either side of the airlock are rooms containing pressurized suits for walking on the surface. Reyna and Lola head into the women's area, while you enter the men's. Before long, the three of you step out into the hall again wearing the standardized cream colored suits of the Union.

Reyna points to her head, mouthing the words 'Comms check.' You and Lola begin to fiddle with the computer mounted to the suit's arm, and soon enough you speak. "Can you hear me?" you say.

Both respond. "Loud and clear." they say in unison. You give them a thumbs-up. "Good. Let's head outside." you say, motioning towards the airlock door a moment later.

It takes a minute for the airlock to vent the air and regulate the pressure so that it matches the space outside. Through the window in the airlock door, you can see Filenkov moving about. He seemed to be preparing the buggy waiting for you, checking the tires and small engine on the back. As soon as the airlock door opens, he glances over and waves.

"Alright. Buggy is ready to go. Who's driving?" he asks, looking between the three of you.

1. You

2. Filenkov

3. Lola

4. Reyna


"I'll drive." you say, to which Filenkov responds with a simple thumbs up. It had been a while since you had driven one of the surface buggies anywhere, and you always enjoyed it, so no better time than now for you to get your fill in. Especially since you'd be driving a good distance to the Imperial colony.

Everyone finds their seats in the buggy, with Lola sitting directly behind you while Filenkov sits next to you in the passenger seat. Reyna sits behind him, sitting her comms pack in between her and Lola. Once you get situated and buckled in, you start the small engine with a few switch flips. The electric engine of the buggy whines to life, the solar panels that were stretched out across the back behind Lola and Reyna folding up for later when it needed to recharge.

Soon enough, they were off. Darting across the dull grey, rocky landscape that was Lethe's surface. They kept their eyes out, watching for any sign of activity as the buggy moved, but nothing could be picked out as suspicious. At least for now. They had several kilometers to go before they would be near the Imperial colony, and that would be where the threat would be at its greatest.

The debris from the orbital station's destruction stretched far and wide across the surface, with bits of metal and machinery from the station impaled into the ground or at the center of small craters that the buggy either dipped into or went around. There were bodies as well, some of them in pieces while others were mostly held together. All were scorched and mangled, though, from the blast. Poor souls, roped into this hellish situation by beings beyond their comprehension. At least, that's what you knew. The others thought it to be the work of an unidentified military force our for their deaths to cover up something dark.

The others spoke, chatting over their comms as you drove. They spoke about a variety of things, such as life on Filenkov and Reyna's home worlds. Lola spoke a bit about what it was like being a synth, especially one working for the Conglomerate. They even spoke about hobbies, with Lola sharing her love of botany and Filenkov's love of card games and tricks. Reyna was apparently good with puzzles, but loved playing with something called a Rubik's cube. Whatever the hell that was. Probably a Commonwealth toy.

It wasn't long before the Imperial colony was in sight, sticking up like a dark black citadel on the surface of the moon. The Imperials were known for making imposing structures, to ward off ideas of assault from opposing forces. Their colonies were no different. As you near, however, you feel a strong sense of unease.

That unease shifts to panic, as Lola abruptly delivers a sharp kick to your elbow from behind. Your arm snaps forward, throwing the wheel around and forcing the buggy to turn sharply and almost flip. Filenkov and Reyna almost fall out of the vehicle, but remain inside due to their seat-belts.

"LOLA, WHAT THE FUCK!?" you shout, but you soon notice that Lola is no longer in the vehicle. She had bailed out and was now bounding across the surface with her weapon readied.

Filenkov notices, and quickly gets out as well. "She spotted something! Get the buggy behind that boulder!" he spits over comms, pointing to a large rock nearby with a chunk of metal jutting out of it from the station.

You quickly do just that, spinning the wheel around and moving the buggy into cover. Reyna was now panicking as well, trying to unhook her seat-belt so that she could get out. You reach back and pop the seat-belt's latch off, before looking up to her. "Stay with me. They can handle whatever is out there."

It wasn't long before you hear both Filenkov and Lola over comms. "Contact! Marksman! A hundred and twenty meters!" calls out Lola, to which Filenkov responds with a quick "I SEE HIM!"

Then, gunfire through the comms. A few singular shots from Filenkov's rifle, and two bursts from Lola's weapon. There were some return shots, which sounded like a semi-auto rifle of some sort, before Filenkov fired off three more times. Then, confirmation. "Got him! Target down!" he said, his breathing ragged from moving so much in the thick suits.

Minutes later, the pair returned. "I apologize, Scott... I saw scope glint, and knew he was likely aiming at you. So, I did what I had to do." says the synth, as she approached.

"Don't worry about it. Just... try not to kick so hard next time." you say, almost with a chuckle. Your elbow was a bit sore now. She really put some force behind that hit.

You can see her smile behind her visor, before looking to Reyna. "Well, we can probably continue on. I'd leave the buggy here, though. We can move between cover if there's anyone else out here." she says, cutting a glance to Filenkov.

He nods. "Yeah. We're close enough to the Administrative sector up here anyway, so we just need to find where we need to climb up at." he says, taking a moment to glance out behind the boulder at the structure beyond. "I just hope we don't really have to climb anything. It'll be rough going in these suits."

The four of you begin your approach, moving between boulders, rocks, and other debris as you near the Imperial colony's outer walls. There were some cameras that Lola and Reyna could point out, but they didn't seem active at the moment. Were they just not worried all that much about invasion from the outside? Why was there a marksman out here, then? This was strange.

Soon, however, you see your target. A wide, flat platform where the Imperial administrator can stand with his guests, taking shots at clay discs as they soar over the barren moon's landscape. It is elevated, high off the ground, and overlooking a deep crater. There is a lift, however, as well as a ladder to get up to it. The lift is at the top, and there doesn't seem to be any way to lower it from the ground. You would have to go up the ladder one at a time.

"Time to figure out who's going first." you say, looking between Filenkov and Lola. "You're both better trained than us."

1. Filenkov

You point at FIlenkov. "Probably best that you head up. You're better prepared to fight." you say, "Lola can climb last to cover everyone."

2. Lola

You motion to Lola. "Lola, go on up and take a look around. We'll climb up behind you, and Filenkov can cover the rear." you say.

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1. Filenkov
You point at FIlenkov. "Probably best that you head up. You're better prepared to fight." you say, "Lola can climb last to cover everyone."

"Got it. Watch my ass." responds Filenkov, as he moves towards the ladder. "I'll wave you up if things are clear."

He soon slowly begins climbing the ladder, taking his time due to his space suit's general size. Meanwhile, you keep an eye on him while Reyna and Lola watch your surroundings. The main thing on your mind is if there were cameras outside watching the deck. You hoped not. Otherwise, they'd see you coming and could just rush you before everyone could get up on the deck. This could go south really fast.

About three minutes later, Filenkov reaches the top. You watch him disappear over the edge, and listen quietly to comms. No gunfire, no panic. Things seem okay. You then spot his hand poke over the edge and wave. Good. Now it was your turn.

You approach the ladder and begin to climb, taking about the same amount of time it had taken Filenkov to reach the top. The suits were more of a hindrance for movement, but were obviously needed for your survival out here in the vacuum. Once you reach the top, you climb over the edge onto the deck and take it all in.

The deck itself is shaped in a half-octagon patter, with four smooth edges, and is made of a dark grey metal surrounded by a thick strip of soft red around the edge. There is a large simple metal bench off to the side, next to a square metal table where one could set equipment down. On the table is a box, which appears to contain spent shotgun and rifle shells gathered up from the deck after shooting. The device that flung the clay targets one would shoot from the deck is at the far edge, and is currently empty.

You motion over the edge for Reyna to climb, before looking back to Filenkov. He is approaching the airlock door, peering through the glass inside to see if there was any movement. You, on the other hand, take the time to look for camera systems.

You find two of them, at either end of the deck, with a clear view of quite literally everything.

Thankfully, upon closer inspection, you notice that the cameras didn't seem to be active. They must only switch on when the administrator steps onto the deck, so that the colony can keep a watchful eye over their leader. "There's two cameras, but they're not active. We should probably hurry up and get inside, though, before someone decides to switch them on." you whisper over comms.

"I don't see any movement inside." responds Filenkov, his rifle shouldered as he peers through the glass of the airlock's door. "It seems pretty quiet on the other side of the airlock. Wonder what the administrator is up to?"

"Maybe he's dead?" says Reyna, as she continues to climb the ladder.

"We'll find out soon enough." says Lola, waiting at the bottom.

Eventually, Reyna reaches the top, and Lola begins her climb as you squat near the edge. Keeping an eye on the surrounding area below. You wonder how often the administrator came out here, just to shoot at targets being flung over the large crater below. Judging from the shells and casings in the box over on the table, it seemed either really often. That, or he frequently had guests during his fewer trips.

As Lola reaches the top, she gives you a pat on the shoulder before moving over towards where Filenkov and Reyna are waiting. You follow, and soon you're all ready to enter.

"Alright. Stay alert, check your corners. We're in enemy territory, and this can get really bad really fast." says Filenkov, checking his rifle ammunition before glancing to the rest of you. You all three give him a thumbs-up in response, and soon are entering the airlock. It shuts with a his, and the pressurization process begins with a loud hiss. After a moment, you're able to shed your suits. leaving them just outside the airlock as you venture into the Administrator's quarters.

It's a mess. Overturned tables and cabinets, trinkets and debris scattered about. Pictures had been knocked off the walls or cocked sideways. Either someone lost their mind and just ransacked the place, or a fight broke out here. Beyond that, the Administrator's quarters seemed largely utilitarian in design despite the custom amenities and personal items. Typical for the Imperium. No style, just utility, painted black-grey and yellow-gold with some dashes of red.

You soon discover that it was the latter, as you enter the den area of his quarters.

There were bullet holes scattered about the room, and a few bodies scattered here and there. Imperial soldiers, shot to death by one another it seemed. One was slumped against the wall near a destroyed holoscreen, one had smashed through the table in front of the sofa. One was laid out on the floor, next to a chair after having attempted to use it for makeshift cover. More bodies were found, moving down a nearby hallway towards what appeared to be a kitchen area and the Administrator's bedroom.

"...Holy shit." muttered Reyna quietly.

"...Should we see if they killed the Administrator?" you ask.

"...Probably a good idea." says Filenkov. Lola agrees with a nod, and begins to quietly move down the hallway towards the bedroom. She carefully steps over the bodies, eyeing them as she moves.

The three of you wait in the den, remaining quiet as Lola investigates, but soon hear her voice over comms. "...He's not here. There's a lot of blood all over the bathroom, though... and uh... skin."


"...What the fuck?" mutters Filenkov, looking to you.

1. Investigate

2. Keep Moving

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1. Investigate

You looked to Filenkov, before moving down the hallway in the direction Lola had ventured. "...Hurry up! We can't stay here forever!" whispered Reyna, shaking her head nervously.

Eventually, you arrived at the administrator's bedroom. It had been ransacked just like the rest of his quarters. His desk was overturned, with its contents scattered across the floor, and the bookshelf in the corner was cocked sideways as it rested atop it. What appeared to be an old record player sitting on a table by itself was now destroyed, busted inward with the records shattered across the floor around it.

Lola was standing in the doorway of the bathroom, to the left of where you entered. "Over here." she said softly, waving you over as she continued to look around the bathroom. You made your way over, stepping across broken glass from a shattered picture frame. Eventually, you arrived at the doorway and leaned in to look inside.

The bathroom was... practically coated in blood. There's was a large pool at the base of the sink, mounted to the wall on the opposite side of the room. Bloody hand prints marked the sink itself, as well as the walls around the room. The shower was open, and inside, you saw even more blood.

You also noticed just what Lola had mentioned. Skin. Large chunks of flesh scattered about. There was a large concentration of it, however, in the pool at the base of the sink as well as in the sink itself. As you looked up to the mirror above the sink, you noticed something written across the mirror in blood. It had been written using a fingertip, but it was a language you didn't understand. Lola didn't seem to understand it either.

Hypnos, however, gave you the translation. 'Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.' Poetic... for such a gruesome scene.

"Fucking hell..." you muttered to yourself. Lola gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder in response, before moving back into the other room. Leaving you alone to view the mess.

It wouldn't be long, however, before you heard Filenkov's voice crackle over your radio. "Scott, Lola, get your asses back here. We've got movement outside."

You quickly depart from the bathroom, following behind Lola as she darted towards the door leading out of the bedroom. However, as you move down the hallway, you begin to hear shots.

"SCOTT, LOLA, GET IN HERE NOW!" barked Filenkov over the radio.

You soon spot two Imperial soldiers moving into the open area at the end of the hallway, their grey armor and black uniforms with gold trim professing their allegiances for all to see. Filenkov and Reyna must have moved back further into the Administrator's quarters. Lola dropped to a knee, hugging the wall as she took aim at one of the soldiers. You remained standing, your shotgun shouldered and aimed at the other. You fire in unison, Lola unleashing a pair of three round bursts while you fire off a shotgun blast aimed squarely at the soldier's head.

Lola's burst of gunfire seemed to stun the soldier she had fired upon, knocking him over, but your shotgun blast practically burst the other soldier's head like a melon. Blood, brains, and skull fragments splattered across the room behind him, as his body crumpled to the ground. Meanwhile, his ally tried to recover. Lola wouldn't give him the chance. She darted forth, rushing the soldier and forcing him to the ground with her hand.

"This will be a lot less painful if you stop struggling." she muttered, as the soldier tried to push her off. However, her hand soon clamped around his throat like a vice. She would squeeze tightly, choking the soldier until eventually there was an audible crunch. She had crushed his windpipe. As she held him in place, his movements slowed until soon enough he had stopped moving completely.

"You could have just shot him, Lola." you say, moving up next to her. "Would have been quicker."

"True." she responded, standing and glancing to you. "...But I already had him by the throat. I had to follow through. Plus, it saves me a bullet."

You shrugged in response, eventually pumping your shotgun and ejecting the spent shell. Afterwards, you look about. Where was Filenkov and Reyna? You decide to check your radio, as you glance to Lola.

"Filenkov? Reyna? Where'd you go?" you asked

There was a moment of silence, before you hear Filenkov's voice crackle through. "We're in the vents. Reyna panicked, and climbed into the one on this side of the airlock. I climbed in after her. We're about two floors down from you now... Looks like we're above a restroom, from what I can see through this vent cover."

...Shit, now we're separated. Nice job, Reyna.

"Looks like its just us for the time being." said Lola, giving you a faint smile.

"Yeah, looks like it." you responded, before clicking your radio on again. "Alright. You two work your way through the vents to where the signal is originating from. We'll clear the upper levels and do a little poking around. If you get into trouble, let us know and we'll try and find a way down to you."

"Copy. Reyna, fucking slow do--" responded Filenkov, before his radio clicked off.

You glanced down at the bodies of the soldiers you just killed, taking note of their equipment. Assault rifles, assault webbing and tactical armor. They were ready for battle, but your surprise attack caught them off guard. You look to their assault rifles, then glance to Lola as she seems to pick one up and look it over as well.

"Well, they won't be needing these, and we can use any ammo we find." she says, examining the black rifle. She then glances over to you. "Do you know how to use an assault rifle?"

"Uh... no, not really. I've only ever trained with pistols and shotguns." you responded.

"...Want a crash course?" she then asks, with a smirk.

You have a chance to upgrade your Weapons Knowledge. You have two options:

1. Accept the Training

You will be given a crash course in Advanced Weaponry. This will allow you to use Carbines, Assault Rifles, Battle Rifles, Light Machine Guns, and Marksman's Rifles. You will also be able to handle two-handed melee weapons more efficiently, such as pickaxes and fireaxes, pipes, and so on. This is a straight upgrade to your Basic Weapons Knowledge, and is mostly a step on the way to higher skill levels.

2. Decline the Training
You will refuse the training. This means you will be only able to use Pistols, Shotguns, Machine Pistols, and Sub-Machine Guns for the time being, as well as basic one-handed melee weapons. However, you may learn Advanced Weaponry at a later point, if you so choose, or completely bypass it for a higher or adjacent skill.


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