The Demon Fanatic
- Group
- Dice
2. Aid
This woman clearly needs help. You have a pistol, and could give her covering fire while she retreats.
Thoughtful of you. Be careful, however. Your foe is a trained soldier.
Right. I just need to force him into cover. She can get away, and we can make a run for it before he can return fire.
You lean out from the corner of the small tunnel, taking aim with your Makarov. You line up the sights, aiming for the man's center of mass, and fire off three shots. The first shot collides with his armor, apparently knocking the wind out of him and forcing him down. The second and third shots collided with his cover, a simple metal container that mine carts could dump their contents in. The woman quickly looked around at you, surprised by your sudden intervention.
You give her a nod, before motioning for her to follow. "Let's go!" you call out to her, before firing off two more shots at the man in the distance. He was attempting to get back up to fire at you, but your follow-up shots forced him back into cover.
She scrambles to her feet, almost falling down as she lost her footing briefly, before darting down the tunnel with you. To help with covering your escape, you look up and fire a shot at a few of the lights above. The bullets collide, shattering the bulbs and plunging the two of you into darkness as you make your escape.
You could hear the man behind you fire off a burst in your direction, which went wide, before loudly shouting "Son-of-a...FUCK!". Seems you ruined his day.
As the pair of you continue moving, you hear the woman just behind you speak. "T-Thank you so, so much! I thought I was a goner! He's been chasing me for the past hour!" she said, between breaths.
"We can talk later. We have to get out of these tunnels." you reply, "I'm going to the Repair Bay. There's an elevator we can use there to go up to the colony."
"That's where I was headed!" she quickly states, "The guys over in the Commonwealth colony sent me! They've been trying to re-establish short range communications with whoever is still in charge of the Union colony! I was bringing equipment along to make that happen, but that bastard and his friends there destroyed my gear! Now I just have what's in my backpack!"
"Hopefully Alisa is still in charge." you respond, "Once we get up there, I'm sure we can figure something out regarding comms."
"Right, yeah! Someone probably has a transmitter up there somewhere!" she says, "My name is Reyna, by the way!"
"Scott." you reply, stating your own name.
She's Commonwealth, hmm? Interesting.
--- --- --- --- ---
Ally Acquired!

Reyna Hendrix
Commonwealth Communications Technician
Technical/Electronics Skillset
--- --- --- --- ---
Ally Acquired!

Reyna Hendrix
Commonwealth Communications Technician
Technical/Electronics Skillset
--- --- --- --- ---
You continue on, and eventually come to a fork in the large tunnel. Just what you were expecting to run into. The right tunnel seemed to turn off to the right, while the left one continued straight ahead. Which one was it again? Reyna looks to you expectantly, before glancing back behind you both. You couldn't stay there very long.
1. Left
You seem to recall the path being more of a straight line than a curve. It allowed you to see what machinery was being brought back from down the tunnels on the tracks, and allowed for the larger vehicles to be brought over and tended to without having to even remove them from their trolleys. That had to be it.
2. Right
The right tunnel seems like it would prove more fruitful. You do recall a spiraling tunnel, leading downward on the northern side of the colony. A repair bay, within easy reach for equipment deep in the mines below. A perfect place to put it, right?