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Colosseum Flipside: World Of Battles, Brawls, and Split Personalities

Oh god.. so much happened today. I'll work on it tomorrow. Birthdays are chaos. Especially the afterparty of people who wont leave your house- Okay sleep-deprived me. Calm down, go to bed, and then fix this up! Got that? I think I got it... Good to know that she listens...
Also, for future reference, all characters in high school go to the same school. You don't have to know each other, though
Also, your posting times do not have to be in time with anyone else's! Just because my last time stamp was 7:10 doesn't mean yours has to be!
I apologize for the random font change in that last paragraph, phone's giving me crap an I can't change it.
Flip Jester Boy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14905-lonely-star/ said:
@Lonely Star[/URL]: What I'm asking is where it comes from, because the creation has to be in proximity of her body.
She pulls it out of the ground? I guess...
@Gabauchi everyone turned their key at different times. @Lonely Star 's character happened to be the first one. Also, that post is what your first entrance into Flipside should be like, along with some confusion as well.

@Lonely Star Feel free to post your character's reaction to her entrance to Flipside.

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