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Colosseum Flipside: World Of Battles, Brawls, and Split Personalities

1. there will be death fights from time to time, but they'll rarely occur.

2. I talked to him over Discord about it.

3. I already have a pairing in mind.

4. That's not even a question.
I apologize for my absence. These past few weeks have been very busy with Finals preparation and such that I haven't had much time to write a reply. Don't worry, as I will hopefully have a reply up by the end of the week, and it will probably be big, i don't know. For know, just wait and think of the things your character can do with his/her power.
@Flip Jester Boy I am finished, can you look over it to see if i have anything to add that i forgot? The powers are just some examples of what she can do with what she has. And i forgot to mention the limit occurs sooner, and more powerful on the strength of her feelings, determination ext. Compassion....

As well as the more hurt she is the more likely she will fall into the limit.

The theme isn't necessary and can change, so yeah :P i'm done.
@Flip Jester Boy

By the next in-game day, do you mean just start from the beginning of a day, and summarise until I'm up to date, or wait until all other characters are at the point of the next day?

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