Flight OOC

Hey, you guys were asking for it. . .

Also, it needs to be said:

~Marc and Fletch, sit-ting in a treee, k-i-s-s-i-n-g~
First comes love, then comes said loves rejection, then comes desperately going for the first person to show an actual interest in you and snogging him before he falls out of the tree and all goes to heck?
Ciao for now, dear~

What, it's true! Though my personal favourite is the divorce gingle

"John and Mary, sitting in a tree,


First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes abrupt, tragic miscarriage!

First comes blame, then despair, two hearts broken beyond repair

John leaves Mary, takes the tree

D I V O R C E!"
You know what? Thats exactly what should happen between you two. Except the miscarriage part, I don't even. . . . . .__.
No M-preg, please.

So you want them to get married first, Xavier? You want them to be that close first?
No. I have a boyfriend now... I think? At least I have someone who cares about me enough to show me rather than yelling at me and acting like I'm trying to replace him as leader or something equally stupid. If you wanted to love me you should have done it from the start. Why now?
How many times do I have to tell you. Just because we fight sometimes, and just because I can't understand my feelings for you, doesn't mean I don't love you. How can you blame me if you yourself only just realized your feelings, you are more sensitive to emotions?
I'm not blaming you for not realising I'm - argh. I'm saying that you can't get upset over me being with someone else when you never made a move yourself! You never staked a claim, you never told me how you felt, so you can't be angry when you never did anything about it!
Oh, don't worry. Not your daddies, just your mum and that guy he's dating. So he can get with your dad.
Maybe, this is getting dramatic, we should go on Jerry Springer or something. (already used that joke, doesn't care xD )
I noticed, even though it makes no sense in line with what the last several posts said and completely flips everything we'd been writing on its head.
Exactly, and June was with Vana all the way up until she had left the room to go look and check on Fletch. She would have noticed if Vana had snuck out before that.

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