Flight OOC

Ahh. Glad to have that all sorted. c:

I'm going to be offline for a bit, I'll make an overdue post when I return. O u O
Ok, we can focus on the whole deal with Shade and Crow while you're gone, so Fletch doesn't get left behind c:

Have fun!~ O u O
Plume said:
-cringes inwardly, slightly scared to read your reply when you post it-
No worries!~ c: Real life stuff comes first. 
Ok, nice, I'll think up a way to have it become known c: (maybe some kind of family heirloom that they both have? That their mother left with them? Something like that?)
Maybe. You have the brains to think at this point in time.
[QUOTE="Silent Howling]Maybe. You have the brains to think at this point in time

I'm not sure if you're angry at me, or-? Am I misinterpreting that?

I didn't want to puppeteer Shade by giving her a connection to Xavier without talking it over with you first is all. c:
[QUOTE="Silent Howling]I'm not angry at you. I was tired when I posted that.

No worries c:

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[QUOTE="Silent Howling]I really love your signature. It's so funny.

Thanks xP

I'd like to think it makes everything I say just a tad more dramatic. xD
I'm sorry I had to go! I'm back now - my partner and I had a lovely time - and I'll be catching up in Flight quickly. Then I'll update the summary and post for you, okay Raze? I'm sorry, it was her birthday, of course I had to spend the weekend with her. And who else would supervise her first legal drinking experience.

Ah. And I'm a she, not a he. Unless you were talking about Crow going to the fair? *unsure, but feels bad for leaving you guys hanging for so long*
No worries Renn, welcome back~ c:

(I haven't been on as much either. . . *throws internet router out window*)
Thank you! Glad to be back~

(I'm sure tech support is being a pain too. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?")
No kidding. . . -_-

My older brother has programed games, he's really computer smart, and they were telling him things like that. Not to mention they charged us fourteen bucks to talk to a person who didn't speak english for 30 seconds, without telling us we would we charged. . .

Is that even legal? . . . :c

My mother actually started screaming swear words at the phone operator, which I found very amusing somehow. xD
Definitely time for a new provider. . .

I'm super excited, there might be a chance I'll get to go to LA Anime Expo again this year. If I can, I'll probably go as Eren Jaeger from Attack on Titan, Rin Okumura from Ao No Exorcist, and maybe Hikaru from Ouran if I can get my identical twin on board. c:
Mm-hmm. Sounds like.

Have fun with that~ I can't really afford to go to anything big this year, unfortunately...

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