Flight OOC

Ah. I'll update the summary. Sorry guys~

I coulda sworn I put that in there, but that's totally possible that I missed it. If you're ever lost just look there, though, Kat m'dear.

*will go update that now*
*drools at how pretty the rules setup is now*

Ohhhh, and I guess Marc and Fletch will have to stay back alone because they're injured. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Ah-hah. Yeah, I made it look nicer. You like, I take it?

And, yes, updated the summary for all to see.

Oh no. What ever will they do? I guess they'll just have to snuggle up and snog each other's faces off to fight off boredom.
Yes, I do, it's beautiful. O w O

Awesome, thanks for doing that, it's a big help. c:

Oh darrrnnnn, that's just a tragedy, what ever will we do? xD
Gandalf and the Black Night from Monty Python face each other. Will they be stuck there forever? .__.

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