Flight OOC

My gawd. Fletch, I know you're hurt. . . .but way to overreact . . . .Drama king much?

(In reality that was amazing though, the feels.)

I almost feel like the relationship between Marc and Fletch should simmer for just a bit longer before Xavier finds out. For drama. Though not so long that they become too attached to each other.

And Nirvana, one of the rules on this site is to not discuss hacking. . . .. could get you in trouble. (or not, I'm not really sure.)
He's both overreacting and not at all, when you think about it. He's over reacting to the situation, yes, but he's seeing it through the tint of his newly surfacing feelings - something he's had in him for a while, but hasn't fully paid attention to, yanno? So each time something gets said in their arguments it takes the added meaning of a rebuffal to a lot more than just his idea that they should rest, etc.

But yeah, he totally did overreact with his exact-opposite-of-flying-off-the-handle there.

I want them together for a little while before Xavier finds out? I mean, it'll hurt if he sees it now, yes, but if he sees it and finds out that they've been in a relationship behind his back? Ouch ouch ouch. Give him that realisation that Fletch, who has always told him everything (every little thing, even the bits he doesn't want to know sometimes, or that don't matter), has been secretly in a relationship he knew nothing about. What else hasn't he been telling him, yanno?
Yeah, completely, I'm going to make Xavier see Marc and Fletch talking, but get discouraged and leave before Fletch gets kissed. (rages silently at Marc, that's my wifey you're smushing faces with. . .) Plus, that will cause some drama between Marc and Xavier as well, seeing as Marc probably won't be too happy after Xavier steals Fletch eventually.
Mm-hmm. And Fletch'll just... kinda be in the middle of a giant mess. Whee for being the pass around doll. Poor Marc. I can't even imagine all the trouble this will cause between the three of them, both during it all and once it's all gone down.

...Plume? I thought we were doing intros only in This Cold Soul? *confused by all the people making continuation posts* are we starting for real or...?
Yes. Imagine how awkward sitting together as a group at dinner is going to be. 0__0

I explained in the OOC thread c:
Oh noes! ....is it bad that I'm super excited for this little soap opera thing we've got going on here? 
Oh? Did I miss it? *must go and read*

and... I know, right? Both before, when Fletch and Marc'll be... suddenly way closer... and after when... they... just... won't be. Ouch. Passing the salt's gonna be uncomfortable
If its bad for you to get excited about it, then we're in the same sinking boat. xD

-is a huge sucker for drama- 
I feel bad for June and Vana, having to experience the emotions of all three. xD  
But Vana kinda deserves it, the little butt. . . .
...oh goodness. Yeah. I was thinking about that - and the age difference and the fact that we have three teenage boys in this thing. And the fact that Vana is ten and can read the thoughts of those teenage boys.
*rolls around on the floor in the agony of missing his chance* (for now)

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope. It's soft core yaoi giirrrlllll. xD

(whos mind is going to be so corrupt by the end of this .___.)
*is a thirteen year old gurl* Literally. June is literally me in a nutshell. No joke. But my mind is p corrupt so it doesn't really matter
Ah. And now Xavier is going to blame Marc for letting Crow escape. And is going to be really harsh about it. Because he's jealous of seeing them talk, and be close.
June you little troll! I have to admit I cracked up reading your response. But poor Marc! People need to stop plummeting to earth, someone's gonna think it's the Supernatural finale
the day I found a hentai site...my mind was corrupt then It sent me to yaoi one...god I lost myself

Right rin, we lost ourselves, yes Gin we truly did loose ourselves
/dies on the floor laughing.

I started reading yaoi when I was twelve. I blame the anime Gravitation. .__.

And ha. .. we all already know that you've lost it. . ..You guys are nuts.

*sigh* at the moment, I guess thats true. But just you wait . . . .I'm going to kiss you a hundred times better than Marc ever could.

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