Flight OOC

Yeah. It is. I apologise in advance. Might take a while to post though because my partner just called me and I need to talk to her a bit first. Half way done though.
Plume said:
-in between classes, dropping in to apologize to Marc, your arm must be tired from waving those salts around. xD Xavier will awaken in about an hour, when I get my lunch break- 
I thought of something while I was writing, what do you guys think of Shade being Xavier's sister? With the same hair color and all, they could be from the same mother, but kept separate from each other at the School, so they both don't know yet.
I like that idea. It sounds interesting.
-cringes inwardly, slightly scared to read your reply when you post it-

No worries!~ c: Real life stuff comes first. 
Ok, nice, I'll think up a way to have it become known c: (maybe some kind of family heirloom that they both have? That their mother left with them? Something like that?)
I'm not even sorry. Neither is Fletch. Well. A little bit, but not really.

I'm quite looking forward to returning your heartbreak with my own quieter kind.

And what about matching birthmarks for the two/?
Okay. I may be on a little tomorrow before I vanish for three days, but then I'll be gone - partner has a birthday and all that.
They could have the same baby blankets or teddy bears!

...but, seriously. My brothers and I all have matching baby blankets...
An item is hard, though, because it's not like any of the flock really has anything of their parent's, yanno? Especially since some of them were probably sold to the school en utero.
Ohhh. *just woke up*

...haha. Now I'm trying to picture Xavier flying with a teddy. Ah. Hah. haha. That's. Actually a really good one now that I know you're not serious..
Well, it was a semi-serious joke. I always say that because when I joke, or am serious, no one can tell which it is... not even my dad. :P (Imagine him flying with a knitted or crocheted blanket as a cape, lol!)
And that's what I was thinking, Marc. Fletch is certainly at a breaking point so he'll be more open to you now then he's ever been before (at least in terms of a relationship, since he's almost always emotionally open with everyone). I'm pretty sure he's gonna let you see something he only lets Xavier see normally, if only because he can't really hold himself in for much longer here.

Imma reply then head off to work, but I think I'm only on for two hours today so...
Vana, please don't interrupt. The three of us have been plotting this for a while and we'd really like no interference with it until it's done. Please.

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