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Realistic or Modern FLESH EATERS OOC

I don't think Zayle would be friends with anyone per say, but my other character (who's sheet should be posted if not within the hour then by the end of the day) would be. I would think she would come in 2021 in order to give plenty of time to establish herself with the leader.
Here is the second character! I left the time he came to the community open because I feel like it can be very flexible depending on the needs of the role play. He can be a newcomer if we don't have any or he could be a vet. I'm completely flexible! Also sorry for all the files; I work much better in word documents than I do with BBC code lol
Awesome! He looks good as well. I like his fascination with bombs, very unique.

as for zayle and Danika being friends, I understand. Danika is a bit of a grump as well. I was thinking then that they would then be Just tolerable of eachother. Danika isn’t the type to Defy or go against. She has settled into the community nicely and probably will be quite relaxed around everyone unless there a) too new or b) being unreasonable.

if you‘d like Oskar and Danika to be friends she would really enjoy c-4s company as well. (:

also, I don’t bother with bbc coding. Though, word files are hard since my laptop broke, I’m using iPad right now.
So, already posted in the interest check, but I've noted that this thread is kind of --- dead.

You still here? Or should I go looking elsewhere?

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