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five nights at freddy's-The new night watch

Fready would look at the shark as he started not like how he acts really but the guard thing..Good..as he would finde a Pice of rebar and would pick it up,as this would do the trick,as he would start too Hit the Ice with the rebar chiping pices away "What is Your name"he ask as he chip the ice away bit bi bit
my name iss....." he had to keep his name, secretive. the others dont remember the bite of 87, but if he says his true name they may remember. ".....carro"
Fready would look at him confused as he Keep Chiping the ice away as he would say "So your name is Car?.....sounds odd but still"he says as he was almost finish with the ice

(Carro is car in spanish
xD )

"your last name...is fazbear.....faz-....bear, besides i think i can esca-a-a-ape now" he then chews, finally the ice falls slowly. His right arm begun to move, scraping his face out.
Frady would look down at him as he would extend his arm down and would say "Need help"he says as this was a interesting animatronic really and wonderd what was it porpus here
(Brucey is a car transformer xD

Freddy wants to slaughter my guard... But he's my favorite character DX ~as well as Bonnie)

Bonny and Chica stepped inside the room where Freddy and Brucey was, a somewhat confused look on their faces. "

"W-who m-m-may you b-be?" Bonnie asked politely, walking closer cautiously.

Fredy would look at Bonnie and say "he is Car...he cals himself that..."he says as he would pull Car too his feet and would wonder what was his Porpus

Natasha would be in the ice cream store with (Forgot name
xD ) as it was still day,as she dint what too go back there...never
(a new animatronic, named carro has arrive, the original bite of 87 and foxy sort of rival)

the shark smiled "now ill get into position...for tonight" the shark stomps off, his tail swaying as it hits foxy. his gears click with each movment.
Vallery got a vanilla icecream and sat down in the booths, rethinking her life. She couldn't quit the job, she remembers sining a contract she read, which stated that she couldn't quit until retirement (a month), and that if she just didn't show up, all her items would be sued. Vallery sighed, and started thinking of the animatronics. She knew she went there as a young child when the place was very popular, before any of the 'incidents' happened. Now that Vallery thought about it, wasn't there another animatronic that she hadn't seen that night?
the shark looks around, carefully getting used to the surroundings. his metal feet klanking with each step. "hmm...oi ch-ch-chica....what is going on h-h-here"
Fredy would sigh as he sees this other animatronic was fasinating as he dosent recall seeing him around but those remember it,as he would walk out of the meat Locker as he would go back on too the stage and sit down and sigh as ......this was silent

Natalia would have Goten a Coco Icecream as she would sit down with vallery as she would start eating her icecream and would look at her and would say "....Do you think those.....animatronics....were like program too scare us?"
oi f-f-f-freeddy, what is with this place...m.why is everything so oollld" he was rumaging through spare parts, trying to fix all his breakages.
"Time.....its 2014 now....Long years"he says in a down tone as he remembers those times,wen the children were happy and wen they sang and the partys and the laugh of happy children....all faded away
Vallery looked up from staring at her icecream. "maybe.... but.. who would program that to them?.. I think i'm going to try something before our shift." She replied in a thoughtful way, since a crazy mind went through her head, did they have intelligence?

Chica snapped back to reality after staring at some frozen pizza. "Ah, we're in the freezer-place Carr-o!" She said in a cheerful voice, shivering a little.
i se-hehe....well....ill be going for a w-wa-wa-walk" the shark slowly wandered away, secretly he snickered. "hmm....hehe...AHAHAHAHA!!!". the shark looked at a childs picture, snickering. "no more childeren......hehe"
"What is that you have in minde"she says as she takes a nother bite on her icecream as she wonderd what she was thinking of doing and she hopes its not going back there

Fredy would stand up as he would look around as there was nothing too do,as he would walk towards the Guards office and see were they wer,as all was off and pictures on the wall
(wait are the guards in the office?)

Vallery sighed, and looked down at the floor. "Well, i'm going to go up to each of them and see if they react to anything I say or do. But I will do it when it's not night, so they shouldn't attack."
(Nope they are in the icecream store,they will need too go back every night and its daylight so the animatronics are Calm and peace wille at night they......"The Pizza its agresive!!")

"That is Crazy!?...Well....maybe they are off at day"she says as she would take a nother Bite of her icecream mostly Finish as she would wonder about the anima. as would they be online in day?
The sun was coming up, and it would be considered day now. "Hey, do you wanna go back and see what happens during the day? I mean, it is day now. Do you want to test out the emotion expeiriment?" Vallery suggested, finishing her cone, and wiping off her hands with a thin tissue and then throwing the tissue in the trash as she stood up.
the shark saw the daylight "hm..." it then stpomped to the closed off water area, sliding into the pool and sank to the bottom shutting off. what no one knew was....he was pure evil, even before the 87 bite.
Natalia would think for a moment,as she would sigh and would look at her and say "Fine....But lets be carfull"she says as she would Finish eating her cone and would get up and would look at he and then towards fredy,s Pizza
Vallery smiled and walked out of the store, walking towards the store. She felt her heart beating, but took a few deep breaths. They're not hostile at day. Not hostile... not hostile... I hope.

Chica and Bonnie looked outside of a window, seeing it was day. Both of them went onstage, seeming to shut off, but truly, they were still aware of their surroundings. Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria was open, but no children or parents were coming in.
suddenly a squirrel wandered near the pool, as in two seconds it was gone and the pool was bright red, with the mutilated squirrel corpse floating around. suddenly it went under, as if somthing dragged it down.

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