First time player, questions both mechanical and referencial

Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Lets assume unarmed and unarmored, since I'll be taking multiple martial arts styles.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Lets assume unarmed and unarmored, since I'll be taking multiple martial arts styles.
Purchase one has to be Perfected Kata Bracers then. Adding your Essence to Accuracy, Damage and Defence (and soaks for Jade ones) barehanded or with Form Weapons, doing and parrying lethal with bare hands (and increasing your rate for Jade) is well worth four Artifact points. If you really want to scare the bejeezus out of those pesky Sun-Chosen, take the Eye of the Fire Dragon....



Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Perfected Kata Bracers are indeed crazy awesome. If you can eke one more dot of artifact, silk armor is almost mandatory. Alternately, if you're feeling cheeky you could take Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance, make your hands count as smashfists, and argue that this is still unarmed (normally I'd be against this kind of chicanery, but fighting unarmed is a pretty rubbish option otherwise).
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Revoke said:
Perfected Kata Bracers are indeed crazy awesome. If you can eke one more dot of artifact, silk armor is almost mandatory. Alternately, if you're feeling cheeky you could take Prosthetics of Clockwork Elegance, make your hands count as smashfists, and argue that this is still unarmed (normally I'd be against this kind of chicanery, but fighting unarmed is a pretty rubbish option otherwise).
The OP is in a game involving multiple Exalt types with some degree of inter-group tensions. Chicanery abounds....

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

The Perfect Kata Bracers, are their effects activated by the use of a Form Charm, or is that only to move the effect to that martial art's form weapon?

If I increase my Essence to 6, what other caps go up?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
The Perfect Kata Bracers, are their effects activated by the use of a Form Charm, or is that only to move the effect to that martial art's form weapon?
On activating a Form-type Charm (which the bracers make Obvious), you gain the benefits of the bracers. They add their bonuses to all unarmed, i.e. bare-handed or Form Weapom, attacks.

vinom said:
If I increase my Essence to 6, what other caps go up?
Minimum ('ping') damage, maximum Trait ratings (Attributes and Abilities) and ability to raise Permanent Essence.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

If your going Dragon Blooded look at a Elemental Lens (pg 77 wonder's of lost age) to double damage on all elemental effects. Get's obscene when combo-ed with refining the inner blade and the fire ability of dragon-graced weapon.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

The OP is in a game involving multiple Exalt types with some degree of inter-group tensions. Chicanery abounds....
Indeed. What I mean was, while I admit that 'prosthetic smashfists=unarmed' is a somewhat questionable conclusion rules-wise, I don't mind it, because fighting with your bare fists sucks in exalted. Heck, I have a character that uses that trick (though he's not combat focused, and only has one style).

vinom said:
If I increase my Essence to 6, what other caps go up?
Your attributes and abilities may be raised to a maximum of 5, or your Essence, whichever is higher. So raising Essence to 6 means you are permitted to raise any attribute or ability to 6.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Can I duel wield Punches?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Can I duel wield Punches?
I assume you mean, 'is the listed rate for punches per fist or the total possible rate for all punches?'

I personally say the listed rate is per fist and there is no 'off-hand' penalty for punches. In my opinion, a martial artist is hamstrung enough using their fists, what with not being able to parry lethal attacks without a stunt or charm and a very low (bashing) damage.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Right, that question does seem more sensible...

Where can I find the rules on the usage of multiple weapons?

Could I also use my feet (kicks) in an unarmed attack flurry?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Right, that question does seem more sensible...
Where can I find the rules on the usage of multiple weapons?

Could I also use my feet (kicks) in an unarmed attack flurry?
Page 148 of the main rules, under Step Three: Attack Roll.

Yes, your feet are applicable 'weapons' in a flurry, armed or unarmed.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Since the perfect Kata bracers add my essence to weapon defense, that means half of it is added to my parry defense, correct?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Since the perfect Kata bracers add my essence to weapon defense, that means half of it is added to my parry defense, correct?
PDV is [Dexterity + applicable Ability + weapon Defence] /2, so adding your Essence to the weapon's Defence would indeed add half your Essence (rounded up) to your PDV.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Unless I am using two unarmed attack (leftie and rightie) together, then the defense increase should be my essence.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Unless I am using two unarmed attack (leftie and rightie) together, then the defense increase should be my essence.
Your Parry DV is the best of any one weapon, not some combination of all applicable weapons and their bonuses to Defense.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Is there any artifact that would have my fist act as if made of a magical material?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Unless I am using two unarmed attack (leftie and rightie) together, then the defense increase should be my essence.
A Punch has +2 Defence.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Also, is their anyway to increase the Rate, Speed or Accuracy of my fists?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Usually the most reliable way is a martial arts charm. Many styles have something that augments your natural attacks. A lot of them have it in their form.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Ya, but I can't use multiple forms at the same time.

Where are the rules on the magic required to stabilize reality in the wyld, not for temporary travel, but pushing back the boarders?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Them's the breaks. You could always get an artifact replacement arm from Wonders of the Lost Age, but some STs rule that they don't always count as form weapons. There are always mutations that alter your attacks as well, either directly or indirectly. Claws being direct, Large being indirect (more STR for damage). What MA are you looking to use and what kinds of improvements are you looking for?

Wyld Shaping Technique is the Solar charm in the Lore tree that makes the Wyld into Solar-playland. There are artifacts that are never fully enumerated upon called Jade Obelisks that stabilize the Wyld. There was a hotfix posted on the WW forums by Errata Team Prime (Holden) of the proposed errata to Wyld Shaping Technique, but I don't think it has gone live yet.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Is there a way to build a manse or artifact to use Wyld Shaping?

If I was wielding the greenwood blade (Oadenol's Codex 35) in conjunction with a charm that makes it's damage lethal, could I use it as a mote draining wonderwand?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

According to the rules on Training charms: This Charm trains other characters. Characters who receive training and aren’t extras must pay the normal experience cost for any trait increases. If they can’t afford this cost, they go into “experience point debt.†They must pay at least half of all awarded experience points, rounded down, toward this debt until repaid.

If I use Drowning in Understanding Kata, Do the non-extra subjects have to pay XP for the charms they just learned?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Is there a way to build a manse or artifact to use Wyld Shaping?
You could always create a Lunar manse with the Wyld Revocation power that links directly to the Wyld. Stick in a workshop fitted out for Wyld-shaping and Robert is your father's brother.

vinom said:
If I was wielding the greenwood blade (Oadenol's Codex 35) in conjunction with a charm that makes it's damage lethal, could I use it as a mote draining wonderwand?
I don't see why it wouldn't. Note, however, that it has the stat line of a straight sword.

vinom said:
According to the rules on Training charms: This Charm trains other characters. Characters who receive training and aren’t extras must pay the normal experience cost for any trait increases. If they can’t afford this cost, they go into “experience point debt.†They must pay at least half of all awarded experience points, rounded down, toward this debt until repaid.
If I use Drowning in Understanding Kata, Do the non-extra subjects have to pay XP for the charms they just learned?
Yes, they will. You would need to calculate up the XP cost for all the CMAs Charms as well as Tiger and Bear Awareness and Tiger and Bear Unity. This will be the XP debt they will gain. But in teaching them the whole CMA, your character will die. Instead, you could teach them the Tiger and Bear charms, not die and teach them the rest of the CMA normally. If you are wanting to teach your protege a CMA, get Crane style and teach them one in minutes.

Captain Hesperus

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