First time player, questions both mechanical and referencial

Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Right, so don't bother to add that.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Given how existing examples of multi-magical-material artifacts work (that is, no magical material bonuses at all, everyone can attune it, custom stat line) what you're really looking at is a completely original custom artifact. There's not much point looking at the actual MM bonuses except as a general inspiration; they're not designed to be used more than one at a time.

That said, 'armor made of all the magical materials' is not a bad concept for a custom artifact.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Is there anyway to move as part of a counterattack, to evade the rest of a melee/martial arts flurry?

Does the Prodigy Martial Arts Merit reduce the cost of Martial Arts Charms?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Is there anyway to move as part of a counterattack, to evade the rest of a melee/martial arts flurry?
Hopping Frecracker Evasion, it's a hopping defence that can move you out of melee range very quickly. It's the archetypal Flurry-breaker. Also Smouldering Karma Strike in Dodge.

vinom said:
Does the Prodigy Martial Arts Merit reduce the cost of Martial Arts Charms?
No, just the Ability.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Any charm, martial arts or otherwise, that breaks a ranged flurry?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Any charm, martial arts or otherwise, that breaks a ranged flurry?
Hopping Firecracker Evasion' date=' it's a hopping defense that can move you out of melee range very quickly. It's the archetypal Flurry-breaker. Also Smouldering Karma Strike in Dodge.[/quote']
For Dragon-Bloods, these are probably still your best bets, but you'll need to get more imaginative (stunt dice!) with how you use them. Maybe you evade into melee range with them, as it is hard to shoot you with a bow when you are butt-up against them. That or take some cover: bushes, pillars, whatever is around, even if they still shoot at you you'll get cover-bonuses that way.

Also, to reference back to you being a DB in a Celestial party. The best thing you have is legitimacy and Jade. Terrestrials are the respected heroes of most of Creation, so anywhere with civilization, you can easily be the public face of the party. Also, the most likely Magical Material to be found is Jade, which makes it easy for you to collect new artifacts, while for others to use the Jade costs them double the Attunement. Use and abuse this small right whenever possible. Take the weapons of your foes, as if they lose they are unfit to wield them. Then either donate them whole or have a crafter break them into parts for big bucks or huge favors throughout the land, making you the most legitimate of the party. After all, everyone else is evil Anathema to most folks, so don't let them forget that, the other PCs or the ST.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Can I use two or more form charms at once?

Also, is there a master list of martial arts styles and where to find them?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Can I use two or more form charms at once?
Form-type Charms can only be applied one at a time. Activating one Form-type cancels all the effects of another previously-activated form Charm.

vinom said:
Also, is there a master list of martial arts styles and where to find them?
Here you can find Terrestrial Martial Arts styles,, both official and fan-created. Here you can find Celestial Styles, although please note that to use a Celestial style a DB must use Enlightenment Charms such as the Tiger and Bear Awareness/Unity, the Walker-Among-Irises Awareness/Iris-Bulb Discourse or the Immaculate Order's Moment of Daana'd/Pasiap's Humility.

Pretty much any Celestial style known would require ST permission, since the non-Immaculate styles are considered heretical and, unless your character was an ex-Immaculate, knowledge of the Immaculate styles would be problematic also. Additionally, learning an Celestial style requires a massive investment of time and experience as well as the fact that learning any Terrestrial style increases the experience cost by one per Terrestrial M/A Charm known.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Additionally' date=' learning an Celestial style requires a massive investment of time and experience as well as the fact that learning [b']any[/b] Terrestrial style increases the experience cost by one per Terrestrial M/A Charm known.
Is that only in that style or in all styles, and is that cost lowered any by having Martial Arts Favored?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
Additionally' date=' learning an Celestial style requires a massive investment of time and experience as well as the fact that learning [b']any[/b] Terrestrial style increases the experience cost by one per Terrestrial M/A Charm known.
Is that only in that style or in all styles, and is that cost lowered any by having Martial Arts Favored?

'After beginning study of a Celestial style, a Dragon-Blood

may not learn any other Celestial Martial Arts Charms until she

has completed her study in the higher art. Mastering a single such

style requires a focus far too strong and pure to divide it among

multiple forms. Once she masters the Celestial style (i.e., once she

has learned all the Charms in the tree), she is free to begin studying

another, but the same restrictions again apply.

Similarly, she should be strongly discouraged from learning

any other Terrestrial Martial Arts Charms until her mastery of the

Celestial style is complete. Every sifu in the Immaculate monasteries

is very clear on that score, insisting that the monk remain focused

in her quest to exemplify the Elemental Dragon. To do otherwise

contaminates her learning, fouling the escalated techniques with

baser methods. It diverts her focus from the needle-thin path the

Dragon-Blood must walk in order to master that which is at the

barest peak of a Terrestrial Exalt’s potential.

She may learn such Charms if she chooses. Doing so, however,

makes her study of the Celestial art that she pursues that much more

diffi cult. Allowing even a single Terrestrial Martial Arts Charm

to interrupt her study of the Celestial style adds one point to the

experience cost of all Charms in the Celestial style that she has not

yet learned. Each additional Martial Arts Charm outside of that

style that she learns adds one experience point to the cost of the next

Celestial Charm she tries to acquire. The farther one strays from the

path of enlightenment, the more arduous the trek back is.

tl;dr DBs can't learn two or more CMAs at the same time and if they try to learn a TMA before they complete a CMA they are learning, they add the number of TMA Charms they've learnt to the experience cost of all the CMA charms they have yet to learn. Obviously this only applies to the current style, for instance:

Cynis Mataru, Immaculate of Earth, is currently learning Earth Dragon Style. He is currently at the form. He foolishly decides to learn up to the form of Jade Mountain Style before returning to his study of his Immaculate style. He now must pay 12/15 (M/A Favored/Non-Favored) + 5 (the number of TMA Charms he learnt during his CMA training) for each Earth Dragon Style Charm until he masters the style. That'll teach him to dilute the mastery of the Immaculate Dragons with lesser styles.....

Should Mataru finally master his CMA, he may complete Jade Mountain and go on to learn another CMA, but this time he would only be paying the basic 12 or 15 experience per Charm.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

That's all good to know... would that or something similar apply if I attempt to learn Sidereal Martial Arts?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
That's all good to know... would that or something similar apply if I attempt to learn Sidereal Martial Arts?
If I'm not mistaken, if you try to use a SMA as a DB you will blow up. ^^

But the Sidereal are trying to overcome this limitation...
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

My character, who I think will already have mastered 5 dragon style and the 5 one dragon styles, would be more than willing to volunteer.

Also, where are those rules, on the blowing up?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

The 'blowing up' is referenced in 'Scroll of the Monk', pg. 15, just before the portion called 'Initiation into Celestial Martial Arts':

Under no circumstances can a Terrestrial Exalt learn a Sidereal martial art. The Sidereals have tried on numerous occasions . . {but only} . . . find some interesting (if impractical) ways to kill Terrestrial Exalted, though.
So basically, by trying to learn Sidereal MA as a Terrestrial, you'll blow up, or some other messy, sticky end.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

That's a risk I willing to take, after mastering all other martial arts styles.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
That's a risk I willing to take, after mastering all other martial arts styles.
Good luck with that. You might want to read up on the sidebar in the Scroll of Exalts on Ragara Myrun's write-up as to the possible outcomes of a Dragon-Blooded using a SMA.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

So my options are explode for 10*essence Lethal, or become the next stage of evolution in Dragon-Blooded... it's a win win.

Is there any way to learn a marshal arts style from something besides a Sifi?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Where can i find the specifics of the plant based magitech?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Since a Sifu is just a teacher...well. Generally you learn from teachers. However...for Dragonblooded, they can learn Terrestrial Styles from books and scrolls and the like, but for Celestial Styles, they must have an instructor who knows the full style. They also must learn either one of the three pairs of Enlightenment charms or must use the Geomancy ritual Yoga of Celestial Refinement (which takes 10 years, mind) to open their essence to the necessary enlightenment to learn Celestial Martial Arts charms. Even with those charms or the ritual, they still require a teacher to learn the actual charms. Who that teacher is doesn't much matter, so long as the teacher has complete mastery of the style learned.

Dragonblooded CANNOT cannonically learn Sidereal Martial Arts at all. It has been attempted a number of times, and so far every student has failed...and generally died. Now, this hasn't stopped certain Sifu from trying to find a way to make an exception, hasn't happened yet. If an ST allows such, it should be as part of a VERY major long term goal, and require considerable investment...and even then, it may very well not happen. Note that even selling your soul to the Yozi's and becoming an Akuma, which generally puts you one higher on Martial Arts capable of being learned, and opens up access to all three levels of Sorcery...isn't enough for a Dragonblooded to learn Sidereal level Martial Arts.

For the various plant artifacts, the majority of them can be found in Scroll of Fallen Races, specifically in the Dragon King section. They specialized in the creation of plant artifacts and crystal tech.
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

But, physically... or metaphysically, why did the tests fail?
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

vinom said:
But, physically... or metaphysically, why did the tests fail?
Glass ceiling.

Dragon-Blooded Essence, canonically, just cannot sustain the sheer power of Sidereal Martial Arts. That's not to say that in your ST's game, a Dragon-Blooded who learns and attempts SMA will always become an interesting topographic feature. It might go the other way entirely. Instead of remaining as a human Exalt, the Dragon-Blooded is completely harmonized with the Gaian Essence of Creation and is absorbed into the Dragon Lines that allow the ebb and flow of Essence throughout Creation. They become something far greater, and at the same time something far less, than the person who learnt SMA. They shuck their physical form and take on one of pure Elemental Essence, forever a part of Creation's Essence. True immortality, but with a total loss of self and individuality.

Captain Hesperus
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

So it's a fun plot twist for a later season.

I think the first step would be a solar circle level enlightening ritual...
Re: First time player, questions both mechanical and referen

Where are the grappling rules?

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