First Arc (rp here)


Ten Thousand Club
name: Letitia Darkchildnickname or title: "Nightess" Letitia or Letitia "of the Night"symbol: 


coven or collective: covencoven rank: 4witch type: offensiveprimary magic: "destruction magic""Consumed Witch" appearance: 

gender: femaleage: 18height: 5'2''weight: 118 lbseye color: greenhair color: black

description: (pic)personality: Letitia is sometimes a very dark and brooding type of individual. Her glum nature can appear rather haunting. As well as her distant nature, appearing scary and/or chilling. That isn't to say she doesn't know how to have fun -she does. Letitia enjoys her rather dark side and how it seems to torment others. She has great fun in making others fearful. She is tormenting in that way, but she's never bad. Letitia is a kind person at heart, and takes helping others very seriously, even when she's joking about it. In fact, Letitia takes her place as a witch of the coven the most seriously out of anyone. Never has there been a more dedicated witch in all of the coven's history. That isn't to say, that Letitia doesn't have a mind of her own. If she senses something is wrong then she will take all things into consideration before acting. Letitia is "dark playful, but dutifully serious". At her core, Letitia ultimately enjoys being a witch, and doing what she does. She will express her dark side quickly, and does not believe in weakness, or being cautious. These points in her personality can make it very rough to deal with her. She is not an easy person to be around.history: As a young girl, Letitia lived in a remote village on the outskirts of the western country. Her village was small, and inviting, if not a bit mysterious and strange. Her household consisted of a father, mother, two younger brothers, and herself. Her home was small, and humble. One night the village was attacked by the walking dead. They arose from the village's cemetery and attacked the village murdering everyone and everything in sight. Letitia running for her life, found her home; within was her father, her mother, and her two younger brothers. Her mother and brothers bodies were strewn across the floor, red blood spilling from them. While her father stood there laughing, his face and body distorted. He had been possessed by a demon, and had raised the dead to attack their village. Letitia, upon seeing the horror, turned and fled, running into the nearby forest, trying to escape that hell. She ran headfirst into a Recruiter Sage. Who took the crying girl in with open arms. Since then, she has been with the Coven, as a very dutiful witch. She rose quickly through the ranks. That incident happened 7 years ago. Now she goes around, trying to stop such a thing from ever occurring again.



Letitia's gentle boots, softly caressed the forest floor, crunching solemn, dried leaves underfoot with each passing step. The short, pitch-black haired girl was moving along at a steady pace; towards a job that had summoned her: letter delivered by her usual Courier. Intense, yet low drolls of thunder rumbled off in the distance, heard but not seen through their preceding flashes of lightning. Yellow bolts unseen, due to the harsh density of that forlorn forest she found herself moving through.

Suddenly, the young witch came to a stop, miles from her destination. Eyes surveiled the dark, shadowy surroundings of that wood, green orbs lightning up like the eyes of a cat in the darkness. For the rank 4 witch, something felt off. It not only took a lot to spook Letitia, but if something felt unusual to a witch, then it usually was.

Nothing moved. Nothing stirred. Ominous. Not even the sound of thunder could be heard any longer.

Just then, a weird, yet sharp prick of magical energy appeared behind her, making her neck hairs stand on end. Calmly turning around, she spotted a younger girl. Though, since she was short, standing at just 5'2'', they were roughly the same height, with the other girl, just being slightly shorter.

The girl before her, who by no means had any right to be in that dreary wood, was rather cute. With a welcoming face, and stance, looking at Letitia curiously, wide-eyed and innocent. Her attire was very adorable, and delightful, with a long, cute tie in front, and a darling skirt at the top of her thighs. For all intents and purposes, the girl before Letitia, was just some sweet, young lady, out and about.

Letitia knew, it wasn't that simple.

"Letitia... -chan," the girl's voice was pleasant, and dainty, revealing her youth, and inanity.

Narrowing her eyes, Letitia opened her mouth in response, seeing as how that was all the other girl was going to be saying, until she spoke herself. Lest they both stand there in those woods for all eternity, staring blankly back at each other. "Number..." she glanced on the girl's outfit, and spotted the symbol there. Ah. Of course. "Fourty-four," she finished. "What are you doing here? Why are you out in these woods?" It was obvious that Letitia was uncomfortable. Usually high-ranked witches worked alone, and were called in only for extremely difficult jobs, that only Single Digits could accomplish. In general, others proved a liability. Especially, one with such a low rank. In fact, the girl before her, was ranked so low, that she had not only just joined the Coven recently, but she had basically no magical power, and was only slightly more magically inclined than a regular human. Or so suggested the girl's ranking. Not only a novice, but a young novice, with foolish, childish tendencies, by the looks of it. Letitia, also was slightly different than other witches, and was even more reclusive. She not only rarely worked alone, but she hadn't actually seen another witch in five months.

That's how she preferred it. Isolation.

"I.. was following you, number-four-chan," 44 replied, voice soft.

Just the way she spoke, sent shivers down Letitia's spine. Who was this kid? Why was she here? Then it dawned on her, this was not right. This girl was dangerous. Despite her rank. "I know you're new, but Coven witches are not allowed to attack each other! It's forbidden! -"

"I don't care, four-chan!" 44 retorted, her voice hollow. Cracking sounds could be heard from her, and she began to shake a bit. Instantly, she fired out some dark-like magical projectiles.

Caught off guard, Letitia was stunned, and struck by the magic. With an annoying shove, and small, grunt she focused her gaze back on the girl there. Her anger was quickly triumphing over her confusion and hesitation. Coven law stated that no witch could attack another without provocation. Readying a counter spell, the black-haired witch watched in shock, as the adorable girl before her began to change.

Cracking and scratching could be heard coming from the short, white-haired girl before her. "Hehe..." she giggled sickly-sweet, as cracks appeared around her jaw, and suddenly her mouth unhinged, extending down, sharpened teeth revealing themselves. A wave of magical force extended out from her, blowing the trees above, causing quite a violent rustle through them, and sent dried leaves away from her.

Realizing what was going on here, Letitia took the offensive instantly. "Y-you're an Awakened Being!" She held out her hands, and bright orange runes appeared in the air. Intoning the spell, "Ruin Torrent," two orange-red-hot lasers fired out at 44.

However, 44 was ready, and was hoping something like that would happen. Her jaw extended all the way to the forest floor, looking like some devilish nightmare. Letitia's spells sunk right into the blackness of her mouth, and promptly disappeared. With a satisfied swallow, 44 rubbed her belly, and giggled. "Mm, tasty! Your magic, Letitia-chan, so tasty! Gimme more! I must eat! So hungry!" With that, sickening announcement, 44 fired herself at Letitia in a burst of speed, only catching a surprised, "So fast," from her opponent, before slamming a magical-powered fist right into the other girl's side.

Letitia let out a yelp of pain, from the sudden attack, and was flung backwards. Smashing trees with insane force, finally she was stopped, by her body smashing into a boulder. Pulling herself from the smoke and rubble, she groaned, but ultimately was fine. Her magical barriers were holding. One thing was for sure, 44 was no rank 44. Ready for the onslaught, she retaliated, as a laughing 44 launched at her again. She had already figured out 44's magic. She somehow had the ability to consume magical power -and probably convert it to her own. Quite a dangerous, and formidable magic indeed. It instantly made her wonder how many other Coven witches 44 had already attacked, and had their magic consumed. That was something she would have to investigate in the Coven, after her current job contract was fulfilled. Still... magical power could be used in a multitude of ways. Instead of direct magical power, she'd use something physical.

"Too arrogant!" Letitia shouted, nimbly avoiding another magical-induced blow. Black rune appeared below her, and blackness coated her fist. "Dark Strike," she intoned, slamming her fist right up into 44's stomach, sending the smaller girl flying upwards into the air. Seeing as how she had the upper-hand on 44, the black-haired witch decided it was okay to use a direct magical-powered spell, hoping at this particular time that her opponent was vulnerable. While 44 was sailing up and away from her attack, Letitia made some symbols with her hands, obvious runes of some spell. Her magic flared up, kicking up the wind around her, and a bright orange symbol appeared on the ground, directly below where 44 was flying upwards.

"Twelve zodiac from the nether," Letitia began the ritual, "Mirrors of the radiance above, show this wretch your foul power. Show her her sin, and cleanse it!" With the last symbol formed on her hand, eyes glowing a bright red, she slammed the ground with her palm. The full incantation said, her spell released, "12 Sinful Zodiacs!"

The orange symbol on the ground flashed a bright light, before splitting into twelve smaller signs. They flew up, and began to spin around 44, glowing brighter and brighter. Each sign linked with her body, and began to burn bright hot, searing onto the girl. It was clear she had been right; 44 had been vulnerable to more advanced spells. The witch obviously had to be prepared to eat them. Good to know. Now, if Letitia's spell worked as intended, the body of 44 would be completely erased -even the ash, and she would be sent to hell, for forever punishment.

However, things didn't always go as planned, and 44's scarred, marred, smoking body fell, hitting the ground, completely unconscious -yet still alive. Letitia walked closer to it, glaring. "Huh. Tougher than I expected. Still..." With 44 at her mercy, finishing her completely off would be effortless, raising her hand, preparing to command another spell to get rid of this wretched being before her once and for all, another voice spoke up. Letitia turned to see a taller woman walk out from behind a tree. She was clad in blue, and had a sad look on her face. Memoria: rank 33.

"Don't, Letitia, please," she pleaded, gently walking over.

"What? Coven rules are absolute. She not only attacked me, but she's also an Awakened Being! Look!" Letitia growled in anger, pushing 44's body into the light of the moon above. Her face was covered in cracks, mouth was agape, widened by supernatural force, extending wayyy beyond what a normal human's jaw could do. Even her muscular structure appeared whack, with muscles bulging on her arms and legs.

Memoria stared down at the beaten body of 44, and shook her head. "No."

"No? What do you mean, no? Of course she is! I -no- we have to kill her -it!" Letitia retorted, furiously, prepping up another spell to end 44's life for sure.

"No! Letitia! Stop!" Memoria rounded on Letitia, and stared straight into the higher ranked's eyes. Magical blue energy engulfed both, and Letitia fell backward, eyes white, and blank, body un-moving. Peering back down at 44, she bent down, picking her up. Holding her like a mother, Memoria pet the side of 44's face gently. "Poor thing..."


Letitia winced, sitting up. Rubbing one of her eyes -now back to normal-, their bright green gaze swept the area around her. Huh. Where was she? What was she doing? Scanning the forest, she began to remember. Oh yeah! Of course. She had a mission to do! Why was she laying here in the leaves? Had she really just dozed off like that? "Ugh, can't remember..." she murmured, rubbing her head.

Standing up, Letitia turned towards her destination, and began heading towards the nearby town, which was just a couple miles away, current Coven mission in her mind.
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Avon sat in his castle, alone in his chambers. He was plotting his next move against the Coven while he meditated there in that hall. He protected the nearby villages of Naden and Hanton and in exchange for protection from bandits and the Coven, they gave him food, supplies, and silver. The people in the villages liked him as he wasn't some consumed witch like the one that had ruled this area with an iron fist. The Coven quickly destroyed the witch but it threw the area into chaos until Avon appeared and restored law and order. Now he sits in his tower and every so often, he opens the lower hall for feats with peasants and they would feast on corn, berries, pies, beef, and other foods. He also told them, after mcuh convincing, that the Collective were good unlike the Covent who had ravaged the area and brought ruin to the area. He then got up and decided to head to the roof when dawn broke. He knew Elissa would be looking into the sky at the stars like she always did. Always fascinated with stars that Avon gave her the nickname "Star". He also knew a long time friend of his would soon come. He didn't tell him specifics but he wanted to talk with him. He walked through the castle to the roof, hopefully finding his little star up there

@VoodooXOXO @Jefferson
Laying on her back up on the roof of Avon's castle and staring up at the morning sky, Elissa felt what could only be described as bliss. The cool morning breeze coming from the south was calming to her, especially because of where it was associated with. As Elissa practices astral magic, specially in the form of Aries astrology, a southern wind is a wonderful sign. The Aries zodiac is not only a fire sign, but is also associated with the south directional. To her, the breeze was blowing in something good. Her soft blue hair, pushed to her left side, billowed against the concrete ground of the roof. The stars were fading from the sky with the night as the horizon turned a soft, calming pink with the sunrise. Elissa closed her eyes and breathed in, channeling the power of the stars into her. As the celestial beings faded out of her vision, they faded into her mind, soul, and body. This daily ritual is what gives Elissa her magical abilities and strengthens her. It is not a dramatic increase in strength, it is very little, actually; but it definitely adds up over a period of time. Through this ritual, countless hours studying in the library of the castle, her previous training through The Coven, and her own practices, Elissa has managed to make herself stronger than she lets everyone, even herself, believe.

Hearing footsteps, Elissa sat up, opened her eyes, and looked behind her. "Good morning, my Master," she spoke softly and smiled when she saw Avon approaching her. She took in one last deep breath and exhaled for a couple of seconds, feeling the stars' energy coursing through her.

"Hey, my little star," Avon said as he walked over to her. He then sat down beside her and laid next to her. Avon loved to tease her knowing that she was love struck by him. He then slowly moved his hand to her's, not fully going over her hand but laying his right next to hers, allowing to feel the warmth of his hand. He then looked at the sky to see the fading stars. "A new day," he thought as he laid there with her "Another day closer till the Covent is brought to justice,"

Elissa looked down at Avon's hand next to hers and blushed slightly. It was so close, just sitting there, asking to be entwined with hers; yet it wasn't. She knew she had no right to lace their fingers together, so she didn't, but oh God did she want to. Snapping herself back to reality as the breeze once again picked up, she looked up to her Master, meeting his eyes. "Yes, sir," she nodded with a sly, almost evil smirk, "Have you thought about the initial attack yet?" 

Although she was not informed of any plans yet, Elissa had hope. Every new day brings new opportunities, and if anyone can see them, it's Avon. Not only will he see them, but he'll take them in less than a heartbeat. That also means that Elissa will, too. She is there for Avon through anything and everything, to protect him and to fight alongside him. He is hers.

"I'm preparing to meet an old friend of mine," Avon said to her "He is a guest and please treat him with respect and for the love of God, don't use your powers on him, he's a guest,". Elissa was very protective of him and well, he wanted to make sure she didn't accidentally hurt a guest of his. He then moved one of his fingers and twined it in his. It was a mess of blue and white on the part of her hair he entwined and he had to say, he liked the hair style. He then looked to her and said "So, tell me, how was your night?". He knew she loved him and if he were to command her to chop of a limb or jump off the castle, she would do it in a heartbeat

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Elissa looked confused. "I won't use my powers on him," she shook her head slightly, "But what if he tries to harm you or disagrees with you?" The comment puzzled her. Elissa knew deep down that she was extremely protective of Avon, but she justified it through loving him; and there is nothing wrong with love. She then gently rested her head on his hand as he played with her hair and closed her eyes slightly longer than a blink. Elissa cherished his touch, even the smallest ones, and she soaked it in, disregarding his last question.

"I know, my little star," Avon told her. He then boobed her on the nose and said "You're day-dreaming, are you not?". He then leaned in on her and said "I know your day-dreaming about me,". He then kissed her cheek and said "You know, I don't mind this,". He then rested his hand on Elissa's hand and moved his fingers through hers

Elissa's eyes darted back and forth, searching his face, trying to figure out how Avon could read her so well. She then closed her eyes and smiled when she felt his lips touch her cheek. Opening her eyes and looking into Avon's, she let out a breath. "I don't mind this either," she spoke softly, "You already knew that, though." Her voice trailed off as she was always taught not to speak the obvious. Something about the way he spoke, whether it be his choice of words or simply the sound of his voice made her heart dance. Elissa couldn't help but fall for him. 

This moment, everything about it, was too perfect. Something seemed off, yet Elissa didn't want it to end. The soft southern breeze in their hair, feeling the stars' energy pour into her as the new day approached, and being caressed by her Master all just seemed right. 




From the height of the trees looked two turquoise eyes at 4. The owner of those eyes was soon visible as a girl, smiling at the woman, then at the town she seemed to be heading to. Xerena tilted her head down and let her hair fall over her eyes, almost holding back the urge to laugh at that the older witch was walking. Holding her hand out, a red spiral unseen encased her arm, then up the side of her body and suddenly, like that...


Xerena ended up in the destination of 4, hidden between two small buildings. Why did Xerena do this? Nobody knew. Just that the sixteen year old was a bit, off her rocker. Not that she needed it. "God damnit, now I'm hungry. You ruin everything y'hear that stomach? EVERYTHING!" She calmly walked out of the alley as if nothing happened at all and casually found her way around the place.

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I sat in the massive library, snuggled up on the window seat, surrounded by cushions, and reading a book about alchemy. It was incredibly interesting, and I was glad that my parents bought any books they thought might be relevant. Or just any books, really. I finished it, and smiled slightly as I put it back on the shelf. Looking around, I sighed as I realised that I had finished every book. I would have to ask for more.

I wandered through the familiar halls, I was so glad that they had taken me back.... And the only reason I was still here, was thanks to a small, small white lie. They didn't need to know that the demon wouldn't ever come back. Even so, they all avoided me as much as was possible. It didn't bother me much, I was just here for the library, food and resources in general. I heard a knock that echoed through the house, someone was at the door. And, more often than not, it was a courier.

I opened the door with a sigh, it most certainly was. Well, I suppose I did have some time.

"Yes?", I sounded incredibly exasperated.

"Here is your new mission. Do not be late this time.", his voice was dead toned. He handed me a roll of parchment, and turned and walked off. I closed the door, and went up to my room. I stayed here as often as I was able, as often as the Coven allowed. I sat on the bed, and opened the parchment. Great. A werewolf. I packed what I would need, adding various weapons to my bags, and a sword at my side.

I went on my way, it wasn't too far, and I would meet the other witch(es) there. I was used to walking long distances, even running a mile wasn't a problem. Although I would keep my stamina, just in case. I walked out of my parents gates, finally leaving our land.

Thankfully, I would be there before dinner. And a few hours before nightfall.

((Open for interaction with anyone at the town! Please someone interact with me... ;-;)
Avon laid there for a few moments. He looked towards the last of the fading stars and thought "Why does she love me?". After everything that has happened to him, after murdering his own parents and not being able to save that girl from the Coven, why choose him? "You know, it's quite funny how the future works," Avon told her looking at her "I was once part of a normal family with aspirations of advancing the field of science. Now look at me, I'm laying on the roof of a castle with the ability to use magic, on a quest to destroy the Coven, and the love of two villages and, well, you know the other person who loves me,". Avon was always the teaser and loved messing with her. He wouldn't go out and say he loved her, no, but he did feel something special between them. He even sometimes wondered if she already loved him or fell in love with him because of the conversion. He then smiled and said "This is why I like you, my little star," while looking at her deeply with his blue eyes

'The Nightess' walked the entire length of that somber, dismal forest, with not so much as a peep from any living thing within 300 feet of her. It was eerie, even more so than usual. The trees were all windy, but their bark was skeleton-white. As she approached the edge of that wood, where the town was located, Letitia noticed just how bad the place had gotten. Trees were nothing but spindly wooden structures: no leaves, no life, dead. Narrowing her eyes, she wondered what the cause of this decay was. Whatever it was, it was coming from the town up ahead.

Peering through the sparse, dead-finger like trees, her eyes saw through the dimness, and laid themselves upon another person... A witch by the looks of it. Was she also called here for the same job? If it was a job that required a Single Digit like herself, then probably not. Perhaps there was something else this witch was needed for around here. Should Letitia ignore the witch, and go on to her own job?

"S'pose it can wait for a moment..." Letitia murmured to herself, eyes following the other witch. From this distance she spotted the tell-tale symbol on the other witch's garb: rank 13, Morrigan, if she remembered correctly from the index of witches.



Xerena narrowed her eyes and took a look at both witches. 'Oh, look, they're higher ranked than me.' She sighed and looked around the town again. Not like Xerena was going to do her mission. She remembered exactly how it went down.


"I need you to get me a-"

"Done!" Xerena tossed the sack of stuff on the table as red electricity radiated off of her body.

" had to cross two miles of brambles and rough terrain!"

"I did?!?"

"Oh dear, there's no hope for us now. How did you ever reach rank 14..."

Good times, thought Xerena as she actually walked around in the town. It was awfully quiet indeed, maybe that was a part of the older witch's task? Maybe a random bullet would come out and hit Xerena in the face. Something was bound to happen. Xerena turned around and tapped the air, forcing it to shimmer and crackle red.

"Four and thirteen eh?" Xerena's voice rang out from the air, in between the two. She was about ten feet off the ground, apparently hovering, though the impressive display was ruined by the young witch falling to the ground on her butt. "Ow. Sorry!" Xerena smiled nervously, hoping to impress. Though that wasn't going to happen if the higher ranked older witches were condescending. Which, might be likely.

@FrostFire @Thalia_Neko
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As I got closer to the town, I saw the flora become more and more decayed as I got closer. And the fauna was nonexistent.

I was unnerved by the dead silence, and the smell of rot. I was getting paranoid, I didn't really fancy being ambushed by a werewolf anytime soon... I felt a presence nearby. Perhaps another witch? Or something else...

I whipped around, searching the trees all around.

"Who's-?!? Oh...", my eyes settled on the woman.

"Number 4... Letitia?", I remembered her name, thanks to her being of such high rank. Anyone under number 20, I hadn't really bothered with, apart from those I had worked with before.

I stayed where I was, uncertain of whether the much higher ranking witch wanted to talk, or chew me out for something I had done. I fumbled a little, unsure of what to do. Should I walk towards her?

I jumped, and spun around again, seeing number 14. Ah, she must've called my number.

"Nice! I wish I could do that...", I smiled at the girl, and took a few steps, extending my hand to help Xerena up.

"You must be Xerena. It's nice to meet you! The same goes for you, Letitia. It's an honour to meet you.", I smiled over at her, and turned my attention back to Xerena.

@JPax @Thalia_Neko
Letitia was quite taken aback when the other witch fell from the sky, and hit her butt right onto the solid packed dusty earth below, between her and 13. Rank 13 and rank 14 together? Yeah, this job was mysterious and it obviously didn't involve her as her rank was farrr higher than something requiring 13 and 14 working together. She searched her knowledge of the index and recalled 14's name: Xerena.

Narrowing her eyes, stepping up to the two, she noted the unusual set of circumstances bringing the three together. Not only did she rarely work with other witches, but she hadn't seen any others in 5 months (except two she no longer remembered about). Now she was standing before two others? Strange. Letitia could feel the blood within her veins already beginning to boil at the antics of 14, and the passivity of 13.

Turning her green gaze on the taller girl -rank 13-, she replied, "I'm sure it is, but it isn't reciprocated." Her dark tone meant 'don't mess with me', threateningly. Frowning, she asked, "What are you two doing here? If you're not here for my job -which you aren't, why are you two here?"

@JPax @FrostFire
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Xerena wasn't fazed in the slightest by Letitia's threatening demeanor, nor was she amused by her condescending nature. She just chuckled softly and stood up, clearly immature. "Well, y'know...I'm supposed to be doing something. But I finished the task in like, a minute?" Xerena thought about how fast she did it. It was less than a minute, but by ten seconds. " we have to tell you? I have nothing to do with thirteen over here for her rank represents competence beyond mine." 

Xerena crossed her arms and thought about teleporting both witches far away from here, so she could get something to eat in peace. In fact, the thought was so strong she even laughed slightly before covering her mouth and sighing. At last, it was fatal to teleport another individual if they weren't prepared. That, and the risk of... it, happening once again.

Xerena noticed that thirteen was actually trailed on her and not Letita, and decided to focus on thirteen and ignore Letitia. "So, we're like pretty close in terms of rank so...mind if I catch a glimpse of what you're doing? I won't interfere, I just want to learn something." She grinned happily at thirteen, clearly taking more interest in her than number four. 

@FrostFire @Thalia_Neko
Elissa blinked slowly, taking in Avon's words. Despite how obvious her love for him was to the rest of the world, she refused to believe it was. In her mind, she believes that she has her emotions under control. Yes, she loves him; but that doesn't mean anyone else needs to know that. She rested her head on her Master's shoulder, looking out into the scenery of the towns and forest ahead of them.

My mouth turned up slightly in an involuntary smirk. I found it amusing when higher ranks got pissy like this. It took all I had to keep in the laugh. 

"I thought as much.", I managed, through sheer willpower, to keep a straight face, and my voice even and calm. I had no interest in interfering with the more powerful witches task.

I smiled warmly at Xerena, "Of course! I'm here to get rid of a pesky werewolf... You're welcome to help, or watch, if you want!", I turned to 4,

"But obviously a werewolf task is beneath you. I'm sure you task is much more important.", my voice was sincere, but there was an almost indetectable streak of mischief in it. "I should imagine you are here to investigate all this... Death. In the area.", I looked around again, frowning.

It really did unsettle me, which was the main reason why I was trying to act as cool as possible. I looked down at my side, and brushed down my petticoats, and repositioned my sword, into a much more comfortable position around my waist.

@JPax @Thalia_Neko

"At the end of the world, there is a lost princess waiting to be rescued in a forgotten castle buried in snow, one who does not know happiness nor sadness... only cold loneliness."

Natalia recounted idly in a soft voice, staring up into the sun from her place beside an ancient willow. The light shimmered on her metal visor as the great object set into the horizon, the contrast reflecting off the glimpses of her pale skin making the sickly girl appear more ghastly white than she already did. The orange beams stretched across the enclave like a flick of glimmering dust, showering the place in a dazzling spectacle before fading away. It had been a long day indoors, filled with tedious studies and droning lectures, so she liked to spend the last few moments in the sunlight while it lasted, feeling the warmth while she could. If only it lasted. The young girl reached out for the leaf falling threatening to fall upon her, pushing it to the side before pinching it between her slender fingers with a giggle. She could only count the number of leaves that fluttered from the tree above through their motion, wishing only for the beauty to be witnessed fully by her eyes. She held it in her small palm and blew upon the leaflet like a sail, sending it away with a silent wish.

From an outsider's view at the scene, it looked like she was completely alone underneath this aged willow, the world around her separated by untold leagues that widened as the shadows replaced the sunlight. She was like a dying star in the midst of the sky. And she knew this. Sometimes she missed seeing with just her eyes, wishing to be normal like the others, but she knew the problems that would cause, and learned to immediately dismiss such thoughts. In her momentary melancholy, a faint whisper filled her head. A familiar one. But she paid it no attention, never allowing the airy sounds to form words in her mind. It was trying to speak to her again. But she didn't like what It said, never, so she has ignored It.  

She didn't let such thoughts weigh upon her, knowing the magical armor inhibiting her powers protected her from It, and she quickly sat up, stretching her arms as she 'gazed' out into the courtyard with her magic. Normally it would take a moment for the sheer number of shapes to register in her mind, but she has been here all her life, so every inch and square foot of the outside was practically memorized already. The central headquarters for the Coven was a grand place littered with stone spires erected from the earth and shaped into powerful displays that showed example of power instead of practicality, as the witches tended to do. The whole place was massive in scale, like a small city in itself. But it was hidden by powerful magic, so outsiders could never find it, even if they knew the exact location without being invited in, left wandering forever. When it all settled in her mind, she then started seeing figures moving in the distance. The Coven was busy as usual today, it didn't matter the time, witches and sages and couriers diligently handling their daily tasks. 

Such simple things, she enjoyed the most. Talia sat there absorbing the moment once more, feeling the people move around her with purpose, however small, with a smile. 

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Lilith Oryx, Voidwalker

Rank: 9



A dry wind blew gently as a lone figure walked a mountain trail. The figure was a woman of the Coven, Voidwalker, Lilith, 9, these were all the names people referred to her as. And although  at first, she didn't really like it, she'd gradually come to just accept it. Most everyone in the Coven called her rank of 9 or by her title, Voidwalker. It was just a fact now. So when a voice suddenly spoke her, addressing her by rank, She knew it was a courier. 

"mission time, dearie." The sage's voice was old and raspy sounding. Though it still held an undertone of genuine warmth to it. 

"OLD MAN!" Lilith yelled, spinning on her heel and sprinting the short distance that separated them. And went to throw her arms around the grandpa assigned as her courier. Al;though Lilith's attempted hug was met with a quick and sudden whack on the head. It had happened so quickly, she paused for a split second as what had just occurred registered in Lilith's mind. "ow! what was that for, grandpa?!" She yelled at the old man, half-pouting.

"I'm not your grandpa!" The old courier yelled back, exasperated by Lilith's childish behavior. "its hard to believe your really a member of the Coven with the way you act. not to mention such behavior from someone in the top nine shouldn't-"

The man's rant was cut off by Lilith's "boooooo. your no fun." Pouty tone. This was how she acted and most of the time her behavior lured the lower numbers into think she was an easy target. But the saying 'nothing is ever as it seems' was Lilith's motto. "so what did you find me for? a mission? please be a mission. wandering aimlessly after every job is boring." number nine whined. 

"well, thats your fault. you just choose to never return to the headquarters after your jobs. you just play around and goof off!" The old man hissed, clearly angry with Lilith. Which is how most in the Coven reacted to her.

"well if everyone there wasn't dso moody all the time. maybe, just maybe, I might actually hang out at headquarters more often!" Lilith pouted and started to walk off, annoyed.

"wait where do you think you're going? you have a mission."

"no, i don't. my courier never gave me one."

"what? I'm trying-"

"blahblahblahblahblahblahblahvblah. I can't hear you!~"

"now you're just acting like a child"

"unholy abyss, open thy path into the eternal dark-"

"don't you dare."

"and grant us passage unto the world of shadow." Lilith finished the chant, unfazed by her courier's clearly voiced threat. A purple-hued light seemed to pulse and travel down into the ground, turning it a sickly dead looking purple. The air filled with an almost unseeable smoke that held just the faintest tints of purple. Void magic, after all, was the very manipulation of nothingness through spells. The large black circle opened underneath the courier, who looked at Lilith was a warning and the smallest bit of fear. After all, no one wants to die. "don't worry, you won't die.. just be able to bother me for awhile since you'd need to find me again. bye bye~" She waved to the courier as she fell into the open hole, that closed behind him. "now then... the Coven might not be too happy with me for that. but at least no one died this time." Lilith mused.

After all, that was said and done. Voidwalker decided she should pass by a town soon. Lilith had recently a new void origin spell that could enchant things. Such as a water sack never running out of water. Or a something that holds food into never running out of whatever food is stored inside. She came to a stop on a cliff overlooking a vast field of dead looking vegetation surrounding a single village. From the direction of the village Lilith could faintly felt the presence of witches, possibly Coven. But that was just a guess seeing as it was impossible to identify someone through their magic at such a range... unless your a sensory type. 
Tyson landed in the courtyard of Avon's castle in what seemed to be an orb of light. After a long flight it felt good to have his feet on the ground again. 

As the light faded his two angel spirits became visible on either side of him they stood towering over him. "now your sure you don't want us to go in with you?" Zack would ask Calmly. 

"No need you two these guys are friends, I will be fine, if not I'll call you back." Tyson replies calmly dismissing his "brothers". Both of them burst into bright light and feathers red ones for Zack, blue ones for Leon. He crossed the courtyard quickly with his long strides and knocked loudly on the castle door...

@Broncos @VoodooXOXO
"Hamlot and Naden," Avon chuckled "You know, a villager from Nadon told me their story. Basically, some sort of consumed witch ruled this are as it's warlord for quite a while until the Coven came in and killed her. The villages fell into-". He then heard a loud banging on the door. "God," Avon said "Whoever banging is loud," as he began to leave the roof. He liked telling his stories, especially to Elissa as she was a very good listener. He eventually reached the door and opened it to see two demons and Tyson. He smiled and said "Tyson, great to see you again! I see you made your first conrtact, eh?"

@VoodooXOXO @Jefferson

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