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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

Keshal had continued to move further out on the flank, His flux spells hadn't met their marks after his first kill, but they had thrown the enemy into a more guarded stance. He looked at their numbers. "there was another, where is he?" He got his answer with a sharp pain. "GAHHH" Keshal leaned against the wall of a ruined building, gripping his side, the missing Ulsan butcher had snuck up on him, and he had found his mark. Breathing had now become difficult.

"This...is...not...over..." The Uslan Solider laughed and approached closer, axe raised ready for another blow this one final. Keshal held out his hand palm facing this approaching threat, a ring of black energy surrounded his hand, "Your Life *coughcough* IS MINE!" A dark mist seemingly came from the Ulsan. He cried as the wound he inflicted on Keshal appeared on his own body. Keshal sighed in relief as the man fell over. "1 Down 4 to-" His victory was cut short by another sharp pain. The Nosferatu spell had worked...not as well as intended. The initial injury must have been deep, as still it had not fully healed. His legs buckled and he slid to the ground. He was going to survive, but he was out for the rest of this battle.
(Before I post I just want to do a little head count, to see who we still have. If you are still with us, please comment below. (This does not count the people who have not yet posted.)) 
With four bandits left, victory seemed to be just within Allerick's grasps. He began to run towards the final bandits, who's injuries seemed to be dire and practically life threatening. Allerick stopped a moment, noticing the withdrawal of the bandits, he contemplated if he would chase them or leave them be. Taking thought of the citizen issue, he slowly put his hand up, signalling a halt. "Let them go, we mustn't spend any more time on them, our first priority is the citizenry of this town." As Allerick said that a young woman ran up to his heels, collapsing from what seemed to be exhaustion. Allerick knelt down to the woman turning her around to see her eyes. "Madam! Please speak to me." The woman's eyes opened slightly and she began to breathe heavily, at that moment Allerick felt a cold stream of blood come from her waist. "You-you must help our priest, he is our only glimmer of hope, go to the church, just follow the-the road to the west.." She slowly closed her eyes and each muscle in her body gave in as she slowly collapsed gracefully. "Damn.." Allerick whispered to himself as he got up and looked to his remaining forces. "We must march to the church, there is someone being held captive there. Secawn Nomads, I thank you for your assistance, without you we may have lost many lives. If you want you can leave now the rest is up to us."

Allerick began to head west down a narrow path, from there he could see a larger building. It had large glass panes, dyed blue, red and gold, scattered around the building were crosses and the building was made of a smooth wood like substance. As Allerick came upon the entrance, three men stood there, two heavily armed and one priest looking fellow. "Stop right there!" Allerick yelled to the two men. They looked to each other as the one on the right grabbed the priest and held up a book to soon be both warped away. Confused and dumbfounded, Allerick backed up slightly and looked to the other man. He wore a light steel tunic along with leather leggings. He was a rather stalky man, with an unamused look on his face. He pulled out his rather large sword, which seemed to be made out of steel. He walked down the stairs slowly putting the sword over his shoulder pad. "You must be the resistance, I have been waiting for you all. Maybe you should pick up the pace, unless your strategy is boring me to death.." The man smiled and pulled is sword into an attack stance. Allerick looked at the man angrily, "why are you doing this, why kill innocent people!" The man looked at him, with a confident look, but deep within was sadness. "I just do what I am told, keeps my family alive and I get paid, but lets cut the talk and get fighting shall we?"
Upon hearing the sound of horse hooves, Mayuri glanced over to see Uriah approaching them. Relief swept through her, soon followed by a flash of guilt at the blood she could see staining his shirt. Her attention turned toward the woman who approached Allerick, and the prince ordered them to the church.

She hung back for a moment to wait for Uriah to catch up, looking up at him in concern. She hesitated for a moment before speaking, unsure of how to begin. Taking orders was easy, but actual social interaction had never been her forte. So instead she settled for silence, deciding that they needed to hurry and follow Allerick anyway.

She stayed back once they reached the church, keeping a bit of distance behind the others in order to get a good range. She raised and readied her weapon, waiting for either Allerick's orders or for the enemy to attack.
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Uriah kept to his usual silence as he rode into the group of soldiers and warriors surrounding his prince, the only noises the creak of his saddle, the clop of his horse's hooves on the flagstones of the town. He merely nodded to Mayuri, whose face he couldnt read, not that he had ever had much success with that in the first place. He saluted Allerick, and assumed a ready position, awaiting the princes orders.
"Hey Uriah, sorry about ditching you like that but i got to follow my instincts. I'm guessing you head injury is from you being distracted becaue i left." Lok said. Then Lok saw someone draw a sword to his brother and said "I wouldn't do that if i were you."
With a deep and disappointed voice, Gaia spoke aloud to the young undisciplined prince, "I wouldn't do what you're thinking of doing, young prince. Best stay at your officer's side and assist him. Wouldn't want to have a funeral because of carelessness." He casually walked behind the young prince. He loomed over the prince and his chest was still bloodied along with his face. He ran a hand across his mouth smearing what was there across his hand. He wiped it on the cloth barely concealing his thighs. He kept his eyes on the young man to make sure he didn't disobey his suggestion.
Lolynne Rohlock:

As the remaining bandits began to flee, Lolynne turned to address her riders. "Hunt the remaining bandits down. Afterwards, return to Secawn. Gather as many remaining men and women as you can, and prepare them to rally under our cause. I will return soon, and we WILL push the invaders out of our lands." The nomads nodded and gave a quick salute before riding after the remaining bandits. Upon Allerick's addressing her, she replied, "I fight under your banner now, your enemies are my enemies. I will not stop until both of our countries are free from this tyranny."

She rode along the back line of the troops as they advanced towards the church. As the man stepped towards them, she said nothing. Instead she simply notched an arrow and aimed between his eyes, ready to let it fly at a moment's notice. 

Gregoire remained behind the soldiers as the fighting died down. When he noticed Mayuri injured in the back line as well, he simply muttered, "You too, eh?" before grunting in pain. As they began to move towards the church, He pulled out a vulnerary kit from his bag. After taking a swig from one canteen he poured a small amount of liquid from a different container out onto a rag, and ran the rag over his wound. He grunted in pain once again, this time louder. Though once the vulnerary was done it hurt less than before. He could potentially fight again now, though he knew better than to actually attempt anything, and he should probably wait for actual healing to be done on him before attempting anything strenuous. When they got to the church and he notice only a single man he relaxed a little, knowing the others could deal with it. He then motioned for Mayuri to come over, and held out his vulnerary kit. "You should use this. It'll ease the pain, and help prevent your cut from getting infected." He said, nodding towards the open cut on her leg.
Mayuri gratefully accepted the vulnerary. "Thank you." After removing the makeshift bandage, she dabbed the vulnerary on the cut, feeling a sharp twinge that nearly made her wince. However it left as quickly as it came, soothing the injury until she felt just the dullest throb.

Finished, she handed the rest back to Gregoire and replaced the bandage. While she certainly couldn't go running marathons just yet, it was at least easier to manage.
"Tell you what Rose Lion, if you can give a me a reason not to cut the man in two then i'll sheath my blade. Right now, i'm not liking your suggestion. We could just make him unable to move or something if it's his life you're worried about." Lok answered. "Also, i technically have no officer as i don't have to follow orders. It's the good thing about being a Second Prince. Most people wouldn't irritate me and then stand so close behind me unless they wanted to die." Lok turned around and stared the Laguz with eyes full of determination.
With a low growl, Gaia licked the remaining blood off his claws in front of the tiny child in front of him. Looking at his claws, Gaia spoke softly, " It is a good thing then that I am not most people. It is also a good thing that you are not threatening me. " He paused to cast his glare into the young prince's eyes, " His life doesn't concern me. Neither does yours at this very moment. What does matter is you paying for the consequences of your brashness and reckless behavior and learning from them before your brother's men have to pay the price with their blood. " Gaia flicked the remnants of blood onto the young prince's chest amplifying the severity of his statement. He grunted and sneered at the pup before turned his back on him. Gaia began to slowly walk towards Gregoire and spoke to the young prince without wasting his time to look at him, " And young prince, I would suggest you remember, I've served your father before you were a twinkle in his eye. Don't taint his honor with your foolishness."

Gaia reached Gregoire and the woman he saw before in the streets. Gaia bowed his head slightly at the woman as she tended to her injuries. He cast his gaze at Gregoire and his smile slowly crept ont his face, " The only infection she has to worry about is you, Gregoire. Ha! " Gaia laughed deeply and his tail swept forward and slapped Gregoire on one of his wounds. "Oh, did that hurt? My apologies, my tail doesn't get much excercise like your lips do. Ha! " Gaia smacked him over the shoulder as he laughed again at his old friend. He stopped laughing and looked around the battlefield and saw the villagers finding shelter from the nomads. He felt at ease now and turned to look at the men at the church entrance. He kept his eyes on them and asked Gregoire a question, " You did grab my clothing before you ran to battle... didn't you? "

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The man walked closer to the group. "Enough talk, but before we fight, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Nomadic swordsman of Ozten, you see I don't like to stay still, but my real name.. hell I'll tell you. It is... Vash." He said as he charged the resistance. Allerick backed up slightly unsheathing his blade keeping a sharp eye on the incoming enemy. Vash moved at the speed of a Myrmidon, but with the strenghth of a bull. "Men do not underestimate your opponent!" Allerick cried out, getting into a fighting stance.

(Here's how we will do boss battles. The first two people who message below (in the ooc section) will be chosen to fight. I am doing this because if we all fight one person it'll get hectic. Also, you have to work together, Vash is OP.)
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Lok simply ripped off his shirt and yelled to the Laguz "I bet my father kept you around to eat the sick livestock."

But, then he turned his focus to Vash. Lok's blade was already unsheathed so he charged forward to block Vash's strike. Lok instantly felt the pressure and thought to himself...... this guy really has strength, so he's unlike the other men i've faced today...... Lok hopped back to Allerick side and said "So how about we show him the power of brotherhood?" with lots of enthusiasm and intensity.
((i thought OverlyIntricateLove was doing Vash, also has lok been in a war yet cause i want to do a rant))

"dont be foolish you arrogant little boy" as he said this he loaded an arrow to his bow and pulled the string taught. What had he gotten himself into, first he had helped out at his father farm while teaching himself about swordsmanship and archery, then he was forced to work for the Ulsan barbarians and now he was teamed up with the prince and his arrogant little brother. He then shot the arrow at the man called vash's head, it was on target.
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Allerick stepped in front of Lok. "Sorry mister, you've done enough for one day. Me and you need to discuss things after this battle is done, I can't have you endangering people like that." Allerick said sternly to Lok. He looked over to Uriah who was injured and at the moment he remembered something. He reached into his front pocket and pulled out a blue liquid filled flask. "Uriah, I have something perfect for your wounds." Allerick said, walking over to Uriah. "This lady gave this to me when I saved her from bandits, just apply it on the wound and this stuff should work like magic... atleast that was what the lady said." Allerick said and handed Uriah the liquid.
Uriah took the blue phial that Allerick proffered, removed the rag from the wound on his side, and doused the blood soaked rag with the elixir, and held the rag to his wound once more, the blood flow staunched. Icy cold ran across his jagged injury before the pain eased and then vanished, the crimson flow ceasing. He then tossed the Elixir to his prince once more, tightened his grip on his horses reins. His expression was grim as his storm cloud eyes stared down the mustached Swordsman. He looked to his prince once more, nodded his consent to fight the enemy who looked far stronger than the underlings they had been fighting to this point. His eyes narrowed as he lifted his lance, pulled on his reins, spurred his mount forward, and charged Vash, Lance leveled for the man's chest.
As Uriah threw the elixir towards Allerick, he smoothly captured it in his palms and placed it back into his front pocket. Knowing that Uriah probably wanted to fight he stepped back from him and observed his next moves, while keeping a sharp eye on his surroundings.


Vash had long grin when someone finally challenged him, he stared Uriah sharply in the eyes. "Well then, a horsey rider is it? This'll be like a rodeo, just I'll be the one bucking you off." Vash said in an arrogant tone, as he readied his blade, watching Uriah carefully, predicting his attack based on his movement. When the lance came towards his chest he side-stepped at the last moment, barely avoiding the attack. Vash stumbled slightly, but quickly regained balance preparing a counter attack by striking Uriah's horse in the upper leg. Trying to trip the horse and damage it for the rest of the fight.
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Lok sheathed his sword, angry thoughts quickly filled his head. He was beginnng to see that even his Older Brother has no faith in him. He began planning on what's he is going to do when he gets back to the castle. There's no way he'll stand for more of this. He knows now that the troops under his brother only have faith in him, but that's alrigut considering what he has in mind. Lok walked off to some bar poeple to shelter in and orderd some ale. He downed the ale quickly and asked for another.
Issler saw Vash swing at Uriah and rushed in to block the swing with his own sword. he followed this up by jumping back a way and loosing an arrow at vash. this one was only going to graze his ear though. "Uriah , you ok man, i was worried for you there".

((BTW what happened to my first arrow???))
Uriah grunted as Issler stepped in to deflect the swordsman's blow. He pulled hard on his reins, and the horse wheeled about, whinnying loudly, tail flicking, harness creaking as the material flexed and stretched. His arm was tired, his lance was not all that heavy, but with its weight spread across its length, keeping it aloft after working so hard with it had left the muscles in his lance arm cramped and tired. Sweat beaded the cavaliers brow, and ran down his face, only to drip from his chin. The swordsman was arrogant, and apparently quite the chatterbox, but Uriah was having none of it. In the moments that Issler had kept the dastard distracted, Uriah had backed his mount a fair bit away, far enough to allow him a cavalier's greatest stength, room to run. Spurring his steed sharply, the horse reared on its back legs, and boxed the air, before coming crashing down and exploding into a full gallop, riding full force at the swordsman. There was not much that could hold back the momentum of such a heavy blow.

Uriah's gauntleted fist gripped his lance tightly, the leather and plate mail groaning as his hand tightened. The point of the lance rose, level with Vash's chest. As Uriah bore down on Vash, he brought his lance back, ignoring the protestant muscle ache, and finally in the moment he closed with his opponent, brought the blood stained lance's tip forward, a mighty thrust that would drive the lance all the way through the target, armor or no. Bones would give way under the strength of such a blow.

Uriah was unsure if he had struck down his target or not, for the horse's momentum carried him thirty feet past the target, where he wheeled about once more to see if he had been successful in striking down the brigand, or if he would have to make another charge. His breathing was heavy with pain and exhaustion as he beheld the swordsman.

Vash's blade skid off Issler's, making a loud a clinging noise, hostile to the ears. Vash slid back and held his blade in front of his face, readying for the next attack. What he didn't know was the speed of the cavalier he was fighting. As Uriah charged at Vash his eyes couldn't comprehend the situation and Uriah appeared as a subtle flash. All Vash could do was duck at the last second and have his left shoulder obliterated. The tiny bone fragments scattered, some caught in the shins of Uriah's horse. His blood seeped uncontrollably, but a confident smile still bestowed Vash.

"Oh no! Not my bad arm, now I am stuck with my stellar right arm." Vash said sarcastically, but his attitude could not mask the intense pain he felt. He chuckled and turned away from Uriah, Fixating his eyes on the army's archer, Mayuri. "Hehe, defeat was inevitable, I knew this. But if I can... At least take one down..." Vash said faintly and began to run towards Mayuri, and in a matter of seconds he was within inches of the tip of her nose. He held his blade flimsily, and his movement was offset by his pain.

Nobody saw the cloaked figure, for she moved with a swiftness unmatched. The sing of her blade leaving it's sheath was the first sign of her approach, then the dark flash of fabric as he cloak figure skidded in front of the injured archer. The blade in hand met Vash's with a clash of metal on metal. Using her own blade to twist Vash's blade out of his hand, sending it skidding away, the mystery figure then in one swift motion plunged her blade into the opponents chest. Silence fell.

She paid no attention to any pained wails or moans, she simply twisted the blade torturously, before ripping it back out. The figure watched her victim fell, and stared with cold eyes. She offered no comfort. None for someone who murdered innocents.

Once he was dead, the deadly myrmidon turned slowly to face Mayuri, her face covered in shadows, before continuing to turn and walking away slowly.

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Vash stood there, motionless, his face went cold, movements became slow. He reached his arm over his chest and felt the blood drip onto it. He fell to his knees and the last thing he could pull off was a faint smile and he reached into his pocket for a pair of keys. He slowly pointed his hand in the direction of the open church and his smile soon fell into a straight and dead frown. The dead Mercenary laid there, seeping his crimson blood onto the once spotless church stairway, oh how the world has become godless, and like Vash a gory mesh of blood.

Allerick slowly walked up to the dead cold mercenary, and took the keys out of Vash's dead left hand and held them over his eyes. He looked back up, looking for the swordsmen that came to their assistance and Mayumi's (I can't believe I called her Mayuri all this time DX, sorry) saviour. He noticed her walking away and ran to catch up with her. "Wait come back here! Who are you." Allerick called out to the mysterious Myrmidon.
She stopped, but offered no answer at first. The cloaked figure took her blade and wiped the blood from the wicked blade with the edge of her cloak. Slowly she turned to look up at the prince, her hood concealed all features of her face, but suddenly she reached up and flipped the hood off her head. The sunlight struck her blue eyes and stung, but she didn't flinch, only narrowed them so the sting would lessen. At first she didn't respond to the prince. Instead, she simply stared, before rubbing her eyes and muttering, "Me? I'm just a simple swords woman. Don't mind me..."

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Allerick tilted his head out of confusion but slowly began to smile. "Hey you, you're pretty handy with a sword. Our army is low on soldiers, at least when you take into account the foe we are facing. I am prince Allerick.. my people have suffered for long enough, and if this war is not put to an end they will continue you to die, and disease hasn't even kicked in yet. If you have a common interest of stopping this brutal war, I suggest you join up with us, of course if war is your objective- your shrine, then our business here is over." Allerick said, his tone growing ever so sadder as the speech went on.
The young woman stared at the prince, not really paying too much attention. Why did he think she ran in so eager to kill that guy? Out of the goodness of her heart? Pfft. She had to get into that mercenary. For her family. For herself, for everything that mattered to her.

Plus, she got to kill people. Bonus.

"....alright, you twisted my arm. I'm Tangllyia, I hail from Sacawn."

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