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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

Allerick nodded as his two requested soldiers walked towards him. He looked both of them in the eyes, with a slightly worried expression. "You must be wondering why I have brought you here... I just want to address something regarding my brother." Allerick looked over to Lok who was with the group still. "I ask you two, my most trusted warriors, to watch over him. He is still mentally young, and these Ulsan Barbarians are something to fret over, they won't show him any mercy because of his age. I don't ask you to baby him for say, but just watch that he doesn't get too hot headed that goes for Nakamura too. I would watch over him myself, but I couldn't possibly take him into the front lines where most of the danger lies." Allerick stood back up straightly and stretched out a bit. "Also Uriah, I just want to make sure that you are comfortable leading an entire unit? I don't want you to feel pressured or anything." Allerick patted his hand on Uriah's shoulder and smiled.
Lok thought this may get interesting. Thank goodness he wasn't appointed leader, so now he can let loose on his foes. He did wonder what Big Bro and the two soldiers were talking about. But, these a skilled mercs so it may take a while, but this time he had time. He looked at his sword, it's black metal shining soon it would be red and black metal. He dreading having to clean swords he had before, because they would break in a while anyway. He was gonna bring the manliness on this one. But, then he remembered, he never gave whatever girl he was with last night his contact info. Ah well, plenty of fish and don't need to fish hard.
Mayuri nodded. She understood Allerick's concerns; Lok and Nakamura were both younger and less knowledgeable in the ways of battle. They hadn't yet gained the judgement that comes with age and experience. It would be a good idea to keep an extra pair of eyes, or in this case two, on them just in case.

"I will watch over them and aid them when needed." Mayuri promised. She couldn't help but feel honored that she was considered one of Allerick's most trusted soldiers, but now was clearly not the time to dwell on that. She sent a glance at Uriah, one that showed that she trusted him to lead her and the others.
Uriah nodded grimly. Keep the prince out of trouble, and keep an eye on the child mage. As members of the Royal guard, Uriah and Mayuri were sworn to protect Lok, as well as Allerick, keeping him safe when he was in the throes of battle would be a challenge. Uriah would have to deploy his team carefully to minimize risk to the prince, and the mage. "...No pressure my lord..." he spoke, not allowing himself the same smile that his liege wore.

Returning to his steed, he remounted and removed a helm from his saddle bags, and donned it, before strapping his shield to left arm, the familiar weight of the metal barrier bringing him back into balance for combat. " On your orders, Lord Allerick." he nodded, his voice growing louder than usual. " Nakamura, Prince Lok, I understand you are still new to combat, and I do not mean to belittle your skills, either of you, but you are both new to fighting as a unit. Nakamura, Mayuri, I want you two to stay to the rear, providing ranged support with your bow and your spells. Prince Lok, you will hold the middle ground, keep any stragglers from reaching them. I will take the front line, making use of my armor and mobility where it is most effective. Understood?" The Cavalier questioned after issuing orders. He wanted to be sure that Lok would obey his orders. In Standing, Lok could give any orders he wanted, but on the field of battle it would be wiser to let the experienced hand guide the group.
Issler didn't like what he was doing but he had to for his family. Still he wouldn't kill anyone, he might scare them but he wouldn't kill them. He saw some children cowering on the ground, he checked there wasn't anyone near befor whispering to them "quick get out of here before the others turn up. they won't be so kind" after replying with a simple "thank you" the children scurried off running for their lives.
"Yeah sure, chop up those stupid and unlucky enough to fight me." Lok said. He as really in the mood in now. All he had to do was guard the middle line and only the bravest would dare go for ranged attackers so no fodder to deal with."Ohhhhhh, yeeeeeeeaaaaaaah. I show these mercs what a real fight is, not a robbing or massacre." Lok declared with manliness
With his instructions, Gaia made his way towards the front of the party and saw the little ones scampering around frightened from the murders. He ran his fingers across his hair and looked through the hole in the wall. He saw the flames burning over the ruins of homes and shops. There were shadows of images passing and running past. He spotted someone getting cut down in the middle of the street. He growled and looked back at the rest of the party as they discussed their tactics. He turned away from the scene and walked until he was at Gregoire's shoulder, facing the elder princes direction. "I don't understand why we are waiting outside these gates. There are men and women and children dying before their time. I won't watch them die while we have a chance to allow them the opportunity to live a long life." he growled. His fist clenched and his other over the place where he kept his record of events. He brushed his mane again and kept his hand at the end of his chin.

"I've had my history with Ulsan but these thugs are cruel. There isn't any honor in random bloodlust or in slaying a child."
he spat on the floor. "Just shows you how shameless these warriors have become. I'll be the one to bring them a coward's death." Gaia stared into the hole and saw something that made his blood boil. A young girl, no older than a few seasons, running for the gates holding onto her doll. The man he saw before noticed his next victim and dragged his axe as he walked towards her. The young girl screamed as she noticed the man coming at her. She turned to run the other way and fell over the rubble of a house. Gaia could see the smile rising from the beasts lips as he gripped his axe. The man lifted the axe and struck down ending the young girl's screams.

His eyes wide, he clenched his jaw, his heart raced... Her doll dropped to the floor beside her. Her hand frail and lifeless hanging over the stone hiding her body. He saw the blood creeping from the stones and his heart collapsed. He let out a bellowing roar. His arms outstretched and his fur beginning to shift into a jagged stream along them. His body was growing slightly thicker and he shed himself of his clothing with two swift motions. He hunched forward and the fur along the back grew long and fell along his flanks. His tail reaching the floor and brushing the dirt around him as he shifted. His claws breaking into the ground underneath his paws and his amber eyes glaring at the soul he was going to consume. His eye-teeth raised high as he bellowed a loud roar that echoed across the expanse. His mane wild and ferocious when he shook his head with the blood rushing though his body.

The innocent... the pure... deserve nothing but a life where their hearts guide their paths to their own destinies. To steal it from them should bring damnation. To take what you can't give back... should release you into the purgatory you've unleashed. From these eye-teeth I vow. . . that the essence taken shall be blessed and mourned through the blood of he who snatched it.

Gregoire turned to respond to Gaia's comments. "If we go in without a plan and strategy we'll be slaughtered like those inside, we need to..." His voice trailed off as he witnessed the slaughtering of the girl. As Gaia transformed next to him he began moving towards the city gate, brandishing his heavy broadsword. He called back to the others as he walked. "Gentlemen, prince. The Blue Rose shall be initiating now. I recommend you join us."
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Keshal nodded and began walking "the elder prince and the blue rose company...well well well, this will be interesting indeed." a thought crossed his mind, a memory, the screaming of the people in his village, sadistic laughter of the raiding party, and the final crescendo to a terrible night, the distinctive crackling of dark magic. He was visibly shaken for a bit, behind the mask he winced for a second. "No...not going that far again...keep it simple...never that again." He resumed walking unsure if anyone noticed, quickly falling in with the group. Then he saw the girl. another flash of memories, more screams, more shuddering, and then silence.

A mutter could be heard,
"You shouldn't have done that..."

He slowly advanced with the rest of his group, starting at the man that had just ended the life of the little girl. He started with a dark voice that seemed to channel more hatred with each phrase.

"I never cut loose...this time i'll make an exception after what I just saw... I specialize in revenge, retribution is my craft. Darkness my instrument, vengeance my muse. This battle will be my concert. Your screams will be my symphony. "

Nakamura sighed knowing that he will not go to the front line, but as least Allerick allowed him to join. "ok i got it". He sit down and watch the initiation team go into the city, hoping someday he will initiating the war too.
Allerick looked to Gaia and Gregoire who seemed to be growing impatient. He looked back to Uriah and nodded, "Lets get going before Gaia explodes." Allerick unsheathed his sword and called out to Gaia, trying to catch him before her ran to far off. "Gaia, I want to you to run in there and do as much damage as possible, operation intimidation! Gregoire and Keshal, we'll take out the unlucky survivors!" Allerick was still confused however, on why they switched from such a calm state to an aggressive one so quickly, but he digressed and made his way to the the small hole in the wall.
Issler saw someone run through a hole in a wall near him an he could instantly tell that it wasn't one of the Ulsan. he didn't want to kill the man but he was armed so he took a defensive stance and stood his ground.
Allerick looked at the incoming man, then looked to his group. "Leave this one to me, Gaia!" He took his offensive stance and stared the man dead in the eyes. "You there, you damn Ulsan. Why are you doing this? Has the constant bloodshed of the past not satisfy your disgusting taste?!" A staunch tone of anger was found in his voice and the reflection of his eyes were filled with an ever burning grudge.
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Allerick closed his eyes, hiding the grief he felt. "You, where are you from, and if I unsheathe my blade will you turn and stick a sword through my throat? Because if you are Lacayian, or even from Secawn which I presume you are if your family is being held hostage, I will promise to bring them back for you. I will not stand here and watch my citizens, or the citizens of my comrades be kept hostage in the hands of these barbarians!" Allerick looked at the man, with minor empathy in his eyes. He was taught to be strong when bad things happened, but sometimes enough was enough. "Well, what do you say? Are we going to fight, or will we join arms?"
"I am from a town located in the north of Lacayia, the Ulsan attacked our villiage and we tried to fight back but the outnumberd us and most of us had never touched a weeapon before. They were going to kill my family but i beeged them and they made me their slave in return for them not killing my family if you could save them, i would join you without a seconds thought" he looked wary about the stranger but he relaxed a bit and also looked hopeful.
Allerick smiled at the man, he seemed uncomfortable with the situation, but who could blame him? "You mustn't feel so wary, any citizen of Lacayia is a man or woman I can trust, I am the prince of the nation after all." He walked up to the man and stuck his hand, slowly and gently, offering a handshake. "Welcome to the resistance... might I have your name?"

(After your next post we should stop and wait for everyone to catch up :) .)
Issler walks foreward as he sheaths his sword and shakes Allericks hand. "you're the prince, wow i never thought i would get to see you in real life like this. My name is Issler, Its such an honour to meet you, if i'd know i'd never have raised my sword against you, it would probabally have been pointless aswell"
With his blood rushing and the pounding of his heart beats, Gaia rushed forward at a breakneck speed. The floor thundered as each paw slammed into the floor and he was growling savagely. The prince and Gregoire were going through the hole, impeding Gaia's entry to the port. Without slowing from his pace, Gaia used his hind legs to explode upward and he soared high above them over onto the wall. Landing with his forepaws, he kicked forward and leaped back down onto the ground level. His fur looked like a blade sliding across water with the wind running along his back. He spotted forces coming from the alleyways along the main road to the gate. They stumbled out to find that they stood between a Laguz and his prey, not a place to be. Gaia raised his eye-teeth and roared as one attempted to lift his rusty hachet to fend off the beast. His sable fur ran red as he tore through the damned pirate's torso, shredding his chest to his throat with one swipe. Gaia pounded forward into a wall and kicked off to land on a savage brute holding two handaxes. The weight of Gaia would have been sufficient to kill the brute, though Gaia didn't feel appeased. His jaws connected with the brute's skull and snapped his eye-teeth until they protuded through the flattened temporal bone. The brute's body was trampled and lifeless, Gaia gazed into the devil's eyes as he let brute's decimated skull pour out his jaws with raised jowls.

The other men ran past Gaia, not wanting to be eaten by the Laguz of the Lion Tribes. Gaia kept his glare with the devil with his axe in his hand yards away. Gaia let out another thunderous roar and speared forward towards the devil. There were 3 men standing in his way and Gaia didn't have time for playing with them. He increased his speed and with the force behind his leap, he crushed the man in the center against the paved stones, splattering his insides along the floor. The others stumbled as the Laguz pummeled forward. Gaia saw the devil anticipate his attack and swung his axe. Gaia kicked out with his hind leg against remnants of a stone wall and took a glancing blow with the axe. The devil gave a high pitched squeal that he considered a laugh. He began to swing like a madman. Gaia dodged his swings and snapped his jaws at the devil. Growling as he paced back avoiding the ill aimed swings, Gaia swiped at the axe severing the head from the handle. The devil lost his balance and stumbled forward with the force he laid into the swing. Gaia took this chance to strike, landing a swipe with a flat paw across the face of the devil. The devil spun in the air as he descended to the ground. Gaia circled him as he groaned with pain and struggled to get up. Another swipe of a flat paw landed on the side of the devil and he flipped onto his back with a crack.

Gaia stood over him and in a deep growl spoke to the man holding to dear life on the ground, "You wish mercy? You wish honor in your death... scum..? Is this the type of carnage you enjoy? It takes a beast to know the true terrors in this world... and you have finally met your end..." with a roar, Gaia's claws tore into the devil's chest. He tore across the man's shoulders, gashing deep and rending his arteries. Gaia sunk his claws into the base of the monster's neck and dug his eye-teeth into his chest. With a satisfying crunch, Gaia lifted his crimson stained muzzle out of the chest of the one he vowed to slaughter. With his head high into the air, he chewed the heart of his prey with satisfying grace. After devouring his heart, Gaia roared and shook the ground around him. He finished and released his claws from the corpse and paced towards where the young girl laid. He reached her and lifted her in his jaws with care. He carried her inside the house and laid her in the covers of a fallen curtain. Her doll laid beside her and the curtain started to turn red. The blood fell from his lips onto his drenched mane where it flowed down. He shut his eyes and rubbed her still warm body with his head.

From the essence of life, I mourn your passing. The innocence stolen, the destiny unfulfilled, the beauty tarnished... Here you lay in the cradle of life in which I hold within my jowls. Rest and be at peace once again.

Lok decided to speak up "Ummm guys shouldn't we get on that ambush like right now." Lok never thought much of the men that served his brother. Since all he ever did was hang out with skilled fighters in the City. But, atleast he knew they had a heart cause in truth he wanted to rush out there and hack up Ulsan's too. But this is not his battle field, not yet.
Mayuri glanced over at Lok. "Not just yet. Uriah has been designated our leader and so we should wait for his word to attack." She responded. However, she understood the younger's impatience. With the first group's attack already starting, she wanted nothing more than to battle as well. Instead she pulled an arrow out of her quiver in order to be prepared for when the order did come, keeping an eye on what of the battle she could see.
Gregoire strolled behind Gaia, noticing two soldiers fleeing the beast towards his position. He caught the first one looking back and thrust his sword into the unaware soldier's gut. The other soldier was a bit more aware. He swung his large axe in a vertical slice towards Gregoire. Gregoire sidestepped the axe, and in one fell swoop pulled his blade out of the first soldier and into the second one's neck. The second soldier fell to the ground with a sickening crunch. Knowing that the chaos Gaia had caused had put them into relative safety, he headed back towards the prince and their new ally, while pulling out a rag to wipe off his blade. He addressed the Prince, in a tone usually reserved for casual conversation and not the battlefield. "We recruiting the enemy now? Eh, whatever help you can get I suppose. Mayhaps he can tell us where their leader is? It'd save us a lot of time and lives." Gregoire tossed his rag to the side, now soaked red with blood.
Keshal stepped through the break in the wall. following behind Gregoire. "remind me not to get on Gaia's bad side." he looked on as the soilders scattered at the sight of a giant beast tearing through on of their comrades. "and there goes the welcoming committee... looks like their moral isn't to strong...then again...one does not usually fight someone that can rend you limb from limb." He finally noticed the new person speaking to his commander. "Well...now that's intelligent...best way not to die."
Uriah raised his lance and called his group to him. The main group had engaged the enemy, and the time to hit them from the flank was now. He moved his group around to the side, nodded mutely to the archer and young mage, saluted the younger prince, lowered the visor on his helm, leveled he lance and shield, and spurred his mount forward. the beast snorted, and lurched into a full gallop. The tip of the lance glinted in the light, as the armored knight smashed into the enemy lines.

(( sorry this is so late in coming, Ive been moving, as I tried to express in the OOC thread))
"Ohhhhhh yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh" Lok yelled as he assumed his stance in the mid line quite a ways behind Uriah. Some foolish mercs managed to get around or steer clear of Uriah on his mount. They came straight for Lok. Lok faked out the first one by jumping on his back and slashing the one behind him,Lok swung his sword in a circle catching the first merc in the waist. He stabbed the third straight through the heart, and flung his body onto another. Lok then parried another strike and stabbed the Ulsan in his armpit. He then decaptitated him. Lok noticed not too many would get around Uriah at this point.

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