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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

At Uriah's order, Mayuri raised her bow and aimed at the advancing enemies. She loosed arrow after arrow in quick succession. She kept an eye on Lok and made sure to take out several of those who had been heading toward him, making sure that he did not get overwhelmed. Every now and then she would also glance beside her at Nakumara, but she felt less wary about him since he was staying back with her. They were much less likely to be attacked directly from their position.
Nakamura keep his distance from his enemy and fire a bunch of fireball to the Ulsan soldier, he try to provide some support to Uriah and Lok. But Nakamura doesn't have much war experience so he miss many of his attack and get a little upset, he look to Mayuri and said "can we get any closer? i can not aim properly in this range"
Allerick looked to both Keshal and Gregoire and put his arm around Issler's shoulder. "This man is no enemy, he is a Lacayian and he has gained my trust. These damn Ulsans seem to have taken prisoner of an innocent family, one we are finished here we will move up to where they are keeping them. By the way Gregoire, where is Gaia, I would hate to loose sight of such a valued member." Allerick looked around and kept his ears peeled for the sound of a lions roar or the melody of claws across human ribs. But a sound of flapping and the sound of mellowed out screams was all that could be heard.

"Could it be their Wyvern knights! Gregoire, where is Uriah's group! They have brought a stronger army than I thought, pathetic!" Allerick ran to where the sound was coming from, the ports plaza where stores surronded a square lot with grass and a fountain in the center. The sounds of bows tugging could be heard and one single Wyvern knight was seen fighting, but this was not one of Ulsan's, no, this one was on their side and her face reflected clearly in Allerick's mind. A red headed woman who destroys all in her path this was Rosso for sure. Allerick was arrogantly distracted for a moment but as he heard footsteps come his way he got his mind back in the battle. A large cavalier headed his way, followed by a knight and 3 brigands. Allerick stood still and drew his blade and prepared for what may be his last battle.

@VainRochester (I hope you are okay with this)
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"Bit off more than we can chew, Fontaine?"

Her calm tone was barely heard above the roar of battle around her. The wyvern gave an ear-piercing shriek and lunged forwards at the nearest archer, who loosed one arrow in panic. The projectile shattered in mid-flight as the Wyvern Lord swung her shield, sending it spiralling onto the ground weakly. Without a second thought or a smart word, her sword fell once and the archer crumpled on the ground, dead before he hit the earth. The Wyvern Lord jerked her reins, sending her mount whirling around, as she stretched out her sword-arm, blade at ready. The bandit that had hoped to get in a lucky shot when she was distracted with his comrades let out a small cry that was soon drowned out by his own blood filling his throat.

"I think so too, dear. They are much too tender for you and I." Rosso caressed the side of her wyvern's neck. The wyvern gave a cry of approval, but suddenly stood still, angling its head towards another group of bandits at the distance. "What is it, Fontaine? Anything the matter?"

Rosso was answered when the wyvern took off towards the bandits. From her vantage point, Rosso could now see that Fontaine had simply found Lord Allerick in the midst of the fray. Wordlessly, she brandished her sword, the blade gleaming in the sun light. Fontaine knew exactly what they had to do. From the skies, the crimson-armored wyvern and its rider descended at a speed that no horse could ever hope to match. Fontaine landed, his scales an inch away from Lord Allerick, between his and Rosso's master and the charging Cavalier, and proceeded to release the same blood-curdling shriek that only Rosso did not seem perturbed about. The Cavalier's horse gave a frightened whinny and went against its master's commands. Rosso's sword did not miss, as Fontaine leapt forwards. The Cavalier fell from his horse, and the animal sprinted off as far as it could go.

"Up fighting so early, Lord Allerick?" Rosso pulled on the reins, sending Fontaine flying above the knight's lance thrust, before landing right on the armored man, crushing him with his own armor. She raised her sword to the sky and slowly lowered it, pointing it directly towards the remaining brigands as a challenge. Before they had time to run or accept the challenge, Fontaine lunged forth with another shriek. Rosso's faithful sword struck thrice, slashing two apart and running the third through. Fontaine rounded about in half-flight and landed once more beside Allerick.

"Pardon me for leaving so early to scout out ahead. Pray tell, what brings you so far up from the encampment?"
(Hey, this is RP related, surprising I know >;3. But I was wondering if you guys liked the idea of support conversations, or something like them. I just find that big group conversations can be a little challenging and slower (which is not a bad thing per say). So I thought we would compromise with short support conversations between two characters like the games. Of course in these you could probably bypass the two line rule, since they are back and forth conversations (but no other time!). I think they'll add a little more depth and will slightly remove the one fear I have for this RP; it feeling to much like point A to point B. Of course we could probably find another way to do them, I am just throwing that out as a suggestion :) .)


(this taken out of the OOC chat, I am just making sure everyone gets it.) 
(Also if anyone is interested in their possible pairings (if you are unhappy, just tell me) you can check page 16 of the OOC chat :3)
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Issler noticed two bandits sneaking up on allerick and rosso and ran at them. as he started running he fired a shot at the first bandit killing him. he then drew his sworda and leapt swordfirst at the other bandit. the bandit wasn't bad but Issler parryed his every swing before stabbing the bandit through the heart.
Allerick smiled towards Rosso and began scratching his head. "I am actually glad you left early! If not for that I may have gotten a few cuts, but don't you think you went a little... you know overkill!?" Maybe it was the fact that she was a Wyvern rider, but something about Rosso always scared the hell out of Allerick, so much so that he had troubles speaking to her at times, but none the less he respected her very much as a trusted comrade and friend.

As far as the skirmish went, it seemed to be going in Allerick's favour, he had not heard of any causalities on his side, but then again Uriah's group was no where in sight. He looked backed to Rosso, who still rested on her Wyvern, causing him to look up and feel the suns glare against his eyes. "Rosso, can you look for Uriah and his unit, I haven't seen them anywhere, but also keep your eyes open for Gaia, you know the big lion guy?" He looked back down and rubbed his eyes but as his sight returned he noticed a couple of enemies come his way, around 10-15 soldiers consisting of 5 sword users (aka sellswords) and the rest carrying large axes with the typical bandit apparel. "On second though Rosso, you stay here." Allerick said hesitantly, a tone of uneasiness could be felt in his voice and he drew his katana like blade out of it's leather sheathe. "Gregoire! Keshal.. other guy! Come we need to prepare for battle, we got some live ones here, 10-15 of them from what my eyes tell me." The bandits remained around 30 metres away and they charged at a fast speed, deep within Allericks heart he hoped Uriah's unit would come, even though it was possible to take them out on their own, he just wanted to see that they were all safe and alive.
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Gregoire walked up from his position not too far behind Allercik and took a ready stance next to him. "Fear not, Prince, I'm here. And what, fifteen men? why so worried? With Keshal,the new guy, and Rosso here that makes what, 3 for each of us? This'll be fun!" Gregoire grinned at Allerick, trying to portray confidence, though in reality, he was a bit worried himself. *Here's hoping Gaia catches scent of them, or this could get ugly, fast.*
Lok got a weird feeling as he slashed down the next merc. He slashed the legs of the next one,back flipped, and stabbed another then went back to finish off the other. "Uriah we should rejoin Allerick, i don't think the confusion will last much longer." Lok said as he noticed the enemy lines, they were mostly ignoring the ambush except for the lines being attacked. Lok decided that he should rush off to check on his older bro who may need some quick help."Nakamura change position and take mine. Brotherly bond says to check on Allerick." Lok yelled.

Lok dashed off confident that Nakamura, Mayuri, and Uriah can handle it. Lok dashed around blitzing and killing straggling mercs. He made it to the town and then searched mildly until he found Allerick and the Wyvern Lord."Hey bro and Rosso. Ambush is starting to be ignored, so rushed here thinking you may need help." Lok explained.
Keshal stared at the group approaching and nodded at his commander. "10-15 you said..." He clenched his fist and a crackling black mass of energy formed around his fist. He positioned it parallel to the ground, the inky black shape seemed to be ready to go through the ground in a moments notice. It was a simple flux spell, still in the hands of a skilled mage, it was not something to be caught at the wrong end off. He finished his prepping and said in a rumbling voice that no one had ever heard come from the man, "how messy do you want this to get?"
Mayuri paused when she noticed Lok leaving. Although tempted to call him back, he was already too far ahead, and she highly doubted that he would listen anyway.

She gritted her teeth as she debated on what to do. Allerick had specifically asked her and Uriah to watch over Lok, and that fact was even more intensified due to heritage. However, she couldn't just up and leave Uriah and Nakamura on their own.

Torn, Mayuri glanced around. Now that Lok wasn't helping to keep soldiers from reaching them, her and Nakamura were much more vulnerable. This meant that she had to pay extra close attention to make sure no one got close enough to their vicinity. However, the barbarians on this side had thinned considerably, and she was rather worried about how the other unit was doing...

Gesturing for the young Mage to follow her, Mayuri carefully made her way to Uriah, pausing to shoot when necessary. "Prince Lok just ran off, probably to the other unit. Since we have taken care of most of the enemies here, may I suggest we join back up with them as well?" She tentatively asked. However, since Lok was out of her sight her tone was a little more insistent on the matter.
There was nothing Uriah or anyone could say before Prince Lok took off to join his brother. Internally Uriah berated his lack of attention to the wayward prince. He would probably recieve a lecture from either Allerick or Rosso, the latter being the more likely.

Mayuri was presented with a tough choice, and after a brief moment's thought, and running another Ulsan soldier through with his lance, he nodded, and signaled to the archer. " Go, Take Nakamura, and regroup with Prince Allerick, I'll cover your retreat."

An axe whistled down as the sharpened blade split the air, and then thudded against the cavalier's shield, the metal plate denting with the force of the blow. Grunting, Uriah twisted in his saddle and threw his attacker's weapon off, reached over, and plunged his lance deep inside the mans chest. His arm was still numb after the axe had glanced off. He did not even have time to think about whether or not Mayuri had taken the mage and gone, as yet another enemy stepped only to be struck down, knocking Uriah's helm away with a sweep of his blade. Blood dripped down his face from where the visor on his helm had caught his scalp.
Mayuri hesitated for just a moment, reluctant to leave him alone, but she had never been one to disobey what she considered an order. She started leading Nakamura through the fray, her eyes darting as she searched for Allerick's unit. At the same time she remained vigilant of their surroundings, taking paths around several enemies so she could shoot them from afar.

When she finally found the other unit she noticed that a group of barbarians were swiftly approaching them. She readied her bow as she spoke. "I apologize for not keeping a better eye on your brother, my Lord." She said to Allerick, trying to remain quiet enough so that Lok wouldn't hear. "Uriah stayed behind to give us time to retreat, but there were only a few left, so he allowed us to join back with you."
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After his mourning of the child, Gaia had felt no intention on continuing this fight. He had it seeing the innocence tainted by the wars of greedy vile men. He emerged from the shop and gazed out to see villagers and bandits alike running and screaming from the chaos. He strode down the blood stained path towards the gate to see where the prince's men were. He saw a woman pass the street running with full force and scanning the area for something. He recognized her as one of the Prince's guard. She ran off before he got a closer look at which direction she was heading. He saw an arrow zoom past where she was and a bandit crumpled out of the corner into the street.

Gaia continued forward with a little haste towards where she had been. He stopped slowly around where the bandit laid, his fur covered in blood. It was beginning to harden and he felt uncomfortable with the matting of his fur where the devil had struck him. Gaia heard the roars of a drake and immediately became alert. His eyes surveyed the surroundings and he leapt atop the rubble of a home onto a perch overlooking the port. He took a look around and saw a wyvern and his rider. Not what I thought... A blessing that was... He sat down on his haunches and watched the group prepare for a battle with men swarming in. He watched them and tried to see an opening through the stream of men but he thought back a bit... Only one efficient way through a locked door... Gaia roared out and launched himself into the path below, securely blocking four men from converging with the main body of bandits. Gaia growled and lashed out at the men keeping them at bay. The wall gave way beside him and blocked off access to the path behind him. Gaia was bottle necked in the street and faced the bandit hefting the sword high above his head in an undisciplined stance. "One by one you will fall. Who is my first prey?" He growled as he positioned himself defensively.
The 15 men closed in on the group, and Allerick backed up slightly, holding his sheathed sword over his shoulder, getting into a fighting stance. "Mayuri, we will have to talk about this later, but I want you to make sure Lok doesn't get hurt in this next attack. But I can't tell you to run, I need your support, we need your accuracy." Allerick looked to the members of the resistant, and stuck his sword in the air. "All or nothing my people of all gender, we may be slightly outnumbered, but we can do this!" Such silly lies for an upcoming slaughter, it would seem he would inevitably loose some people, if not himself.

As the first person approached he went straight for Allerick, drawn to his royalty. "Kill the prince!" The man cried out swinging his axe at Allerick. It was simple dodging these axes after you have faced so many bandits wielding them. They swung in such a aimless and bull like way, as if they didn't put a second thought in the action. In a swift maneuver, Allerick danced around his opponent swinging his light sword right through his trachea and the man fell gripping onto his throat trying to breathe but falling to his death soon. Allerick got back into stance as his second opponent of the day attacked. He was a lanky man wielding a long sword and swinging straight at Allerick. But this time the sword was well placed and aimed carefully, kind of like a chess piece, making it hard for Allerick to dodge. He brought his sword up and blocked the first strike but the man followed up with a second one and sliced a deep, but non-fatal cut onto Allerick's cheek. Allerick backed up slightly feeling the blood flow across his face. But to his surprise he saw a flock of arrows cast a shadow above him, striking the tall man in the temple with one of the stray arrows. Allerick looked back and around 5 Secawn Nomads stood firing arrows at the Ulsans. Allerick smiled and called out to his team mates whom were hopefully fighting. "Everyone back up and group up, strongest in the front and any ranged personal branch off to the side and fire projectiles." Allerick looked for Lok, to see if he was unharmed praying that no one was hurt yet. It would be a shame if someone was, since help had arrived, but how did the Secawn tribe know they were in trouble? Allerick digressed and went back to where he hoped his unit would regroup and made sure he would stay in the front.
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Issler saw another pair of bandits running at him. he dodged under the first axe swing while drawing his bow and firing it at point blank range through the bandits jaw and into his brain. He folloged this up by kicking the first bandit into the second, jumping over them and shooting a second arrow straight into the top of the second bandits skull and brain.
Lok was wondering what Mayuri and his brother were talking about. But no time, Lok was attacked by a sword and parried the strike then slashed one of the man's ankles. He rolled over the man's back to stab his partner in the chest using the power of surprise attack(metaphorically). Lok then swung his blade behind him and decapitated the downed soldier from earlier. Then he heard it's time to regroup, so Lok fell back to his brother's position. Then Lok realized Uriah is missing and he slowed down. Not good, another blade swept at him and Lok barely avoided it as it has most certainly scraped through his clothing and inflicted a small wound. Lok barely dodged the second strike but this time he was ready, he swung his blade to strike the lower part of the enemy's blade and then stabbed his in the belly. Lok hopped to his bro's position and said"Uriah hasn't come back bro, someone should go find him."
Upon hearing the prince's rallying cry, Gregoire took a ready stance a few steps back and observed the fighting. As the prince was taking care of the first few soldiers, he noticed one of the swordsmen had broken off and was approaching Allerick form the side. Just what he was waiting for. As the sellsword readied his sword to strike, Gregoire stepped in and parried the man's attack. "Now, now, can't have you cutting off the head of this rebellion so early, now, can we?" The swordsman didn't seem impressed and struck with another vertical attack at Gregoire. Gregoire blocked it, but was surprised at the force behind the swing. He slid his sword out from the blocking position and sidestepped, while swinging his blade at the swordsman's midsection. The soldier parried his swing, but this was what Gregoire was expecting. He spun and continued his swing after the parry, cleanly decapitating his attacker. Gregoire breathed heavily and chuckled as he looked upon the soldier's body, which was now slinking to the ground

"Look, I know you were just dominated, but it's nothing to lose your head ove-" Gregoire's taunt was interrupted by a sharp pain in his side. He looked down in time to see a hefty ax pull out of the wound. He dropped his blade in the pain, and covered the wound as best he could as he looked back up at his new assailant. Just as the ax was about to end his life, he heard the whizz of an arrow fly by, and suddenly an arrow was protruding from the barbarians neck. As the axeman fell backwards Gregoire heard the orders Allerick called out. He picked up his sword with one hand and dragged it along behind him as he made his way to behind the front line, knowing he wouldn't be useful again until healed. "Sorry, Prince, looks like I'm going to have to sit the rest of this one out, or at least until I can get some healing."
Issler decided to act as a ranged personell as they were fewest in number. he branched off to the side as ordered while loosing volley after volley of arrows on the enemy. he saw gregoire nearly go down and lok defeating some bandits. he knew there were a lot more bandits but was confident that they could deal with them.
Keshal broke off to the side as ordered, with a sweeping motion to the ground his right hand lets forth a bolt of black energy that seemed to disappear once it made contact with the earth. A bandit saw this and charged. He got half way before a violent burst of dark energy seemingly leapt forth from the ground. The crackling disruption hit him square in the chest going straight through him before expanding into a crackling sphere. The Bandit slumped over and fell to the ground. Keshal stared at still advancing group preparing another flux. "Next one...I've not all day."
Mayuri started stepping backward at Allerick's command, loosing one more arrow. Just as she was about to turn to go to her new position, she saw movement from the corner of her eye and swiftly jumped back as a sword swiped through the air. Unfortunately the weapon was a long sword and had a further reach than she had anticipated. Pain blossomed on the outside of her right thigh as the blade left a clean cut.

Gritting her teeth, she tried to retreat in order to give herself time to prepare an arrow. However her injured leg prevented her from moving quickly enough and the barbarian kept advancing.

An arrow suddenly pierced through the man's neck. The enemy fell to the ground and Mayuri gave a sigh of relief, silently thanking the tribe. Trying to ignore the stabbing pain as she moved, she quickly moved off to the side.

Once she was in a secure area she reached into her pouch to pull out some bandages. She quickly tied them tight around her injury to help stop the bleeding before taking her bow back out. She was more than well enough to fight, at least in her opinion, as long as she didn't have to run.

Taking aim, Mayuri added her own projectiles to the tribe's to aid in picking off the enemies.
Allerick looked to Mayuri and Gregoire, whom were both injured was injured. "You two can fall back, take cover behind the reinforcements, we mustn't have you falling. We need you two to stay alive, we are short on soldiers as it is and against Ozten and Ulsan, we'll need everyone we can get!" He focused back on the battle, around 5 or 6 Ulsan's remained. Some had minor injuries with arrows in their shoulders and limbs while others were holding onto dear life, engulfed with cut wounds and arrows in stomachs and internal organs. In order to stay absolutely safe, he stayed back and allowed the ranged people to take the rest out, he didn't want to get in the way of their attacks. In the corner of his eye he noticed Lok fighting, a moments of relief occurred to see his brother all right and unharmed, but he was slightly disappointed in him aswell with his acts of disobedience.

With Uriah in his mind he ran up to Rosso, who had the best manoeuvrability and was one of their stronger soldiers. "Rosso, can you go find Uriah?" He said in a rushed and anxious voice, pointing to the direction Mayuri came to him in. "He hasn't returned and I am beginning to worry about him, he was left all alone with a few Ulsan soldiers. It is not that I doubt his ability to take on a couple of soldiers, I just want to make sure he is okay."
Lolynne Rohlok:

Lolynne and her riders looked down upon the burning village from a nearby hill. "The prince is there." She stated bluntly to her companions. They simply nodded in agreement, having gotten used to her low-talk style of leadership. Though she hated having to rely on the Prince of Lacaiya, she knew he and his band of rebels were the only ones that could unite the land against the invaders. "Ride!" She shouted, and the five of them began to gallop down into the city. Luckily, it seemed the part of the city they entered had already been sacked, and as such there were only a few stragglers left. She fired a single arrow into one's heart, and the others were soon quelled in a similar fashion. At that point, she heard the roar of a wyvern. Not seeing any enemy Wyvern riders on the approach, she surmised that was where the prince was. The five quickly rode off to where the roar had come from, and it appeared they had arrived just in time. She noticed one of the Ulsan swordsman land a strike on the one whom she identified as the prince, due to his being at the front of the battle, and his overly elegant clothes. She quickly notched an arrow and shot the man square in the temple. She grinned at her own accuracy and continued to fire arrows along with her soldiers. In response to the Prince's orders to his compatriots she simply continued her assault silently, briefly moving to allow for the two wounded to get behind her.
With the eyes of the reinforcing men upon him, Gaia held his ground with his eye-teeth bare for them to see. His tail swished with the wind and his paws slowly grasping the ground. The undisciplined swordsman took a lunge with his sword high above his head. Gaia flashed his tail across his face as he went forward with his swing. The sword dug into the ground and with a swipe of his left paw, the swordsman was tossed into the rubble smashing into the rock rendering him unconscious. The other man with an axe came forward with ferocious anger. Gaia smelled the blood in his clothing as he passed beside him. Gaia growled and staggered when the axe clipped his ear. The man's wicked toothy smile began to grow as he saw the Laguz's blood on the edge of his axe. The man grew bold and swung again not expecting Gaia to swipe his legs from under him. Before he hit the ground, Gaia laid his eye-teeth into his neck draining his blood and snapped it with shake of his muzzle. Gaia dropped him with a smack against the paved stones.

The two other men looked at each other and raised their weapons with shaky hesitation. Gaia stood on his hind quarters and spread his paws out taunting the men to engage. "Are you not ready to bathe in your blood!? Have you sullied enough women and children with your blades!? Come face your judgement!" Gaia roared out. The two men dropped their weapons and ran out of the blocked path away from the pavilion. He stood over the unconscious body after the men left him. Gaia took a step forward and gazed into the face of the assailant. He was a young man with only 18 seasons under his belt. Gaia refused to murder a child that knew no better than to fight for a monstrous band of thugs. He slapped the boy several times before rousing him. The boy skitted back and yelled out for help, reaching for his weapon to defend himself. Gaia stared coldly into the young boy's paling eyes and faced them with his bloodied eye-teeth. "You will leave this place. Touch steel and not even the depths of purgatory will be kinder than my wrath..." Gaia growled. The boy shivered and shook his head as he gathered himself before running to the exit among with the others.

Gaia began walking towards where the rest of the bandits had converged. He didn't hurry with all the injuries he had sustained. His ear was bothering him and his right shoulder was bleeding from the battle earlier. He walked into a broken home and began his transformation. His paws transformed into longer thick fingers. His fur shortened and his muzzle shrank. His eye-teeth shortened and his body ached where the wounds were. His body was like normal... if a naked furry man with a tail was normal. He grabbed some shredded cloth and covered his lower body with it. He didn't have enough to hide his long shaggy tail. He stayed in the ruined home and he brushed himself until the blood that matted his fur was off.
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Gore dripped from the point of the lance, as the cavalier turned his mount to face the three remaining foes, one brandishing an axe, one a blade, and the last a bow. The archer would have to go first, Uriah determined, for if he became entangled with one of the other two, the ranged fighter would be able to pick him off at leisure. Sweat and blood dripped down his face, the cut from his helm being knocked off having crusted and slowed to a small trickle, the salty mixture stung as it ran into his eye, but he ignored the sensation, focusing on the matter at hand.

Six had already fallen to his lance, and in truth he was tired, for only the first two had died easily. Narrowing his eyes, and pursing his lips, Uriah kicked his steed's sides, and charged the archer. The two melee fighters moved to impede his path, but quickly lept out of the way, knowing they could not stop a mounted charge with just the two. An arrow thudded against his shield. Riding hard, horse's breathing labored, Uriah rode down the archer, who turned to flee too late, his only reward was a lance thrust through his abdomen, only to be violently removed as the cavalier turned his mount once more to face his final opponents.

Spurring his steed once more, he charged across the open ground, but as he closed with the axe wielder, he misjudged his horses step, and took a glancing blow to the side. The blade skated off his armor for the most part, but caught on one of the exposed areas, and Uriah felt icy steel bite into the flash of his right side. Stifling a gasp, he reached out with a foot freed from stirrups, and kicked the bearded brute in the face, before stabbing him through with the lance.

At long last, only one opponent remained, the swordsman. What had once been a cocky grin was now replaced with a look of grim determination, the look of a man who has seen his death approach, and prepared to rail against it. The lance held the better reach over the blade, and with one last charge, Uriah plunged his weapon deep into the man's chest, piercing through the ribs, ichor and such running from the holes in his body. Jerking the spear from the body, Uriah looked to his own injury, blood stained his shirt, and dripped from his side down to his leg, staining the armor and cloth alike. The cut seared if he twisted to much, but he deemed it to be non life threatening, only a minor inconvenience.

With a sharp exhalation, Uriah stuffed a rag from his saddle bag into the wound, ran a gore splattered guantlet through his hair, several strands of which had broke free from their pony-tail, and now framed his face, and set his horse off in the direction of the princes' group and a slow gallop, not wanting to push his tired steed any more than he had to.

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