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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

Allerick smiled, "welcome aboard ms. Faina. I'm sure you'll get along just fine with everyone!" Allerick said and decided to add on from what he said before. "I know your sister, I've heard many tales of her from scared villagers. And I know it'll be hard to top that, but we have an advantage. While Ozten has a large army and skilled warriors, they have no actual challenge. Us on the other hand, have a huge, seemly impossible challenge, which only means we get better and more adept, while Ozten grows old and clunky. Which means your sister will too. However, I want you to know that we aren't facing you against your sister alone, I am here for you, the army is there for you aswell. We'll bring back your honour, and our own with one stone." Allerick said with passion.

He looked to Lok and nodded. "All right we've stalled enough, take Mayumi, Gregoire, Issler and Uriah into town and take out any bandits that are causing any problems, leave escaping ones alone. Work together as a team and be patient, your older brothers orders. I'll put Uriah at supreme command, but I want decisions to be made together. I hear one bad thing about you and I am sending you back to Port Vellincullen with General Takashi."

He looked back to Faina and nodded to her aswell. "I'm sure we'll make a good team, I'll get the archers and axe wielders, if you protect me from lancers and magic. We'll be heading out with Rosso, Nakamura, Keshal, Lolynn and Gaia if we can find him. You know where the boss behind this all is right?" he asked her curiously.

When she asked who was single he paused a moment. "Single what! Do you think I go into the romantic lives of my peers? I used to, but then they said I was an interfering problem. All I can tell you is I am single, and I believe Mayumi is as well. Um.. why do you want to know?" He whispered into her ear.

@WhimsicalWriter @Larbeight @Minigunmad
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Ein stood by, observing as soldiers on both sides took damage. He saw many bandits breaking into the shops and bars along the surrounding street, shop keepers being rounded up and bound.. ' Why is there a need for so many innocents to lose their lives, why do we needlessly drag these people into this.'

More and more did the unknown motives of his king cause issues in his eyes. ' If I was at his side, I would come up with a plan to spare the lives of these people...' he thought to himself. ' and still he keeps the purpose of this invasion to himself. '

Ein turned to the bandit leader.... " You... Salt was it? Do you know why our countries joined forces?
"Growth because of challenges? That's a nice thought. And yes, I'd be glad to take care of the mages." She lightly balanced her lance, grinning. "My specialty."

Faina didn't think she could overcome just because there was something to overcome, but maybe with Allerick here, and his friends, just maybe with their help, things might be different this time. She couldn't help but smile, giddy with the possibility. It was more hope than she'd had in ages. "You're rather inspiring, you know." She leaned forward on Rochester, lowering her eyelids as her voice went low with a sultry purr. "If only you didn't look like a girl... though, the more I think about it... I could get used to it. And if I tilt my head like this..." She rotated to the right. "You almost look handsome."

She pulled back as Allerick got down to business, tapping her toes nervously against her pegasus as she considered fighting the people she'd only recently joined. It would be awkward, no doubt. "Well, I have no qualms about you taking down Salt, their leader. He's the guy with a mask of scars all over his face, unfriendly-like. Always yelling at the top of his lungs like someone stepped on his toe. I've heard tell of the massacres he's lead, and I've no doubt that most of these underlings will flee once you take him down."

"But there's someone else... A second leader. Just a young mage, but he's different from the rest. Civilized-like. Polite. You'll know him by the grey cloak and blue accents." Rochester was getting restless, tossing his head and tapping his hooves against the dirt. Faina stooped to stroke his neck, calming him. "I think... I should try talking to him, before anyone points their blade at him. He was kind to me, and I think I owe him that at least."

There was another reason, but Faina kept it to herself. She'd seen the blue symbol on the back of Ein's cloak. He had some connection with Ozten, and she wanted to know the details.
Ein sighed at the 'ape' like man. 'This is getting ridiculous. i must have gotten assigned the most stupid of all the bandit leaders to be the tactician for....'

Alright then... You stick to your women and gold... I see no need for such paltry objects." Ein turned once again to the battle field. He could see the enemy army approaching in the distance. 'Faila must have perished at their arms. The only person I could really have a meaningful conversation with here.'

Out of the corner of his eye Ein spotted an arrow flying at him from the distance. ' They're here!' With a quick side step he managed to evade being hit and, taking his thunder tome in hand, countered with an attack of his own. 'Critical hit... This may be my last battle....'
"Alright bro, but i'm a bit fatigued. If you've noticed i have just about depleted my personal supply of stamina potions that you gave me. I'm can still fight just not anyone truly tough." Lok said and then yelled "Issler, Uriah, Mayumi, and Gregoire on me. We are going into town, Uriah you lead the way." Lok drank the

last potion and joined the team he was back to 75% to 85% now.
Allerick flustered red like a cherry and sweat dripped down his pale face. He tried speaking back but his voice cracked and stuttered into a million fragments. After a couple of awkward seconds his anxiety died down and he shrugged it off. "Um... thanks, but I assure you I am not a girl." He said twiddling his thumbs trying to get his mind off of it. After a moment he realized he had a battle to fight, and he looked over the units whom were waiting to fight. He motioned over to Rosso, Nakamura, Keshal and Lolynn. He noticed Gaia ran off, again. However this never bothered him, Gaia always did better on his own, and he had a heart for the villagers. He waited for each of them to arrive before he would begin his speech. Rosso of course came very quickly, with Nakamura on her wyvern along with her. It seemed like those two began to get along quite peachy. Once everyone arrived Allerick began his speech.

"Alright everyone, our job is to find the boss behind all this, there is less enemies then our last mission but that does not mean we let our guard down. Lolynn I will entrust you with everyone here, it would seem you know about leadership, prove yourself to me. As for me and Faina, I must discuss that with her, but we will catch up with you." He waited for the group to leave and then he looked to Faina. "All right, you're job will be to pin point that mage you were talking about, do what you must, but please try to get him onto our side. He might be helpful with our youth mage Nakamura, and any new member is gold. I'll keep and eye out for any archers. Please be careful." He said nodding and running off to catch up with Lolynn.

@Larbeight (you have full controll over Rosso and Nakamura, for this battle atleast :) )
Uriah saluted Allerick and Lok, crashing a bloodied gauntlet against his breastplate. The Princes were finally working in tandem, with an established and clear chain of command. Transferring his lance back to his dominant hand, Uriah led his group into the cluster of buildings, lance ever at the ready. Lok had pleased the loyal knight, by placing him in front, where he would be the first to intercept anyone who might try to harm the prince, the position where his heavy armor would be the most beneficial. The town seemed eerily quiet as the group advanced, and Uriah's eyes never stayed but a moment in one place, constantly scanning. But even the dutiful knight's vigilance could not help him detect every threat, and so it was inside the town. They had advanced one hundred yards or so in to the town, when just as Uriah had turned his gaze to one side, a group of archers rose up on the rooftops of nearby buildings.

Arrows whistled down from the rooftops, most bouncing off shield and armor, clattering harmlessly to the cobble street of the village, however, some arrows found flesh. One dart buried itself in the shoulder of Uriah's steed, the horse shrieking in pain, a sound awful to the ears. Another one buried itself in Uriah's thigh, blood seeping from the wound, crimson rapidly staining the cloth covering his leg. The shock of the injury forced a grunt from the stoicly silent knight, but the realization that another arrow had hit its mark robbed the knight of any curse or oath he might've uttered. A whistling missile arced down and struck Prince Lok in the chest. Uriah swung down from his saddle and moved to shield the prince, knowing he had already been hit once. Hunched over the bleeding, prone figure of the second lacayian prince, he ignored the hail of arrows raining down around him, as he let his armor take the punishment.

The prince was pale, and growing more ashen by the second as blood pumped rapidly from the wound in his chest. Uriah cradled the prince to his chest, turning to Mayumi to growl," Bring them down. Give no quarter." Time seemed to slow for Uriah, breathing was like inhaling sulphur. much of his hair had fallen loose of it's tie, and draped across his face, a curtain of ash brown. " I NEED A HEALER! PRINCE LOK HAS BEEN HIT!" The two sentence phrase was uttered far louder than any statement anyone had ever heard from the cavalier, and no statement had ever come far too late as this. The prince's body sagged, limp, dead weight, and the light in his eyes dimmed, as the boy's life bled away.

The Prince was dead, He had failed his sworn duty as knight, by all rights that deadly stroke dealt to the prince should have been stopped, blocked, anything, anything was better than the prince dying. Bile in his throat, Uriah lowered Lok's lifeless body to the ground, and then rose, ignoring the searing pain from the arrow in his leg, and reaching back, stretching all of his recent injuries from the previous battle to the point where the wounds broke open and began to weep blood, and hurled his lance as hard as he could, spearing one of the bandit archers, running the man through completely. he fell from the roof top with a strangled cry. Unable to fight the archer's anymore than that with no bow, Uriah moved to keep Mayumi covered with his shield, as she was the most vulnerable while the enemy archers still lived.

@WhimsicalWriter, @Larbeight , @Minigunmad

(( For those who dont know, Lok's player has since left us, and Love gave me permission to kill Lok, to create some much needed drama.))
For an agonizing moment, Mayumi stood there, frozen. Her mind unable to comprehend what was happening, she could only stare in shock at the arrow protruding from Lok's chest and the blood that quickly seeped out around it. Too much, too much red. A cold realization settled over her as Uriah jumped down to shield the prince.

He was dying, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Mayumi blinked out of her reverie at Uriah's order. Simmering anger fueled by loss suddenly coursed through her veins in a wave and it was all she could do to keep an ounce of rational thought. Her eyes locked onto the enemy archers and she swiftly aimed. Knocking an arrow with overly tense but steady fingers, she started launching her counterattack, ruthlessly targeting heads and torsos.

Uriah's shout made her pause for a second and glance out of the corner of her eye as she reached for another arrow. An enemy's projectile whizzed by her arm in her lapse in concentration, leaving a fine gash on her upper left arm. Although her gaze quickly snapped back to the front, the glimpse of the prince's lifeless face had already burned into her memory.

Guilt and sorrow threatened to overwhelm her, but she pushed it back and continued to loose arrows. This was not the time or place to grieve. Mayumi took advantage of Uriah's protection, able to focus on aiming easier without having to worry about leaving herself exposed on one side. She couldn't help but notice the cavalier's oozing wounds, however, she knew better than to tell him to leave. If he felt anything like how she did right now, then he needed something that would contribute to avenging their fallen prince, and she wasn't about to deprive either of them that. It wouldn't be enough to soothe their grief--no amount of enemy blood would ever be enough--but for now it was all they could do.
"Yes, sir!" Faina called out, saluting. Allerick ran off, and Faina grinned as she watched him go.

It felt good to not be a bandit anymore. It felt even better to be a part of something. Faina dug her heels into Rochester's sides, and he took off, wings billowing gusts of dust as he did, the power of the horse's second appendages blasting the two of them off into the sky, where the army could be surveyed and the young mage boy found.

She circled around the western side, passing by the river that lined the villages. Salt had been convinced to call Ein his adviser, and the young lad had taken up the role of a pseudo-tactician, given the authority to tell the bandit population orders that only a few would listen to. Salt had held the most authority, and his penchant for money and women far overwhelmed any force of reason. So, no matter the ingenuity of Ein's advice, Salt took the rockiest path towards victory, because of the spoils he could gain at the end of it.

That was what Faina had heard and seen around the campfires, and she knew this dynamic would no doubt leave Ein feeling discarded and useless, especially if he were sent here by Ozten.

She caught sight of lightning flashing down from the sky and striking an archer. Magic. She pulled on the reins, directing Rochester to the right, and swept down upon Ein, calling out his name.

"I come in peace!" She added, strapping her lance into its holding place on Rochester's saddle. "Ein, I'd like to talk to you!" The mage looked nervous, or maybe it was grimness that so tightened his face. His eyes were clouded with something Faina couldn't quite identify, but she called out anyway. "Remember me? We shared a roast chicken the other night." She swung a leg over Rochester, dismounting. After landing on the grassy earth, she raised her hands, showing her lack of weapons. "...So... Can we talk?"

Ein stared astonished at the fair skinned, violet haired women sitting atop the winged horse. 'She survived.... But how?!' With his tome gripped in hand he eyed the girl as she dismounted her Pegasus.

"Fa....Faina....? How on earth did you survive?" the boy said with a quiver in his voice, upon recalling the girls actual name. His gaze passed by the girl and off into the distance where the bulk of the army were still fighting. " I saw you fly right into the enemy camp..."
Keshal rubbed his side, it had healed up enough it still had some irritation, but that couldn't slow him down. He'd gotten this far... he couldn't stop now, not due to some small wound... well not a small one...he'd been stupid, careless...that had cost him being out for the rest of the battle... "can't make that same mistake again...have to keep with the group...your a mage. not a fighter Keshal." When the Prince came up to the group he nodded, "forgive me for my near non-presence...this wound has kept me preoccupied..."

(i'm assuming that Allerick's group does not know yet about lok's death...will adjust post as necessary if we do)

As the arrows landed around them and the prince was hit, Gregoire realized he had gotten through the opening volley relatively unscathed. Aside from a few arrows snapping on his armor and a light cut on his left arm, he was fine. Unfortunately, it looked as though the prince was not so lucky. As Gregoire made his way to Uriah, to attempt to make use of the makeshift cover that was his shield and horse, he noticed four more bandits approach them from the front, these wielding axes. Realizing that Uriah might not be in the best condition to lead, he shouted out to his allies, taking a commanding tone. "Issler, you and Mayumi take out the rest of their archers. Uriah, you keep them safe. I'll deal with these brigands."

Gregoire took a defensive stance against the approaching bandits. He gave a loud whistle just before the first one moved in to strike. Luckily, the axe he wielded was heavy, and Gregoire managed to dodge it rather easily, and then struck across the bandit's leg with a quick strike. Not fatal, but it would keep the bandit from getting past him. But far too late he realized one of the other bandits had a hand axe. The axe flew threw the air and struck him in his unarmored left shoulder, causing Gregoire to yell in pain. As this happened, one of the enemy archers had noticed him out of cover and landed a shot on his left thigh. Gregoire nearly dropped to his knee in pain, but he managed to keep himself standing. He wouldn't let these bandits through without a fight. And hopefully he wouldn't have to alone. If Gaia had heard his whistle, he should be well on his way to help them. And once the archers had been taken care of Issler and Uriah could come in to help. He only hoped he could live long enough to stall the bandits until then, or better yet, actually live though this ordeal at all.

@Minigunmad @WhimsicalWriter @Asgaardian @TechEwok 
Lolynne Rohlock:

Having remained quiet for the journey and the start of the battle, she nodded, "I will not let you down, prince of Lacaiya. The Bandit leader's head shall be mine." Lolynne turned to the group, and motioned for them to make their way into the battlefield as she spoke to them.

"Our mission is to slay the bandits' leader. In order to do this I will need your full cooperation and obedience. I will scout ahead and observe the enemy, taking out any enemy archers if I get the opportunity. Once I have made sure no archers remain, Rosso, you will become the Spearhead of our assault. You will be in the lead, taking the brunt of their melee forces as I fire arrows in support. Keshal, you will do as I do, stay behind Rosso and her wyvern and take attacks of opportunity against the enemies that rush her. Nakamura, you will stay behind the two of us, watching our backs, and attacking any that get past Rosso and attempt to attack me or Keshal. Any questions?" An arrow whizzed by her as she shifted to the right to avoid it, and returned an arrow, hitting the enemy archer through the throat. "Well, too late for questions now, it seems. From here on out, speak only of the battle. No distractions." She said as she rode ahead, searching for archers.

@Der Kojote
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"That was stupid of me, wasn't it? Even if I was under orders..." She laughed, self-depricating. "But... about that..." Faina grabbed a thick strand of her fluffy hair and ran her hands through it nervously as she stepped towards Ein. "While rushing them was, for all intents and purposes, pretty much suicide, I got lucky. It turns out their leader is actually, well, someone I knew. He cut me a deal, and..." She coughed evasively. "Well... Here I am, not dead."

She sent him a quick grin as she grabbed Rochester's muzzle and, pulling the pegasus with her, stepped towards Ein.

"He's willing to recruit me, and you, too, I think. But before all that..." She looked away, chewing the inside of her cheek before facing him again, expression pensive. "Your cloak has Ozten's symbol. Why is that? Did you serve Ozten?"

Clyde was well aware that the tides of war were against the bandits now. The ones outside the town were being overwhelmed. His great eyesight gave him a good vantage point of what was happening all around him.

"This is my chance" he said.

Clyde fled the battle with all his 'comrades' busy. He went inside the town which still held more bandits. He saw a large man from the resistance lead the citizens to the arena. He seemed capable enough of protecting them. Together, the others also stormed the town. Clyde knew his way around. He's been in town for a while.

Clyde saw a troubled pair of mother and child. They were being threatened by a single bandit. The ruffian was hairy and large. His arms were big as well as his belly. This was one rather disgusting person. As the man was gonna swing his axe on the mother, Clyde dropped down from the roof, kicking the bandit away. "Take the backstreets. The arena is safe. Go." with his blue cloak covering his face and most of his body, he told the pair.

"Why you nosy little prick!" the bandit said as he charged at Clyde.

Clyde's movement were like water and his cloak flowed with his movements. He was like a ghost. Not a single movement wasted as he dodged, disarmed, and stabbed the bandit at the throat. That man was weak. The pair was still watching. "I said go!" he told them again as he retracted his dagger.

As the mother and child left, more bandits arrived. He opted to run away to take their attention away from the civilians. He was fine with a chase around town. He could easily lose them since they were slow and he was nimble. He could also find a place where they would be in confined spaces. Their numbers would mean nothing. For now, he just ran around with bandits still in tow.
It felt odd for Keshal, he was taking orders. Not saying that taking orders wasn't odd rather, it was who he was taking orders from. The leader of the Rholock Tribe. In regards to interactions between his tribe and her's it had been rather peaceful, hell before the war his tribe always preferred to do their trading with the Rholock's. The deals were always fair, and you tended not to get cheated in bartering, and he was following the tribes leader. It was an odd feeling...as if Secawn wasn't totally dead, As if a spark of it still existed. Preserved from the smoldering ashes of his homeland. The great tribes calling up their smaller allies, all ready to ride out on a field of battle likethe days of yore...

The metaphor and poetics stopped when an arrow landed at his feet. He spotted the archer, and cast nosferatu. The archer crumpled over in pain gripping his side. Keshal meanwhile pat his now fully healed side. The voice behind the mask said muffled. "Better...back to work." He followed Lolynne's orders and continued onward, dark energy crackling at his finger tips.
It took Ein a moment to take in this information. This girl... in her stupidity, flew to the enemy camp, and yet she survived. And not only did she survive, but she joined the Resistance.

He stared at her, and then glanced behind him, without changing his stance. He thought about the emblem on his cloak. " That's correct. I was in Ozten's army, the strategy division. I joined the army in hopes of meeting his royal highness." Ein knew meeting King Lucifer was essentially a pipe-dream. He knew that he was brilliant for his age, but there were much better suited tacticians at the castle and in all likelihood bandits was what we would be stuck with during the war. "He is..... was such an amazing man. I looked up to him." A look of disappointment crossed the mages face.

He stared back at the girl, " I know who you are. You're his Highness's daughter, one of them anyway. I used to see you around the castle when I went there for strategy meetings, with my commanding officer. " Ein went silent for a moment, eyes glazed with what could have been fear, or thought. " Are you actually going against your father?"

As Allerick entered the town he saw for himself the blood stained soil, and prevelant smell of iron and rotting. He looked back to Lolynn, "All right, I trust you'll do your best, as for me I must attend to some business, make sure everyone here is all right." He said and ran off in the direction of two bandits. Allerick ran right through them dodging their hand axes, and the second one's steel Axe. However they lost interest in Allerick and headed straight for Lolynne's group, along with 3 others. While Allerick felt bad, he noticed another figure fighting, he looked back to the group. "I must aplogize for that! I will come to your assistance in a moment." Allerick yelled to Lolynne and went to catch up with the thief like figure.

He was a fast bugger, but Allerick was just as fast. When he caught up to him however he realized what he was running from: bandits. Now Allerick ran neck and neck with the man, somehow knowing from his facial expression and eyes that he was a friend. "I see you've made quite the following behind you, it seems we both have a slight bandit problem on our tails, shall we dispose of this nuisance, together?" Allerick said, breathing hard after every three words. He pulled out his long blade 'Morbus' and smiled at the man.

"You're quite fast for a girl." he said as he smiled back. The pace he was going was reasonable enough and this wasn't his full speed. "You see, I have some other plans. People like me prefer to do things with minimal risk. You seem slender enough and much slower than me so this might work." he added as they were running.

"If you trust me, take the third left turn from now." after saying that, Clyde sped up and ran straight up some stacked barrels. He jumped on a protruding pole and used his leverage to lift himself to the rooftops.

The place he designated was a narrow alleyway. Only a person at a time can enter. Of course it was also a dead end but she wouldn't know that. Clyde had to know if he could trust this person. What better way to know that seeing if she trusts him.

Clyde reached his destination, ready to spring his trap. If it was successful, they'd have a pincer attack, at the same time leaving their number advantage moot. Burly men like these bandits wouldn't fit in the alleyway if they don't form a line of sorts. He watched as the bandits still chased the girl.
"I'M A MALE, DOES IT LOOK LIKE I HAVE BREASTS!? AND TRUST ME I AM NOT EVEN RUNNING AT HALF MY SPEED!" Allerick yelled turning bright red with anger. He shrugged off the thieves mistake for him being a girl, they'd have to work together wouldn't they? He listened attentively to his plan and nodded, he really hoped he could trust this man, or else he'd be falling right into a trap. He realized the thief walked off from the battle and Allericks anger shot up again. "YOU SON OF A B-, GET BACK HERE HOW DARE YOU LEAVE A GIR-, NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE I AM NOT EVEN SURE ABOUT MY GENDER NOW!" Allerick said taking his third left into the alley. Now he was beginning to realize the plan. Since Allerick and him were both reasonably skinny they could easily fit into the alley, while the group of bandits would have trouble. It would help if that thief guy didn't ditch him though!

Allerick took his long blade and watched as the bandits struggled to make it through the alley way. One of them was able to the enter while the others stood there figuring out what they would do. The bandit swung his axe at Allerick and grazed his arm, but not reaching bone. In counter attack Allerick swung his sword, striking his right eye, causing the bandit to back up and scream in agony.
Clyde watched until they reached the end of the alleyway, not hearing what she was shouting nor did he care. His plan was coming into fruition. The bandits were in the tight alley, forming a line. Never had they noticed the plight that they were in. For a second, he watched how the girl fought. She was crude but she had potential. Clyde thought it was his time to jump in.

Clyde dropped down, still wearing his cloak and hood. Most of his face was covered and only the grin on his face could be seen. His deep blue cloak covered his body and essentially, his movements. Their opponents wouldn't know what to expect.

"What the-?" one bandit noticed Clyde a little too late as Clyde ran in sweeping his legs with his own then slicing his throat open. The bandit gasped before drowning in his own blood. Clyde jumped back as soon as another bandit noticed. "Why you son of a-!" he charged at Clyde, swinging his iron ax recklessly as Clyde nimbly dodges. Clyde countered in one motion as he dodged, cutting the brigand across the chest. He was still standing but he was bleeding badly. They have probably realized now that they fell for Clyde's trap.

Four on two but the two in the middle can't do anything in this confined alleyway. The other two were now grievously wounded. They were starting to panic.

Clyde nonchalantly let out a greeting to his new ally. "So how are you faring, milady?" he said
Allerick almost went back to crazy psycho again but he held onto his chest and breathed in a couple of times. "I-am-a-male. Get it? No breasts or any of that, and a voice belonging to a male! Anyways, now's not the time to hit on 'females', we have those four over there." Allerick said pointing. "Anyways cloaked pal, my name is Allerick." And on that note Allerick flew over Clyde and aimed for the two injured bandits.

The first one charged at Allerick, while the one behind him threw a hand axe over his head hurling straight at Allerick. Allerick swiftly dodged the hand axe and jabbed the incoming injured bandit in the gut. The colossus bandit fell slowly and rather gracefully onto the ground while the one behind jumped, axe in hand at Allerick. He was barely able to dodge the attack by jumping backwards. He walked back slowly, and the bandit didn't seem to follow, he was focused on the thief behind him. Taking advantage of his distraction Allerick came towards him thrust his sword into his heart. The bandit was able to side step, but still took a rather nasty cut to his chest. The bandit stumbled and striked back with the hilt of his axe and hit Allerick right in the shoulder. Allerick backed up quickly, feeling the large bruise on his shoulder.
"Hmmm. I could never tell. And besides, I wasn't interested either way. No need to be mad." he told this Allerick in a jolly tone. "You're holding your ground quite well for such a slender fellow." he added.

"You're ignoring me?!" yelled the wounded bandit as he charged at Clyde again. He was able to duck in time but his axe grazed the edge of Clyde's cloak. Clyde was rather disappointed about it. His cloak was already tattered as it his but he still liked it nonetheless. He lunged at the bandit with his blade at hand. His off hand pushed at the hilt as he directed his attack to the man's chest, delivering a fatal blow. As soon as he pushed the man to the ground, he threw another dagger at the remaining bandit, aiming at his face. He was able to parry it with his axe, also blinding himself for a moment. That was all Clyde needed. By the time his axe stopped impeding his vision all he saw was the edge of Clyde's cloak and followed it as Clyde was already in the air. Clyde rolled in the air and kicked the bandit's back towards Allerick. He was off balance.

"He's all yours." he said as he landed.
So Ein was from Ozten. And he recognized her. Great.

Faina buried her face into Rochester's mane and released a muffled groan, all her frustration pouring out with it. His questiln registered, and she raised her head, exhausted.

"I don't know..." She said weakly. "I don't even know why they went to war or what they expect to gain from all this, and not only that...." Her thin brows knitted inward, and a sigh expelled out her mouth. "I have no right to question anything they do. I left them. And because of that, when... if we even get so far as the Ozten border... I don't know if I will stand against Ozten or for it."

She chewed her lower lip, face a mask of sudden thought. "But, I can tell you this much. While Ozten's motives are anyone's guess, Allerick's are clear as day. He stands for the good of his people, for the rebuilding of his nation. He is someone I think I can trust. And he's out there now, protecting the villagers from the bandits we were working for." Faina's voice caught on the last word. She lowered her head. "I don't want to even think of harming innocents again. Is this what you want for yourself, Ein? Are you really okay with being a part of pillaging and thievery?"
Ein considered what the girl said to him. He considered the words that were brought to his attention by this fallen princess. She was right, at this time the bandits, and few soldiers scattered among them, where harming innocents. " I want to question your father."

This statement sat heavily on his mind. He had yet to meet he king, it was always his wish to do so, but there was never a reason. He wanted to create that reason. ' It would be in my best interest to side with these people until the bandits are cleared up... And even so, to not know the kings motives.'

" Alright. Here's the situation." He walked towards the girl, and switched his Thunder tome for Elfire from his pack. He continued his walk past Faina, and opened his tome. A ball of fire formed above the text, and he launched it over a broken wall behind the girl. A pillar of flame sprang forth, visible over the wall, and a bandit fell out from behind. He did not move, he just laid down, dead, singed from the fire.

Ein turned to face the girl, " I will join in your endeavors, but only until I can question the king of his motives. All growing up I respected him. The methods he used, the things he did for our country. So much respect for him. " Ein regrouped back next to the girl. He held out his hand for an introductory shake. " But if I find that the ideals of the king, align with those of mine... If I determine that he has a good reason for doing what he's doing, I will have no choice but to turn on you, and this Allerick."
With the family in tow, Gaia had managed to reach the arena without running into any bandits. He made it inside and the family was close behind him. The entrance was barred off again by Gaia as he shoved the heavy wooden door back into place. He locked one side with a large iron bar. He looked back and saw the merchant was still bleeding and looked faint. He walked over to him as he held himself up against a pillar.

"You've reopened your wound. Do you have any medical supplies to stop the bleeding? Maybe back in your shop?" Gaia asked the man.

"Yes.... However, it's in... the far end of the wall... where you found us.... I'm not sure if it's a good idea..." The merchant struggled to speak from the fatigue and drain of the lack of blood he had. Gaia looked around and found a banner hanging on the wall. He shredded a portion and made a temporary bandage to seal the wound for the time being. He lifted the man off the pillar and began to wrap his arm. The merchant's wife looked at her son before stepping beside Gaia.

"I'll go get it. I know where it is and I'm the only one that can reach it. Let me go get it." She said with a soft voice. She looked unsure. Gaia cast a glance towards her and weighed the options out. He wasn't going to let her get herself killed and leave her husband bleeding infront of her child. He was about to dismiss that notion as he heard the end of a high pitched whistle. His ears perked up and he cast a glance in the general direction it came from. The wife looked at him as if he was insane. He had no choice. Gaia knew that whistle meant Gregoire needed him. His face grew sullen as he knew what he had to do. He nodded to the wife,
"Go. Be sure your son is safe. And hurry back. I must go." Before they could protest, he began running down the hallway that led to arena's open pavilion.

He shed his clothes again but this time was aware of where he was. The uniform was placed along one of the four columns in the arena. Gaia had the cloth around his thighs and midsection from earlier. He shut his eyes as he prepared to transform. His heart raced, his hands grew out and grew heavy. His fur grew out in a wave and the sands were brushed with his tail as it grew longer and shaggy. His thighs had grown in volume and he knelt forward until he had planted both paws among the arena's sands. His muzzle protruded outward and his eye-teeth grew out extending past his jawline. He opened his eyes and felt his transformation complete. He sniffed the air and all his senses were keener. He had smelt flesh nearby.. behind him! Gaia turned to see the young boy had followed him out to the arena. He could hear the boy's heart pounding and the low cries of his mother searching for him. She was running towards him and screamed out in terror as she saw Gaia in his true form. His gray eyes were glued on the child's face. He felt... ashamed. To have frightened such a boy he had sworn to protect. The mother held onto her son as if to shield him. It brought a flash of memories to Gaia's mind.
I... I'm sorry... He growled and turned away, dispersing his thoughts and coming to reality. His partner needed him and he had to get there. He replied to the whistle with a roar that echoed off of the arena's open auditorium. He shot forward towards the opposite exit of the arena. With one last glance back, he saw the boy holding his mother in tears. Gaia's heart shattered and it hardened his resolve. I'll end this... One day, Gregoire....

He burst out of the heavy wooden doors that barred the exit. He ran through alleys and kept his direction inline with where he heard the whistle come from. He sniffed the air and detected some scents that were both familiar and new. He surged with life, pounding his thick paws into the dirt road. He was coming to an end with an alley running perpendicular to it. He braced for it and he leapt along it and shifted to the left and continued along the wall for a few seconds until he hit the dirt road. Down the alley he saw what he had detected, the prince, a cloaked man beside him, and a bandit running his direction. Gaia had enough of bandits for the day and was furious with the carnage they left behind. He felt no remorse for what was to entail this fellow. As he growled, the thumps on the floor quickened and the bandit was within a few feet.

The bandit was not expecting to come face to face with another opponent, let alone a enraged Laguz. He tried to skid to a stop and throw his ax at the beast. Though he was too late. Gaia leapt forward with tremendous force behind his hind legs. His left paw swiped at the bandit's neck and hooked his claws into him. The force of the movement had spun Gaia around and dragged the poor man into his grasp. With both claws digging into the leather armor, the bandit had been slammed into the ground. Gaia wasted no time in eradicating his victim. His eye-teeth tore into the man's neck and he ripped outward, spraying a vermilion wave across the wall. With a roar, he left the man bleeding on the dirt. He sprinted away with his mind occupied with his current mission, reaching Gregoire. He sped towards the prince and the man he was preoccupied with. They had barred his way towards his objective... that was going to change. He roared out towards the prince and with the man's back towards him, he bull-rushed past. Knocking the man towards the young prince. Gaia didn't change his pace and was determined to reach his destination even if it meant plowing through his own allies.

Gaia found Gregoire's scent and hurried his pace. His muscles were aching from the length of time he had kept the breakneck speed. He could smell blood but was unsure it was his or the blood left along his muzzle. He caught a glimpse of the group being held down by archer fire. He spotted Gregoire kneeling on the floor and the blood stains on his uniform. With a deep growl, Gaia rushed towards the nearest bandit that was holding his thigh. Gaia leapt in and swiped the injured leg from under the bandit, flipping him on his back. The bandit laid unconcious on the floor and Gaia covered Gregoire from attack. His back towards Gregoire and his eyes staring down the bandit with a hand ax. He roared and snarled, intimidating the bandit from immediately attacking. He stood there watching the others determining whether to continue his attack or wait for reinforcements.

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