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Fandom Fire Emblem: The Closed Book

Allerick let out a long drawn out sigh. "It is fine, I am used to it. My brother used to make fun of my feminine appearance when men would hit on me and offer me flowers..." He said, drifting his eyes away. "Any ways, embarrassing stories are for after the fight, you go fight them, I'll follow you up when you call my name." Allerick said getting prepared for the fight.

He observed the thief fight, he fought much like the thieves Ozten unleashed on his fathers castle, annoying and speedy. He watched the last bandit scurry aways, hands above his head, what he didn't know what was about to happen to him. A large lion, Gaia, came and destroyed him, the blood even reaching Allericks eyes. And to top it off Gaia saw Clyde as the enemy. Like a light cannon ball, Clyde came flying towards Allerick propelled by some unknown force. For a moment Allerick blacked out but quickly regained conciousness. He pushed Clyde off of him and rubbed his face a little bit. He got up and stumbled a bit from head rush. "God dammit Gaia!" Allerick said, angered again.

He quickly began walking like normal and looked to Clyde. "I am going to give Gaia a long scolding! Are you all right?" Allerick sighed and reached his hand out towards the thief, helping him up. "Any ways, that was well fought thief, what might your name be? I'd love to have you in my army." Allerick added, pulling off a smile.

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"What was that thing?" he asked himself. Whatever it was, it took care of the last of his problems. They were done here. The man offered questions as well as an invitation.

Clyde pat the dust off his body before he pulled down his hood and revealed his long, brownish hair. "Clyde." he said. "Common folk call me the Blue Flash." he shared.

He went to retrieve his weapons as well as other things that can be of use from the bodies of their dead foes. As soon as he was done, he put them back into place. He looked at the man and listened to what he had to say. His smile spelled naivete for Clyde. "I have no love for war..." he told him. He took another look at this person and began to realize who he was. "My, my. How foolish of me. Are you not prince Allerick?" he asks the prince. "If I may ask, how do you plan to end this war?" he asked. Like what he said, Clyde had no love for war. If this was another power-crazed noble, then he'd just be wasting his time. Clyde sought someone who was capable of saving the common folk from the pain of war. Someone who was dedicated as well as compassionate.
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Allerick stretched out a bit and looked Clyde, and sighed a bit. "That was Gaia, he is apart of my army, he probably mistook you for a enemy. But at least you are still alive. Any ways, nice guy I'm sure if you get to know him you'll like him, he has a heart the size of a lions." Allerick said in a joking tone, and when Clyde revealed his name he nodded. "Clyde eh, where are you from mister Blue Flash? Don't be hesitant to answer we have people from all over, actually a lot from Ozten believe it or not."

When Clyde brought that he was the prince he sighed again. "Please... I am tired of the title prince. My father is dead and I am the rightful heir, I thought about this last night, but I know I will bring peace to Lacayia, I am confident. So please, refer to me as King Allerick!" Allerick said passionately. "And this war, well with this army, the diversity will bring everyone together. I'll try to negotiate with the king of Ozten and Ulsan and we'll see from there. Violence should never be used as a plan 'A', but I fear with the way they have been acting, it may be the only way I so regrettably say. But I do what's right for my people, and with war coming from all angles I will have to teach Ozten and Ulsan not to mess with us, to reduce the deaths of innocent bystanders. Because fighting seems to be our one option, I want you to come and help us. Help those in need. Our poverty struck villagers are starving and are in fear of bandits. This war has to stop soon..." Allerick said slowly and with a long frown, but he soon tried to smile.
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He took note of what Allerick said and fell silent.

"Words. Nothing but mere words... for now." he remarked at everything the 'king' said. Though he sensed the sincerity, he was still not convinced. But it was better than nothing. This presented at least a step forward.

"Nevertheless, I shall oblige you." he added to his previous statement. "If not just to see how far you can go." he told him as he put his hood back on. He was gonna watch how this person would deal with things. Clyde does not want people to experience the suffering he has faced. He would not want that on other people.

"So what is your plan for this battle, if there is one?"
Mayumi proceeded to fire at two archers standing atop a nearby building. One of her projectiles found its home in a throat while the other struck just below an enemy's collarbone. Reaching back for another arrow, she brushed her fingers alongside them to count how many she had left. Not as many as she would have liked, meaning that she would have to make her shots count.

Stepping back just the slightest from Uriah to gain a better vantage point, she started to target the remaining two enemies waiting on a tavern. However one of the men already had their aim on her and, just as she prepared to release her arrow, loosed. The enemy's attack flew through the air and slashed her forearm, causing her to flinch and move at the last second. Her own arrow sailed uselessly into a wall.

Mayumi returned to Uriah's protection as she drew again. Ignoring the pain radiating from her wounded arm at the action, she waited for the second enemy's projectile to bounce off of Uriah's shield before counterattacking. Her aim was a little off due to the distracting injury and so ended up striking a shoulder instead of a chest. The man ended up falling backward from the blow and fell from the building to his demise, leaving only one enemy. The man's partner glanced over in shock, giving Mayumi the opportunity to knock another arrow and send it at him, successfully finishing off the last archer.

She carefully scanned the remaining rooftops before looking back at Uriah. "There are no more here." she announced.
Allerick paused a moment and smiled. "Well when words and your blade are all you have, you have to rely on them to provide hope. Like I've said I am tired of all this bloodshed, but I cannot do this on my own, that's why I am glad to have you along." He said patting Clyde's shoulder. "If you are here to see how long I am going to go, you better be prepared for a long, lonnnng trip." He said smiling, making his way out of the alley way, motioning Clyde to follow.

He waited for Clyde, and looked down the road both ways for any more enemies, there were none. "All right, I have two groups fighting the bandits, I think it would be best if we found one of them. One should be near by, I kind of left them some enemies so it would be beneficial if we helped them out. After we take care of the bandits I will meet up with my Pegasus rider to see if she has recruited the mage from the other side, or had to have him bite the dust. Without further ado we should be off." Allerick said running off to find Lolynn, hoping she was in good condition and alive.

"I'm... the same. Sort of. I may stand with you if my father's motives are revealed as good to us." She slipped her hand sideways into his, gripping his fingers lightly. She'd positioned hers in preparation for a gentlemanly kiss, a courtly greeting. "So fair's fair." She winked. "If either of us figure it out first, we let the other know and let loyalties fall where they may."

She spun back around to Rochester, climbing astride him and grabbing her lance. "I'll be sure and let Allerick know of your companionship. In the meantime..." She shifted her grip on her slim lance, turning her gaze out across the field and the village. "I'm going to perform some acts of penance." With an exuberant wave, she kicked Rochester into lift off, and flew up into sky, calling out to Ein the nearest bandit's location. "Four steps northeast and oblivious!" Then, Rochester flapping higher, she banked east into the town, in search of cowering villagers.

She found such a group pretty quickly; a family of six trembled at the back of a narrow alleyway as a pair of bandits stalked down the nearby street. She touched down behind them, the wind let off by Rochester catching their attention, turning them towards her.

"I thought you died." The sword-weilding mercenary remarked dumbly.

Faina shrugged. "Me too. I'm wounded all over."

The fatter one shifted his weight, his axe falling to scrape across the cobblestone floor. "I don't see any blood."

"That's 'cause they all hit me in the back. It's a real gory mess behind me, I promise. Either of you got a vulnerary on hand?"

"I dunno.... you're kinda taking from our fun time with killing civilians...."

When neither of them moved, Faina swooned in her seat, pretending she might faint, and the mercenary, gasping, rushed forward with a vulnerary in hand. Faina reached out to take it groggily. She probably couldn't take them both down alone, but she could at least stall until, hopefully, someone came along to help.

"Hey!" He called out, snatching the potion back. "Your back is perfectly fine!"

The axe bandit started looking suspicious, so Faina kicked Rochester up, and he flapped once, covering the mercenary in dust, and dove. Faina's spear pierced right through the mercenary, but hit nowhere fatal.

She wrenched her lance out, Rochester flapping backward. The axe guy looked furious. The merc was bleeding, holding the hole in his side, but his eyes promised revenge.

"Traitor!" The axe man roared, charging her, axe all a'wave.
Ein nodded to the girl as she took off. ' I'll side with them for now. It is the best way for me to survive, and find out the reasoning behind this war.'

He began walking in the direction that Faina pointed out to him. He knew he was at a disadvantage being a lonely mage, however, few on the bandits side new of their switching allegiances. He approached the bandit cautiously, and as he did he noticed the bandit standing over an injured child, of maybe 10. "You there! What are you doing, you were ordered to bring the prisoners to me to determine what to do with them!"

"I don member gattin any such arder!" the bandit screamed to Ein.

'Imbeciles....' Ein thought to himself. 'They could at least learn proper speech.'

He approached the bandit and child. " Salt was meant to relay this order to you, however he doesn't appear to be following mine. It was just a simple misunderstanding. Now leave this child to me, " Ein said while pointing his finger back towards the bandit camp.

"Da bass told us to keel erybody in da city, and dat way wez could rob all da stars blind widout worryin bout dar shapkeepas."

Ein knew that his plan was failing, the sheer stupidity of the bandit disallowed him to understand a simple order. " I have no choice then. " From his pack Ein drew his Thunder tome, and with his ambushed attack managed to do some decent damage to the bandit before he attempted to counter.

" Bass! Basssss! Dat der Oxten maaggggeee! Hez gawn nd turned an us! Basss! " The bandit cried out, louder and louder. Before Ein had another chance to attack the bandit hurled his throwing axe at Ein. With a swift side-step he managed to avoid a direct hit, but his arm was sliced by the bandits axe.

Grimacing in pain, Ein held tightly in his uninjured arm his tome. Unfortunately for him, the distance between them and where he last saw Salt was so minute, that the bandit leader would easily hear the cries for help. Without giving the bandit another chance to call out Ein blasted him with yet another Thunder spell.

"Child! Come here." Ein reached down and picked up the girl in his good arm, after putting his tome away. " We need to leave this place before other bandits come." The girl seemed skeptical, but alas climbed into Ein's arms, and he began to run... right into the middle of the battlefield where the bulks of the armies were clashing.
Allerick paced down the road at his medium speed, knowing that wasting precious energy would not be beneficial. The roads ran quiet, not a scream of terror or moan of melancholy could be heard. It was almost as if this war never happened and it was a Sunday afternoon and everyone was at church. He dearly missed those days, days he could just walk around and experience nature and study to be a king. But that was all over, war had taken what he once saw as normal and turned it into a desire- a craving.

He shrugged off his thoughts and put his mind back into the battle. He wondered how Faina faired, he wondered if she was safe and all right. It would be a shame to loose another childhood friend, he'd lost so many. It seemed the only reminder he had of his happy days was Lok, he wondered if he was safe too, but then again he was in the hands of the greatest knight from Lacayia, Uriah.

After a couple more minutes of walking he saw a white figure, like that 'dove' he saw before. As he came closer he saw that it was Faina, and a bunch of pissed off bandits. He looked around to see if Clyde still followed, and that he wasn't running around awkwardly alone. He fixated his eyes on the bandits, there were only a couple of them, but she shouldn't fight them on her own. Allerick began to increase speed, and slowly took out his sword.

"Faina wait up, we'll give you a hand!"
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Ein continued his run from the bandits chasing behind. Just as he thought, 'Salt heard that moron's screams afterall.' The girl was beginning to slip from his arm, but he made every attempt at holding her up. "Hold on as tightly to me as you can, " he said to the young child.

With that word the girl did as he asked. Ein continued to run down the bustling streets, soldiers fighting, bandits yelling. He turned a corner into the nearest alleyway and made his way to the street on the other-side. About halfway through the alley he heard the most ferocious and terrifying roar. ' Could it be!? A Laguz?'

As Ein reached the other end he saw in front of him an amazing, yet abominable sight. Just in front of him, in the middle of the street was a cavalier, and a lion laguz covering what appeared to be an injured... no... dead man, a young archer girl and a mercenary. Surrounding them were numerous bandits, and archers and unfortunately for Ein he could not go back the way he came, as the bandits behind him were making their way down the alley. He had no choice but to trust that these soldiers would not attack him... Even though he was wearing an Ozten uniform.
The axe bit in, for it had twisted with Faina's movement and caught her leg in its tooth.

She yelled out. The strike had cracked through her leg armor and she could see the blood pouring out from it. The bandit, whispering, promised her a killing blow next time as he yanked his weapon free. She feared he spoke true. But she couldn't just leave now; they would find the villagers, and kill them. Her leg bled pain and she could feel fatigue setting in, but she forced herself onward, pulling Rochester's reins, and as the horse began to flap upwards, the mercenary closed in, his telltale thick blade swinging with his body as he flipped, the sword raining down.

She screamed and yanked Rochester to the right, the blow cleaving the air beside her. Faina saw the hatred in the mercenary's eyes, his head raised as his sword clashed against cobblestone.

Faina's fingers squeezed the lance's shaft and she eyed the two bandits, deciding between wounding the axeman or finishing off the mercenary, who breathed heavily and held his stabwound.

If she struck him, the axeman would finish her off swiftly, taking advantage of her possessed attention. Faina gulped. Could she take that risk, put her own life on the line for two strangers?

"Faina wait up! We're coming!"

Her name snapped her attention to the fluttering of movement beyond the two bandits. Allerick was followed by a shadowy figure, blade glinting in the setting sun.

Hope surged through her. She didn't have to do this alone. She pulled Rochester back, flapping up for one suspending moment before diving down, her lance outstretched to plunge into the swordsman's chest.

The bandit let out a gutteral gasp. The lance had struck true, for it had bitten off this man's own life. Faina pulled out, a yell deafening her ears. Rochester fluttered back, twisting, but she saw the axe falling for her again, and doom set in, for she knew if the axe would be cleaved into her this second time, she would not recover so easily.
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Lolynne Rohlock:

As the group of 5 bandits, approached, Lolynne rode back into formation, with Rosso at the front. The first bandit was quickly dealt with by Rosso's Lance, And Lolynne fired off an arrow at another bandit attempting to catch the wyvern rider off guard. It struck the bandit in the shoulder, halting his attack but not killing him. The group of bandits was down to four, with one wounded. Lolynne smiled. Her group should make quick work of these petty bandits.
4 bandits one wounded, with Lolynne's arrow now sticking out of his shoulder. Keshal's eyes focused on one bandit, and nodded "this shouldn't take too long..." Dark energy crackled around his hand, he decided that he would try something different than the normal flux spell. Flux usually has to go underground then strike from below...gathering power before releasing it all in the odd distortion flux got it's name from.

Keshal focused the energy till it reached past the point of when the spell should be released. He then projected the spell forward. The result was a fast moving dark sphere that was rapidly loosing cohesion. The spell rammed into a bandit, Degenerating to a crackling sphere. The bandit fell over. Keshal gripped his hand in pain, looking down he could see that the raw energy had injured his hand.

"GAH...Effective! but gotta work on the release time."
As Faina stuck the lance into the man's chest, Allerick quickly began to make his way to Faina's side. However, seconds before he could get a proper glimpse on the unfolding battle, he noticed an axe fall before her. The way the weapon was crashing she and her Pegasus would not recover, if they would not be pitted in front of death first. Allerick quickly increased his speed, going speeds her rarely liked to go since it was hard to control. He was only inches away from the axe wielder, and his axe was only inches away from Faina. In a quick thrust Allerick struck his sword on the front of the axe, sending the bandit back slightly and fending off the attack. He looked around, Clyde was no where in sight, maybe he was cooking up a plan Allerick thought and hoped. The axe man looked unhappy and anxious and quickly slid in another attack, this time on the prince. Allerick blocked it barely with his sturdy sword, but he felt major straining on his right hand. He quickly shot the axe up and away from him and countered with a quick slice to the chest, not deep nor fatal, just enough to get a yelp of pain out of the uneducated bandit.

Upon seeing Gaia come and finish off the wounded bandit, and hearing Mayumi finish off the last of the archers Gregoire finally collapsed in pain. He gave a weak "thanks" before pulling himself over to a nearby wall and leaning against it. He began to reach for his pack but noticed its strap had been severed by the hand ax. Gregoire sighed, knowing he couldn't reach it in his condition. Instead, he looked over to Gaia. *Only three bandits left. Should be a cake walk for him.* He then turned his gaze upwards to the sky, hoping the clouds would provide a brief distraction from the pain the ax and arrow still embedded in him was causing.
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A breeze picked up and the earthy fur flowed along with the whispers of the wind. Gaia held his ground and eyed the bandits as they moved around him in a circling formation. It was a tight fit but it left Gaia surrounded and Gregoire to his back. His muzzle began humming with ferocity, a low rowling growl was beginning to form. The bandit with the hand ax got twitchy and immediately threw the ax at Gaia. Gaia ran towards the hand ax and managed to swoop under most of it, with the handle bouncing off his flanks. Gaia growled in protest to the sting but at least it wasn't the blade that bit him. Gaia leapt up at the bandit and pounced onto his flailing body. Gaia dug his eye-teeth into the man's jaw, piercing through his flesh like butter. The screams gurgled and muffled were ended with a wrenching twist of his neck. Gaia held the man's head in his grip as he stared down the other two bandits. Both intimidated at the sight of the gory mess falling onto the dirt as Gaia continued to crunch on the dead man's bones. One bandit ran from Gaia towards the cavalier and the archer in a hurry, leaving his partner there to fight the giant lion.

The bandit yelled out as he raised his excuse for an ax. Gaia cast the body aside and opened his jaws in a roar, displaying his giant eye-teeth and the sharp razors that went along with them. Gaia took the blow to his shoulder and growled out in pain. The bandit saw Gaia's hesitation from the blow as an opportunity to press the attack. The ax swung wildly and hit the dirt among with his dead comrade. Gaia had backed away and stiffened with each step he took on his right forearm. It was flowing red over his dark oak skin down his forearm. He grew heavy and was close to reaching his limit for the day. He hadn't rested from his wounds and was beginning to slip up more. The bandit had kicked Gaia in the side and knocking him back a few steps. Gaia tried to brace for an attack but his weight crumpled on his right forearm. He hit the dirt and tried to recover and use the wall as support. Gaia lifted his torso up and used his head to help. His mane had become a mess of blood and dirt. The bandit yelled out to deliver the final blow. He lunged forward and Gaia pushed out from the wall. Gaia's massive skull pummeled into the surprised bandit and was catapulted backwards by his weight. Gaia landed on the bandit and crushed his lower body underneath him. Gaia used the adrenaline coursing through his veins to swipe with his uninjured arm. Deep gorges were left in the wake of the razorblades Gaia held in his paws. The man screamed out as Gaia continued to shred flesh from bone.
The Archers dead, the Prince dead. Gregoire had been injured, he had been injured, He wasnt sure if Mayumi had been hit or not. He wasn't sure of much of anything at this point. His one duty, that he had lauded above all else had been failed. Allerick would dismiss him from his service as a knight of the realm, surely. It would be a move that Uriah would accept, for he felt very much in this moment that he was no longer worthy to hold the title. He barely registered Gaia's presence as the beast man tore into the bandits that still lived. He did however garner a spark of life back into his storm cloud eyes, as one of the bandits broke away from the group, and ran, probably for his life, right at himself and Mayumi. Cold as ice, Uriah swung out with his shield, bashing the rim against the ruffian's throat, crushing down on the larynx. As the man choked and sagged to the ground, Uriah drew the blade from its scabbard on his belt, the steel edge hardly ever used, and plunged it down into the man's chest. With a strangled, gurgling cry, the barbarian died, and Uriah felt his battle fueled energy abandon him, as the shock of losing the prince hit him full force, combining with the pain of his injuries, creating a sick sensation in the pit of his stomach, he dropped to his knees, leaning forward, hands resting on his knees, as he fought to keep from becoming violently ill, an unseemly position for a stalwart knight, but one he could not hold back. He retched into a bush, and after wiping his mouth with a gauntleted hand, he returned to his hunched position, breath coming in staggered shuddering gasps.
Mayumi lowered her hand from where she had been about to draw an arrow to stop the advancing mercenary. However, since Uriah quickly took care of him, there was no need. Blood dripped down her arm from the two injuries and she had only three arrows left; it was a good thing that had been the last bandit. The one Gaia had torn into might as well be considered dead at this point. That thought made her wonder how Allerick's group was doing, but with that came the cold memory of what had transpired. She turned as she heard the sound of someone being sick, worry increasing as she realized who it was.

Pointedly keeping her gaze away from the still form on the ground, she headed over to Uriah. She stopped a few feet away, uncertain of what to say or do. "Uriah...?" was the only thing that came out. She knew she couldn't ask if he was alright, since it was clear that he wasn't, and she could think of no words that would comfort him. Really, all she could do was wait and see what he was going to do.
Uriah rose, suddenly staggered by the weight of his armor, his injuries, and the fact that he had just been violently ill. When he turned to face the archer, his face was ashen, and his mouth was held in a grimace, whether from pain or another source, it was impossible to tell. His whole life since he was thirteen had been dedicated to keeping the Royal family alive. The brothers had lost their parents early, and Uriah had sworn to never let one more die, and now, Prince Lok was dead, laid low by bandit scum. " ...Should have been me... I failed him, I failed Allerick.." Was all he managed to utter, the flow of words that should've been spoken left to die on the end of his tongue. How could he go on as a knight protector of the Royal Family, when there was not but one member left of that Family, and furthermore, how could he go on to continue protecting Allerick, when the Prince's little brother lay dead, life blood soaking into the streets of a town that he had not even learned the name of.
The cloaked girl approached the huge lion, watching it brutally mutilate a dead body.

"Uhhh... Hey. Gaia. He's dead... you can stop thrashing him now... Besides, it probably won't do that foreleg any good...." She said, looking at him, and a bit of blood splattered her face as the blood was sprayed by Gaia's claws. "...Uh... he's dead... You can stop now..." She reached around to the bag at her hip, searching for a Vulnerary. "You know, we have to get to work on that wound.."
Keshal gripped his right hand, he'd felt this pain before, he knew it well...he just didn't want to remember where it came from...or at least how it came about. He summoned the energies for a Nosferatu spell in his good hand, "Damn it this is not the time for this..." Spotting another bandit With a simple motion, black energy shot from the bandit to Keshal, The bandit gripped his right hand in agony As Keshal looked at his own. Still the Hand was scarred with the improperly channeled magical energies, and the pain that had subsided returned with a screaming vengeance. Gripping it again he seethed out, "Hells...this isn't going away anytime soon..."
"Prince..." Faina breathed. The pretty lad's sword had saved her. He was slim, slight, but he had shown surprising strength. It was a steadfastness that shocked her still, and spread a warm, glowing smile across her face. But it didn't last long.

The grin became a shocked gasp as Rochester leapt backward, a spring for fear of the bandit's wicked axe. Faina bounced at her pegasus' nervous gait, and her vision of the hairy and rotund fellow trembled because of him. She steadied a reassuring hand against Rochester's white neck and raised her lance with the other. "Shall I attack his rear, Prince?" She asked.

The bandit's lip snarled and he eyed them warily.

Then the sound of a crying child came from the alley beyond. The rustling of clothing and a mother's placating voice, "hush, hush, child..." followed. An eerie silence overcame the three that heard it. Then, with a scoff, the hairy bandit spun on his heel and staggered away, speeding down the cobblestone. Faina paled, urging her horse after him.

But he had the initiative. As soon as she'd turned down the alley, she saw it. The bandit's axe was already in transit, and it fell mercilessly upon the child first, even in the arms of the screeching mother. It cleaved through bone and flesh with a terrible squelch. The mother's screams turned to cries, disbelieving sobs as she constricted herself about the limp child's body. The bandit laughed, and raised his axe high again.

"No..." Faina whispered. Rochester had already positioned himself to attack, and with a plunge and a cry, she dove down for the bandit, but he had been waiting. With a twisting of his abdomen, the spear missed its mark by a scant few inches. The bandit swung his axe in a quick rebuttal, and it slashed across Faina's chest, snapping her breastplate in two and scraping bone. Rochester's quick flying away kept it from crushing her entirely, for he had twisted away just as the axe had shifted its path. He carried her up to the rooftop nearest them with a couple flaps of his great white wings, and once he had landed, Faina dropped off him, landing hard against the rooftop. With shaky hands, she reached in the saddle for a vulnerary, digging around quickly to find one. But she had no energy to use it now. She leaned upon her steed for support and rest, breathing hard and watching Allerick below. Perhaps he would succeed where she had failed.

The blood pooled around him as he slowly came to reality. The screams ended long before he came to. His fur was covered in the crimson gore he had left. Gaia lifted himself off the corpse and brushed against the woman. His body couldn't hold itself anymore and he was going to crush the poor girl if he let himself fall. He transformed back into his human form before he killed his new ally. His muzzle shrank and changed shades. His body reconfigured it's bone structure and his body was slowly going back to his human form. He was still heavy and after the transformation, Gaia was on his hip laying against the girl. His wounds were exposed now, among other things. His tail laid in the pool of blood and Gaia grimaced. 'My tail...' He shook his head as he was beginning to feel dizzy. He mumbled something that was inaudible. Then he growled out again, "Gregiore... Help Gregoire..."
"Who?... I think you're in dire need here, so I think I'll stay right here... Or at least give you this." She pulled the vulnerary out of her bag and put it down right beside the lion man, right by his nose. "Who's Gregroire?" She looked around her, trying to pick out the man Gaia was speaking of. "Wait, is it the man that gave you clothes after they were torn apart."

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Allerick's eyes flared with anger as he witnessed the child get maimed by the pathetic bandit. At the sight of this he walked to the side of Faina and came up as close as he could to her ear.

"Show him no mercy!" He whispered angrily into her ears as he backed off.

Allerick watched Faina under attack, he wondered if he should, once again, intervene. But the close quarters combat the two combatants were

engaged in made it hard to join in the fight. In the shine of his eyes he noticed Faina's breast plate fall to the ground, this made it clear that he must join this fight, risky or not. However it helped that Faina was backing off, however this made her wound obvious to Allerick, a slash across the chest. Thank god she was a pegasus rider or she would have fallen. Allerick looked to Faina and pulled out his blade, catching the attention of the bandit. "Faina! Do not worry, I will be there in a moments time!" Allerick called out to her, taking note of the bandit charging him. He must have been tired from the fight he engaged in with Faina, so Allerick had the slight advantage.

The bandit swung his axe towards Allerick, making for an easy sidestep, however the wound he received from the fight alongside Clyde gushed open and the blood streamed out, followed by a harsh pain. Allerick cringed at the sight of blood but he remained focused on the battle at hand. The bandit once again attacked, chopping his axe at Allerick. Having no other choice Allerick lifted up his blade to stop the attack.


The attack bent Allerick's wrist back, not breaking it, but almost surely spraining it. Allerick grunted but found the perfect opportunity to strike. Time went slowly as the Bandits stomach became a open target, taking his blade back and thrusting it at the open spot, the only word within his head was:

'I'm sorry I couldn't save you... young child. May heaven offer you a good life..'

And with those words embedding themselves into his hippocampus the sword entered the bandits stomach, killing him in a painful instant. Leaving only a split second of an agonizing scream and the like an elephant, the bandit fell to the gravel road. Staining the gravel with his godless and lusted blood.

With the bandit finished the adrenaline slightly neutralizing the pain died down and his wrist could no longer bare the sword. Quickly switching his sword to his shoddy left hand he began to make his way to Faina. However the movement caused his wound to open further, making a prevalent stain on his white, and even black clothing. Allerick climbed to the roof Faina rested on, with much challenge and knelt next to the Pegasus knight. "Faina, are you all right? Here please take this." Allerick said handing her the last of his vulneraries. Allerick began to make his way next to her and knelt down, having trouble compensating the area around him because of his injuries.

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