Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

Aww I love her. Cuteness is my weakness I shall admit... Though my opinion of cute is abit warped...
Wait what

How bout no

Less death

less death is good

almost done



then I can post

I'm not procrastinating

Tell me people of the OOC, what say you when I say this.

Favorite weapon catagory?!
A good solid choice, been with humanity the longest save for the simple rock on stick club. When we realized the sharp rock on a stick is a vaiable tool for poking things over long distance.

Also lances, which can be an interchangeable term for spear but I mean the ones used in jousting were incredibly deadly when used by a mounted knight. During a charge the lnace would be couched, or put in the jousting position as people commonly remember, and then they simply position the lance's tip correctly as they rush by, driving the Lance into the target and tearing through... it's also why chivalry demands one doesn't charge(and lance) an unhorsed opponent, it's the equivalent of being hit and impaled by a truck with a spike on it, deadly efficient, but god forbid your on the wrong end of it.
If I recall didn't you need multiple lances

because chances were you'd lose your lance when you stick a guy with it
That's true, but it's more for them breaking. The shape of the lance being a cone made the recently made cadaver to slip off, or just tear through easier.
Well I've heard of stories where you'd impale the guy, then you had the choice of holding on and hoping it came through, or getting dragged off by his weight
The thing I like about spears is how easy they are to create/work with compared to other things

if/when Tyrin dies, I'm either making a reclusive archer or a laguz-fearing spear soldier

Edit: After thinking about it the spear guy would be the comedic relief: He's afraid of Laguz and most animals but is constantly loved by wild animals kind of character
A spearman who fears animals in a laguz friendly group, man, no way that could go wrong xD
Well he'd have a lot of character development

What I'm trying to go for is he's afraid of the stories and what he's heard, a prejudice of "AH PLEASE NO DON'T HURT ME!" or an "STAY AWAY!" Kind of person, probably a villager. Shocked that no, the laguz do NOT in fact want to eat him

in other words, the kind of person Mai would have a field day tormenting
Sounds fun! I'm currently planning a cavalier, she's in the making at the moment and won't be joined in the rp for awhile. Plus a office is not the best place to introduce a mounted unit.
xD The other guy I have in mind is a more serious archer, older too

you know what a forrester is?

If I do the spearman idea, someone hsould totally do a really hostile laguz that just scares the shit out of him
Hey @Black Masquerade, I figure that since Cyrus is the leader of this group that I'll leave it to you to move us through to the next day whenever you're ready. Lead the group to the mayor's estate and Kyo'da will handle the rest as he has experience dealing with such individuals of "importance."
Franny shall keep watch like a hawk for this night, formulating her questions.
Tyrin'll sleep

cause he's normal in that aspect

anyway, a forrester is essentialyl a guy who's job is to look after the

and wait till you get this


He gets paid by the King, or whoever's in charge, for a stretch of forest. Basically your the law in that forest, make sure nobody poaches, keep everything in tact, take care of the odd invasive carnivore.

So he'd be a quiet man who's lived most of his life with a guest every few months at the most. And he'd be a skilled archer since that's his life's work.

So Cyrus seems like a nice enough leader, the question is can people keep him calm

because he seems quick to anger
Sei'rina might, because you know, Galdrar and stuff. But I might have him do some risky murder sprees eventually.

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