Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla

or atleast a partially main one. Theres always another dagger hiding in the darkness, waiting for a defenceless back.
I have club activities tonight, so I think I'm only going to have time to cut the whip.

If there's a time skip coming up, my character's going to go back to his tree and sleep, as reference for everybody else.
right, free the poor dark mage from her accidental self bondage.
I have final exams coming up, so just so you are aware. I might not be here so often.

That being said, I'll aim for one post a day as a minimum.
Ahahaha...good luck, Black Masquerade! My school has finals before break, so at least I've already survived that hell.

Seriously though...good luck.
Ahahaha...Al being awkward and trying not to get too attached to these weird mercenary strangers.

He will die alone, for I, his omnipotent god, commandeth the fates to behave so. *cackles maliciously*
yah no Al is going to join the White wings

"I'll just join for a little bit, can't let the weasel lady get all wrapped up again, gotta make sure she's alright."
Well, I's going to end up that he never finds an opportune time to refuse, so he eventually gives up and joins the group. Also:

"Gods these people do not know how to laundry or food. Must do it all for them."

...Because I dunno about your characters' experiences with chores and general housewifery, (we have 2 nobles, a psychotic Laguz, a princess Laguz, an anal-retentive accountant, and a hardcore swordsman) but Al has a super big family so. *shrug* He's the cook, I guess?

I really wish that was an FE class...

Fire Emblem Cook Class: a master of swordsmanship and the way of the palette. Most skilled with French baguettes.
Well Tyrin's-

Yah no, while the guy isn't a snob, he's hopeless at chores

if he had to, he could maybe make something that wouldn't burn down the camp
actually thanks for the reminder

it would have been rough at first, but he can probably handle the basics of cooking things.

He's no chef, but he's no Kjelle either

and thank god for that

So I think we're waiting on Tyrin and Mai's conversation to finish?

Unless Al and Franny are still talking
Sorry, been gaming with a bud I havn't seen in awhile.
its alright, didn't think you were cracking the whip, Tuesdays comin around so i'll be away for most of the day really.

And now I give the first reason why one should be careful what you say around her... you gave me a devious idea tri, and i ran with it.
So i guess people are shipping my bookworm with the big strong little guy already eh?



*chokes to death.*
Oh that's bad

GUYS. What did I say about leaving interesting things out where anyone can see them! Now we need to revive Ori!
Oh wait I'm undead i can't choke.. thats awkward.

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