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Fandom Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla


Three Thousand Club
Hey everyone, and welcome to Fire Emblem: Legends of Auxereilla!

Please do not post in any threads save for this one and the "Character Sign-Up" page. Thank you!

Now, something to note is that at a glance this RP seems like Fire Emblem in name only. If you read through the "Mechanics" page, you'll see what I mean. For instance and for the sake of simplicity, there are no lists of classes, no growth rates, no leveling up or EXP system, no Hit, Crit, or Avoid numbers to worry about... No numbers period, basically.

This will streamline the experience and make it a simple and enjoyable task to make a post instead of coming up with a fight, remembering all the stats, remembering to calculate for EXP, remembering your level, and worst of all getting crap growth rates which are unrealistic of a real human being's experience. If you're in combat, you're going to learn and grow in all kinds of ways which a random number generator simply cannot mimic.

So hopefully you appreciate the lack of number crunching mechanics. I went to great lengths to make sure they would not trouble this RP experience as they did my last attempt of this game while retaining as much of the Fire Emblem experience as I could.

If you guys have any questions, please ask them loud and proud and don't worry about bugging me. You can ask me 1,000 questions, and I'll give you 1,000 answers. So ask away!
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Well, @RubyRose, this might turn into a 1x1. I have tried, but nobody else is joining the RP so it's just you and me for now. Hopefully we get a few more people along the way (might also be because of 4th of July weekend).

Anyway, I'll throw up an intro post either tomorrow or the day after and we can get started.

By the way, I'm adding information to the "Neutral Characters" thread so be sure to check it out. There will be an important plot point down the line which goes back to said information.
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Alright I'm interested but was hoping more people might drop in

I'm sure more people will find it and gain interest. I think that it being 4th of July weekend is a very valid point :)

Look forward to your first post! (And so.. I take it that Zakai is accepted?... I've also been trying to brainstorm another character but haven't had anything concrete yet)


G'luck with your character ^.^
By the by, I added another character to the mix, but she shall be more an NPC than a true Player Controlled character. She will make only select and seldom appearances, but when she does, the impact will be tremendous.
So on the geography subject which city would you say is closest to Ma'aki? I'm thinking of making a Human with an almost friendly rivalry with a tiger Laguz
IG42 said:
So on the geography subject which city would you say is closest to Ma'aki? I'm thinking of making a Human with an almost friendly rivalry with a tiger Laguz
An interesting idea, but one which will be difficult to pull off given the hatred between the two races. But I'll bite my tongue until I see your biography section.

Anyway, the map provided in the map/gallery section shows the primary nations, but you're free to make up the names and locations of cities for yourself so long as it makes sense given your character's race and upbringing.
It's very almost like grudgingly saying "GS" to that sniper who just crossmapped you for the 5th time
IG42 said:
It's very almost like grudgingly saying "GS" to that sniper who just crossmapped you for the 5th time
I suppose so. But a rivalry with a Tiger won't just be difficult to pull off, but outright dangerous. One false swipe from that thing and it's game over.


First post is up so @RubyRose, you are free to begin posting on your own now!

Do not feel pressured to force feed your character into Kyo'da's path, by the way. Do as you please for now. When the time comes to group up, you'll know. I will make it abundantly obvious when and where your character should be heading if they wish to survive the coming calamities.

Good luck, and buckle your seatbelts because it's going to get real bumpy, real fast.

@IG42, continue working on your character at your own pace. This RP will remain calm and relatively inactive in terms of serious events until you have finished and had your character accepted. But do not post until I say you are clear to do so, all right?
Once again into the world of Auxereilla, maybe this time a war piest instead of a dark mage.

In anycase, FE fates hype yo.
I'm interested. Give me a day or two to write up a character.

Would it be possible to alter one's own body with Anima magic, or use types of magic that aren't listed, such as Telekinesis?
Orikanyo said:
Once again into the world of Auxereilla, maybe this time a war piest instead of a dark mage.
In anycase, FE fates hype yo.
My girlfriend is Japanese and currently in Japan for the summer. She bought a Japanese 3DS and both copies of the game. We will also be purchasing the online download of the third path, and the best part... I only have to wait until August 8th when she comes home!!
Natevess said:
I'm interested. Give me a day or two to write up a character.
Would it be possible to alter one's own body with Anima magic, or use types of magic that aren't listed, such as Telekinesis?
Sadly no, there is no magic like that in the Fire Emblem world.


IG42 said:
Can you read anything?
I can read Hiragana and Katakana, but she will have to translate the Kanji for me.
Natevess said:
Can a Dark Mage carry and use two tomes, as well as a low-grade sword?
Mages can carry more than one tome, but only one can be used at a time. And no, mages cannot wield weapons like swords as their entire lives are devoted to the study of their magical element.

Fire Emblem is fairly strict in the whole "weapon users only use this type" and "mages only use magic" thing. A few times they've allowed mages to use knives and heal staves, but I'm sticking to a more simple approach.
Kyero said:
Mages can carry more than one tome, but only one can be used at a time. And no, mages cannot wield weapons like swords as their entire lives are devoted to the study of their magical element.
Fire Emblem is fairly strict in the whole "weapon users only use this type" and "mages only use magic" thing. A few times they've allowed mages to use knives and heal staves, but I'm sticking to a more simple approach.
Aight, was just making sure to prevent issues later. Also, my apologies if I'm asking a lot of questions, I figure it's best to be safe rather than sorry and avoid issue later.
IG42 said:
What no mage knights?
Nope. You're either a mage, or you're a physical unit. Traditional Fire Emblem before things got complicated.


Natevess said:
Aight, was just making sure to prevent issues later. Also, my apologies if I'm asking a lot of questions, I figure it's best to be safe rather than sorry and avoid issue later.
No worries.
Eh? Were starting already?
Orikanyo said:
Eh? Were starting already?
If your character has been accepted, it's basically free form role-playing right now at your own pace until all characters have been accepted. I will be doing a bit of a forced group up via a special event that's impossible to miss out on or misinterpret. But to begin you don't need to be part of a group or even thinking about it. Once I accept your character(s), you're free to post for them as they go about their daily lives until shit hits the fan.

Just dropping a message here to let everyone know that posting is not on a turn-based order system of any kind. Until the RP officially kicks off and the grouping effort is underway, you're free to post whenever and however often you'd like even if nobody else has posted since your last entry.

Once we get the group effort going, we'll have a turn based system which I will put in the Overview Page for your convenience. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

@Zelda18, I will have a detailed analysis of what I see in your profile later tonight and let you know if anything needs adjustment at that time.

Catch you all later!
Afraid I may not be able to finish my character within a day or two because I'm helping my uncle move out of his house.
Natevess said:
Afraid I may not be able to finish my character within a day or two because I'm helping my uncle move out of his house.
No worries. Take your time. I'm in no rush.

Okay, sorry for the wait. I had unexpected delays.

@Zelda18, your profile looks okay, but the personality and biography sections fall slightly short. Both sections need seven sentences in each paragraph. No exceptions. So if you can squeeze a bit more out of them then you will be good to post once I see the edit and give you the go ahead.

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