Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

Hm they should make it seem like they are going to have a good, fun (and non bloody) time. But then they just send one of them into a meat grinder and show that they are immortal and just laugh while it's happening, and drown the screaming out with their laughs.


maybe they could look something like this and we can give them a super creepy back story. The difference between them is that their eyes are switched around. And in the beginning their eyes are normal but they slowly look more crazy.
yeah, couple that with a store at 80 degrees, and customers every 12 seconds, I wanted to murder a baby seal inside the brain pan of an endangered whale, being trucked around by 1200 hummers getting .5 mpg
Since they're going to be wearing Victorian style clothing, they probably were born during that era. Also one is never seen without the other. While they're incredibly cruel toward everyone else maybe they're really protective of each other. 
And wow Asgaard, I'm impressed with your description of murdering a baby seal. 10 points!

Maybe they could start off as something innocent looking like this, very innocent and kind looking. But as the Rp goes on they become crazed and insane looking, their eyes growing ever so red and hollow with the blood lust sucking the lives out of their faces. And their back story could be they were spoiled children who never had any misery, however it all changed when their mother became crazed for a supernatural reason, and to satisfy her strange blood lust she locks them in a room and tortures them to the brink of death. However one day the tables turn and their mother has something very gory and brutally painful done to her, and then they die of laughter, literally.

(real life children don't scare me, now crazy anime girls scare the shit out of me xD .)
Yes, that's perfect. So sweet...until everyone learns otherwise. At one point I think the prisoners should somehow learn of this backstory, like somehow they escape at some point and try to get information on them to try to kill them and learn about all this stuff.
I'm getting excited for this xD , my rp blood lust is dying to be cured. So any grotesque games you can think of? 
I also have this rp plotted out :) , I did the finishing touches to the plot today at lunch.
Me too. xD Let's see...I can think of a lot of things to put into a game. I'm sure we can think of a way to put them in. Like, there could be a demented playground with spikes in the tunnel slides and on monkey bars. Jump ropes that are as sharp as a knife. A ploy on how kids like to get a new puppy, but instead of a puppy its a mutated grotesque dog like creature that tries to maul them.

trying to diversify past flux and Nosferatu. I don't think that new spell was too powerful...also If no one has a problem with it I will be taking names suggestions
No, that was just in awakening. In the game boy games they just had to do something special with their hands :3. They just had to learn the spell from the book.

Well the book ran out of uses, like a lance or a sword. It was definitely needed in order to cast a spell throughout every fire emblem game.



Therefore, it must be concluded that the books have an energy that manifests the mage's power and must be on hand for them to use it. They can only use one at once -- perhaps any more would be too much power and would kill the user.
Well the enigma spell is a modification of the book component is half there.. maybe the reason for the fact it didn't exactly have any cohesion and also injured Keshal's hand is because it doesn't have that safely manifested energy. Other wise how do you get new spells? of course I still can kill the post.
I think spells are made by doods and then put into books. Perhaps a gathering of multiple mages stuff their powers or energy into these books in order to make them into weapons. It'd explain why they're made at shops and why a mage without a spellbook can't make spells happen, and why they have to make them individually.

Sure, I'd say that'd make sense -- that using power like that is self-destructive but not impossible, maybs.
Hm, maybe it could be like the devils axe. It has a chance to backfire, but is really powerful and heavy.
^^^I do like^^^^ 
Though I might also add that using it should be detrimental to his health in general, too. Like coughing fits and all that. Maybe he could eventually manifest the spell officially into a book, deterring the danger of it.
Looking at the covers of the book icons, there are diffrent patterns so there are runes. mayhaps those runes are what give your spell shape and effect, it essentially is where you dump your energy into, and it releases it in the way the spell is made to work, Raw magic is just as Intricate said, like the devils axe, Powerful, but really REALLY prone to back firing. So until you get that rune set up You are playing with fire.

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