Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

When they tore off her finger nails I got so scared. It happened to me when I was younger and I remember crying for hours.
Ya, it was infected and one day it just tore off along with the skin behind it. Most painful thing I remember xD .
Ouch. When I was younger I smashed my finger underneath a board and the nail ended up falling off, but that's nothing compared to it being infected or pulled.
And more recently I dropped a cinder block on the same finger... Luckily my finger healed very good. But I've never broken a bone :P
Any ways all this talk about injuries is putting me in the mood for some gore xD

Do you have any ideas Whimsy?
:( sounds horrendous.

Ive sliced my pinkie open and had a meat skewer completely submerged in my thigh. Also broken bones.... plus more, but the list is too long to list lol 
Also go post, overly! Or is it someone elses turn to save faina? X)
Hm, ideas, ideas...ugh, I feel like I would have some if it weren't almost 2 am where I live. Right now my mind has gone blank. I do really like the nightmares thing though. I can just imagine it...not even able to have the bliss of sleep...getting so paranoid of nightmares that a character gets sleep deprived...having flashbacks of the nightmare when awake to the point where the line of reality and dreams blur...

...but that's just me running off my mouth.
Well it is getting late here to, good night. Don't let the nightmares terrorize you to the brink of insanity <3.
It would seem I have a couple more characters to kill :3. It seems minigun disappeared so Issler will die when he finally finds his family. (Unless he posts)
I have to kill characters to elaborate the dangers the army faces. Those who disappear off without telling me will have the characters killed. Of course not all at once, just when the time is right. 
Larbeight said he's busy, so his characters will not be killed. Mini gun said he can't be on at the time as us, but he hasn't made an effort to post or let us know (or he quit the site).
What part of the army can I meet up with? Who is where? As I'm currently running while carrying achild, and don't have access to my other arm. Lol
You could probably run into Uriahs group, it would seem the other is pacing a little slower. Which is fine.
Kay they are.... Uriah, Mayumi, the dead prince.... Gregoire? and Gaia is on his way there?

And you're with Red.... Faina is on her own...

No sure who else there is. Lol
The others are at the front of the city fighting people and Clyde and Allerick are joining up with Faina.

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