Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

Lol maybe... hmmm I'm not sure actually. I think Gaia would just sit and write in his records about the events that occurred.
Mhm, I'm unsure though. He didn't actually interact with anyone other than Gregoire and Lok. Maybe a nod to Mayumi. Lol and shoved Clyde into Allerick.
I did practically the same thing :P . Except I did it in a chair. I've been looking other rp's but I can't any I like. I need to get my mind off school xD .
I've been looking for some rps too, but I haven't really found any that caught my interest in a while.

I'm practically out of school already, I just have to do some senior activities which I unfortunately can't skip.
Lol I'll probably have to do stupid junior activities too... And I have month of school left xD . What sucks even more is I just finished my health unit, and I love health. But now it's been replaced with sweaty gym...

If you want we can create one that interest us both :3.
People get mad at me because I can't catch a football xD . I'd much rather go for calm walks :3.

What kind if role plays do you like?
You can walk all you want, I'll just sit here with my beloved computer.

While I'll do pretty much anything, I prefer to do things with a darker edge, like action/adventure/supernatural. (You can see why I joined this rp. xD ) That's kind of a broad answer, but yeah, there ya go. You?

Overly make post after battle saying "AND THEY WENT TO REST AT CAMP. SUPPORT TIME BEGINS."

People can choose (one to three) people to support ONE level with (only C) [max of 2 for B level supports nd max of one for A supports. S level is reserved for romance)

Support levels are done in PMs and then posted in one clean go in the RP for everyone's viewing pleasure. This keeps it from getting too chaotic and makes it more fun to read.
My preferred genres are Romance, fantasy and adventure. But lately I've felt an urge to do something very, very dark and gory :3.

And I will probably join you with that computer thing xD . 
I like that, I think we'll go with your idea killi :) . Organized and more fun.
*gasp* I like me some gores. :D (Ever heard of Corpse Party? Now there's a brutal but amazing game.)

I haven't been able to find anything really dark on here yet, and I find that kind of disappointing. Sometimes a girl just wants to see a little bloodshed, you know?
I understand you gurl. I had this idea where people experience their nightmares realistically (pain and all that jazz) and experience them with a group of people. Of course gore has lots of ideas.

I watch anime and movies for gore. I haven't played a lot of gory video games. But amnesia the dark descent was pretty gruesome and fun :)

(If I remember correctly)
Now that is interesting. Nightmares can be some of the scariest stuff ever, physically and mentally.

Amnesia was great too! Since you like anime, have you ever heard of Baccano? That is a beautifully bloody and fast paced anime that should not be missed.

I would like to cordially invite all of you to my rp, chivalry. It has a lot of pages but dont let that stop you! A timeskips about to happen and you won't need to know anything beyond the overview to join in. I'm actually recruiting for a replacement fire dragon, too, and would need a lot of dedication for that role tho... mainly aristocracy for now ovo-b its all action and adventure and dragons and villainry o: if you like, id like to have you since all of yew guis are so fun to rp with :D  
Also amg corpse party! That game was awesome!!!! Psp all the way bebe
I've heard of it and it's on my list to watch. But when I think of gore I think of elfen lied. Bad show bat-shit crazy gore and protanganist, makes you forget about the many flaws. Higurashi no naku kori ni was good to. Also another was fun to.

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