Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

don't kill the boss, I'm going to have Allerick go psycho and destroy him :3. (Because of Loks death) 
Then someone can like hold Allerick back, and you guys can finish him off.
Hello! I am BACK from the land of no Internet connection! Do you see my tan, jk I was sitting inside the entire time.

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Also, a character sheet for Cabbage guy who'll be our Merlinius :3. (I'm posting it here since he is an NPC, he won't get much time in, he's just there if you need new weapons.)

Name: Jay Lettuce

Physical appearance:


Personality: Insane, makes no sense, a complete sucker for cute girls, random and has terrible memory. Sometimes rude, but always cares deep down, he has an extreme soft spot for his daughter and cabbages.

Age: 64

Backstory: As an adult, Jay was a strong and inspirational guard at the king of Lacayia's side. However after a serious head injury he acquired amnesia and the king sent him to Hellenburg to work as a merchant, for his own safety and future. There he met a small girl, who was caught stealing his cabbages. Angry at the young lass he almost punished her, but she was to cute and took her on as an merchant apprentice, and some time later a daughter.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: *special* Convoy

Why she/he joined the resistance: The memories of his service have slightly returned to him and he wants to assist Allerick like he did his father.

(Do you guys want to see his daughter now, or do you want me to later? She has a similar role as the traveling shop keeper.)
(and for techie)

Name: Amelia 'Lettuce' ?????

Physical appearance:


Personality: Greedy, sneaky, likes animals and her father, playful and outgoing.

Age: 28

Backstory: She was born abandoned by her parents and grew up at an orphanage which she escaped and lived on her own until she was 15, that's when Jay found her.

Where she or he is from: Lacayia

Class: Troubadour/Merchant

Why she/he joined the resistance: She wants to follow her father and keep him safe.

Other: While she is a capable fighter, she stays by her father behind enemy lines because she doesn't like to associate herself with a battle.


Amelia: lvl 20 troubadour

Hit points: 26

attack: 12

speed: 15

skill: 8

defence: 4

resistance: 20

movement: 7

Items she uses during battle: Mend and fire.

Jay: lvl 20 convoy

hit points: 38

attack: 0

speed: 7

skill: 3

defence: 8

resistance: 6

Movement: 10
Oh yes while I was at school I got another idea for a really gory rp, Whimsy. It'll be kind of like Saw, just for others entertainment. It'll be like these dead people who did bad things and they participate in a game show to entertain in the gods. They go through deadly obstacle courses, and cannot die :3. So when they get stuck on a spike they have to feel the pain. Although I have a lot of dark ideas after watching Madoka Magica :3.
Cool! (I probably shouldn't be this enthusiastic about gore. xD ) Immortality, or something akin to it, is really not all that it's cracked up to be when you think about it. Especially when it comes to pain, where death can't even save you. Hey, maybe if we play our cards right we could possibly even tie in the realistic nightmares in some way.

And I've seen Madoka Magica too. Man, that is one heck of a dark show, but it was amazing.
Hm yes that could definitely work, the gods could play tricks on the people and have their worst nightmares be the battlefield for slaughter > :D . If someone's afraid of spiders, the game would be giant spiders eating their guts MUHAHAHA *ahem*. Sorry.

I came in expecting magical girls, but I was gratefully surprised with a dark edgy show with cute girls xD .
No need to apologize, I know just what you mean. Oh, there could be like varying levels of difficulty and a person can keep going through the levels. The gods could promise them that if they completed all the levels then they would be allowed to die or become a god or something, and then when they finally pass the gods the gods would be like "Nope, you're not getting out of here. > :D "
Hm, I like that c:. Deception can be brutal, and their prize for completing the game show could be like eternal torture by have their organs removed everyday or something grotesque like that. And the gods should be two condescending children who view humans as a toy for them to play with. Also the game show should just have a very upbeat theme even with the ways they 'slaughter' them. Like childish and ironic torture methods, and they should just be giggling the whole time.
If I've learned anything from horror games and anime, it's that cute little kids can be some of the creepiest freaking things ever. I'm definitely up for that. How about twins? For some reason that's the first thing that comes to my mind.
Twins girls are the creepiest and they should speak very monotone and giggly. And should have a Victorian doll look to them.
Sorry I havent posted. I was called in to work. and ugh, did I have to work. the person who had been in all morning hadnt done anything... at all.
Right. Even other gods would be seriously creeped out by the twins. Maybe in the very beginning when they introduce themselves, the twins seem kinda sweet (although something might seem a little off), which lets the evil prisoners put their guard down. And then the twins turn on the creepy and scare the heck out of them.

And no worries Asgaar, Mayumi has been patiently waiting.

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