Finding A Home: A Wolf RP

May saw that the larger black wolf, along with the others, had noticed her and she groaned. She wasn't looking for a fight and she hoped that they new that. She watched them for another second before laying down on the soft grass. She somehow forgot about her injuries and gasped, a whimper soon passing through her mouth as she tightly closed her eyes and breathed in deeply.
Cerberus and Legacy

Cerberus kept his eyes locked at the wolf a ways away from them. He would proceed to fight with the other animal unless she came at them. Cerberus then heard the young female talk. " I know, we still need to get moving, it will be dark soon there is a cave not far away." He said licking Legacy's ear again. The smaller wolf stood and watched as the wolf up a head feel over. Legacy looked at his brother then at Lilly.

" Cerberus can we talk by ourselves please." Cerberus looked at his brother and sighed padding away only to be followed by Legacy.

" What?" The large male asked after sitting down.

" What if we got a bunch of lone wolves together and formed a pack. It would be easier... We could catch an elk or even a moose if we had more wolves."

" No." Cerberus said shaking his head.

" Please."

" Legacy! I said no." Legacy's ears went back and his head dropped low.

" Fine." He said walking back to the young female.

The young she wolf watched as the Legacy walked back towards her after the short talk he had with his brother, she tilted her head to one side, noticing that something may be wrong, she pondered to herself whether or not she should as the wolf what was on his mind, but she pushed the idea out of her mind in fear of getting yelled at again.

Lillita looked back at the now lying white wolf, the scent of blood grew stronger and her stomach turned, "are we just going to leave them there? I mean, it smells like they're seriously hurt, plus Cerberus, you said there was a cave near by? We could at least leave them there to heal instead of out here in open territory." She pressed, the she wolf really wanted to help out the poor wolf, she hated seeing one of her own kind hurt, and considering the scent, she could tell that it was bad too.

Cerberus followed his brother back over to the young female where he stood for a shoot time before looking at the female. He listened to her speak before shaking his head. He broke. " Whatever do as you please." The large male then padded off to the stream taking a long drink.


The wolf was shocked at his brothers words. Was something wrong with him? The male would never ever say it was okay to help another wolf, but today everything changed. Legacy started to walk over to the other wolf his head low and tail flicking showing he wasn't being mean. " A-are you okay?" He stuttered looking back to make sure Lilly was with him.

May slowly opened her eyes as she heard a voice and looked up seeing the younger male with the female. She took in his stance and saw that he was wasn't going to harm her in any way which she was thankful of. May slowly got to her feet, stumbling a few times before looking back over at him. "Um, I'm fine." She was slightly annoyed at herself for looking so weak.
Legacy looked at the female seeing that she was clearly not okay. He sighed. " Do, do you want to come with us?" He shook hia main. " We can find you some food and a good place to sleep."

(( Blugh writers block.))
((Ha I know it sucks.))

May hesitated for a few minutes before she sighed. She knew that she wouldn't survive on her own and they were asking her, plus she needed food and rest. "Sure." She looked at the two of them before turning her head to where the older wolf went. He didn't seem as friendly but he was also agreeing that she could tag along so he couldn't be completely cold.
"Can you stand?" Lillita asked, looking down at the injured wolf, noticing the severity of her injuries, the she-wolf frowned "what happened to you?" She asked, walking slightly towards the white wolf.
May slowly stood up, wincing a few times, and looked at the she-wolf. "I fell asleep on another wolf's territory without realizing it and they attacked me." She was so close to just falling over from fatigue, blood loss, hunger, you name it. "I'll be able to walk." May reassured the she-wolf before looking at the both of them. "We never did have a proper introduction by the way."

Legacy watched as the she-wolf got to her feet. He could tell she might not make it through the night if they didn't find her something to eat. He listened to her tell them how she got hurt and sighed feeling bad for him. This had happened to him before as well. " I;m Legacy." He said with a grin holding his head high. After a short time he spoke again. " We should get going before it gets dark and cold."

May looked through the thick forest and into the sky where she saw the darkening sky. They clouds were looking a little grey and heavy so it could be possible that it rained, most likely with some thunder and lightning tagging along. She leaned her head back down and looked at Legacy with a small smile on her face. "Nice to meet you Legacy, my name is May." A short, sweet, and simple name that she thought suited her.
Lillita looked at the two wolves and smiled, turning to May, she greeted herself "I'm Lillita, but call me Lilly if you like." She padded along on the soft grass, following Cerberus to the cave, she also kept her nose high, sniffing out for any prey that may had crossed their path. The she-wolf couldn't help but feel guilty though, considering that she had eaten a rabbit just moments before, while May needed it so much more than her.
Cerberus waited for the three wolves to speak, before they met up with him. He was a fast walker and was well ahead of the other three as they walked.

Legacy walked next to the injured wolf watching her closely making sure she didn't stumble or anything. After a while they got to the cave. Legacy let them up the hill that let to the large place. It was huge, and surprisingly warm. " Cerberus, Lillita, and I are going to go hunting. You stay here and howl if someone come okay?" He asked looking down at the younger female.

May went into a dark corner of the cave and sat down, shifting around to try and get comfortable. "Okay." She looked at the wolf that must have been Cerberus and decided to introduce herself, better to do it now than later. "I'm May, you must be Cerberus." She tilted her head down slightly in a greeting.
Cerberus just looked at the female before he left the cave soon to be followed by his brother and the other female. Legacy sighed he hated how rude his brother was at times, he could have at least said something to the other wolf. He sighed nose to the ground.
May rolled her eyes and smirked as they left. She didn't expect a better greeting from him than what he gave so she wasn't hurt or offended. She looked out of the cave entrance and saw the light drizzle that started after they left. May gently stood up and got a drink from a nearby puddle that was forming in the cave, sighing as the water soothed her dry and raw throat.
Lillita looked up at the sky and sighed, "We'll have to be quick with this drizzle, it might get heavier and the scent of our prey may get washed away." The she-wolf padded along the two wolves, she could sense the tension between them, her ears flattened and to lift the air slightly she thought she would make conversation. "That May seems like a nice wolf, doesn't she?" Lillita smiled slightly.
Darkness. All Tae could see was darkness. She couldn't move anywhere. Hard metal walls locked her in. The earth shook, causing Tae to vomit. The icky mucus was covering a large part of her....'cage'. Tae had already stepped in it a few times, covering her paws with it. She was forced to lay down in a corner, waiting for this horror to stop. The shaking came to a sudden stop, voices came from outside. A small gap of light shone through the small hole, Tae jumped up, peaking through the hole. Humans. Tae let out a small growl. Over her five years Tae had learnt that humans are like flowers, each one isn't exactly the same. But, they all smelled terrible to Tae, like, small fur-less bears. The door to her 'cage' was opened slowly, a little wire collar slipped around Tae's neck. Tae remembered it was the same wire collar that brought she and her mother back to the wild. The smelly hairless bears led Tae out of the cage and down a ramp. New scents hit her like a stampede. Everything was new to her. Different sky, different trees, different everything. Tae started to panic. Where had the humans taken her? What would they do to her? After leading Tae more into the wilderness they released the wire collar off of her. Taken this chance, Tae sprinted away from the humans. Where was she? Tae kept running, looking around her, she saw a few other animals. Spotting a clearing, Tae sped up to get there quicker. Emerging from the woods, Tae came face to face with a lake. Sitting down, exhausted, Tae bowed her head. Where was she?

Cerberus was irritated at the sound of the young wolf's voice was not helping anything. They wouldn't catch a damn thing if she didn't be quiet. " Would you shut up." Cerberus snapped not looking back at his brother and the she-wolf.


Not knowing where she was, Tae got up and went down to the lake. She dipped her paws into the water, washing off the vomit. Agreeing that a bath would be good, Tae ran into the lake, surrounding herself in water. She began to swim around, keeping her head up and out of the lake. Taking a few drinks from the lake, Tae got out and shook herself dry, leaving her looking like a giant furry ball. After many attempts to tame her fur, Tae had a mental battle with herself. Should she try to get back to her pack? From what she knew, this whole scenery was new to her. Tae was in unknown territory.
Lillita's ears flattened down against her head again, she mumbled a soft "sorry." And carried on sniffing the air for any trails, Lillita didn't know why Cerberus was so grumpy all the time, she sighed to herself "I'll just have to keep my mouth closed around him then..." She thought to herself.

After a good ten minuets of the wolves trotting across the grass lands, a scent hit her nose, a strong one that no doubt the other wolves could smell too, they carried on walking until the sight of elk came into their line of sight.
Tae was running through the woods, skillfully evading the fallen logs and rocks, she was hunting an elk. Since Tae was alone she needed to be silent, her paws gently touched the ground, only to be lifted off it again.

The elk headed into a clearing. Crouching down low, Tae slowly approached the elk. Suddenly, Tae pounced for the elk, using her large size to knock it down. The elk easily got up and pinned Tae down with its antlers. The elk was confused, why would only one wolf try to attack it? There must be more around here. The elk raised it head, freeing Tae, to glance around. Using this opportunity, Tae shot for the elk's stomach, using her strong jaws to rip it open. The elk roared in anger and pain, looking down at the she-wolf. Instinctively, Tae bared her teeth, pouncing on the elk's neck. Using all the power she could muster, Tae chomped down, twisting the elk's neck as far as she could. When Tae heard a satisfying crack she pushed off the elk and watched it fall. Tae thought to herself, "I must be crazy to try and take an elk down by myself..." It was an amazing feat she had just accomplished. Almost impossible.

Tae laid down next to the elk in exhaustion, panting very hard. She could smell the delicious raw meat coming from the elk. It's stomach was ripped open, leaving a pool of blood underneath it. Feeling very tried, Tae wondered why she even decided to hunt down an elk in the first place... The she-wolf closed her eyes for a moment, regaining her breath.


I'm sorry for making her do such an impossible feat (and stealing your prey) but I needed a way to meet up with the other characters. Please forgive me.
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Cerberus caught the smell of the animal right when the younger wolf did and picked up the pace. After a short time they came across it. The animal was being attacked by one lone wolf, a she-wolf at that. Cerberus watched, Legacy at his side. She would never bring down that animal by her self. But to his amazement she did.

Cerberus's large jaw dropped open seeing what the animal had just done. This is a wolf he needed to have. Wait... Did he really just think that. Was he slipping into the weakness of a pack. The male let out a heavy sigh. He then stood and started to walk over to the other wolf. And for the first time since leaving his pack Cerberus was submissive, his head low tail flicking and licking at his lips.



Legacy watched in awe as the female wolf took down the animal by herself. And then Cerberus did something legacy never though his brother would ever do. He watch jaw hanging down as his larger brother walked to the female in the most submissive way ever. " This is insane." He mumbled looking at Lilly. " I think he broke." By this Legacy meant that his brother had finally changed.

Lillita's eyes widened at the sight of the she-wolf taking down the large elk, "That's impossible..." She thought to herself, and when she saw Cerberus acting the way he was, her jaw dropped as much as Legacy's, not believing the sight she was seeing, it's one thing to see a she-wolf take down a whole elk by herself, but it's another to see the most dominant male she's ever seen fall submissive to another.

Lillita heard what Legacy said, and she turned her head to face him, "that or my brain's broke instead." She replied. 

Stonetooth said:
(Can I have an update of what is going on, and an idea for how my character and jump in?)
((Basically, Cerberus and Legacy are brothers, they ran into Lillita, which have now joined them, soon after, May, an injured she-wolf, was taken in by the three so she could have a chance to recover from her wounds, as Lillita, Legacy and Cerberus went to hunt, they came across Tae, who seems to be a powerful she-wolf.

You could jump in by interacting with May, since she's alone, that or one of the wolfs will spot your character after the introduction post :) ))

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