Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

Ginger looked at the man that called himself Aster. She smiled slightly although her tail and ears were down in a state of sadness. Her smile faded knowing she was fooling no one. She looked at the ground and then rubbed her furry arms. Once again looking at the with fur with Black strips her tiger tail and ears. She sighed again. So much to take in so little time to even adapt. It was hard.
Mia looked around at the others who had been sold to the farmer. There were only a few, most of them had been sold to the general to be used in combat. ~What will happen to us now?~ she thought.
Aster nodded at the the girl known as Bianca, then sized her up. One glance at the Black Widow markings and he immediately knew this was an ally.

Noticing the tiger girl, Ginger's mood slipping, he put on a smile and tried to comfort her: "Hey, cheer up! I'm sure we'll be able to make it out of here, and if not, I'm pretty sure we'll be well taken care of, for a while at least. While that is happening, we might as well try to think of a way to escape, and wait for an opportunity to do so. Certainly not now... This general seems to be the type who doesn't travel without 25 guys armed with Rifles. But, I have a feeling. We'll have our chance."

He hoped they didn't notice his uncertainty. These people didn't seem prepared to fight... being on the streets, he knew some things, and was prepared. But some of these people... they had a better past than he did. Why? he thought. At first, he thought he'd been captured because of his criminal history, but it was obvious now that it was random... it seemed that way, at least.

"I'm going to wait and see for now. I need answers... that'll help us find a cause to this..."
Ginger looked at the man and then smiled a very small smile. She nodded and then looked to Evan as he sighed. She looked down at the ground and then grabbed her tail stroking it for no apparent reason. She felt nervous, scared, upset, angry, confused, uncertain, and a freak. She looked at them all. She wasn't the only one, she tried to smile a bit more but failed. ".."

Evan sighed and looked down. "What about my sister Sarah...she was taken with the Farmer....the poor girl. She needs me and I'm stuck here." He said putting a hand on his forehead covering his eyes as his elbow rested on is leg. "Now of all times to be seperated..." He said and then looked up. He had a light blue eye and a red eye. He was mixed with a husky and had K9 teeth and furry ears and a tail. He didn't mind to much. He could at least hid it or find some girl that wants a half dog boyfriend. He tried to keep his spirits up, although worring about his sister was very straining on his upbeat aditude he normaly had.
Aster raised his eyebrows... or, at least what had been his eyebrows, seeing as it was all fur now.

He wished he had a family. He didn't want anyone to be split. He wouldn't allow Evan to be separated from his sister.

"We'll get your sister once we're out of here. Wait for an opportunity... one will come. Meanwhile, let's stick together. We'll make it through this."

I hope.
Ginger looked at Evan and then sighed. "She'll be fine...she'll have others to keep an eye on her for you, I did see the farmer took some girls, So she will have some girls to help her through." She sighed though and then looked at everyone. "He's right, we should be fine if we stick together." She said and then looked down.

Evan nodded and then sighed leaning back on the truck. " least she's with other girls...but she's very shy...I guess I can guess she will be treated less harshly if she's with the farmer. We all here got to be tough." He said looking at Ginger and then at everyone else.
Lacy listened to all of them and chuckled darkly at their hope. She was somewhat mocking it, but she listened intently after she had her fun. She pressed her legs together and to her surprise, they seemed to melt into one another, scaling over even more to bind them. Her eyes widened in amazement and though it took up much of the cage, she moved it as much as physically possible. She slammed her heavy tail on the cage door and startled herself with its strength. When she moved it back, the cage was dented a bit. Her webbed fingers attempted to grip the iron bars and slightly succeeded. She focused her eyes on different cages of different looking creatures in the truck and studied them for weakness. It seemed everyone had one, especially the butterfly girl, crying. Lacy found it completely understandable if she were as young as she looked, but crying was always an outward expression of weakness.
Aster grinned

~Looks like we have a chance after all. If we can keep cool, we could escape, or even turn the situation to our advantage.~

"We should probably focus on preparing for what's to come. Once we get to their base, facility, whatever, we need to be ready. We all have an animal that can fight in our DNA. They probably took this into account, which means that we'll be both well taken care of, and also heavily guarded. We should brace ourselves, wait, and hope they keep us together. Oh, and let's not try and get ourselves killed without a plan, yes?" He put on his best sarcastic smile, then sat back and closed his eyes... waiting.
Rosa snarled as the guards tightened the wires on her neck. They shoved her forward and out of the room, she could see that everyone was being separated. It looked as if she were going with the more dangerous of the creatures. She was furious with the situation, not only because she had just been sold but now they were talking about "breeding" her as if she were some kind of animal.

Rosa could feel the blood from her shredded ears matting in her hair and she had a strong desire for a brush. How silly that during a crisis she wanted a brush, maybe she just needed something solely human to cling to. She ran her hands over her now furry arms feeling the sleek coat. From a distance she looked completely normal but upon getting closer you could see the flat fur that covered her body.

With a grunt they snapped a leash to the collar around her neck, the guards then opened the back of the van and shoved her in. They had already released the catch poles but the leash and collar remained on her neck. "I swear I am not a dog, I may be part pitbull but I am not a full blood dog," she muttered trying to unclip the lead. Of course it was locked making it impossible to remove. She surveyed those around her quietly.
Aster opened his eye to observe the newcomer to the van, then closed it again.

"Trust me, you're not the only one. Look at the poor hawk. Tied up head to toe. Be glad you just have a leash around your neck, and not worse. Welcome to the van."
Kreg looked around at the group. They seemed to be doing fairly well. He simply closed his eyes and hummed to himself. It seemed his vocal cords still worked, but getting his mouth to work was the real problem. He used one of his talons to fiddle with the lock on his handcuffs and, to his surprise, managed to break them. He then worked on the next set, then the two around his feet. This was all concealed by his massive wings huddled around his body, but he was sure that some of the others that had good ears could hear the clink clink of the handcuffs. He grit his teeth in both anger and triumph when he was freed from his shackles. The rope would be easy to break, and he knew the others would be easy to free. Kreg simply looked at the group once more and continued humming to the tune in his mind. The tune sounded cheerful and melodic, but the opposite was in his mind.

Kill 'em all, oh yes,

Kill 'em all.

Gonna kill 'em,

Kill 'em,

Kill 'em,


Was Kreg going mad? He found himself chuckling at the song, then laughing quietly. The quiet laugh turned into a louder one, and his eyes turned toward the door, waiting on it to open. He licked his lips in anticipation, his talons scraping against the metal of the truck. He quickly regained his composure, reminding himself that he needed to wait before he was to kill his prey. Wait...Prey? Oh, great, now he was THINKING like a hawk, too...
Aster chuckled under his breath as he heard the clinking of the handcuffs, but didn't say anything and simply kept pretending to nap. He just hoped the hawk didn't get them all killed.
Edwin knew his guess about there being a way to reserve the dna process was purely just plain hopeful thinking. He wasn't sure if there was a way to reverse it. He listened to everyone planning a way to escape. "Some of us do not know how to fight yet." He reminded them. "Maybe it would be best to let the military teach us to fight, then use it againist them." He knew how to fight well, but he knew that some probally haven't. If his planned worked, they could then find the farm and rescue the others there. He looked at the boy who mentioned being sperated from his sister. If they could escape, maybe the boy could remember his sister's scent and lead them all to her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"I'm Ophelia." She introduced herself to Marie, trying to smile.
Ginger looked at the hulk boy and smiled gently setting a hand with a smile that said great job. She looked at the others her ears pointed up and alert, she seemed a bit more happy. She turned to Edwin and then sighed. "Maybe I don't want to learn how to fight." she said looking down. "Maybe I don't have the desire to hurt them, I just want to get out of here. The whole reason I helped the others to get free is so I don't have to kill, it's was never in me to harm anyone." she said sighing. "However i've been much of a vocalist, I fight my battles with words. I know it won't helps us, but even with white tiger DNA I'm not much of a fighter. Oddly enough they seem to think so." she said her tail flickering with agitation and anger.
Aster glanced at Ginger.

"Like it or not, they WILL train you to fight. To kill. This is not the moment to second guess yourself. These guys don't seem to be the type to give second chances. I agree with Edwin. Those of us who don't already know how to fight will be taught. Then, we'll use it against them, when and if we get the chance."

~Only a few more before the trucks leave. Then we'll see what fate has in store for us.~
Ginger looke at him with a glare and the. Let out a loud cat hiss to him. She looked away and then closed her eyes. She shifted and pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around her legs, her head on her knees. "..." she didn't want to fight or learn how to. Her white fur seemed to stile up with anger. Her hair which was a mix of hair and fur stuck up and her tail wagged like an annoyed cat.
Azriala yawned lazily as she leaned against the bars of her cage. She searched the room and her eyes fell as a doctor passed by and opened her cage. Azriala smiled up at the woman and crawled out of her cage. She stood and followed the doctor to the caged outdoor arena where Azriala could fly.
((This is kind of hard to keep up with... Who all is in the van going with the farmer other than Mia and the butterfly girl?))
Aster sighed, looked at Ginger, and said, "look, I'm sorry. This whole thing is a bloody mess. It isn't fair. It shouldn't be happening, but it is. If you want, I can help. I'm not your enemy. None of us are. We need to stay together. Trust me, if all of us work together, we can get out of here. Just because we're different doesn't mean we can't get out old lives back. I, for one, am interested in getting to that doctor." He looks down and flexes his hand... or paw, or whatever it is now. "He'll regret making us like this. As soon as we get out; and we will get out; I'm going after that quack. Who's with me?"
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"If I planned on getting killed, I would be dead," Aaron stated flatly. Bianca looked at him, sadly shaking her head. "Will shoved immediately into battle if we already know?" Bianca asked. She flexed her arms. I'm probably a bit rusty after being turned into a spider and needing to learn how to use my new legs....I hope they don't send me out right away...

"Barring this, I'm with you," Bianca said. "**** yeah!" Aaron said.

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"Hi, Ophelia..."

She thought back to her days in school. She remembered that name... Hamlet, I think.

"That's a name to live up to...the poor girl drowns, dragged down by her dress..." Marie whispered under her breath. Perhaps only she saw the irony, or perhaps she was just thinking morbid thoughts. "Why can I only see the morbidity of things now?" she asked, a bit louder.

((I think just Ophelia...but I don't know.))
Ginger looked at him and then nodded and sighed. "I am...." She said and then looked at Evan who nodded. Ginger sighed again. She wasn't a fighter but she knew she would have to become one to survive. She closed her eyes still wishing it was a nightmare. When she opened them, she was still in the truck. She sighed and then tighted her arms around her legs. Her furry body a bit to warm but she didn't care right now.
"I'm with you all too." Edwin said, "The only way we can pull this off is if we stick together." He was surpirsed by what he what he was saying. Normally he never cared about the fate of others. Maybe he only seemed like he cared because his fate depended on theirs.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Ophelia was concerned about Marie. "What's wrong?" she asked.
Evan smiled and then looked at Ginger and Edwin. He chuckled a bit. "As they say together we are strong seperated we will die." He rubbed his head looking at the others. "Great so we let them train us how to fight, let's hope my sister can hang on till then." He sighed a bit. He looked at Ginger who seemed to be the more caring one here. He smiled at her and she lightly smile back.

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