Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

((actually my plan is that there are 2 buyers. the one is a farmer who needs someone to work on his farm and also wants a maid and cook. and the other is basically the governement who wants super soldiers and they think the animal dna will help))
( Ginger and Evan would probably go with the government and Poor poor Sarah will be seperated from her brother and go with the farmer.)
(I'm gonna try and revive the rp, I am gonna play the gov' guy. He has a bunch of soldiers helping him look at his prospective purchases so anybody can take them over)

The General stood silently beside the farmer. However to call him a farmer was an understatement. The man who stood beside him was a millionaire who just happened to earn his abundance of money through agriculture. They were not competitors for it would most likely become quite obvious which creature would help who. The array of beasts began to file in and the sales rep slowly read if the qualities and mixings of each specimen. The General directed his men towards the animals he was interested in. They started with the pitbull cross.
((I can post later, but I really outta start my homework...

I'll post when I'm done with my bookwork...))
((yay! thank you for helping revive this! I was stuck on how to!))

--- Merged Double Post ---

The farmer walked over to the cage with a girl with butterfly wings. He touched one of her soft wings, examining it for any injuries. Forutnary he saw none. He turned to one of the guards saiding nearby. "I'm sure the General couldn't make much use of this girl because her wings are much too frail to be near the battlefield." he said, "She could be a helpful maid or cook at my estate though."

"I'll get the Doctor then Sir." The guard hurried off and returned moments later with the Doctor following close behind him. "This man was interested in purchasing this girl." The guard told the Doctor.

The Doctor grinned. "Very well. I hope she will be of good use to you." He handed the farmer a sheet which the farmer then signed after handing the Doctor a stack of money. "There are plenty others that could be of use to you too. Feel free to look around." He put a sign on the butterfly girl's cage saying 'SOLD'.

The famrer nodded. "I will look around for a bit." He then turned to examine more ofthe people in the cages.

Ophelia watched as two men entered the room. One looked like a government offical while the other looked very wealthy. She saw them go over to the girl with the pitbull dna. It appeared that the government offical was looking at the girl like she was a weapon instead of a human being. The farmer she saw was looking at another girl like someone would look at a new car they were debating on buying. She couldn't believe how cold hearted people could be. All of them, those injected with animal dna had families and lives of their own. But that had een stripped away from them. Ophelia wondered how her mother, father, and siblings were doing. She knew that her family had been told she was dead. She wondered if they would be okay without her. She wanted so badly to see them but she wasn't even sure how long she had been missing or if they would even want to see her. She had a tiger tail (i said bangle tiger on my form but im changing it to just a regular tiger) and eats, not to mention whiskers. She doubted her family would even be able to look at her the same.

Edwin watched in disguse as the farmer and Doctor talked about the girl like she was an object. Yes, he had treated some girls as objects before, but not to the extent that they were now. "Hey you f*****s! We are human beings! Not objects!" He yelled out of his cage. A few guards nearby laughed, which made Edwin even more furious.
Ginger and Evan suddenly get pulled out of their cages by men and taken to the general. Ginger hisses and strugles not wanting to be sold. She uses her long nails to claw the guys face up. She tries to run but it was no use. She was knocked to the ground and after she stopped rolling she coughed. Suddenly he had a long stick and once it touched her fur she got a small shock. She hissed even more at them like a cat. She was on her hands and knees stretched out wide. It seemed her fighting became an intrest.

Even watched the white girl...and I mean white. She was mixed with a white tigers DNA from what he could tell. Tigers always attacked from behind ere they can't be seen. People who live in areas with tigers often wear masks of a face on the backs of their heads to confuse the tiger. He sighed, his eyes scanned around him. One of his eyes were blue, the other red. He growled like a dog and barked even louder. Sarah was taken out of her cage. His eyes widen. No she was going to the farmer. Huh weird....who would want a fox on their farm? Oh that's not important right now, so he swept it out of his head. He was going to be seperated from his little sister!
Kreg watched as a man walked up to his cage and slowly unlocked it, not taking his eyes off of Kreg. A guard behind him held a tranquilizer gun to Kreg, knowing that he was perhaps the most dangerous one in the room. However, Kreg only walked out of the cage calmly, keeping his head down and his wings folded over his body. He had something of a plan, but in this prison, he began feeling a bit of...Kinship to the others. They were freaks, just like him. He simply gritted his teeth and thought of a song his grandmother used to sing to him when he was feeling scared as a child. The song was demented, once he thought about it now, but it still calmed him.

The ship it swayed,

Heave ho heave ho,

On the dark and stormy blue,

And I held tight to the captain's might,

As he pulled up his throughs,

"You haven't slept",

Heave ho, he said,

"In many suns and moons",

"Oh I will sleep when we reach shore",

"And pray it will be soon."

He said,

"Now hush love",

"Here's your gown",

"There's the bed",

"Lantern's down.",

But I don't wanna go to sleep,

In all my dreams I drown,

The sky, it flashed,

Heave ho heave ho,

As the pillow tore to the creak,

The curtains ran between my legs,

As we began to sink,

I closed my eyes,

Heave ho heave ho,

As the ship was rent and fell,

Eddie's in the water,

Headed for the mouth of Hell.
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The bas****s! the blond man thought, slamming his hand against the bars, heedless to the pain. The scared little girl with wings had been the first to be bought. She was cowered in her cage, afraid of everything that moved. He snarled in anger, and shouted at the buyers. "YOU F***ING BAS****S! Leave the innocent ones alone!" He bared his teeth at the nearest guard. One of the general's guys walked over to him, simply staring at him. The man only snarled louder, and one of the guards that he'd been fighting with for years came over. "Shut up!" the guard yelled, moving to strike at him.

The general's man stopped him and laughed. "General, I like this one. Held correctly, it could be a wonderful weapon."

"I'M NOT AN IT!" the wolf-man howled.

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There's so much screaming... the spider-girl thought. But she would not break again.

She was a spider. Ok. That would not stop her from fighting. She could get out, somehow.

She twisted to get a full look at herself, moving her many legs a little bit. She started at the red mark on her back. She almost laughed.

A black widow. I'm a black widow. She ran her tongue against her fangs and smiled a wry smile. A deadly spider. I wonder if these buyers even realize of my militaristic training...

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The little butterfly girl nearly shied away from her buyer, but managed to stay still as he inspected her delicate wings, so they wouldn't break. When the sold sign was placed on her cage, she sank to the bottom of her cage, curling her arms around herself and trying to keep from crying. Hush, Marie. They prey on weakness. You know that. You know... she thought, but held herself tighter. Her hair fell around her like a blanket, encircling her within a sea of red. A maid...a cook...

Maybe she would see some people her age. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad...maybe she wouldn't be treated poorly.

That was what she had to hope for. That was all she had now.

((Yeah, I noticed....just working on the replying thing. I've got a lab write-up to finish, so I'm posting slowly. And posting even slower since I'm watching Criminal Minds and trying to write paragraphs. I'll try to post as much as I can...))
Rosa growled viciously as they approached.

"What are her attributes? Besides being a smoking hot peace of flesh what can she do," the officer asked looking her up and down like she was some hooker on the street.

"Her muscle capacity is amazing, her sense of smell is amazing, she has a strong desire to either be the leader or protect him or her with her life, also if you will look here," and with that the officer pulled out a pair of rubber gloves pulling them over his hands. "Please apply further restraints to her head," the guards gripped the hair on Rosa's head brushing over her roughly cut here painfully. The scientist then proceeded to pry open her mouth revealing her canines and dog tongue. "As you can see she has the bite of a dog." The scientist then coughed blushing a bit, "On another note she no longer menstruates like a human. She goes into heat like a dog every six months. We can "fix" her but we would like to get a specimen out of her first," he said the officers now looked at her differently. She had become a real freak to them. "Good," Rosa thought pulling her head away from the scientists grasp.

The two officers went and talked with the general. He agreed to the terms and signed the papers.
Ginger was also sold to the general and was pushed roughly into a truck. She was restrained by chains and set down. She hissed her tiger tail flickering with much annoyence. She looked at the guards who were snickering at her. She looked away and then looked at herself. She had fur covering her body. It was hard to get past even that. Her ears twiched at every sound. She sighed deeply as she watched Evan be thrown in the truck as well.
Soon Opehila and Edwin were sold off like the others. Edwin was tossed into the back of a truck fillled with the people the general had sold while Ophelia had been sold to the farmer and tossed into the back of his delievery truck.
Mia hid in the back of the cage when the guards opened the door. The guard just grabbed her arm and pulled her out, and the decision was immediate that she would go to the farm. She was put into the truck with the farmers' other 'purchases' and sat solemnly in the back.
Ginger looked at Edwin and then sighed deeply. She looked at Evan and then back at Edwin. Her ears twitched to the sounds of the guards outside. She kicked the door. "We're not..." She stopped herself. She looked at the door and then looked at herself. She was covered in tiger fur with tiger ears and a tiger tail. She sighed and hissed none the less. She was a freak.
Lacy's deep blue eyes opened and peered about a dark room. She sighed, and a slight hiss escaped her lips as she did so. Her hand moved up to entangle in her long brunette locks and her eyes widened as she felt nerves in between her fingers and soft webbing that did not allow her hair to pass through. She threw herself back in shock and her shoulder blades slammed against the iron bars. Pain circulated through her body almost as quickly as her raging thoughts. She heard words dance around the room but seeing as it was dark, could not make out the speaker. Word's flew around like captured, escape, and the defining words of there being no hope. She slightly laughed at the invisible voices. Her laugh was almost that of insanity. She didn't know why, but she felt a surge of power slide up and down her writhing spine and across her arms and legs. She stretched as much as she could in the cage and lay down, stroking her finger tips against the pale green scales covering her body. She heaved in a breath and closed her eyes. She would wait. No use struggling, yet. She had to be careful.
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"Come on, let's get him in the truck..." a soldier groaned, and the lab guards grabbed his arms and yanked the blond man out of his cell. He snarled and lashed out with his front paws at the guards, but they dragged him out to the truck and tossed him in. Carefully binding his two right legs together and his hands, they left him in there. "D***it!" he mumbled, lying on his side. He looked around at the others, scheming his way out.

It had taken him this long to be bought. Why would they want him now?

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The black widow was next. A soldier and one of the farmer's men each stalked over to her, peering carefully at her. The soldier grabbed her by the mouth, forcing it open, and peered at her fangs. She did not shy away from his touch, but stared at him, calculating. She would not have the comtrol of her body to escape yet. She would have to wait.

"She'd scare the other workers. We need to at least keep them working," the farmer's man said and walked off. The soldier laughed. "This doctor must have a sense of humor. He created his very own Arachne."

She glared coldly at him. "A frozen stare..." he mumbled, releasing her face. She shut her mouth indignantly. "We'll buy this one," he said. She inclined her chin to look him in the eye. He didn't strike her. He stared right back. He grinned a wolfish grin and she allowed herself a cold smirk. Overconfident men made easier targets.

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It took a single guard to drag little Marie to the farmer's truck. She looked around mildly at the others in the truck, before checking her wings. No marks, no blemishes. Gently, she flexed her wings a little. She then turned to the side so she could lay her head against the inside of the truck. She pulled her knees up to her chest again before beginning to cry.
Ginger looked at the new one who was put in the tuck. She walked over to him and then blinked. She looked at the gaurds and then hissed showing her tiger fangs. She went back to sitting down without a word. She sighed and looked at Evan who was worried sick about his brother. Ginger sighed, her tiger tail twitching and her ears always moving to sounds. She was frightened.

Evan was just thinking about his sister Sarah who had been taken to the farmer and bought by him. He looked at Ginger and then looked over her. "You covered in fur?" He asked and then sat beside her seeing her irratation. "Hey don't worry I'm sure we'll be fine." The guards outside laughed. "HEY SHUT UP BEFORE I BITE YOUR SORRY A****" He yelled and then looked at Ginger.

Ginger looked at him and nodded. "..." She looked away from everyone. Then she looked at Evan with teary eyes. "From head to toe." She looked down. Her hair was more like a mane so she couldn't cover her face like she use to.
Lacy listened to the voices around her ramble and she began to think she was in some terrible nightmare. Her serpent eyes narrowed as she heard an engine rumble beneath her and realized she was in some sort of vehicle. She sat up and called out, "What is this about?" She noticed the tone of her normally soft and feminine voice had turned darker and more harsh with a slight scratch to it. Her whole body reacted to the unfamiliar voice and her lips parted in suspicion, as if someone was throwing their voice to make hers. Once satisfied that she had spoken, she looked up confidently, though no one would be able to see her.
The guards took Kreg to a truck along with several others. He cooperated, acting like he had lost his will to fight. In reality, it took every part of his being to not tear the guards and soldiers apart. One of the guards demanded his hands, in which Kreg revealed his hands. The guard put two pares of handcuffs on Kreg, then two on his feet. They whispered about what they were going to do about his wings, and they decided that they were going to tie him up with rope. So, they did, not too gently either. Kreg only silently growled in anger and hatred.

All of you...Will die... He thought to himself.
Ginger looked at the guards and then as soon as they left, she quietly used her teeth and long nails to start cutting the rope. If she wasn't able to get it cut least it would losen them for him. She didn't speak, just tried to help him. At least he showed that he wasn't afraid to kill and maybe even help them all when the time was right. She looked at him and then continued her work.

Evan saw ginger helping the bird guy and then caught on to what she was doing. He sighed unable to help though, he didn't have long nails or sharp tiger teeth to help her cut the rope.
Kreg was caught off guard by the female helping him. He motioned to his handcuffs, then shook his head.

No use...I'm bound. I wish I could help...Soon, though...Soon. He thought, wishing she could hear his thoughts.
Ginger looked at his handcuffs and then sighed deeply. "..." She looked at him and then just sat there thinking silently. She grabbed the handcuffs examining them and then sighed even deeper. Her tail dropped sadly to the floor and her ears were pinned to her head giving her an extra saddened look. "Hey...I's useless." She looked down at the floor and then put her head in her hands.
Kreg saw that this tiger girl was sad, which, in turn, made him want to comfort her. He put one of his taloned hands on her shoulder and patted it softly, giving her the best smile he could. He then realized that this was the first smile he had worn since he awoke in his cage. He hid his own sadness at this, and focused on the girl. He pointed to his own face, then hers, then clasped his hands together. Hopefully she would understand the symbolism of the gesture: that they needed to stay united. It seemed that he and her were two of the ones that were physically altered the most. He felt more united to her than most.

However, he soon felt anger once more, and looked to her and everyone else. He put his hands in the air and closed one of his fists. He then pointed to the door of the truck they were in and motioned for it opening. He made a slicing motion with his hands across his throat, then pointed to his handcuffs. He made a breaking motion with his hands and held his hands like they were on a steering wheel. Hopefully they would see his plan. If not, he just looked like a madman waving his arms around.

Kreg wished that they had more of a plan, a better team, weapons, something! They were given only their fists as weapons. What the hell could they do against armed guards? But they could escape. They would escape, or die trying, Kreg concluded.

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