Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos listened, still breathing heavy and ragged. "Not even real?" he asked, confused. He backed off from the boy, gripping his head. His thoughts were reeling, making his mind numb. Opening one eye, he watched the boy, not sure if he should trust him. As he spoke, Garos laughed coldly. "Don't assume? I've been stabbed in the back by folks I knew more'n you, kid," he murmured, then flinched at Shade's outburst, both the words and the volume of it. "God damn it... I can't think right now!!" he roared, slamming his fist into the wall instead of Shade. Blood spattered the floor beneath him, but he ignored it, simply nodding. "Yeah... use the anger on Vince... find him.." he muttered in a numb voice. He was in shock, the effects of Vince's little trick slowly wearing off.
Flower heard Garos and shade and screaming. "WHat the heck?" She growled. "James can you handle this?" She growled and ran up seeing Garos. "Ok what the heck is going on?" She looked at Garos and sighed deeply walking up. "I thought you were resting?" She growled angry at him.

Vince sighed and disappeared from the area. The fake flower disappeared and all the blood. Everything was gone.
Shade searched around for any trace of where Vinces energy was coming from. He got frustrated. "I cant find him. The best we can do is hope hes not a coward and comes out to fight us" shade said.
Garos looked up, hearing Flower and giving an exhausted and relieved sigh. "Yer' okay..." he mumbled, leaning back against the wall. "I was resting... then you woke me up. Shade said Vince was here... he killed ya'..." continued the man in a confused tone, shaking his head. "No... none of this makes any sense..." he growled, closing his eyes for a moment. "I think Vince is gettin' into my head."
Flower walks up and looks into his room. "Yes vince probably has mind control." She looks at him and then crossed her arms. "What the heck was I doing in your room? Please tell me vince didn't make me do anything stupid." She looked at Shade. "You killed me?" She glared and then looked at Garos and slightly smiled looking away thinking about eariler.
Garos frowned. "Great... wouldn't be a problem, but I'm too damned tired to do anything about it." He looked down, wiping a bit of blood from his fist onto his shirt. At Flower's question, he flushed a bit, but shook his head. "Nah... nothin' too awful," he said with a bit of a smirk that hurt his head. He didn't care. Vince wouldn't ruin this. He looked to Flower, chuckling a little at her reaction. "It wasn't really you... a fake. Some kinda' illusion."
Flower raised her eyebrow and then smiled. "I see..." She walked up to him leaning in. "I wouldn't want you to have a memory of something that I'd be embarrased about." She looked to where James and the others where. She sighed. "Listen you better get some more rest there's a guy apartently after Myra...But I think me and james can handle him. You don't look like your up to a fight anyhow."
Garos flushed a bit as she leaned in, thinking of what the fake-Flower had done. "Heh... yeah', wouldn't want that," he joked, then raised a brow at her expression and words. "Somebody after Myra? Damn it... I'll be okay. I can rest after a bit." He went to move forward and nearly fell, clutching his head. "Yea'... maybe yer' right. I should lay down."
Flower grabbed him and glared at him. " for you." She chuckled and then looked at him. "Serriously what did I do to make to blush?" She sighed and helpped him back into his room and on his bed.
Garos blinked, practically being dragged to his room and bed. He sat down with a wince, smirking at the girl's words. "Dunno if I can tell ya'..." he joked, looking up at her. Without a thought, he reached up, cupping her chin and kissing her gently. "It was somethin' like that..." he said once he had pulled back, a sly grin and flicker in his eyes.
Flower looked at him in surprise and then blushed deeply. "....r-really?" She looked down and then looked at him. She leaned in and kissed him again. Forgetting about poor Myra and james.
(Is it too late to join? If so,I'll delete my post)

Name: Borghen,Sicon of Wrath

Age: Ageless

Gender: Technically,none,but responds exclusively to male pronouns

Species: Demon

Power: Flash-Stepping (Move short distances along the horizontal plane instantly)

Cestus (essentially an armoured gauntlet with a weapon attached) ; preffers the bladed cestus which sports a broad two foot long blade,high calibre handguns ; preffers a .50 cal revolver magnum 5-shooter.

Vehicle: None

Pets: None

Family: None

Significant Other: None

Love Interest: With a name like "Sicon of Wrath",do you think he'd have one? No,he doesn't.

Crush: None

Appearance: This guy,without the fire,swords,and in (much) lighter metallic armour

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I hope it passes muster!
Garos nodded and smiled, looking up into her eyes with his wary grey orbs. "Yea'..." he said simply, leaning up to return the kiss, pulling his free arm around her. After a moment, he moved away, leaning back. "As much as I hate ta' do that... you said Myra was in trouble. Go help her." He frowned, angry at himself that he wasn't able to help as well. "Ya' sure I can't come help?" he said with a snicker, leaning up to kiss her forehead.
Flower blushed. "Oh yeah right..." she said looking at him. "Unless you can get up and stand up and hold up a sword you're not coming." she looked back and sighed and looked at him before running out and back to the other. Wiping the blush from her face. She sighed hoping maybe later he'd feel better. She sure will be draining if this fight drags on. Even she needed to rest and lately that hasn't been happening. She looked at the man and jumped down in front of him again ready to attack.
The man glared at Flower then his eyes scan up and down her body like the perv he is, he raises an eyebrow and speaks in a cold tone, "Ya' the Queen?" He laughs coldly and looks to Myra, "Looks like my girl been's 'anging out with royalty." Myra shudders and leans further into James protection as his eyes turn furious, Faye speaks up, beside Flower once more as she grips his arm, flames instantly burning through his sleeve and burning his flesh, "She's not your girl. You sick bas**rd." He pulls away from her and then without another thought he grabs Faye around the waist and holds her so that her back is against his stomach and his dagger is pressed against her throat.

Myra froze as she watched the nightmare of a man threaten her sisters life, for the first time...ever. Faye looked scared. She felt anger ripple up and down her body and she stepped out of the protection of James's wings to glare at the man, "Let go of her." Her voice was raw from not being used in ages but it still held the melodic tone. The man looked at her and raised an eyebrow as the dagger put slight pressure on Faye's throat. Faye spoke shakily, but her eyes were now furious as endless plans surged through her head, "You really going to kill your own daughter?" She spoke, hating the fact that she could be his daughter. Oh heck, it was more than possible, her mum had told her that she wasn't Frank's - Myra's dad - child. "Of course he would." A voice spoke from beside them and Myra looked over to see Raina standing there, leaning against the wall casually as if she had just walked into a cafe and ordered a coffee or something. The man chuckled darkly and looked back at Myra, "Why should I?"
Flower growled and looked at him. "If you don't i'll blast you to hell!" She grabbed her sword and pointed it at him. "Before I get really mad let go of her." She stared him down ignoring that he just 'checked her out'. She put a hand to her mouth ready to call Sky and Hunter.
The man looked over at Raina and spoke cruelly, "Ya' gonna do somet'ing 'bout that Key-'older?" Raina looked at each person, sizing up their strength and pinning it against her Father. She smirked as she calculated every outcome. Each one ending in his death. She looked back at her Father and shook her head slowly, once, twice. "Can't be bothered." She looked at him with a smirk, her eyes hard. His face turned a shade of angry red as he glared at his child, "Ya' better do as I say Raina, or else." She laughed without humour, "Or else what Father? You'll put a knife to my throat too?" She pauses and gives him a stare of hatred, "Oh wait, you've already done that before." She looks at Faye, still trying to take in the fact they she could be her half-sister.

Faye closed her eyes and swallowed, the man smirked thinking that it was a sign of fear. She then shot open her pitch black eyes as she let out all the anger, the anger of her parent's death, the anger of all those years of feeling a freak because she was 'different', the anger of knowing she was most likely the product of r@pe, the anger of what he had done to her sister. Starting from her bare feet flames shot out from her skin and ended at her shorts line, they erupted from her fingertips and ended at her shoulders, her waist also set alight, making her tank-top turn into a strip of cloth that covered her just enough to be classed as a tube top. Where the man was holding her he let out a yell and dropped the flaming girl, his skin smoking where she had burnt him. Faye turned around and directed flames at his legs, pushing herself back enough to let Flower or James take control, using up all that fire energy had exhausted her too much to even stand let alone fight the bas**rd, as much as she wanted to tear him apart she just couldn't. Myra ran over to her and wrapped her cloak around Faye, pulling her away from what was about to be a bloody battle.
Flower took the chance and kicked the man down. She blasted him and then put her sword to his neck. "How do you like it?" She growled and then put her foot on his chest to pin him down. "So let me think about this...burn you to death with light....cut your throat...or turn into a lion and tare you apart." She glared at him.
The man looked to Raina again and she raised an eyebrow, "Oit, you listen 'ere Raina, ya' get this 'ere Key-'older of me and I'll give 'yer that money." She laughed bitterly and walked over to him slowly, her black heels clacking against the floor. She looked down at him with disgust in her eyes, "You were never going to give me the money you @sshole." She then looked at Flower and despite the hate she held for her she spoke in a nonchalant tone, "I think all three." She looked back down at the man she was forced to call Father for so long and spoke darkly, "It's the least he deserves after all he's done."

Faye spoke up from her place on the floor, looking tired from all that had happened today, "I agree with Raina, that sicko deserves much more than that and I'm sure he'll get it in hell." Myra just nodded while she buried her head in Faye's shoulder, glad that James hadn't gotten involved and hurt himself. She would have blamed herself forever if he got hurt because of her.

The man glared at them all and laughed, "O well, at least I 'ad plenty of fun before my demise." His eyes flicked to Myra and he smirked lustfully, "Just t'ought I'd let you know babe, I fu**ed plenty of girls before 'yer, ncluding yar wh**e of a Mother, but ya' were by far the best. I mean---" He was cut off by his own yell as a sharp metal ninja star hit his leg. He glared at Raina, "Ya' stupid little bi**h. I shoulda' let ya' die along with yar waste of a Mother."

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