Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Myra looked at Flower and her eyes were red and puffy, she rubbed them once more and nodded, agreeing with James. She didn't know Flower all too well, and was ashamed of what the girl may think of her if she found out about what he had done to her.

Faye was fuming, thinking of endless ways to kill the bast**d that had touched her sister, flames were already covering her balled fists and her eyes were pitch black as she paced back and forth.

Chameleon meanwhile - oblivious to what was going on - was walking along when he spotted a sad looking girl with her head in her hands. His gaze softened and he approached her slowly, Chameleon was always a gentle man. "Hey, you alright?" He spoke to the girl gently, his blue eyes filled with concern.
Vince smirked and outside Garos's window. He smirks and with his mind control he created an image of Flower sitting on his bed. One that Garos could hear and feel almost like a dream. (lol I was bored so I couldn't help myself.) She slowly put a hand on Garos's shoulder.
Raina had long left the crowd that was waiting for her Father and headed to the training, she stood at the door and watched as the human boy from earlier trained furiously. Once he had hit each target she began clapping, very slowly. Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap. She smirked at him, "Nice try. But that was rather slow wasn't it?" She got a bit closer, only a bit, "Sure you can't go faster?" She raised an eyebrow with the smirk still on her face.
Tiffany looks at him. Suddenly she wiped her tears. "no no I'm fine.." she looks at him smiling slightly. She thought he looked hot and forgot about James. She leaned back into her chair looking down blushing a bit.
Chameleon sat down beside her, smiling at her kindly, "You sure? People don't usually cry when they're alright.." He held out his hand to her, "I'm Chameleon, but you can call me Leon if that's too long." He grinned, he was used to people having difficulties with his name.

(Not gunna make a bio for Raina's dad if that's alright, since he's not going to live long enough to need one xD )

The man looked up at the school building and smirked darkly. That's where my little Myra is. He strided up the stairs and pushed open the doors, being as quiet as possible. He had hoped his idiot daughter had done as he said and got the girl alone or else she'll be paying for it afterwards. He chuckled as he remembered the fake promise he had made her, he so wasn't going to give her money to move away from him. He wasn't very good at keeping his promises. He rounded the corner to see some bast**d hugging his Myra. Beside them stood a furious looking younger girl with reddy/orange hair the exact same colour as his, infact with her currently black eyes she did bear a slight resemblance to him. He frowned slightly then his eyes re-locked onto Myra as she spotted him, he smirked at the fear in her eyes and his fists clenched as she snuggled farther into that boy. "'Ello Myra, it's been a while ain't it?" He noticed the furious looks of the boy and the younger girl and rolled his eyes - looking like as he did Raina - this would be harder than he originally thought.

Faye saw her sister look up in fright and her gaze snapped to the man standing before them as he spoke in a dirty, dark voice, "'Ello Myra, it's been a while ain't it?" She could feel the urge to turn completely in fire but she knew that it would burn her clothes right off of her. She was glad she was wearing a tank top and shorts though, more skin to turn into flames. "You fu**ing bas**rd." She spoke with venom in her voice and directed a burning hot fireball at him, he ducked to the side and it hit the wall behind him, he smirked at Faye and spoke in that ugly voice once more, "Who are ya' little girl?" Faye spat her words at the man, the air around her coming off in heatwaves as her hair lifted slightly, "I'm Myra's little sister you di**head."
Flower looked at the man and stood in front of Myra and James. She grabbed her sword waiting for him to move. She smirked just dareing him. Once he did she'd attack. Curious kinda on why James wanted trinity out of this. She was a good fighter but he knew more then her so she wasn't about to ask why. Personaly she didn't want to know.
Tiffany looked at him and smiled. "Well I'm better now that a cute guy is sitting next to me..." she smiled and and leaned towards him. "I guess I was upset about being dumped." she sighed again and looked down.
Garos woke with a start, flinching violently at the hand on his shoulder. He looked up, groggy and confused. "Flower... the hell'r ya' doin' here?" he asked, shaking his head. "Sorry... not that I mind er' anything... just thought ya' went off to help the others. How long've I been out?" His head throbbed, flashing of his short dream fading for the better.
Vince smirked. As he made flower lean over him. "A while..." He had her lie. She smiled a bit. "I just wanted to let you know everyone is was nothing really." She took her hand off his shoulder. As she chuckled alittle. "James is a hot head." She chuckled.
Shade caught sight of a mysterious energy in the Academy. "what the.....oh god" Shade said. He picked up an extra sword and raced toward Garos's room. As he approached the room, the energy got weirder, like someone was trying to hide it. He peeked in the room and saw Flower and Garos talking. "what the?" Shade said as he hid. He figured somethings wrong so he decided to stay.
The man raised an eyebrow at Flower and then suddenly the little fiery child had ran over and shoved him backwards yelling in his face, "I'm going to fu**ing rip you apart you sick bas**rd!" He looked down at her and smirked, finding it amusing that such a small girl was threatening him. "Where were ya' when I visited?" He chuckled, "I would 'ave loved for ya' to be dere." Faye reached her hand out and just as her fiery palm went to hit his cheek he grabbed her arm and pulled her so she was closer to him, he hissed at her, "I didn't know Maria 'ad another kid. Last time I saw 'er - besides when I sliced 'er body apart of course" He smirked even more as Faye's eyes lit up with fury, "Was when little Myra was only two." He chuckled darkly, "Boy, we sure 'ad fun." He then looked back down at the girl and frowned slightly as he re-took in her orange hair and her vampireish abilities. He raised an eyebrow as a thought struck him, "How old are yer kid?" Faye's eyes widened and she spat at him, "Let go of me bas**rd." A small voice broke their conversation as Myra spoke weakly, her eyes wide, "She's 14" The man turned back to look at Faye and he laughed darkly, releasing her arm, "You sure look nothin' like Frank." He grinned at her, "You sure he's your dad kid?"

Myra frowned as she listened, speaking up as worry filled her, "Shes 14." As the man turned to look at her, she didn't manage to miss the way his eyes scanned up and down her body before turning back to her sister. As the man mentioned her dad's name Myra's fists clenched, "You sure he's your dad kid?" Myra frowned, what was he implying? Her eyes widened, no, no he couldn't be. Faye was a Key-Holder, he was a vampire. It wasn't possible. Was it?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Chameleon grinned at the girl then he frowned as she mentioned being dumped, "Well that must have been a stupid boy then, to let someone as pretty as you go." Chameleon did find the girl pretty, but he wasn't noticing how his compliments could be taken as flirting, he was trying to make her feel better.
Flower growled and and jumpped in taking faye from him and punched his face. "That's it I'm ticked off." She growled and created light in her hand. "You have 10 seconds get the heck out." She said furrious at him.

James growled and put his wings around myra breathing fire to keep him back. He lookedat Flower and then at the man and Faye sighing deeply. That man was faye's father?
Garos returned her smile with a sleepy one of his own, rubbing his head. It felt like it was cloudy, thick. His thoughts seemed slower. He nodded, though, thinking it was just a lack of really good rest. "Well, that's good. Didn't want any more trouble after Vince... not this soon, anyhow." He sighed and popped his back, eyes going to Flower again. "So, how long ya' been watchin' me sleep, stalker?" he joked, giving a laugh.
Tiffany blushed and looked at him. "Thanks..." she leaned till her shoulder was touching his. She looked at him and smiled.
Fake flower leaned over him. "Maybe..." She chuckled. Vince was woundering how to torment Garos....maybe killer her off. He smirked and then sighed...he hated making his mind have to focus on a discusting thing like love. He rather flirt then dump and then kill. He sighed.
It took Shade a while but he figured out whos power he sensed.....It was Vince's. Shade only saw Flower and Garos, not Vince. Then it came to him. He knew either Vince was controlling Flower or he was creating an image. Shade waited to see what he was planning.
Garos smirked as she leaned over him. "Well, somebody got bold all of a sudden," he said with a snicker, looking up at her and wondering just what her next move would be. He frowned for a second, blinking and trying to clear his head. Something in the back of his mind was screaming that something was the matter, but he couldn't muster up the energy to do anything about it.
Fake Flower smiled and giggled at him. "I guess you broke the ice." She slowly got closer to him. Vince smiled one kiss then he'd appear and stabbed her in the back killing the fake flower. His smile widened as he thought of it. It would be torcher for garos. That'd teach the human a lesson when messing with vince. Fake flower kissed Garos.
Shade bursted into to room, taking out both swords. "YOU F*CKER!" Shade yelled as he sliced through the fake Flower. "Vince...get out here....ill personally give you the torture you oh so badly want to give Garos" Shade said
Fake flower was almost as real as anyone. Shade hit her and she fell off screaming. Bleeding badly she was crying out and yelling. She couldn't get up. Vince was having trouble making the blood where it should be.
Shade winced as the blood flowed out of fake flower. He tried not to look at it, as he couldnt bare to see flower in pain. Shade got agitated at the fakes screaming. "F*CK!" Shade yelled as he stabbed straight through fake Flowers mouth. "VINCE!!!! GET YOUR @SS OUT HERE! NOW!" Shade screamed as his eyes began to turn black. He was also crying at the moment.
"Guess so," Garos answered, chuckling and leaning up to kiss her, pulling an arm around her form. Somethings wrong... somethings happening... his mind shouted, but he didn't pay any attention until Shade burst through the door. Garos had no time to react as the boy slashed at Flower, blood spraying Garos. He was shocked, unmoving as Flower fell, landing hard, bleeding and crying. The scarred man's breathing began to quicken and he moved his way toward the boy. "You..." he growled at Shade, rushing him and hurling him from the room. Following, Garos grit his teeth and clenched his fists. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" he snarled, bloodshot eyes open wide and staring daggers at the boy.
Shade felt immense pain as he hit the ground. He had forgotten that Garos was still there. He wanted to tell Garos what was going on, but nothing came out of his mouth. He got up and walked towards him. Shade looked up with an insane look on his face. When he stabbed fake flower it was like doing it to the real one. "Dont just go and assume things Garos...if id lost my sanity it would be over for you.......that.....THING over isnt Flower." Shade said, angry at garos for thinking he would do something like that.....let alone be able to. "DO YOU THINK I WOULD DO THIS? DO YOU NOT KNOW ME ENOUGH TO SAY 'WELL, i KNOW THIS HAS TO BE A FAKE BECAUSE SHADE WOULDNT DO SUCH A THING'? HUH?? DID THAT EVER COME ACROSS YOUR HEAD?" Shade yelled at the top of his lungs. He calmed down a bit. "Look, i cant direct my anger at you now....i should be directing it at vince....the cruelty of his let us go through that." Shade said, with a much more mature tone in his voice.
Vince smirked going to let Garos do his work. This seemed better then his idea. He kept the Fake flower there not going to reveal himself. He watched from the shadows well he was a shadow. He looked at Garos feeling happy. He smirked at his anger.

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