Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Flower closed her eyes. She slapped Sethos hard, her nails causing cuts across his cheek. She looked at him in the eyes. "You touch Hunter and I'll make your you can never speak her name, you understand me?" She threw Sethos away from her with a force. Hunter was growling at Sethos biting into Bella's arm. Flower looked at Bella. "You get out of here!" She yelled at her.
Bella looks at flower. "Ruin my fun but I wouldn't even stand a chance against you princess." she said and hen smirked created someting behind her back. She had created a whip. "That hurts you know hunter. But your poison doesn't effect me." she said and then kicked hunter off.

She looked at flower and then snapped the whip at her. She smirked as he whip hit flower's face. "But how about now? What if I was armed with this?" she said laughing cruely.
Flower looks at Bella and then runs to hunter. "Huntetr." she looks at Bella just before....snap! Flower fell back. She landed right on her butt and looked up at Bella with blood dripping down her cheek. "..." Her eyes widen and she starts trembling. She stares at Bella and then looks at the whip. She swallows and then tries to move but her body wouldn't listen to her. She was terrified....those...those things.
Sethos let out a wince as he was slapped, feeling blood run across his cheek, he then smashed into the wall, hitting his head hard, and he growled now - he was mad. He pushed himself up, eyes dark as the shadows in the room shook slightly. They swarmed for Flower then, coating her in it, as Sethos knew by now it weakened her. He noticed a single strand of her hair blacken, as he walked over to her slowly. He didn't seem to notice the fear she held in her eyes, looking at the whip, or the blood on her cheek. He was purely mad. He looked like the murderer he was, with blood across his cheek and fury in his eyes, getting closer and closer.

I'm going to kill this bi*ch.

No! Don't you dare!

Why not? She made me bleed; I need to make her bleed.

You get the f*ck away from her! She's damn scared and I'm NOT going to let you hurt her! I won't let ANYONE hurt her!

Jace screamed this last bit, furious now once he had seen the pure fright in Flower's eyes, and Sethos let out a painful yell, staggering back as the shadows swarmed, moving away from Flower and leaving her in light as Jace looked back up with blue eyes. "Flower!" He ran over to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her up so that she was standing behind him, he faced Bella and glared at her, blood still on his cheek. "You put that damn thing away before I split your skull open." Jace growled at her, he sounded like Sethos with the words he was using, but his eyes were completely and utterly blue.
Mel sat on the ground and looked up at Chameleon. "Yeah. Good luck with that. There's probably a slim chance of you making it out alive. And not because she's a killer but because she's a girl. We tend to be a dangerous breed." She noticed Faith drawing near as the shifter prince pointed her out and turned to him one last time. "The world is full of hypocrites and they've never stopped judging before. But do whatever you want." After Leon left, the doll turned her eyes to Faith. "Time for our student-teacher conference? A bit last minute but let's face it, I can't have too many plans with this form."
Flower looked up at Jace. She blinked and then put her head to Jace's shoulder. "Thank you...." She whispered to him. She looked at Bella and then sighed deeply. She felt useless...powerless...what was happening to her? Having to be saved all these times. She needed to recharge and get back into training. She looked at Jace and then closed her eyes tired.
Bella looked at jace and then smirks. "Awww I was having so much fun. Guess I will leave for now. But I'll be back." she winked at him and then walked away. "Master will be here soon...see you around." she giggled and then disappeared.
Faith sees Chameleon leaving as she approaches Mel and wonders briefly if he was uncomfortable in her presence after her show of anger in the classroom. The boy seems uncomfortable with aggression to her, or perhaps with the possibility that he himself might show aggression. Afraid of losing control? She doesn't know, but it's an interesting contrast to the majority of students in the school.

When Mel addresses her, Faith merely nods, exhaling before coming to stand near her, holding one hand palm side up as if in half extended apology. "So I screwed up earlier, the whole lot of us did. Sorry for that, but then again, you weren't exactly asking for help, and that Lilith is a pretty world's class liar. So...if you want help, I want to give it. Seems like you're the only one with sense around here lately. What I want to know first is who is this Lilith and what has she done to you, other than the obvious. I want more of the story before I can say go forth and kill in good conscience."

As Sheena emerges from the bathroom with Alex, seeing that Liza is now occupied with Casey, she takes his hand, turning towards him. "I don't really want to be in here...will you walk with me?"

(maybe run into Raina?)

(Jo, I want to talk about your plans for Raina? Like...what are they? lol)
*After Faith leave Macal in the graveyard to go talk to Mel, he stood there for a moment smiling in the direction she took off when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he got a chill, in a fraction of a second he spins and his sword appears out of nowhere just in time to deflect the thrust from HardTime's sword similar to the same attack that killed one of Macal's ninja's earlier this week. Their swords barely grazed each other but the impact was still enough to cause a concussion blast that leveled all the headstones in the graveyard. Both quickly go back on the attack, backing away is not something either are willing to do and once again they cross swords and again the blast from the impact is devasting to the area. This clash go on for about an hour neither man getting the advantage of the other, finally they circle each other with their swords pointed at each other.

HardTime: Aww what's the matter there Big Guy did the little vampire hurt your feelings...Did she reject you, didn't want to be a part of you goody goody family of White Hats? Tell me how does it feel to be rejected when all you ever tried to do is help? To give a piece of yourself and have it slapped away and spatted on? I bet it's tearing you up inside knowing there is someone out there that doesn't look up to you isn't it!

*Macal rolls his eyes at his oldest friend and enemy*

Macal: Oh please do not try to play your little head games on me, hate me, try to kill me but do not insult my intelligence.

HardTime: Is that what you call it these days, I would call it more like random thoughts centered around sex, war and pudding. But I'm not here to fight you..not yet, I still have to find all the relics then I promise you those days you spent fighting your way through hell will seem like a day at the beach. By the way it was probably wise of you to no longer keep so many copies of yourself out there trying to find them before me, so I'll tell you what since we're such old friends I'll find them all bring them back to this pathetic dust ball and turn it into my very own personal plaything...After I use them to take your head and everyone you care about will watch as I parade it around on a stick before I skin them alive!

Macal: DAMN YOU TALK TO MUCH! You were never so chatty before you became a d-bad evil god, is that a requirement?. *Mac lowers his sword and grins at HardTime* Well if you're don't proclaiming all the big bad plans you got. Here's mine..I will stop you and then I'll take your head and I'll stick it on a flag pole so that the next D-Bag with delusions of conquest for this planet will see it and turn around and go back where he came from with a message..THIS PLANET..NO THIS UNIVERSE IS PROTECTED AND I WILL DESTROY ANYONE THAT TRIES TO HARM IT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT IS PROTECTED! NOW BEGONE! *Mac drives his sword into the ground and it erupts with huge explosion of lighting anyone other then another god would have been vaporized but this is only enough to send HardTime flying across the continent and crashing into the ocean, this was Mac returning the favor when HardTime did the same thing to him in South America. But just like that wasn't enough to do anything but stun him for a few moments the same is true with HardTime, he'll be back sooner or later. But Macal is ready to finally end their eternal battle.*
"Well then I am glad that I missed it," Kesson told Zelda. He gave her a small smile. He wondered if she was there for it. She ciuldn't imagine it was a pleasant place to be. People were shouting. But then again Zelda wouldn't have anything to worry about right? She had never done anything wrong. She hadn't done what he had done. She was a good person after all.

Kesson looked at Zelda. He did believe that. That she hadn't taken a life before or done anything malicious. Anything bad without a good reason. She was too good for him. He then looked away as if suddenly ashamed.

"How are you?"


Jinn just rolled her eyes. This kid was so stupid. This was why she wanted Hayley to leave with her. The people here would be horrible influences on her. She could be much more if she allowed the Black Acid to train her instead of all these losers.

"What is your problem? Why don't you just scurry off to your master dog. Me and Hayley were having a private conversation and it's none of your concern." Her voice held the hint of a challenge, as if to say if he wouldn't go, she'd make him. She glanced to Hayley who was red in the face and confused.

"She...she wasn't doing anything Vash. She was just...we were just talking."
Zelda looks at him and then frowns. "I should ask you...Kesson is everything alright?" she asked and then looked at him with consern. "You know you can trust me right?" she said and then tried to get him to look at her. Why was he so down all of a sudden? She sighed deeply.

(collage 101?)
"Because I have no idea where Mel is! So . . . I kind of can't run to her. I do like puppies though. Not as much as llamas but they're cute!" Vash looked down at Hayley with a puzzled and almost embarrassed look on his face. "So, you're telling me that I didn't interrupt a lesbian love confession? And that you didn't try to reject Jinn which made her angry enough to force herself on you in an attempt to make you love her?" He scratched his head, trying to make sense of what was going on. He turned to Jinn with a goofy grin. "Wow. This is embarrassing. And here I thought you were a rapist. Awkward." His violet eyes went serious. "But even though that wasn't the exact case, you're obviously making Hayley uncomfortable here. So why don't you go away and everyone is happy."


Mel was sincerely surprised at what Faith said. Like with Chameleon, this was a bit of a first for her too. She was a bit skeptical. The only ones who offered to help her were trying to lure her into a trap. Although, Faith had many chances to attack Mel and yet hadn't. Still, it didn't mean that the doll would trust the slayer so easily. She set her glass eyes forward in an attempt to avoid Faith's gaze. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Lilith is thousands upon thousands of years old, she knows every trick in the book when it comes to getting people to do what she wants. Not to mention she's technically an angel. One that probably sins more than a demon but an angel nonetheless. It makes perfect sense why people would choose to believe her. And I never asked for help because I believed that I wouldn't need it. Lil is an angel as old as the earth but she's weak. I was more than capable of killing her myself."

Mel stood up off the ground, still refusing to look Faith in the eye. "Mrs. Cord, I can somewhat understand where your concern is coming from. You're a mother and a teacher. You feel the need to protect and help your students as if they were your own children. This doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, in fact it's a quality that defines a good teacher. But what happened between Lil and I are our own business. In fact, until last night, she's never really done anything to me. I was the one to turned her body into a kid's. But you don't need to hold me up. Despite my current appearance may tell you, I can take care of myself. I've been doing so for nearly ten years now."

The doll then turned to the woman, meeting her eyes for the first time during their conversation. "So if you wish to help me, then don't interfere when I do what I have to. I can take care of the rest myself. Besides, you seem to have a lot on your plate already. Liza didn't seem too put together last night. I've heard rumors about a vampire being slayed last night so you probably have to deal with the student that did that. And then there's little miss sunshine practically showing off her kill in class today. I think you can do with one less teen drama for now."

(Faith can do whatever she wants, either do what Mel says or ignore it. Either way, you're most likely not going to get the story from her. Riff and Vash have looser lips though f you'd like to talk to them, but Faith really does have a lot to deal with right now.)
Faith shrugged, not letting herself off the hook so easily. "Yeah, but her being thousands of years old shouldn't have anything to do with whether or not I can see through her or get fooled by her. After all the things I've seen and all the Big Bads I've dealt little angel like that and I get played?"

She rolls her eyes, still irritated with herself, and crosses her arms over her chest, but she is still listening to Mel as Mel continues to speak. Mel says she can take care of herself, that she doesn't need or want help, and rather calmly and matter-of-factly too. Faith doesn't know whether or not that is true, and she lets her eyes look over her doll's body skeptically without trying to hide it. Still, for now, she will at least let her try it, and keep an eye on her just to make sure that she will be able to do as she claims. She can always step in if it's needed, because the last thing she needs is another student dying under her watch who likely doesn't deserve to.

Mel is right about one thing, Faith has quite a bit on her plate. She needs to check in on Liza and find a way- undoubtedly near impossible- to prevent her from going around Raina. She has to deal with Raina. She has to deal with Faye now, as soon as she can control her temper enough to go with her. She has to monitor Sethos and watch that new girl Jinn, Deathwish is entirely too mouthy for her taste and could even stir up a student rebellion if she doesn't squash him fast...and of course, there was Sheena.

"I'm not planning to interfere or take up your cause if you don't want it," she said, though she is still thinking she'll monitor. "What I would like to know though, is what is your history with Lil. Why is it that if she's never hurt you before, you were so ready to kill her? Has she hurt other people?"

It is still lingering in her thoughts that Mel has said she's a good teacher, that she isn't a bad person. That Mel seems to understand Faith's desire to protect her students and think of them as her own children in a way...after her disheartened feelings about the last class meeting, this is good for her to hear, and she tries not to smile.
Jace, once Bella was gone and Flower was safe, turned to her with worried eyes. "Flower...are..are you okay?" He put a hand on either shoulder, trying to look her in the eyes, "You're not hurt, are you?" He was somewhat aware of the blood trickling down his cheek, but more concerned with Flower's whip wound. "You're scared of whips?" He questioned now, "Why? What happened?"

He glanced behind him, as if to check Bella was gone, then looked back to Flower, "And who is 'Master'? Did he hurt you?" He sounds angry with the last question. If Master had hurt Flower, and if he ever saw Master, then he would tear the person's throat out, twice. He was making sure to keep the shadows away from Flower so she could recharge.

(Is Nick gonna respond to Faye? Oh, and if Sheena and Alex do run wanna into Rai and her family, they'll just be walking along, probably headed to Rai's room.)
*Alex grabs Sheena by the hand and starts to run out the door with her, stopping only long enough to address Liza* Hey Liza we'll be right back, stay here ok and Casey don't leave her side..Good boy, come on Sheena I know the perfect place to go. *Alex pulls her out the door and runs down the hallway and up some stairs that see to go up forever but they continue to run until they reach a door that Alex pushes open to the view of the entire Academy and grounds from the highest point in the school or so she may have thought.* Come here and hold onto me. *He pulls her tightly against him and extends his free hand up aiming it at platform where the Academy flag is, he fires what looks like a small dart attached to a wire which lodges itself solidly around the pole and then after a quick kiss he retracts the line pulling him and Sheena up to the platform.* I know when you want to clear your head you like to get as high as you possibly can.

*Macal eventually returns to the Cord's quarters seeing Liza on the floor playing with Casey, he smiles thinking that at least he has his little princess, without saying a word he walks over and sits next to her and pulls her into his lap and hugs her tightly, even pulling little Casey into his lap patting him on the head.* So what do you want for Christmas Little One..How about a new Bat Cape I bet your old one is a little worn out.
Liza's troubled look lightens somewhat when she sees her father walk through the door, and she snuggles in close to him on his lap, drawing her knees up to her chest so she is literally curled up with him. She has retrieved her bear from her bedroom by now and holds the bear snugly under one arm, her hand resting on Casey in the other, as she looks up at her father, her responding words serious.

"Nuh uh I know what I want. I want Raina to be good again, that's what I want. I think Santa Claus oughtta go to her and tell her she's been so so bad she's gonna get coal and stuff. And then she'll be sorry and say oh no, I'm gonna be good now I promise with cherries and sprinkles. And he'll say okay and give her a nice present and then she'll be good again and my sister and that is what I want."

She pauses in this reflection, her brow creasing. "What's coal, daddy?"

Sheena lets Alex take her hand and lead her through the school halls, having no idea where they are going or what he's intending. When they come out onto the school's rooftop, she starts to smile faintly, but no, this is not the end. From the top of the platform Alex has pulled her up onto, Sheena leans over, looking down without the dizziness or nerves that most would have at such a great height, before she straightens again and simply stands, briefly kissing Alex's cheek in thank you.

"Yeah...I need this." It certainly won't make her feel better permanently, or likely even in the moment or right after they start making their way down, but it's a start.
Nick looks at Faye. "Oh um...." He rubs his head. "Uhhh just um be careful what you say and um....don't mention being half key holder." He said and then stands up straighter. "Ahhh....I'm healing." he said and then pushed his hair back but his bangs still slightly covered his eyes. "Anyways...." He put his forehead to Faye. "Are you feeling ok now?" He asked worried for her.

Flower looked up at Jace. She blinked. "Yeah I'm ok....just feeling useless." She said and then shook her head. "Ummm..." She looked down as he asked about the whip and Master. "I showed you my back right? Those scars are from whips...his whips." She said and then covered her face in her hair. " he likes to be called, is a vampire....the vampire that kidnapped me." She looks up at Jace. "I...." She looks back down. "His wasn't right....he put Bella in my mind to keep me in the castle...after I got out she became a whole different person." She rubs her head. "I'm sorry....I didn't slap um Sethos...I just...I hate her." She looked down again.
Mel glanced up at Faith, still confused at this odd concern the teacher showed her. Was it really important for her to know about Lilith? It wasn't as if what happened between the two were some sort of secret. Still, what was in it for Faith? Mel took a good minute or two trying to figure out the teacher's motives but reached the decision that even if Faith knew, there wasn't much she could do about the doll's plans.

"Well, from what I can tell, Lilith was one of the first angels created by God. She was also one of the first to become corrupted. I don't know if she's ever killed someone but I know she hasn't been a saint. Things like accepting bribes from demons on the angel bounty list who all mysteriously disappear to sleeping around with an untrackable amount of people, she's been doing this sort of stuff for centuries, even millennia. She's always lived with her own interests first although everyone does that."

"Anyway, nearly ten years ago a bounty was placed on my head. It wasn't too impressive but it was large enough to catch the eye of any bounty hunter in need of a quick buck, including Lilith. When I encountered her a year later, I beat her fairly easily. She had little to no experience of battle and what skills she did have grew weak from her cushy life until then. But before I could kill her, she tried to make a deal with me. If I could use my powers to give her eternal youth and beauty, then she would remove the price on my head. I had a card that could do it but I could barely control it."

"I warned her that there was a one in a billion chance it would work and that to even summon it required a significant sacrifice. She didn't listen, just kept insisting that I do it. So I did. I summoned the Wheel of Fortune. And like I had warned, the outcome was not the one she wanted. Instead of eternal youth, she became younger and younger until she was about 6 or 7 years old. She has quite a grudge on me for that. She actually went and spread the rumors of the Princess of Lucifer around much quicker than the rate they were going at initially. So everywhere I went already knew about me and the townsfolk already had their torches and pitchforks out and ready."

"Anyway, I haven't especially heard from her or anything until we came to this school and you already know what happened next. My reason to kill her though really doesn't have much to do with the history we have. I am just sick of looking at her face." Mel turned back to Faith and tried to see if she could figure out what the woman thought about the story. Would she continue to let the doll proceed in her plans to kill the angel?
Listening to her story in silence, Faith's brow furrows as she attempts to sort through her feelings about what Mel has conveyed. She can understand why Mel would feel anger and even a vendetta of some sort against Lil, given the circumstances. It did seem as though Lil had a personal vendetta against Mel as well. But the question in her mind was, that based upon what Mel had told her, Faith could not tell if Lil was truly dangerous towards Mel or any others. Mel had admitted herself that she didn't know if Lil had killed, so much as manipulated and arranged for others to kill people. It was not exactly the same thing, although it certainly was no points in Lil's favor for being one of the "good guys".

"So when you say the demons on the angel bounty list mysteriously disappear, you mean she killed them, probably? Who, the angels gunning on them or the demons?" Faith questioned. "And about Lil herself. It sounds like she didn't try to kill you herself because she knew that she couldn't. But she spread rumors so others might. So, would you say that to this day she is trying to make sure that you will die, or is she satisfied now that she has your body? Is this something she does to other people- try to make sure they get killed through her efforts, so she can get money or whatever she wants out of them?"

She holds up one hand, as though to stop herself, realizing that she's asking a lot of questions and Mel might lose track of the answers. She waits a few moments, then asks the one she's really concerned for in the moment. "Is she a danger to anyone in this castle, meaning that she is likely or would definitely want to seriously hurt or kill them, or is she a danger that way to any civilians or innocents? Because if not, I'm gonna have to say that you can't do anything to her on academy grounds. You heard me talking today. I can't let people go around killing each other just for vengeance's sake. You manage to find her off academy grounds, then I can't know what you do or stop you from it, and I've got too much going on to even try. But if she's not a serious threat to you or other students, then I can't give you the go ahead to kill her here. This is supposed to be a school about peace and alliances...granted, it's pretty seriously strayed away from that lately, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna throw up my hands and tell everyone to hack and slash everyone else."
"Of course I know that," Kesson responded fast. He then thought about it. He really did trust her and he wanted to tell her. If anyone would understand it'd be Zelda. But could he really admit to the truth? It wasn't so much of trust as fear that she'd hate him if he told her. Still it was worth a try.

"Not really. I...I did something bad in my past in order to protect my family. I have been keeping the guilt and shame of the event buried within me for quite some time. It's why I left home and why I pushed you away. But if you have time I think I can tell you the story." He looked at her hoping he was right in doing this. "You don't have to promise not to hate me, just...try and understand."


Jinn rolled her eyes. This was was dumb. He seemed to be a strong fighter, but boy was he a scatterbrain. And now he was trying to force her to leave? Fat chance.

"Hayley is like a sister to me," Jinn said. Hearing those words Hayley flinched. Sister. Jinn was not her sister. She just had her mom. "I am not a rapist. I do not stoop so low. If I want someone I know how to get them. I may be a murderer, but even I have standards." Hayley flinched again at how coldly Jinn could discuss murdering people. Like it was nothing. She moved even further behind Vash.

"But I do believe you are correct. I am not done Hayley. One of these days you will see my side of things and agree it's where you belong." With that said, she stalked off. She'd have to talk to Hayley again in a more private place where no one could interfere. She left the library and started walking only to find herself almost being attacked. She slammed the person into the wall.

"Oh...I'm sorry."


Hayley sighed in relief when Jinn left and moved out from behind Vash. She smiled at him, feeling embarrassed for hiding. "Thank you."
*Mac not wanting to say no or lie to Liza tries to steer the conversation somewhere else.* Well guess what we're going home for Christmas, you'll get to see Master Stick and Tsai and Diana again and if you think they spoiled you on your birthday just wait to see what they do for Christmas, I bet there will be a ton of presents and cookies and cake and a big meaty bone for Casey and the other hounds..Better be some pudding too or I'm gonna be upset.

*Alex holds Sheena's hand and stares out over the horizon with her* I bet there is no place higher then this place right here, you want to jump off and glide down to the ground, I have my experimental wing gliders..stress on experimental. It could be fun or stupid..mostly stupid. *He smiles at her*
"Pudding is not Christmas food, Daddy," Liza informs him solemnly, shaking her head. "I don't think you'll get some. Well, unless it's made of piggies. They say about that in that song, about bringing us some piggy pudding."

She puts her legs down so they are hanging over his, swinging them slightly as she looks up at him, other issues on her mind as well. "Mama was so, so mad, Daddy. People were not even being nice to her I think. Plus also she was yelling. Plus also I wanna see Sheena Legs and tell her to help me out 'cause we gotta make Raina good again. She can be my partner I think, her and Alex. I can tell them what to do and they can help."

Sheena holds Alex's hand without really squeezing it, staring off into the distance and waiting for the calm to settle over her that usually comes when she is high in the air. She can feel her body relaxing somewhat even without any effort, and she tries to empty her thoughts and feelings into nothing, let them drift down and out from her to the ground below. When she has to step down again, she will pick them all up, but now, she wants to feel nothing.

At Alex's suggestion, she looks at him, taking him seriously as she considers, and then shrugs. "If you're serious...why not. I'll try it."
Zelda looks at him and then looks at him. "Tell me." She said and then looks at him. She looks at him and then pushed her pink hair back. She looks at down. "I will be understanding." She said and then smiled back up at him a bit. "I don't think you should should keep it inside." She said and then rubs her head.
Vash watched as Jinn spoke and left but his mind was still more focused on llamas. He did hear the words "sister" "believe" "correct" and "belong". He had no idea how they fit but he was sure he heard them. Vash snapped out of it when Hayley thanked him. Huh? Did he miss something? "Uh . . . why are you thanking me? Did I cure cancer?! Am I getting a nobel prize? Wait. Do they even have those anymore? Wait . . . what? I'm sorry. What are we talking about again?" The white haired demon then heard the librarian discovering the avalanche he had created. Without thinking, he grabbed Hayley's hand and ran out of the library. He ran for quite a while, dragging the poor shifter along, until he eventually stopped . . . somewhere in the academy. He then noticed the girl he had basically kidnapped. "Uh . . . sorry about that. Where are we? Oh, I know where we are . . . Wait. No. No I don't." They were outside, but Vash had only seen the north garden so far. He had no idea where this one was. Deciding to give up thinking about it, he plopped down on the grass and looked up at Hayley. "Sorry for calling your sister a rapist."


Riff left the library after nearly being smothered in books due to Vash's carelessness. His eyes refused to focus on anything but the floor as he walked wherever his feet decided to take him. He was a bit down since Mel stormed off on him for a misunderstanding. After five years of serving her, how could she misunderstand his words so much? He didn't mean that kids who don't fit in should get punished, he only said that he understood why Faith was so strict on Raina. He meant that Faith must really care about and worry for the vampire. But now Mel was angry at him and would most likely ignore him until her mood improved. Riff stopped walking when he bumped into a wall. He was at the dining hall, it seemed. Maybe some comfort food would, well, comfort him. Through the doors, he spotted Lekki and gave a wave to the half demon. He wasn't in a mood for talking much but hopefully the girl's cheeriness would help to lift his spirits up.


Mel crossed her arms in a bit of frustration. It's not like she was trying to get permission to kill Lil or anything. Allowed or not, that b*tch was going down. But she felt obligated to answer Faith's questions, starting with the disappearances of the bounties. "I thought so too. At first, you'd have no idea about the bribes since the demons seemed to have disappeared. No corpses but an angel couldn't possibly have done anything but follow God's will, right? Except that I met some of the 'missing' ones. They were among the hunters after my head. Lil had given them new bodies and allowed them to skulk off to whatever hole they crawled out of. Bastards never even stopped doing the sort of things that got them on the list in the first place. But heaven was none the wiser and everytime they got back on the list, Lil got them off again."

"As for her plan, that's the one thing I haven't been able to figure out. If she only wanted a new body, why didn't she just possess some bimbo and get on with her life? Why my body? And better yet, now that she has it, why is she still in this school? I have no idea what she's planning but I know she's crafty enough to get it done somehow and most likely by dirtying someone else's hands. All I know is that she almost killed Riff a few days ago. And whether it was accidental or not, I'm not letting it happen again."

"And Mrs. Cord, I'm not asking for permission. You can do what needs to be done after but I'm killing Lilith the next chance I get. Whether it's on school grounds or not will be left to God to decide."
Faith is still frowning faintly as she considers Mel's information. From the sounds of it, Lil is definitely corrupt, and the fact that she is letting doomed, dangerous demons off the hook and taking credit for their being taken care of was hardly something Faith could condone. Then again, Mel didn't know for certain that Lil was a direct danger to her life, let alone anyone else's. It was a tricky situation, one Faith was far from enthusiastic about having to stick her nose into. Figures she just had to volunteer to be the one in charge of Mel and Mel's future actions and their consequences...why had she opened her big mouth?

"If no one is definitely in direct danger from Lil, and it's not a life or death situation, I can't stand behind you killing her on school grounds," she said finally. "You understand that. If I let everyone get away with the same sort of thing there wouldn't be a kid left in this entire school. So if that were to happen, then you're right, I would have to deal with that and what I would have to do with you afterward. I can tell you that you wouldn't be allowed back in this school at the very least. Circumstances would tell me a little more about what should be done. And honestly, I would be sorry to see that happen. of now, unless Lil is directly endangering your life or someone else's, whether or not you're asking permission, I can't condone you killing her on school grounds. I'm pretty sure the spell would stop you anyway...unless Steve screwed it up," she muttered to herself more than to Mel. "But whatever happens outside here, well, Lil isn't a civilian and she's not an innocent, so..." Faith shrugged. "That one's your call."

She started to walk away, then turned, saying to Mel with another shrug, "Christmas just around the corner...happy holidays or whatever."

As she walks back through the hallways of the academy towards her own living quarters, she is thinking of the rest of her students, and what she will have to do with them. Faye needs a conversation, pronto. Raina will certainly have to be dealt with. The others, well, she definitely has her work cut out for them. But right now she has neither mood nor energy, and so she returns to her own home, wanting to see her family, check in on Sheena and Liza, and decompress.

Sheena has left with Alex, she sees, and she hopes she's having a better time of it than she had been earlier as she comes to settle in beside Macal and Liza, tweaking Liza's pigtail and kissing her cheek. "Hi, Pip. Got a hug for your mama?"

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