Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(So, I was thinking we need to establish a date, as amdreams earlier mentioned, so I was thinking today could be the 20th in their world, so when our characters go to bed it will be the 21st, then the 22nd etc. That gives people's characters enough time to start getting gifts, and for Faye and Rai to plan a Christmas party - oh yes, it's happening :P - and on the 22nd I need to make my own big event happen - sshhh Fire, it's a secret! :D - then amdreams has the 23rd for her Mel/Lil body thing, then they can have Christmas! :D What do you guys think?)

Faye frowns up at Nick, "Don't mention I'm half key-holder? Why?" Why does it matter if she's half-keyholder? Although, it would be a change, to have to hide her key-holder self rather than her vampire self. She always was having to hide her vampire self. Always. Her expression didn't change as he mentioned he was healing; though she was glad. She was still worried about his Mother coming. When he asked if she was okay, she nodded, forgetting she had even been sad in the first place as she brushed off his worry and carried on with her own.

"What if your Mother doesn't like me?" She questions him with worry in her tone, brow furrowed.


Jace watched Flower with a small frown, worry in his eyes. He listened silently, his eyes hardening as she finished. "A vampire?" Jace sounded mad, very mad. He hated vampires with every fiber of his being; one of the few things he and Sethos had in common was their hatred for the bloodsucking race. To hear that one had hurt, no tortured Flower. Well that made him mad enough to go and kill a whole clan of vampires.

When Flower apologized for slapping Sethos, Jace's eyes softened a bit, but he still spoke firmly. "Don't apologize, the bast*rd deserved it. Sometimes I wish I could slap him too, but technically I'd be slapping myself, and I'm not THAT insane." He grinned lightly, trying to make a joke, "Yet."

He then fell serious again, "Don't be scared, okay? If Master shows up anywhere around here, I won't let him hurt you. I'll probably have trouble just letting him breathe, after what he's done to you, I'll have serious problems keeping my knife out of his throat."


Raina and Sofia walked side by side, Mabel clinging to Raina like a monkey-child, as they headed back to the school, Raina was feeling oddly numb, any remains of tear stains or red-rimmed eyes was now gone, and as the three walked, Mabel snuggled against Raina, then she moved her eyesight, frowning as she noticed Sheena and Alex standing up high beside the Academy Flag. "Uh Rai, why are Alex and Sheena up there?" Raina frowns now, looking to her little sister as she holds her still, "How do you know their names?" Sofia smiled at her alive child, "Angel sweetie, remember?" Raina nodded, "Oh right." She then glanced up to the two idiots on the platform, both Sofia and Mabel looking with her.

Raina shrugged, "I dunno. They're weird. Maybe they've decided to plan a suicide attempt." Mabel raised an eyebrow at Raina, "Rai-Rai, don't be so mean. We should say Hello." "Mabel don---" It was too late. The black-haired toddler called up to both Sheena and Alex, "Hey Sheena! Alex! Why are you up there?" The child spoke with an obvious English accent, as did her Mother.

(Sheena and Alex could have heard them talking, if they wanted xD )
Flower looks at Jace and then smiles a bit. "Yeah...he was staring at my..." she stopped herself rubbing her forehead a bit as if she had a headache. "If I catch you doing it I'll slap you harder." she said and then slightly pulled down he dress. She hated this thing. She looks at Jace. "I just need to get back into trainging. You having to save me two times in a row is embarrassing." she said crossing her arms.

Flower looks at Jace. She leaned close to jace and then pulled back before she... She looks at the ground. "I think I should change now." she said and looked away.
(sounds fine to me)

Sheena's eyes drift over the grounds below where she and Alex are seated on the rooftop, moving a little closer beneath his arm so she is partly leaned against him. Her eyes narrow just slightly as Raina and two unfamiliar people come into view. She doesn't know at this point that Raina has killed, but even in her sadness she is naturally wary of the other girl.

One of the girls with Raina is very young, perhaps Liza's age, and so when she tilts her head up and shouts up at them, Sheena is surprised first off that the child even noticed them so far above her head...and second off, how did she know their names? Sheena is sure she's never seen her before.

Tentatively she waves without answering the child's question, looking at Alex questioningly. "We don't know her, right?"
Nick looks at Faye and then starts laughing. "You really think I'm going to listen to her? She's bound not to like anyone I am with." he said and then looked back at her. "Faye she's the vampire queen she hates key holders. If father hasn't already told her it's a safer bet not to tell her. Ok here are the rules while around her. Number one don't let her bite you or you will turn full vampire and personally I don't think you being a full vampire will help anything at this point. Don't drink anything she gives you it's probably poisoned. Let me think here....don't go anywhere alone wih her, burning her to a crisp isn't going to kill her it'll just make her mad and make my father happy you even tried, two thing I don't want. Also if she tries to convince you I'm not serious abou this relationship ignore her and talk to me." nick rubs his head. (I'm doing this on my iPhone so bare with me if there are mistakes but I looked over it and I think I go them all.)
(Sure. Why not? Works for me.)

Mel clenched her fists as Faith left. The same. The same. The @#$%ing SAME! It was always the @#$%ing same! You cannot repair a roof until you get a leak. You cannot heal someone without them getting sick first. You cannot stop a killer until you first get a corpse. The entire world seemed to only work on the principle of punishment and not prevention.Though she shouldn't be judging them she supposed. She herself was always in the role of the punisher instead of the preventer. She had never had the power to prevent the "crimes" she "punished" people for. But this time it was different. She had no idea if Lilith had killed in the past but if she was allowed to continue to corrupt, it was only a matter of time. And if she regained her holy magic, she'd most likely target Riff or Vash first. Mel wasn't going to be too late this time. She was going to prevent the bleach blonde skank from hurting the only people she gave a damn about.

The doll began walking away as well, since she had no more business in the garden. Her quick steps eventually slowed down as her anger at the whole situation momentarily faded. She looked out at the garden one last time when she reached the door inside. Ugly. Just so ugly. She had traveled to many parts of the world and it all just seemed so ugly. Most times, she just wished that she could just vanish and not have to look at any of it anymore. It sickened her to no end.
Kesson nodded. He knew Zelda was right. He took a deep breathe and then began.

"Well you see I have several siblings back home. In our family being a DHH is important. My family has very strict values and traditions. It's not that bad, but sometimes it can cause problems. A few of my siblings weren't born DHH for some reason. We thought it might be a curse from another family or that somewhere in the line, there was human. We tend to only marry other DHH." Kesson blushed a little at that. "Anyways I was the oldest. I would take over as the head of the family and so I knew that my human siblings would not be tolerated that much. I knew they'd be exiled.

"I had heard a legend," Kesson said slowly. This was where he was afraid. "I heard if you kill a dragon, it will grant you it's ability. I thought maybe I could do this for my siblings. Let them stay in the family. And...I did find a dragon. I killed it. But killing a dragon is a worse crime. So I exiled myself. If I return home now, I'd be killed."

Kesson looked away, no longer able to face Zelda. "I did what I had to for my family. But I am a criminal and a murderer. I cannot return home. I am a disgrace. I...I do not know how you'll take this news. But it feels good to tell someone. You don't have to forgive me for what I did, nor do you have to even like me still. I just want you to understand that I did this for my family. I had no other choice."


Hayley flinched once again at the word sister.

"She's not my sister. I don't have siblings. Just my mom," Hayley said. No way would she want to be associated with Jinn. Not that she wasn't already in a way. Jinn did spend her first day trying to kidnap her. Now that she knew the reason why, it made her feel even worse.

"For making her go away. I...I don't think I would have been able to." Hayley gave Vash a small smile and looked around nervously. "I always seem to get rescued as of late. Do I have damsel in distress on my forehead," she joked, although she felt like it was true. People kept coming to save her. From Jinn, from Evangeline. Hayley didn't like the idea of being a target, although she didn't mind people helping her. Not too much.


Lekki looked up from the food she was eating to see Riff wave at her. She didn't know Riff as well as Vash, but she was happy that he seemed to be friendly as well. She waved him over.
*Alex's eyesight isn't nearly as good as Sheena's, so he looks down at the ground as his visor activates and covers his eyes, he zooms in and scans their faces, there is no record of either of the people with Raina in any database.* I don't know I've never seen them before and there is no record of them in either the Academy or S.H.I.E.L.D database. *He raises his have and waves back, Alex is much better at hiding his emotions when it comes to Raina thanks to his spy training he can smile and pretend like an Academy Award Winning Actor.* We should go see who they are, besides I want to talk to Raina anyway, she's got some explaining to do. *Alex doesn't wait for an answer he stands up and just steps off the ledge and dives head first after about 30 feet of falling the glider wings extend from his suit, and he starts to glide down.* Holy crap it works...SHEENA IT WORK! *However the genius didn't calculate how to land and goes flying just over Raina and her sister's head and crashes into the ground, after a few moments of moaning and groaning, he gets to his feet and stumbles out of the bushes, rubbing the back of his head.* Hey, talk about a rough landing but hey any landing you can walk..or stumble from is a good one.

*Mac sitting with Faith waiting patiently for everyone to get back so they can leave for the Citadel.* Ugh where are those tow, I can't wait to go back and be around people with some sense. Not to mention get to cuddle with you..Oh wait I forgot after all these years you still don't cuddle..You just lay close. *he smirks at her.*

(Just totally went blank. lol)
"Why, what did Raina do?" Sheena starts to ask, just before Alex jumps off the roof. Bolting to her feet, eyes popping, she shrieks, believing for the first thirty feet he falls that he has just attempted suicide before her eyes. She is already scaling the side of the building as fast as she can, trying to climb down fast enough to be able to at least attempt to catch him, when his wings come out, landing him rather roughly, if questionably safely.

By the time Sheena has reached the ground and it hits her that Alex is fine, if a little banged up, she is furious, and almost runs up to him, punching him with considerable strength. Her legs are shaking, and her heart is still beating wildly with lingering adrenaline. "You ASS, I thought you were trying to swan dive to death! How about you WARN ME next time you leap off a building, SHIT!"

Liza does indeed have a hug for her mama and in fact settles herself so she's sitting with one leg over each parent's lap, nestled between them. At Macal's statement she looks up at him and smiles. "Mama does too cuddle. She is right now." She rubs her face against Faith's arm to prove it, and Faith growls under her breath, pulling her arm away simply to make a point, or to attempt to.

"I do not cuddle. This isn't cuddling, this is being straddled." But she doesn't move Liza to Macal's lap, and Liza herself hardly seems deterred.
Zelda looks at Kesson and then blinks. She looks at the ground thinking to herself. If he killed a dragon for his family. "There are so many areas that can not be defined simply. Killing to help ones family...does thrt make murder right? Really I find your story morally puzzling but isn't that life for you?" she looks at him. "You're paying for your crime..being forced away ones family is hard. I think that and he guilt you carry is enough. I don't think I am in authority to forgive you." she said. Yes she was taken back by his story but Kesson was like many people here. She smiled lightly at him.
Vash brought his face close to Hayley's to inspect her forehead. He poked at the patch of skin for a minute or two but saw no mark or anything that may have said "damsel in distress". "Nope. I don't see anything here. It must be your imagination. But it was no problem really." Vash flashed a large grin at the girl. "I had a younger sister. After my dad died in war and my mom due to disease, she was all I had left for a few years." He gave a nervous laugh while scratching the back of my head. "Look at me digging up the past. You don't want to hear about this."

He then stood back, feet apart and hand on his hip like a superhero. He then pointed a thumb to his chest and smiled confidently at Hayley. "Don't worry about a thing. If you ever get in trouble again, you can call me. That's what friends are for. I can help you get stronger too. Mel always says that if you want to become strong, then get strong. It's that easy. Don't ask her to train you though. It'll be the worst experience of your life, trust me." He held his fist out to her as if trying to seal the deal that they were now friends.


Riff smiled and went over to sit by the half demon. "Hello Miss Lekki. How are you doing today? I'm sorry about the whole misunderstanding yesterday. If it makes you feel better, Miss Mel does not blame you in the slightest. She was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that you refused to fight with Vash." His eyes grew sad as he mentioned his master. Staring down at his food, he couldn't bring himself to eat anything. He just didn't want to. Instead he pushed everything around with his fork. He soon noticed his silence and stiffened up. He turned to Lekki with an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry. I'm not being the best company, am I? I'm just a bit preoccupied lately." He smiled slightly but it still looked sad. "It seems Mel hates me. A misunderstanding actually. But you'd think she'd know how I feel about her after all she's done for me. Oh. Sorry. I'm just rambling."
*Alex rubs where Sheena punched him and looks at her confused* What? Why the hell would I try to kill myself? I have everything..Seriously for once in my life I have everything I want but I really don't know why I just did that, for some reason I just thought it would be fun, maybe your daredevil ways are rubbing off on me. *He grabs Sheena by the loop of her pants and tugs her closer then kisses her.* I'm never gonna leave you. *He smiles at her for two reasons, one to reassure her and two because he knows it's probably making Raina's stomach turn.* So lets be nosy and see what Raina is up to ok?

*Mac grins at his daughter, loving how she calls Faith on her own crap* From the mouth of babes..Liza your mother likes to lay close but I agree with you it looks like cuddling to me to. *Mac speaks to Faith's mind* You're so damn cute when you protest. *Quickly breaking the link and speaking out loud* Hey remember I'm holding our daughter!. *He speaks up before Faith can react and hit him for calling her cute.*
"It looks like cuddling to me too, Daddy. 'Cause you know what? You can lay close without even touching at all. See?" Liza jumped up from her mother's lap, lay her teddy bear on the floor, and stretched out beside it, lying close to it but not actually touching it. Jumping up again, she announced to her mother, "See, I didn't even touch him."

She climbs back onto Faith's lap, and Faith swiftly lifts Liza up in one hand so she's out of range of fire while belting Macal in the ribs with the other. "Oh don't worry, I can adjust and adapt just like you."

"I don't know...people who kill themselves aren't exactly sane and logical," Sheena muttered, her muscles still tense as Alex pulls her towards him. She lets him kiss her, not kissing back at first, but then returning after a few moments, shaking her head. "You're insane. I might climb high but I don't convince people I'm going to kill myself...this year."

She nods in response to his question about Raina, knowing that undoubtedly the girl has already seen them anyway. "I'm thinking your smooth landing may have attracted her attention already."
"No it'll never be right. But in the end I made my choice. I contacted my family once after I left. Things are well there." Kesson did not want to go into more detail. His youngest siblings wanting him back, the older ones silent. His parents...the hatred. No he didn't need to speak at that.

"I guess you can't give me forgiveness. I guess I meant for not telling you. I...I expected you to hate me. You more than anyone except your brother. I thought if I told you, you'd think I was no good anymore." Kesson looked at her. She sounded okay with it. Not happy, but she wasn't yelling at him or looking at him like he was a monster. "You don't hate me, right?"


Hayley almost moved out of range of his touch, but Vash meant no harm towards her. She relaxed and laughed a little at him. She didn't mean it literally, but she had a feeling that Vash was just like this normally.

"I wonder what it's like to have a sibling," Hayley said mostly to herself. She shook her head at Vash. "No I don't mind. I guess we both lost family. Where..where is your sister now? If I can ask that is." Hayley wasn't one to pry into other people's lives. She wasn't so comfortable talking about her own, but she was curious. She rarely had people to talk to. And she didn't think he'd mind really.

Friends? Hayley liked that sound. She had been told by others that they were friends, but was it true? She wanted them to be friends. She would like that a lot.

"I do want to get stronger. But what use are my powers in combat? I'm not that strong either."


"Just call me Lekki," she said to Riff. Miss Lekki. That sounded pretty weird. She nodded at Riff though, thinking back to what happened. She was glad herself that everyone seemed to make it out of it okay, well mostly everyone. She was tempted to ask how Mel was doing, but she thought that could wait til later.

"I am glad to hear that. Vash is my friend. I didn't want to have to hurt him if I could. Besides I didn't see any fault in his reasonings. You both care deeply about Mel and wanted to protect her. And she didn't turn out to be the evil villian everyone thought she was." Lekki smiled at Riff. She did wonder where Vash had gotten off to. She did not mention though that she probably could have hurt Vash if she wanted to, although she was sure he could do the same. "But I am glad to hear that."

Lekki waved a hand at Riff. "Don't worry. I have had worse company. You are just fine. I don't mind listening to you." Lekki hoped her cheerfulness would help him out too. She nodded though at his words. "Well hopefully you can repair your relationship with her. I am sure you can."
Zelda looks at him. "I don't hate you Kesson." she said and then pushes her hair back. "I can't say I am happy with you right now but I guess that is to be expected." she said and then looked at him. "I won't stop being your friend if that's what you fear." she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know this probably won't make you feel better and it certainly might sound selfish of me but if you hadn't done that we wouldn't have met. I don't think I would not want to have met you Kesson."
Riff smiled gently at Lekki. "You are a very kind person Miss Lekki, like Miss Mel. But I feel much better calling you Miss. Someone like me is not worthy of speaking on equal terms with anyone." He stared down at his hands which were fiddling with his food. He finally decoded that he wasn't hungry and pushed his tray away. He continued talking to Lekki although his eyes were set on his own hands.

"You know, it may be hard to believe but I was once a delinquent. I grew up without a father and with a mother who always hoped that he would come back. But he never did so I took it upon myself to protect her. I would get in fights with people who made fun of us. I dropped out of school to work for the things we could afford and stole the things we couldn't. And though she was probably one of the main reasons why my life was so tough, I never hated her."

His hands tightened into fists. "So when my father showed up on our doorstep, asking for her to come with him, I was happy for her. Apparently, he was the CEO of some small but successful corporation. But he was married and my mom was just his secretary, so when she was pregnant with me, she was forced to leave the city to protect him from a scandal. I couldn't figure out why he'd come looking for her then of all times. It was so fishy but I went along with it and moved with her to a rundown motel. The first night, we found out why he suddenly wanted her back."

"That night local gang members had showed up at our door. It turned out that in the thirteen years after my mother left, my father's company took a turn for the worse so he had to borrow money from the most prominent gang in town. And when it came time to pay, he didn't want to part with his money so he sold my mother to them. I wanted to punch that man square in that smug face of his, but my mom loved him and went off with those men. I never saw or heard from her for three days until the cops knocked on my door."

"I saw her body behind the dumpster of an alley way three blocks from where I was living. Raped and beaten to death, those @#$%ers didn't even have the decency to cover her up after tossing her out like garbage."
@#$%ers. It was the first time Riff had sworn in three years. His knuckles not white as his fists tightened even more. "I was so angry that I attacked him during his news conference the same day. But I was just one thirteen year old boy and he had a squad of police officers behind him. I was beaten and thrown in jail."

He turned to Lekki, meeting her eyes for the first time during the story. "That night, I was prepared to die in jail and then I saw her. An eleven year old girl wearing a bloody mask on her face. I ignored her at first, believing her to be an hallucination brought about by blood loss or hunger. But she spoke out to me. And I'll never forget those words. She said, 'You're interesting. Follow me and if there is anything that bothers you, I will get rid of it.' I didn't know what to do but agree." At this point, there was a dark smile on his face. "And that very night, we broke into my father's apartment, and she made sure to make him feel every bit of pain and humiliation my mom felt until he finally died."

Riff's fists unclenched and he seemed to have calmed down significantly. "Since then, I haven't exactly been the best servant but now there is nothing about her that I doubt." He looked at the half demon apologetically. "Sorry for putting all this on you. You're only fourteen? Fifteen? You really shouldn't be hearing stories like this."


Vash froze a bit after Hayley asked about his sister, but them smiled and plopped back down onto the grass. He was still smiling but he placed his arms over his eyes so it was a bit difficult to accurately guess what he was feeling inside. "Having a little sister sucks a**. Just because she's super cute, everyoin pays attention to her. All the neighbors praise her even though she does nothing all day. No one even pays attention to how awesome you are. And you feel like you're left behind in her shadow . . . But at the same time, if she gets hurt, you feel as if something inside you is getting ripped out. And even though she annoys you to no end, you still can't help but love them. Maria . . . She's dead now. Been dead for a year now. But it's okay because I was able to get revenge for her. And I know she's in a better place now." He removed his arms and smiled at Hayley.

He welcomed the subject change with open arms. Talking about his baby sis was a bit depressing. Maybe he'd tell Hayley some other day but not today. "Well, your shapeshifting would be good with spying and all that stuff, right? Like you can infiltrate enemy bases by looking like someone else, then when they least expect it . . . Bam! You gay them up*. Besides powers aren't everything. Mel doesn't even use herself the time. Of course she says it's because lowly worms are undeserving of her getting serious . . . but that's not the point here. The point is that you can become strong if you want to. Those who work for strength are the strongest because they know how to handle adversary. Those born into power are the weakest because if things don't go their way, they don't know what to do. I think it goes that way. Does it?"


(*This is part of a slang, Mel, Vash and sometimes Riff adopted over time. I haven't had much chance to actually use it though until now. Basically, to "gay something up" basically means to overtake or win in certain situations. When used to describe the "enemy" ("He gayed me up." or "I just got gayed up."), it usually implies a sense of cheating, like 100 vs 1 or something, but it doesn't mean that. Basically, if you're "gaying it up" you're winning in a way that means that the enemy is @#$%ed up. There is also other bits of slang like "bootleg" which means completely weird but in an awesome way, and "ugly" which means something of a cross between "awful" "horrible" "gross" and something that just shouldn't exist in nature. I'll point it out a bit more as they show up.)
Jace looked away, a bit uncomfortable as Flower almost mentioned Sethos staring at her butt. He did laugh a bit when she said she'd slap him harder. "Harder? Is that even possible? I mean, you slapped Sethos hard enough to make him bleed." Jace wiped his cheek, remembering it was bloodied as he noticed the red on his hand.

He nodded when she mentioned changing, "Yeah. Um, I better, go clean my face and stuff." He paused, as though gaining the courage to speak again, "Do you um, do you want me to walk you to our room or something? Just in case Bella shows up again."


Faye nods at Nick's words. Oh yeah, she had forgotten the whole key-holders hate vampires thing. That would be an issue for her. Half-keyholder, half-vampire, which side was she on? She couldn't really blame herself for forgetting though, in this school key-holders and vampires weren't so separate. Especially since the royals of each race got along, sort of.

She listened to the rules seriously, frowning as he mentioned the biting thing. "If she bites me I'll what?" She blinks, "A full vampire? How is that possible?" As much as the idea of having the whole half-breed thing solved appealed to her....she didn't want to be a full vampire. She liked having the key-holder side to her. What would she do without her fire? Not to mention Myra would probably freak if Faye became full vampire.


Raina is prepared to walk away, even about to, when Alex jumps. Her eyes widen, "Holy sh--poop." She corrects herself, remembering Mabel is there, and looks to her Mum worriedly, "Mum! I told you they were going to commit suicide!" Mabel simply smiles, speaking up seconds before the glider wings pop out, "He'll be fine Rai-Rai, watch!" Raina then turns just to see the wings pop out and watches with slight amusement as Alex crash lands, ducking when he goes over their head.

Raina is stifling her laughter as Alex stumbles out of the bush, and Sofia is looking at her daughter with a small smile, Mabel giggling simply because Raina is laughing. Raina almost flinches as Sheena swears, only because Mabel is there, and at this her laugh stops, her smiles goes and she glares lightly at the lycan. She almost vomits when the two kiss and smile at each other. Just gross. Can't they do that somewhere else?

Raina then turns to her Mum, "Can we go please?" Sofia shakes her head at Rai, "Why? Mabel and I want to meet some of your friends, right sweetie?" Mabel nods, smiling at both her Mother and Sister at the same time, "That's right Mummy, come on Rai-Rai!" She leaps down from her sister's arms, running over to Sheena and Alex with a smile large enough to rival the Cheshire cat's; though of course hers is full of blissful happiness. "Mabel!" Raina calls after her baby sister, sounding worried, and speeds beside her in seconds, Sofia soon follows. Mabel sticks out her hand for Sheena or Alex to shake, smiling at them both as Raina stands beside her, the older girl is avoiding eye contact with Sheena and Alex, crossing her arms and looking to the side. "Hi! I'm Mabel, Rai-Rai's little sister!" Raina cringes slightly at the nickname; she was going to hear about that one for a while. "This is my mummy, we wanted to say Thank You for putting up with our Rai when she's naughty" Raina turns to Mabel then, "Hey!" Mabel grins at her big sister as Sofia speaks up holding out her own hand politely, "Hello, I'm Sofia, Raina's mum." Once her hand has been shaken she retracts it, directing a question at the pair, "Do you know where Macal is? I want to thank him for arranging for me and Mabel to come visit Raina for a few hours; she certainly needs it." Raina crosses her arms, after being around her Mother and Sister, she can hear her own original english accent trying to slip back in, "You two are being so mean to me today." Mabel giggles then, throwing herself at Raina so she is looped around her in a hug, "No we're not! We're just putting 7 years of meanness into a few minutes so that we can have tons of fun for the rest of the time! There's loads of stuff we have to do! We need to play hide and seek, and monster under the blanket and you have to finish that game of Princess that we started! Remember? You were Princess Rainella and I was Princess Mabellina? We had that magical sugar castle and--"

Raina is, at this point, almost blushing, ready to die from embarrassment as she interrupts her little sister, "Mabel! I was ten, I think I'm too old for Princess Rainella and Mabellina!" Mabel shakes her head, "No you're not. You're even prettier now, so you'll be an even better princess." But Raina, despite her protests, knows she will probably end up playing Princess. She had missed this little bundle of rainbows and sparkles so damn much that she'd do anything for her baby sister. It just sucked that it would all be over in a few hours.

(Their slang sounds cool :D )
Flower raises an eyebrow. "I don't think you want to know what harder means." she giggled slightly. She looks at him and smiles slightly. "If you want." she said and then started walking. "Better get there before she changes all my clothes black or something just to annoy me." she said walking. She looked at jace. "Now that she's aroun she bound to do something stupid or try to bring out Sethos again so be careful." she said and then she rubbed her chin. "Her sudden intrest in you is certainly puzzling...if master is around I don't see why she would take an intrest in you. She's always tried to please master. Even then master would take her back why does he want me?" she shakes her head. "It makes no sense that he would look over a willing slave and try to get me while father is back in power. Even more so how is he alive?" she blinks and looks up. "Oh sorry I was talking to myself." she blushes and then rubs he arm. ______Nick looks at faye. "Yeah she's the queen so her bite has a lot more kick in it. Since me and Deathwish are only half we don't have such a powerful bite." he rubs his head. "jut be careful around her ok?" he kisses her forehead. "I rather you stay the way you are." he smiled lightly.
Sheena and Alex had been talking about approaching Raina and her new friends, but the little girl beats them to the punch. Sheena blinks down at her as the little girl races to her, with Raina and the woman on her heels, sticking out her hand to them. Sheena's little sister...and her mother? But weren't they both supposed to be dead? Wasn't that half the reason Raina walked around with a chip on her shoulder, because they were dead...then what were they doing here?She slowly took Mabel's and Sofia's hands and shook it, looking back at Alex briefly before turning to them again. "I think he's in our living quarters...Macal is my father." Mabel is babbling in a rather Liza-ish fashion, hugging Raina and suggesting they play princess, and Sheena continues to blink at them, wondering what exactly is going on, but not asking. If Raina has her sister and her mother back...well, that's great for her, but for Sheena, still missing her own, it's difficult to watch. She knows it's not very nice to think it, but she feels like she deserves it more than Raina does.
*Alex smiles a bit taken back that someone in Raina's family is nice, his experience with her family so far is Raina and her crazy ass father Kol. Alex holds out his hand to Mabel and Sofia.* Hello I'm Alex..wait you already know that. Anyway it's nice to meet you both, if you want you can walk back to the Cord's quarters with us, I'm sure Mac and Faith would like to meet you but may I have a word with Raina before we go. *Alex walks towards Raina, once his back is to her mother and sister the smile leaves his face.* Raina I'm not gonna give you a lecture or anything like that, I just have a question for you and don't lie to me cause your answer isn't being judged by me. Why..Why won't you accept our help? Why couldn't you let us do that for you?
(Well since I didn' get the chance to say these. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Also Fighting academy is nearing it's 1st anniversary! Oh and yay to 400 pages! Awesome!)
Kesson nodded, keeping a straight face. On the inside he was brimming with joy. Zelda did not hate him. Zelda wanted to have met him. It made him relieved and happy to hear those words. He really liked Zelda and to think he had tarnished their friendship because of his previous actions would have hurt him.

Kesson was tempted to pull Zelda into a hug in his joy, but years of training had taught him how to repress such urges and remain composed. He did give her a warm, sincere smile. "You don't know how happy it makes me to hear that. I couldn't imagine not meeting you either. I don't know what would be worse. Us not meeting or you hating me and never wanting to talk to me again."

Kesson laughed a little at his words. Maybe he should stop talking. He was starting to sound a little mushy to himself.


Hayley listened silently as Vash talked about his younger sister. She frowned when he said that she was dead. He had gotten revenge? The questions formed in Hayley's mind but she was too shy to ask anymore about the subject. She respected Vash's privacy as well.

"I don't know. I wouldn't have mind living in someone's shadow. In some ways I feel like I belong there, but there is never actually someone specific for me. It sounds trying, but I don't know. Being an only child it's hard to imagine having a sibling. It kind of sounds nice though. I never been close to people much."

Hayley shrugged at his explanation. His talk of being a spy made her think of Jinn and her talk of assassination. "That does sound like something I can do. Although I'm not that comfortable with lying or pretending to be someone else. I mostly use my powers to hide really." Hayley shrugged and looked up. "You make a lot of sense. I guess if I do want to be strong, I can get there. It just seems impossible some days. Everyone around me seem so confident and assure of themselves. It's a little intimidating I always felt like I was behind on some level. Like I haven't caught up to others." Hayley looked back down and turned to Vash. "Would you help me get strong?"


Lekki listened silently throughout Riff's explanation. She could not imagine what kind of life that must of been for him. To have to work hard to support his mother, then to lose her to some evil, vile man like that. She thought of her own father. She did not know him nor did she think she ever would. Her mother never spoke of the demon nor what happened. Only that she was happy to have Lekki in her life. And she was happy and married now with her new husband.

So the half-demon could not imagine what it must of been like for Riff. But she was beginning to understand his attachment to Mel. She had given him hope when he had lost it. No wonder he was so loyal to her. It made her think of something from her own past and something in her churned. She turned away for a moment, breaking eye contact. She gripped the table tight for a moment, almost breaking it.

"Don't be sorry. I am only fourteen that's true, but... I can't begin to imagine what it must of been like for you. But I am happy to know your father got his." Lekki gave iff a small smile. "I am sure you do fine as well. Don't sell yourself so short."
Zelda looks at Kesson and then smiled back at him slightly pushing her hair back. "I guess we will never know. We have met and I certainly don't hate you." she said and hen stretched out her arms wih a bit of a yawn. "Well now what shall we do now?" she said resting her arms on her head as she looked at him.

Zelda took a look around. She looked back at Kesson awaiting his answer however she was thinking to herself as well. Knowing he big secret of Kesson had put her a bit at ease fearing it worse and yet stunned and saddened. Still she rather stay his friend, he had suffered enough it seemed. Her eyes foccused suddenly as she came back from her thoughts.
(I'm going to assume that it's about nighttime or something . . . Yeah . . . )

Riff smiled meekly at Lekki. Her words did help a bit but they didn't completely relieve him of his feelings. Still, his mind wasn't on his own bit of depression. For a while now, he couldn't throw off this nagging sensation in the back of his head. It felt like something bad was going to happen. Of course he had been wrong before, numerous times. It was probably best for him to ignore this but everytime he did, it just came back as strong as ever.

It only took him a minute before he realized that he was staring forward blankly. Shaking his head slightly, he turned back to Lekki. "I'm sorry. My mind is a bit out of it lately. But my story isn't so bad. There are a lot of people way worse off than I was. So I'm okay with the whole thing. You could say I've found peace." He stared off, smiling for a few minutes before suddenly, his head dropped face first onto the table. "But that doesn't change the fact that she hates me now."

His head sprung up quickly though with a new found determination in his eyes. "I'll just make it up to her on the 24th." He turned back to Lekki. "You know Miss Lekki. You are truly kind."


Vash looked up at Hayley with a confused look as she said she preferred being in someone else's shadow. "Why? Don't you want people to notice you? To be constantly ignored is like you don't even exist. And doesn't it get lonely?" He shook his head. He just couldn't understand why it was better to be constantly compared to other people. Maybe it was a girl thing. But Mel didn't feel that way. Maybe Hayley was just weird. Or maybe Mel was the weird one.

The white haired demon continued to listen to the shifter. "Well, of course everyone's confident here. We're teenagers. We have big heads. That's what growing up means. I've seen some kids here who probably couldn't break a pencil but they've got the hugest egos ever. Even bigger than mine." He smiled brightly at Hayley. "Sure! We can become stronger together. Soon we shall kick everyone's a**es!" Looking up at the sky, he noted how dark it had gotten. The stars glittered like tiny jewels. "You know. Mel and I would go stargazing all the time. She'd make up a bunch of fake constellations and point them all out to me. I've never been to school so I just believed her like that. Stupid huh? I know they're not real . . . but I've still memorized them all." He then began pointing to random clusters of stars. "That's Acadia, a woman who fell down a well to save a cat. That one's Shisui, a samurai who defeated a dragon with nothing but a hunting knife. And that one's Mari, a girl who gave birth to a phoenix."
Bella snuck out of flower's room with a smirk having left a surprise for Flower in he bathroom. She soon disappeared fromthe school to meet up with Vince. She looked around and then pushed her hair waiting deep in the forest for him. She checked her nails with consern, she had broken one.
Instead of Vince Master had showed up. He was wearing a dark cloak with the hood over his face. He leaned close to Bella from behind. "Kill Vince." He whispered to her and then petted her head as if Bella was a pet to him. He looked around, his face unseen. He looked back at Bella. "Give him to me after you are" He said handing Bella a knife. "This will kill any vampire with a stab in the quick...." He said disappearing yet again.

Vince showed up a few minutes later. He seemed bored and unconcerned. Little did he know Bella was probably going to murder him. He looked at Bella and then leaned against a tree. "So, what spy says Jace is still alive!" He said and then hissed. "If you keep playing around I will kill you." He said glaring. "Don't be so shocked I am not in love with Flower nor to I see her as pretty...I just want her power. Since father's favorite...Jace..." He hissed Jace's name out with hate. "Or should I say going to beat me to it I want him dead!" He said glaring. (Oh I'm going to skip pretty soon ahead like 3 to 4 weeks. This will make it about December 20th in the role play....Flower's Birthday. I am skipping because I don't want to role play fore weeks of Flower training harder then ever. Also...Flower will be in top shape so beware Sethos she will kick your butt. Flower's Birthday will be celebrated at Crystal castle. Nick, Deathwish, Faye, Myra, James, Zelda (Which I'm pretty sure will be bringing Kesson along) and Jace will be invited although Ben will have Jace under watch. Faith and Macal will be invited but only because Ben wants them there to talk to them for diplomatic reasons. This will be Flower's 20th birthday, so it'll be a big deal and such. Flower as the birthday girl will be putting on a show....a big fight to show off her skills and probably show her key holder form. Then a dance.)

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