Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Jace was on the edge, ready to snap and tear Vince's head off. The fact that they shared half of the same blood didn't matter to him at all. Why should it? Just because you have the same blood as someone doesn't mean you have to consider them family. He would have once upon a time said Ben was more of his Dad than Malcolm and even Scorn could ever be; in fact, he still thought that, despite his recent annoyance with the Key-Holder King.

So, when the Prince slapped, yes SLAPPED Flower, Jace's eyes flashed red and he growled, speeding infront of his brother he shoved his hands out roughly, sending the guy back against the wall as he grabbed his throat and pinned him to the wall. The shadows were pulsing, feeding off of Jace's anger, but still avoiding Flower to give her as much light as possible. Jace's eyes then turned a bright yellow, as Vince's energy began to be drained out of him, making him feel as if his limbs were as heavy as metal. "Use your brain and get the hell out of this school before I slice your throat open." His voice was a demonic mixture, both him and Sethos speaking, and the demon inside him was itching to spill some blood.

Sethos was practically pounding on Jace's head, wanting to get out and make Vince his next kill.


Raina doesn't even put up a fight as Faith grabs her, she is infact smirking rather coolly, black eyes glassed over. When Faith finishes her little announcement Raina rolls her eyes, "Ooh, using my full name? That stings Faith." Sarcasm is practically dripping off her tongue. She glanced to the coffin as it appeared, and though she seems to show no reaction, inside she cringes a bit. But then she hears his words. Years of torment? Oh. She could do that. She'd already done about 6, 7 years of living alone with her Father, you know, the one who cut her skin into ribbons and well, yeah, did those...other things. So, she could handle that. She had to handle that. She'd be weak if she couldn't.

When she was shaken, she sent a subtle glare at Faith. She was so tempted to bite through her neck. But she knew that wouldn't go down well with anyone. She listened to Faith, while her eyes roamed over the almost silent students in the class, this was her way of ignoring Faith's words. She couldn't think too much about being Liza's sister, or Macal's daughter. She'd start to freak out if she did. Then Faith's words about family reached her ears, and at this stupid suggestion she managed to rip her arm out of Faith's pissed off grip, but she doesn't run off or attack anyone, she just gives her a cold glare. "Family?" She then smirks lightly, shrugs, "Fine. Let's ask my family shall we?" She then, knowing that Macal and Liza have arrived, as she can smell them, turns to Faye, Faye only, and stares into her pale blue eyes. "Faye, what do you think they should do with me?"


Myra, when Faith says it's a family matter, and looks to her, she raises her hands, her shyness vanishing for a second - as it always does when it comes to Raina - as she muttered, "Don't look at me, Raina's got nothing to do with me. Faye's her sister, I'm not."

Faye is too confused, angry and still sad to reply to Myra's annoying comment, but when Raina looks at her, cold, careless and slightly amused. She stands up, storms over to Raina and grabs her hand, pulling her back from Faith. Her blue eyes spark orange for a moment, as though a gas fire is trying to be lit, "You're not putting her in that Death coffin thing, that's for sure." She glances to Deathwish as she says this, her eyes hard, before she looks back to Faith. "Fine, she murdered someone." She glanced to Raina, who was still standing beside her with a 'bored' expression, "Which we are sure as heck gonna talk about Rai." She then turned back to Faith, "But so have you." Her eyes narrowed as she said this, she then turned to Deathwish, "You have as well. In fact, I'm pretty sure almost every single person in this damn room has killed somebody. And I'm sure half of us knew exactly what we were doing." She looked back to Faith, "How do you expect to punish her and be taken seriously for it Faith? I'm not trying to be rude, and I know I am now, but whatever, my point is that you've killed people, so where's your damn punishment?"

Raina sighed, pulling her arm out of Faye's grip, "Will everyone stop grabbing me? It's pissing me off. And Faye, just, stop. Stop trying to defend me." Faye opened her mouth to argue back, and then Raina turned to her, glaring at her, "I killed a girl your age. A human. She was innocent, I didn't give a f*ck." She paused, raising an eyebrow, "Still something there you can defend?" She could sense both Macal and Liza behind her, knew they had both heard that, and tried her best not to care. "So? I've killed a human my age." Myra spoke up from the back of the classroom, "What? You killed someone?" Faye looked over at her from behind her shoulder, her eyes still blue, but now with a hint of orange. "Remember Mariel, in my year at school?" "The blonde one?" "Yeah. She tried to beat me up after school, so I bit her and didn't stop."

Faye turned back to Faith, eyes lit up now, "Yeah! I've killed a human, if you're gonna punish Rai then punish me too! Go ahead and punish everyone."


Chameleon was still sitting at the back of the class, near Mel, Vash and Riff, and as Faye spoke up about being punished also he sighed, resting his face in between his hands as he shook his head, muttering lightly under his breath, it was intended to be quiet, but of course with all the supernaturals in this room, they were bound to hear him. "This whole thing is ridiculous."
Flower looked at Jace and then blinked as VInce managed to disappear in shadow. Flower looks at Jace and then rubs her cheek. She stood up and then pushed her hair out of her face. " ok?" She asked and then walked over. She looks down and then smiled lightly at him. "I'm ok...." She said and then hoped he'd calm down now. (Sorry I'm tired today..)
Jinn wondered how long it would take to wear Hayley down. She looked at the shifter who was keeping her distance from the assassin. Hayley could not get over her words from before. That she wanted her to be apart of her family. She could not understand what she meant. What kind of family was she expecting her to join?

Jinn sighed deeply and ran a hand through her hair. She watched Hayley, silent. She wanted to allow her to speak first. If she was going to take the harder, longer route of convincing Hayley to join her, she was going to have to let Hayley take the lead in their friendship. Not that they were friends. Jinn considered Hayley her sister and she always would, but it was clear Hayley was still afraid of her. Jinn knew better than to provoke Hayley though. She was willing to be patient, although she wished she could take her out of this place. Jinn did not like it nor the influence it was having on her.


"Yes Hayley?"

"What are you?"

Jinn did not think she meant what race or gender or anything like that. She meant her job. What she did. "I am an assassin. Trained from a young age. I do not recall my birth parents nor do I care too. The Black Acid is my family and I do whatever I must to benefit and serve them," Jinn stated. No reason to hid it from the girl now. Hayley nodded as if she expected that answer, although Jinn doubted she did. Hayley moved a bit away from her, frowning. She felt a bit sick. Jinn was an assassin? A killer? And she wanted her to join her? She was insane.

"Why would you think I'd join"

Jinn shrugged. "Your father was a member before he died," she said so nonchalantly that Hayley almost thought she misheard Jinn. Her father? Her father was an assassin? It did make a kind of sense. She never knew her father. Her mother told her he left them when she was a baby. Now here was some psychotic killer kidnapper who claims to want to make Hayley one of her "family" because her absentee father was once one?

It made no sense.
A loud crash came from the back of the room. Mel had apparently kicked her desk away so that it collided with the one in front of it, breaking both into large pieces. Her painted face contorted in anger and disgust. Her glare was directed to Faye. "Are you telling me that you're actually proud of the fact that you killed someone?! You're actually flaunting off the fact that you murdered someone?!" She burst out in manic laughter, even holding her stomach as if it could be hurt from how @#$%ing funny she found this. "And you sick @#$%ers actually thought you had any right to judge me?!" She stood straight again. Vash almost stepped back in slight shock. The look of hatred in her glass-like eyes could've almost rivaled the look of hate usually found in her eyes.

"Look. I'm no angel. There's a trail of blood behind me that could lead you around the world. I've created more corpses than I can bother counting. Yet never once have I been proud of what I have had to do. So I can hardly understand how you could even stand there and proudly say that you are all murderers like it's some god damn honor to say that you've taken a life! You know what? @#$% this. You can continue your little b*tch fest. I'm leaving." And with that, Riff hoisted Mel up onto his shoulder and the three left the classroom. When they reached the door, without so much as turning her head, the doll said, "I'm sorry Mrs. Cord but I'm afraid we'll have to postpone that student-teacher conference."

Vash kept his eyes glued onto the floor as they walked. Most people had the conception that Mel prided herself on her death toll and the way she usually acted never really depicted anything different. But both Riff and he knew how much it ate away at her. How the face of each kill seemed to haunt her at night and even during the day sometimes. She had never wanted to become this but the world forced the image of the Princess of Lucifer onto her so hard that she just cracked and conformed. If they wanted a devil then she would give it them. Though Mel blamed this on her own weakness, he knew it wasn't completely her fault. Plus it wasn't like she killed any innocents, at least not on purpose anyway. But people always failed to see that.

As the group made their way to the library, hoping to find a book that could help them with Mel's case, Vash noticed the looks and giggles the three of them were getting. At first, he assumed they were just taking a good look at what had become of the great princess but then he saw what they saw. With Riff carrying Mel like she was his daughter and Vash so close to him, they looked like a gay family! Shit! More misconceptions. He nudged Riff with his elbow. "Dude, do you think you can put Mel down? We look like some gay guys who are bringing the girl they just adopted home."

Riff and Mel exchanged a look, no signs of emotion on their face. Then Mel began tugging on Riff's tie. "Daddy, why does mommy hate us so much?" "I don't know sweetheart. He used to be so affectionate too." "At least let me be the dad!"
At this point, Faith has been pushed beyond her ability to take any more. She has been trying for months now to help these kids, all these kids, to protect and teach them and show that she cares without letting them run the entire school, and this is her reward for it? This is what she gets- her own students rebelling against her when she is trying to do what she can to keep everyone safe? Her students forgoing all morals and cutting her no slack, yet refusing to allow her to hold them to standards that should have been clear from the start?

"Brainwashing them? Brainwashing them?! It's considered BRAINWASHING to expect kids not to murder each other in cold blood?! Yes, yes I do want some rules and answers, Deathwish, because those are what is supposed to help run a SCHOOL. Maybe YOU can't control the kids, but what kind of f*cking school lets the students run wild without even attempting to do what's best for them and safe for them, which is, oh, not to let them kill people whenever they feel like it? I need to start supporting YOU?! Who has been the only person in this entire school teaching the lot of you? Who has been the one that has been chasing after rapists and working with kids individually, who's been the one wiping tears and making sure that some of you were still able to walk into this classroom today? I would call that something like SUPPORT. I'm not giving you HELP? What the hell do you call all of that, Deathwish? What do you call trying to make sure you all will be able to wake up each morning and not let one of your classmates kill you in your sleep because they just happened to wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

She is really working herself into a fury now, her eyes sparking, and though she does not have Faye's fire power, there is a dangerous air about her, as though she, like her husband and daughter, might start emitting lightning bolts any moment. Abruptly she slaps her hand down on the small desk close to her, causing it to immediately split in half and crash through the floorboards as well.

"The school will get worse because of my ATTITUDE, not because kids are allowed to run around doing whatever the hell they want? My ATTITUDE will make the school worse? Yeah, Deathwish, I do get an attitude when my students think they can tell me that I'm doing nothing to help any one of you when half of you would have probably not made it to class today if it wasn't for me and my HIGH STANDARDS."

She has shoved Raina away from her by now, and turns on Faye, her anger now directed towards her as well. "She murdered someone in cold blood, Faye. You would look that child's family in the eye and say SO WHAT to them? You would look at that girl's dead body, a girl that didn't do one thing to Raina by her own admission, and say SO WHAT? You're looking at me and telling me that you have NO guilt over killing a girl? Well let me tell you now, all of you. Yes, I'm a murderer. I was seventeen years old when I killed a man who never did anything to hurt me. I was also INSANE at the time. And I have paid for what I did every day of my life ever since. I went to prison for four years, and I would have been there longer if I hadn't left because the world needed me to save it more than prison needed me to brood over my crime. I feel the price of what I did to that man every single day and I always will. I will NEVER be proud of what I did, and I will NEVER stand there and say SO WHAT because I took his life."

She hears Mel and is faintly surprised to see that the girl seems to be agreeing with her, but this is not enough to dispel her rage. Liza, still in the room, is staring at both Faye and Raina with her mouth open, eyes like saucers, and she teleports out of Macal's arms to Raina, looking up at her with her eyes full of tears.

" promised not to be bad. You promised. You killed someone? Why? Why are you bad now?"

Even this Faith ignores. If she stays in this room for even one more minute, she suspects she herself might do some murdering, and so she heads for the door without pausing, throwing her last words over her shoulder.

"You think you know what to do, the lot of you, you think you can run around killing people and slapping people's wrists for it and everything will be great? You run the damn school yourself, see how long you all stay alive and keeping all your limbs. Faye, you keep yourself from burning everyone you see alive every time they step on the back of your foot. Raina, you slaughter the whole school, I'm sure it will really do a lot to keep your father off your back. Deathwish, you let them out of the coffin after a day or two and I'm sure that will just make them all better. All the rest of you, if you actually want to learn and you actually want help, if you actually want to make something of your self and be a warrior, not just a mindless killer or a victim, you know how to find me."

And with that she storms out.
Faye was ready to blow up this school as well. She wasn't damn proud of it, she never said that, she was just trying to get her point across. She was trying to tell Faith that everyone here had killed someone, so she'd have to punish all of them, and then Raina wouldn't be punished because Faith would say that it's stupid to do that. But nope, everyone just blew up in their own separate ways, all with the deluded idea that Faye was proud of killing that girl, and then left. She let out an angry breath, eyes as orange as ever, "Why does no-body damn listen? I never said I was proud of hurting that girl!" She made a sound of frustration, stamping her foot, and let out a yell as the nearby plant pot caught on fire. "What the heck?!?! Why do people keep putting these damn plants around the school!" She ran over, awkwardly hovering over it as she tried to put it out, until a burst of water came from Myra, who walked over to stand beside Faye. "I guess class is cancelled then?" She murmured lightly, looking to her little sister.

"I never knew you killed Mariel. You never told me." Faye shrugs, also speaking fairly quietly, "You never asked." Myra sighs, both of them still looking at the - now dead - plant, "There was a lot of things I never asked you." Faye shrugs again, "Doesn't matter now." Her volume has quietened even more now, and Myra turned to her eyes, eyes hard, "It does matter Faye. I wasn't there for you, I never have been. And I'm sorry." Faye blinked at her, "It's not your fault Myra, you had stuff going on too. I mean, first it was trying to settle in at high school, then the whole, mute thing..." "None of that mattered Faye, school shouldn't have been more important than my little sister, and I should have never relied on you to look after me all those years while I was mute." Faye was fighting back tears, all these years, and all it took to get this apology from her sister was her setting a plant pot on fire? Of course she knew it was more than that, there had been much more going on than just that lately. She flung her arms around Myra in a tight hug as Myra spoke lightly, "I'm supposed to be the big sister, not you Faye."


Raina looked down at Liza as she teleported infront of her, hiding at plain anger at Faith's mention of Kol. She tried her very, very best to be rude to Liza, to be a bi*ch. But, as she opened her mouth to tell her to get lost, she found the words wouldn't come out. So, she closed her mouth and tried again, this time instead going for a neutral attitude. She shrugs, "I'm not very good at keeping my promises Liza, sorry." When she asked why she killed that girl, and if she was bad now, well, that was harder to answer.

No, she wasn't bad. She killed that girl because she was already almost dead, because she begged for the sweet relief of heaven.

"Yes Liza, I'm bad. I killed that girl because I was hungry and I wanted to." She couldn't bear to look at the tearful girl anymore, so she shrugged like she didn't care and walked past her, through the door as she called back, "You should just stay away from me."

She headed down the hallway, back straight, eyes dead set on the walk ahead of her, but inside she was crumbling apart. She knew it had to be done though. She'd rather see Liza cry than see her dying because Raina had put her in danger. Her dad himself may be a coward, unable to take on Faith or even Macal, but he was a clever coward. He always got people more powerful than him to do his dirty work. He would have been able to kill her Mother and little sister on his own, probably, but he had to make sure and go tick off the famous vampire killer Jace Kalhorn. In Raina's mind, he was more powerful than anyone else.

So, as she headed outside she wasn't exactly sure what she was doing. She glanced to her bike, should she just go? Leave and not look back? She knew Faye was here, her sister, but wasn't she putting her in just as much danger as the others? Maybe she should kill another human; that would sure as heck make the Cords turn from her.


Jace slowly managed to calm down as he realised Vince was indeed gone. Just like that. He vaguely heard her asking if he was alright. Him? Alright? Yeah, he...he was okay...wasn't he? He looked to his shaking hands, clenched into tight balls of anger, and wondered why the heck he got so worked up. Man, he hadn't been this bad since...since Meili..No. No. It couldn't be. He...he couldn't possibly love Flower...could he? What about Sethos? Sethos still hated her, would never work.

He glances to her, eyes big and blue, as he nods, seeming distracted, "I'm fine, you're okay though right?" He frowned, running a hand through his hair, "That guy is seriously my brother?" He blinks, remembering Vince's words about marriage, "And why does he think he's gonna marry you?"


Chameleon stood up as the class seemed to disperse, the only ones still in here were Faye, Myra, a few randomies - who were leaving now anyway - and Macal and Liza. He headed over to the door, then glanced to the tearful Liza, he paused then, dropped down to her level, crouching as he gave her a soft smile, "Hey, don't worry Liza, Rai's not bad, she just needs some time alone, okay? Plus, you still have plenty of other people to hang out with, you're the most popular person in the whole school." He ruffled her hair lightly, trying to make the little girl feel better, "I'll even play with you if you want to, I'm awesome at hide and seek, well, only because I can do this.." He there and then shifted straight into an adorable little brown puppy with floppy ears and the same blue eyes. The puppy wagged it's tail and barked in an insanely cute high pitched way, he then shifted back to himself, "How about it? I can even be a bunny, but I always get a craving for carrots afterwards..."
Flower rubs her head. 'Uhhh yeah....I just was attacked by shadow again....recked the whole place of course the new system in here cleaned it up so I wasn't as strong as I normaly am." She said and then rubs her head looking down. 'Um...there was an agreement between the idoits back at Crystal castle and Scorn. I was to marry Vince but he ended up getting killed so I thought I was home free." She sighed deeply, rubbing his neck. "Hopefully father can fix this or I become his dinner every single day of my endless life."

Flower rubs each side of her head. "Or worst....his lover." She stuck her tongue out. " Yuck! Now I got to wash my mouth for even saying that." She looks around. She looked back at Jace. She looked at his eyes and then crossed her arms. "Something bothering you....or is it just Sethos?" She asked.

Nick was looking around Faye. He looked to be injured pretty badly. He rubs his head. "Oh where is Deathwish?" He wasn't healing as fast as he should be. "Maybe I should look for Flower..." He thought and then continued to rub his head. "Ahhh I can't think stright....I knew I shouldn't have gone to see him...." He said and then kept walking.
*Mac stood there silently and listen, he kept his emotions in check, something that is not as easy when he sees his wife and daughter upset..He waves his hand and Liza reappears back in her room. (sorry didn't want to leave her there by herself. Then teleports himself right in Raina's path* So this is what you want? To be hated, wait you wanted to be feared is that it? Well you're have to settle for pity..I misjudged you Raina it's time I admit that to myself. You're pathetic and weak..No one will ever fear you if that's what you're looking for but you will get your wish, you will be alone..No one will ever give a damn rather you live of die on the path you're on. You will never know happieness or loyalty, respect..Only pity! *His eyes glow and the sword he gave her appears in his hand, he draws it from it's scabbard and buries the blade halfway into the ground.* You will never use this blade again until you prove yourself worthy, till then this sword shall not be drawn from this spot! Raina, you've disappointed me but I shall keep my word to reunite you with your mother and sister. Stay on this path and you'll run into them, I hope they are happier to see you then I am right now. *He lowers his eyes and steps to the side to let her by.* I had such high hopes for you, killing that child was bad but you killed the man that was there to protect you also, I will never forgive you for that!
Mel, Vash and Riff all sat in the back corner of the library, with books stacked so high on the table that it was difficult to see any of them at first glance. While the demons flipped through the dusty pages of book after book, Mel had her head down on the table. This entire day was just tiring for her. And that outburst she gave in the classroom back there was certainly not helping her calm down. She shouldn't have taken her anger out on them, she knew that. But something about how the little pyro so easily admitted to murder upset her. Or maybe it wasn't that but the fact that Faye was able to kill someone and received no repercussions. Even Raina had someone so willing to defend her when she had killed someone. People had hated Mel long before her first kill. Even the boy she thought was her friend ended up betraying her in the end. Those two killed someone and yet were still loved while Mel didn't have to do anything and yet was regarded as trash. It was unfair. But it wasn't their fault that she was so unlovable.

"Perhaps I said too much. I mean it's really none of my business who they kill." Riff stopped reading to look over at Mel. He had assumed that she was sleeping so he was mildly startled by her sudden outburst. "Are you worried about the case with Raina? I don't believe you were technically in the wrong there. The situation was already chaotic, you didn't really do anything that changed that." The blond continued flipping through pages, skimming each topic slightly. The majority of his attention was still on his master but trying to listen to her and read was maybe spreading his mind a bit thin. "Although the case worries me a bit. Killing a fellow student and apparently unprovoked is not going to paint Raina in a better light. I'm getting a weird vibe off of her. Like something doesn't make sense. Although I can see why Mrs. Cord is so strict on her. It's a natural reaction after all."

Mel sat up straight at Riff's last words, her eyes wide in shock or horror, it wasn't clear as to which. "How could you of all people say that, Riff? When you know everything about me, how could you say that kids who don't fit in deserve to be punished?" "What? No, Mel, I didn't mean it that way." He reached out to her but she smacked his hand out of the way leaving a slight sting to his wrist. "Don't touch me!" And with that Mel ran out of the library. She had no idea where she was going, she just ran. By the time her legs gave out, she was in the north garden. She looked around. With the approaching winter, the flowers had all died, leaving behind the brown twigs and branches. Suddenly extremely sleepy, she looked around for a place to hide for a while. She soon found a little cave in the trunk of a large tree, too small for anything bigger than a child. The entrance was even mostly hidden from view by the dry remains of the flower bushes. Crawling into the space, she brought her knees to her face and closed her eyes for a while. Why was she always so sleepy today?

(I'll post something actually interesting later. I've got a paper to do. Sigh. So boring.)
Liza's face crumbles as she stares into Raina's eyes, seeing the flatness of her expression and tone, and hearing her words to her. She was bad? She had killed just to be bad? A nice girl she had killed? Tears continue to run down her face as she fingers the sister bracelet on her wrist, looking up at Raina as though the older girl has not only thoroughly disappointed her, but also shattered her heart.

"I don't want you to be bad," she tells her. "You shouldn't oughtta have done that. You don't love me no more? You don't wanna be my sister?"

Liza shakes her head at Chameleon, not comforted by his attempts to soothe her, nor amused by his shapeshifting. She backs away, still crying as she contradicts him. "She killed someone, she's BAD! She said! And now I'm gonna have to kick her ass 'cause she's bad and I don't wanna 'cause I love her!!!"

When Macal teleports her back to her room, with her guard dog Casey now in charge of her, Liza starts to teleport out, but Casey grabs her by her shirt tail and holds her back. Every time Liza tries to leave Casey stops her until she finally just falls down on the floor and hugs him, crying with frustration now as well as grief over Raina.

Sheena, still holding Alex's hand, sighs slowly, then pulls him further into the room and then close to her, hugging him with her face against his shoulder. She doesn't move, and is not crying. She just burrows into him, breathing slowly against his skin.

Faith does not know where she is going or what she plans to do, exactly, except get the hell away from all those kids and every single other person having anything to do with this school. If she stayed any longer she would have hurt someone, or gone too far in some way that she couldn't take back, and even now she is so angry she can feel her pulse pounding through every part of her, her skin heated from her face to her limbs. And yet even as angry as she is, she is also upset, almost to the point of tears.

Nothing she has done in this school to help anyone has been appreciated. It's just the same as when she first came and was totally disrespected by all of her students. She couldn't earn their respect no matter how hard she tried or how well meaning she was, and as stupid as she thought they all were, as immature and foolish and just plain immoral, not at all the sort of students she truly believed to be real warriors at heart anyway, among the anger was also hurt. Because this is in a way her failure, their behavior, because this is a rejection of her best efforts.

She cares about those stupid kids, and yet why bother? What good is that doing her when they're all headed straight to hell? What she ought to do is pull her daughter and her sister out before they get hurt even worse than they are, take them somewhere else, anywhere. Does it even matter?

She knows she can't do it. She can't leave the kids who do care, she can't even leave the ones that are bent on their own destruction, because her conscience would not allow her to turn her back now when it would result in their harm.

Choosing one of the empty training rooms, she proceeds to systematically throw things, never mind that this is damaging the walls and floor and breaking equipment. She doesn't care about this coming out of her paycheck or any other consequences. It's not like she can't afford to replace or repair, and all that matters to her in the moment is getting rid of some of the strong feelings she is having.

(uh what about Alex with Sheena?)
*Alex wraps his arms around Sheena and holds her.* Hey, I'm happy to see you to, lets go sit down and talk. *He has no clue what to do or say so when he can hear Liza crying from her room, he's kind of relieved and he hopes that her problem is easier to deal with then Sheena's cause the last thing he wants to do right now is say the wrong thing to her.* Hey why is Liza crying in her room, did she get in trouble again? *He takes Sheena by the hand and walks over to Liza's door and knocks on the door.* Liza are you ok in there?

(Raina can respond still but I'm gonna move on.)

*Mac catches up to Faith and can see she's in a mood..a well deserved mood but still. Walking up to his wife and slips his arm around her waist.* I can see the steam coming off the top of your head, so I take it you're in the mood to pound something maybe slay something? I bet there is a nest or a hive of something evil we can go clean out. *He leans in and brushes some hair out of her eyes.* Please say yes because I really really need to take some aggression out on something.*
Sheena hadn't noticed Liza until Alex calls attention to her, and then she too is faintly concerned. She lets Alex pull her over to Liza's door and says to her hesitantly, "Liza?"

Liza lifts her face from Casey's neck, swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand, as Casey licks her face, trying to make her smile. Getting up, Liza opens the door and with a fresh audience, bursts into tears all over again, hugging them both at once around the waist. "Raina is bad and she don't wanna be my sister and she don't love me no more and she killed a girl for no reason and I want her to be good again! Everyone was mad at Mama and Mama was mad and Raina won't be good no more and Faye says she's bad too and I want everyone to be good! I don't want no one to kill no more! I dont' wanna have to kick their asses!"

Sheena stills, then slowly pushes Liza's arms away from her and backs off, going to sit a distance from her on the couch as she puts one hand over her eyes. She knows that Liza is unaware of her having killed Evangeline, she knows that her killing Evangeline is not the same thing. Still, the child's words stab her as if she is personally accusing her, and Sheena feels very responsible.

Faith pushes back from Macal instinctively more so than because she genuinely doesn't want him touching her, and with barely a nodded response, stalks out of the room throwing one more weight over her shoulder as she goes. She doesn't look behind her to see if he's following, assuming that if he really wants to go, he'll keep up.

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(Oh, just a side note, did I forget to tell you guys Raina is actually English? That's why Kol has a cockney accent thing going on, but yeah, they traveled a lot, so Raina can do an American or English Accent; she's been doing an American one so far, as she's gotten used to it, but she can still do her English one :D )

Jace listened, trying to slow down his pumping heart as Flower spoke. So it was an arranged marriage? Well. That made him feel better. Slightly. But if Vince still thought he was going to marry his Fl---if Vince still thought he was going to marry Flower, then he was dead wrong. When Flower spoke of being his dinner, Jace clenched his fists again, "I'd die before I'd let him do that to you." Not only was Jace reacting so strongly because of Flower, but it was well known that he despised vampires, hated them with a passion. He shivered when she said lover, and nodded, agreeing that she needs to was her mouth.

He looked to her again, distracted still, as she asked if something was wrong. "Uh, um." She then suggested Sethos, and he nodded adruptly, "Yeah, he's um, he's kicking up a fuss 'cause of, uh, um, Vince."

Oh right, go and blame me for your love sickness!

I'm not love sick! I'm just pissed off!

No, you're not THAT pissed off. I can tell 'cause when you're really pissed off, I get to come out and play.

Fine, I'm just distracted, alright? Finding out you have ANOTHER new brother does that to a person.

Jace sighed, "You sure you're okay Flower? Maybe we should go to the medical room just in case."


Faye and Myra were walking down the hall together, after their sentimental moment, both rather subdued. That was of course until Faye spotted Nick, walking down the hall, covered in blood. Her eyes widened, and she ran over to him with the speed of a key-holder, "Nick? What the heck happened?" She placed one hand on the cut on his cheek, the other resting on his stomach where she could smell blood coming from. Both hands glowed a soft pink as she began to heal him, her worried eyes searching his for answers. "Who did this?"

Myra stood beside Faye, also seeming worried for Nick. "Are you okay Nick?"


Chameleon sighed at his failed attempts to cheer up Liza; he was never good with kids. He got up and abruptly left the classroom, should he go find Raina? Would it be worth it? He decided maybe to give her some space, some time to clear her head, so, with no real destination set in mind he began to walk the halls. The tension in the school today was so thick Chameleon felt like he was almost suffocating in it. Everyone seemed on edge, ready to snap, and some already had. Maybe the best thing to do was to get out of here. Yeah, maybe he'd go sit in one of the gardens. They were always relaxing.

So, he headed over to the north garden, finding it the best place to relax what with all the nature. Even though the flowers had gone and trees were becoming leafless, it was still as beautiful as ever. He sighed lightly, sitting himself down on the grass and then proceeded to full out lay down on the ground, looking up at the sky. This was nice. No gun sounds, no swords clashing, no shouting and nothing being set alight. Just peaceful, calm sounds of nature.


Raina almost jumps, almost, as Macal appears in front of her, Liza's hurt look was already enough to break her, but now she had to sit through Macal's clear disappointment and act like she didn't give a damn. Finally, the god had turned from her. He would leave her alone now. Pathetic. Weak. Alone. Pity. Pity. Nothing she hadn't heard a hundred times. Except the pity. That was new. A feeling she didn't like either. She simply watches with practically dead eyes as he takes her sword away from her, telling her she cannot have it back until she proves herself. Fine then, it will be there forever. His words stung, like daggers being repeatedly driven into her chest. Never know happiness or loyalty, respect. She kept silent throughout, right up until his glorious finish. I will never forgive you for that. So, as calmly and cooly as she could, she looked up at the great god, eyes dark as she gave him her very best bi*ch smile. "Hey Macal, don’t take this the wrong way, but I really don’t give a shit." She pushed past the God then, carrying on walking, until she stopped. She had felt him gone, left completely. And she glanced back, ignoring the cold chill that swept over her and the ache that added to the already growing pain in her chest. Good.

She carried on walking, but then stopped again as she remembered Macal's words. I shall keep my word to reunite you with your mother and sister. Stay on this path and you'll run into them. Her eyes widened. Was he telling the truth? No. No. She wouldn't be tricked like that. She didn't want to see them, she couldn't. She wouldn't. So, she turned on her heel, beginning to walk away until a soft english voice called out, "Rai? Rai? Where are you going?" Raina froze up. Her whole body tensed as she tried to disprove that voice. No. She's dead. She watched her get her tongue ripped out by a demon. But, just to make sure, she ever so slowly turned her body, her eyes closed until the voice, closer this time, spoke, "Rai? Open your eyes Rai." Another english voice spoke, this one more gentle, kind to the ear. "Raina, it's us. Don't be scared sweetie."Slowly, the vampire opened her eyes, taking a step back at what she saw. Mabel. Mabel and her Mum. Both infront of her, both smiling. There was no blood pouring out of Mabel's mouth, her Mother had her limbs intact, all secured to her body, and they were smiling.

Raina covered her mouth, eyes tearing up as she shook her head. "No. No, can't''s not possible." She choked out the last word, pushing past the sob rising in her throat. "It is Rai! We ate some weird flower thing, and they told us we could come see you for a little while, that you'd be able to see us." "But...but you''re.." "Dead?" Her Mother finished slowly, moving closer to Rai with a supportive smile, "I know honey, we are. But we can visit you, thanks to your friend Macal, for a while." Raina shook her head again, trying to process the fact that her Mum and Mabel, her dead Mum and dead little sister, were here, standing right in front of her, speaking to her. "This...this isn't happening, you're not here, I'm..I'm hallucinating...oh dear god did Macal stick one of those crazy things on me too?" Mabel sighs, shaking her little head, her black hair done up in a bun as she looked to her Mum. "Can I do it now please Mummy?" Sofia nodded, watching her poor, broken little Raina.

She would never forgive Kol for what he did to her.

Mabel grinned then, and ran to Raina, who tried to take a step back, but then Mabel had wrapped her arms around Raina's legs, hugging her tight, and Raina sucked in a painful breath. She was real. She could feel her. She was here. Her eyes watered still, and as she looked down at her baby sister a tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek,
"Mabel?" The little girl nodded, smiling up at her big sister, and Raina wasted no time in completely picking her up, hugging her tight to herself as she stroked her hair. She was here. "Mabel...Mabel I've missed you so much." Raina is sobbing lightly now, and is glad for the fact that she had by this point walked into the secluded woods as her Mother walks over, wrapping her arms around her two baby girls.

Her little angels.

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Flower looks at Jace and then smiles slightly. "I was wondering I was getting kind of worried. When you were fighting Vince your voice was mixed." She said and then blinks. "No i'll be fine...Just stressed out." She sighed. "I never thought I'd meet a more stubborn women then me...but Faith has beaten me out." She rubs her head. "Oh and um I warn you know. There is a spell around the castle so...if Sethos tries to kill anyone inside the castle...he's in for a shock. Literaly." She said and rubs his head. "Unwanted guests will find it hard to get in as well. So I doubt Scorn will be around much either. Vince is having trouble getting in as well." She said and then looks back. She smelled Steve.

Steve walked in slowly. He looked at Flower. "Ah there you are." He said and then slowly started walk over to her. "The spell was disturbed for a moment I thought it might be scorn." He said and then looked at Flower. He grabbed a peice of black haired. "Flower?" He asked and Flower rubs her head. She shook it.

Flower crosses her arms. "Hey! You just got vampire claws shoved through you! YOU should be resting! I don't care Scorn isn't trying to kill me." She said and then poked Steve who backed off with a breast growl. Flower crossed her arms. "It wasn't Scorn...I don't think Scorn can get in yet...but you sir should be under gaurd."

Steve looks at Flower. "Says someone with a half demon in her room." He said and then looked at Jace. "No affence..." He said and then looked at Flower. "I know how unstable another part of people can be."

Flower looks at Steve. "I am friends....with Nick and life requires danger on a regular bases. Almost the whole family of vampire royals wants to make out with me! Come on! There has to be better worries then that!" She said and Steve opened his mouth and lifted a finger to say something but he shut up. Flower crossed his arms. "That's what I thought."

Steve looks at Jace. "I don't know if I should feel bad for you....or excited..." He said and then crossed his arms. "So why is your boyfriend here anyways."

Flower's hair nearly went on end. She growled loudly. "He's not my boyfriend....he's just a friend." She said and then Steve smirked. "What I can't tease you? I heared you pinned Jace down and you guys went all flirty eyes on each other. Not to mention all those times you two kissed." Steve added.

Flower backed up in serprise. "Where the heck did you hear that!" She said and Steve smirked. "Your father." Flower glared. "Number one....I pinned him down because we were sparing."

Steve looks at her. " you did a flirt spar....didn't you do the same thing with that human teacher? You know the scared up one?"

Flower faced palmed herself. "We had just met he wanted to spar the best student here....ugh! Just let the flirt thing flirting is...ugh never mind." She said annoyed. "That whole sparing thing was not like dad makes it out to be. I was trying to teach Jace to fight without using Sethos." (Arrow points to flower with the words "and Flirting on it. lol xD ) "And me and Jace never have kissed. Sethos forced me into those...and father knows it. he's dead next time I see him." She said clenching her fists.

Steve just smiles. "Your blushing." Steve sang with a wide smile. Flower yells out with frustration. "I get this enough with father. i sware I get one crush as a child and he holds it against me for the rest of my life. It's not like I knew many boys back then ugh!"


Nick looks at Faye and then smiles lightly. "heh...Father mad at this new spell around the castle..." He coughed a bit. "Don't worry I'll heal up on my own. he's a demon so it takes longer to heal from the wounds." he said and then put his arm around Faye. "I'll be fine....just a little spat." he said and then kissed Faye's cheek.
Kesson was glad that he was late this time. He heard bits and pieces of the conversation before running off. Something about people being murderers. Kesson got a heavy feeling in his chest, but he tried to ignore it. It wouldn't do any good. He knew what it was, but it wasn't the same. The-

"No," Kesson told himself. He was doing better. He knew he was dwelling, but he hadn't really fully let himself talk about it, think about it. It was best that it was left in the past. But after what he had heard, maybe it would be better to just confess what he had done. Why he left his home behind. Kesson headed out to the gardens, but he choose the west one, not sure if Flower was currently in her's. Who knew what state everyone was in. He had heard a lot of different things and although he had been lucky to stay out of the mess, he knew that he couldn't avoid getting pulled into
something the longer he was here. But the DHH had no intentions of leaving. Not anytime soon either.


Lekki had missed the classroom discussion on "Who is a Murderer?" which she would have been glad to know. She was still recovering from the whole fight with Vash. She wanted to see him, talk to him. She wondered what he thought when she choose not to fight. She couldn't hurt him though. Lekki didn't have it in her. Vash was her friend and she just hoped things turned out well in that situation.

But Lekki had to be alone for a while. The negative emotions were beginning to effect her and she didn't want to let that happen. She had to get back to her normal self. She hummed happily to herself and saw Faye and another girl injured Nick? She teleported, not having to, but wanting to cut the distance short.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

(If we are talking accents Kesson has a slight Chinese accent. He had more of one, but if faded as he spent time away from home. Jinn has a tiny bit of a Russian one at times)
(Huh. Coincidence. Mel's English as well. Vash hails from the Ukraine though has more of an American accent from following Mel around. Riff is half French half American . . . Not sure why I told you all this . . .)

Vash who had his headphones blasted up high did not notice Mel storm out. Riff had sat down having given up the thought of going after her. She could very well hold quite a grudge. So instead, he decided to continue his research. Still not paying attention, the white haired demon was flipping through pages. His eyes then hit the page he was looking for. "Yes! I knew it!" And he jumped back, bumping hard into bookcase behind him. An eerie creaking made him turn around slowly. The bookcase was slowly falling backwards. "Uh . . . Riff? I think we should go now." "Why?" "Oh, nothing. I'm just going to . . . head out for a bit. It's nothing." Vash then made a run for it, trying to navigate through the shelves. He got a bit lost though and ended up running into what looked like a serious talk between Hayley and Jinn. He skidded to a stop before bumping into them. A loud crash came from another part of the library. "Uh . . . hey? That wasn't me."


Mel woke up who knows when but she was still in the tree. Good. At least no one found her. Although in that body it'd be hard to find her if she was hiding. With no heartbeat, or heat signature, she would probably kick a** at hide and seek. Still this was no time for silly thinking. How long had she been here? It was still day out so maybe not terribly long. She soon decided that it was not the cleanest idea to sit around in a tree. As she exited, the branches of the bush hiding the opening made a rustling noise as did the crunch of the leaves beneath her feet. From the corner of her eye, she could see that shapeshifter prince. Though he didn't want people to know for some reason. Mel herself had only learned this fact due to a fluke on her first day when that sorry excuse of a vampire king had let it slip. She had no business with him though and preoccupied herself with brushing the dirt out of her clothes.
Nick looked at Lekki and then smiled. "Heh...yeah I'll be fine." He looks at her his smiling fading as she asked what had happened. "Family matters." He said and then rubs his head. I'm afraid not even this spell will protect what is comming next. Flower....I know she senses it...she knows what is going to happen. The darkness in her past has yet not left...I fear for us all. Nick closes his eyes. "Heh...for the first time in my life I feel tired...yet I still can't sleep. Ugh how annoying." Nick touches his fangs. He had not been injuried like this in a long time....well since Flower put him at bed rest for three days at least. His fangs were burning for blood but he knew he couldn't risk letting his demon out. He hasn't had blood in a long time and he intended on keeping it that way.

Zelda was walking when she saw Kesson. She looks at him and then frowns seeing he seemed worried. She walked over and then looked at him. " ok Kesson?" She asked and then smiled softly at him. She wondered if he wanted to talk or if she should leave him alone.
Hayley let out a rather girly shriek when she heard a noise and jumped at the sudden presence of Vash. Jinn tighten her hand on her leg as if she was getting ready to attack any sudden enemies. When she saw it was merely one of Mel's dogs, she sighed deeply.

"Can we help you?" Jinn did not want to be interrupted. Hayley was just beginning to talk with her and she wanted to see if she could get at something from the shifter before she scurried off in fear. She seemed shocked at the news of her father. Jinn should have known better, but she felt the knowledge that her father was once a killer would help her in the long run. Maybe this apple did not fall far from the tree after all?

Hayley moved closer to Vash as if she might use him as a shield between her and the half-elf. She smiled weakly at him. "He-hello."


Family matters. Lekki would accept that answer. She wasn't one to pry after all. She could see that his injury was being taken cared of as well.

"You know they should really advertise how dangerous this place is better," Lekki said, joking, although she felt that the joke fell flat. Probably not the best thing to say, although it was true. Lekki then nodded once again.

"It sounds annoying. Maybe you'll just end up passing out if you get too tired. If your body is exhausted enough it's possible."


Kesson was not expecting to run into Zelda. he ran a hand through his hair nervously, but he made a decision in that moment as well. Maybe it was best not to run anymore. The others had been confessing or so he had assumed. Something was going on. Maybe he could tell her.

"I'll be okay. There seemed to have been something going on in class. I was late, so I can't really tell what it was. I don't really like seeing people angry though."
Nick drops his head. "Please don't say that out loud...Flower is trying her hardest to make this place safer....after all would hate it if I get a beating from her. There are changes going on. I was out of the school when my injuries happened. Royal matters really." He said and then looked at the camras and everything. "Guards, camras, new rules, pushments are all going up. There's even a spell that keeps out unwanted people and keeps people from killing others." He said and then rubs his head.

Zelda looks at him. 'Yeah...appearently Deathwish and some other students got a bit mouthy. Serprisingly Deathwish didn't seem like himself at all today. There was something wrong with him I think. He just went to his room afterwards. Anyways that's what I heard." she looks at Kesson.
*Mac follows her, not needing to grab anything he just walks out as is, while he walks he's in contact with Titan to get a lead on where to go, a vampire nest, a hive of demons, even some Hydra action would be acceptable, just something to keep Faith from going slayer on the students of this place and leaving a bunch of ash piles all over the place, He didn't forget Liza was upset also but he could sense Sheena and Alex were with her. Finally some intel comes back to him, it's not vampires but demonic activity and they weren't being shy and trying to hide their crimes either, this is good I'm sure Faith is in no mood to mess around with them either.*

*Alex sits down with Liza between him and Sheena and pats the top of her head* Hey Liza if Raina wants to be bad that's not your fault, she's just being really really stupid right now, but maybe in a few days she'll be back to her old annoying self. So don't be upset about her, I'm sure your mother and father will deal with whatever she's doing, cause that's sort of what they do, they get stupid kids like me and put us back on the right track, then we become the good looking superhero types with amazing hair, like me see go ahead look at my hair it's awesome isn't it?
Sheena is keeping herself somewhat remote from Liza, not in the right place mentally to be comforting towards her when she herself is feeling so terrible. She doesn't touch her or pat her as she normally would as Liza climbs into Alex's lap and wraps her arms around his neck, snuggling in close to him like she would her father. She is still crying somewhat but her tears are tapering off, quieter now as she looks up at him seriously, inspecting his hair.

"Your hair looks like normal hair to me, Alex. Are you sure Mama and Daddy are gonna make her good again? Are they gonna kick her ass? Do I gotta kick her ass too or are they gonna do it for me? Tell them not to do it hard. Tell them just do it hard enough to hurt some but not bad. Just enough to make her good. Okay?"

She sniffles and swipes a hand across the back of her nose, still frowning. "What if she don't be good no more? Everyone is being so so bad and I don't like it. They are bad and they killed people and they shouldn't oughtta do that."

"Liza...sometimes you have to-" Sheena starts in a somewhat strangled voice, but then stops, looking down at her hands. Abruptly she stands and goes into the bathroom, leaving Alex with Liza. Liza doesn't seem to make any connections with this as she looks back at Liza.

"Alex, I still love Raina. I want her to love me and be good again."

It takes Faith perhaps a minute and a half to brutally mutilate and scatter the limbs of the demons in question, some which were right in the middle of a killing. Now spattered with blood, but not yet satisfied, Faith stalks through the area looking for something else that she can be morally free to tear into, and is gratified when she finds a cemetery within fifteen minutes, in which 3 or 4 newly risen vampires are foolish enough to challenge her. Those are soon dust in the wind, and another cemetery tear another ten minute walk away yields another few which finally leaves her somewhat sated. Panting slightly, she finally turns to acknowledge Macal, finally ready to talk even as she still tightly clutches her often-used stake in one hand.

"Those kids back there, most of them, they don't have a f8cking clue. I have about had it. I have been trying and trying and trying to get them to start getting into shape and being prepared to do what they need to and BE who they need to, I've been trying to teach them and be there for them, I've been TRYING, Macal, and it's never enough for them, it's never good enough, and whatever inch of respect I get ends up thrown away the second they don't like what I'm trying to say. I shouldn't even care because half of them, they're so dumb and immoral they deserve whatever they get themselves into, they just don't see anything, but I do care, damn it! I do care! That Raina, she was getting better, I could see it, she LIKED us. She HUGGED me, Macal, I swear, she's just like I was and that's NOT good, that's NOT okay. I have no energy to even try to raise another kid and that's what she needs, a full time mother or maybe just a jailer."

She is pacing now, walking in circles around the graves, and when one vampire tries to come up behind her she stakes it without hardly glancing, not pausing in her monologue.

"I have been trying so damn hard and it's not enough because I'm not fun and games and "oh good try, it's okay if you kill" and whatever else. No one in this entire school really gives a damn if I'm there or not or what I do for any of them. If there was someone else who did a piss poor job of it but didn't have my ATTITUDE they'd all probably cheer. I care about every person in this damn school and what happens to them, minus the murdering rapists, but no one extends the same thing towards ME. Nothing I do matters."

By now her pacing is slowed, and her shoulders slump as her voice loses some of its energy, dropping in volume as well.

"Macal...f*ck, Macal, I miss having our bigger family. I miss having sisters who weren't more like my kid half the time, ones that could be there for me as much as me being there for them and take over for me sometimes if I needed it. I want someone who's on my level...I want someone I can just be with sometimes. I mean...I know I'll always have you and Sheena and Liza, and Alex I guess, but...Macal, we just don't HAVE that anymore."

The anger is gone now, and she seems to be almost fighting tears as she remains slump-shouldered, one hand moving to steeple her temples.
*Mac satisfied with just watching Faith slay every now and then he take the time and shoot a demon or vampire with some lighting vaporizing it where it stands, then leans against a wall.* I know exactly how you feel, it sucks not having Abe or Logan around to hang out with or even Jirro, believe it or not I miss him just stepping out of a shadow and scaring the crap out of me, even tho I would never tell him that. We just have to live with the choice we made to leave them behind, even tho its really crappy that none of them visit, hell I used to leave a 6 pack of cheap Canadian beer on the balcony hoping Logan would sense free beer and show up. weird the beer kept vanishing but he never showed up. So you and me are in the same boat, you miss Buffy and Izzy and I wouldn't mind seeing my friends again either. Faith anytime you want to go back to The Gates just say the word, or the Citadel, if this place isn't making you happy anymore then we have to choices, change this place or we should leave..Right makes sense don't you think?

*Alex tries his best to hold Liza like her father would and comfort her, Sheena suddenly getting up and leaving concerns him but it's not like he can toss a 5 year old off his lap to go see what's going on with her.* Liza I'll be honest, I'm not your father I don't have the divine powers like he does so I can't predict what will happen to Raina but I know they will do everything they can to help Raina, if she still proves herself worthy but as much as you love Raina they're first concern is to make sure she isn't a threat to you. But Liza I've seen a lot of people change because you've shown them love, so I think chances are good that Raina can be good.
Faith gropes somewhat blindly for the nearest headstone and leans her weight against it, not meeting Macal's eyes as she takes several slow breaths in, trying to calm herself. She keeps her hand against her head, her fingertips rubbing lightly and unconsciously as she tries to think through what he is saying. The offer is strongly tempting, to just pack up and leave, just head back and try again. But they had left the Gates for a reason. They had come here for a reason...and she hadn't been happy there either when she left, had she? The ghosts of all they had lost had lingered so strongly, even among those still leaving, that it had not been the same. It still couldn't be. Going back, to people who were no longer the same and no longer in their lives, would solve nothing.

"No," she said finally, shaking her head. "We should finish the things we start, or try to, anyway. I just...I just want things to be different. I want to be ALLOWED to be different."

She gives a short laugh with no real humor, shaking her head. "Used to be no one trusted me to be responsible no matter how hard I was trying because I'd always screw it up. Now all I want to know is who make me head of Responsibility Board and what the hell they were thinking, and can't they come back and take over once in a while?"

"Raina wouldn't never never hurt me," Liza declared, the thought shocking to her, and she sat up straight, looking up at Alex as she admonished him. "Never. Even if she's mean and bad and needs her ass kicked. She still wouldn't hurt me...I wouldn't even let her."

Noticing finally that Sheena is gone, she frowns, looking around. "Sheena Legs looked sad. Was she friends with Raina too?"
Good I'm glad I didn't marry someone that just gives up with things get tough. Faith perhaps this is more of a problem for a Queen to solve not a problem for a slayer. Then again I'm tempted to just go bash some skulls till everyone acts like they got some damn sense. So I guess my way isn't exactly the best for some reason I can't think of I can't go beat up students or taser them either. *he grins to show he's kidding.* So we agree we'll stick it out for a little bit longer and see if things turn around.

*Alex can only smile at Liza* Well I really really hope you're right about her..You know what Liza? I may not believe much in Raina but I believe in you and you're pretty good when it comes to these things, so what the hell Raina will be good and she'll come back to you. Ok now I need to go check on your sister why don't you go play with Casey then we'll come get you later and go get some pizza. *Letting Liza down he goes and knocks on the bathroom door* Sheena it's me I'm coming in ok? *He opens the door and walks in closing it behind him, taking Sheena in his arms.* Sorry I didn't know that's was gonna hit so close to home with you, I wish there was a manual I could read to know what to do to comfort you, I feel so useless right now, I mean I know there is no instant cure for what you're going through but I wish there was more I could do for you.
"Yeah, well, haven't you heard, I'm not a royal around here, me being a queen doesn't count for much," Faith said with heavy sarcasm, rolling her eyes, but when she stands up her posture is straight, some confidence returned to her demeanor even though she still sounds tired. "I'm not giving up. I'm a little too stubborn for that, if you hadn't noticed yet. It really sucks to only have one person over the age of 21 in my corner."

She pauses, then says in a tone that makes it difficult to tell if she's serious or not, "Are you sure tasering kids is out?"

Somewhat reassured, Liza slides off Alex's lap and goes to Casey, who licks her face again and nudges her with his nose until Liza starts to giggle and pet him back. In the bathroom, Sheena is sitting slumped over on the closed toilet lid, her face in her hands, slow, soundless tears trickling between her fingers. When Alex hugs her she wraps herself around him, squeezing him to her to the point of causing pain.

"Liza will be disappointed in me when she knows what I've done," she manages. She is thinking much more than this, of course, and Liza's feelings towards her are only one of many equally pressing concerns. But this is the first she can put voice to.

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